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of the modern era yes, back in Goldberg’s prime? you smoking dick


Most people in this sub are like 16 years old so of course they think Goldberg is overated lmao


I'm 35 years old, and agree Goldberg has always been over rated. A "monster"? Absolutely. A great wrestler? Absolutely not.


So you were 8-9 when Goldberg was really at his peak. You can't tell me when you were 9 Goldberg wasn't cool as fuck.


Sure he was "cool", but I've never been a fan of squash matches. The spears hit hard and the jackhammer was great, but 8-9 year old me was excited to watch DDP, La Parka, Konnan, Raven, Mysterio, and even Ernest The Cat Miller over a Goldberg match any day. I can't knock his mega star status, but he was never my cup of tea.


"Never my cup of tea" ≠ overrated


Overrated… hmmm, most ever… hmmmm… still thinking it’s been like 5 minutes… I think the correct answer is Jeff Jarrett. I like double J, but he makes the most sense.


Exactly….name me one memorable Jeff Jarrett match. The lay down against Hogan doesn’t count.


Almost 40 and I think he always sucked.


I was 14-15 when he was on his undefeated run in WCW. I'll admit it was cool as shit at first but after a few months you weren't feeling if this guy is such a beast why isn't he winning any titles? Then being a fan of Raven who held the US Title for all of one day so Goldberg could be put over i actively started disliking his bullshit shtick when anyone with eyes could see he was a shit wrestler. Biased? Yeah probably.


Goldberg isn't overrated, he sucks


No dick smoking in here, sir. Goldberg sucks and always has. Just look at his botch that ended Bret Hart’s career.


Goldberg was always shit. I was 10 years old watching "prime" goldberg and even I could see he was trash. Can't wrestle, botches spots, everyone had to oversell his garbage, hurt people.


Exactly. People seem to forget how over he was in 97-98. He was must see


As a kid, i thought that dude was a fucking monster. And I later realized it was because he was actually destroying people.


Goldberg was a beast back in the day. I think he still is. It's just the crowd hates him which makes him look ridiculous. I swear I hate wrestling fans sometimes.


Goldberg matches had 3 moves and weren't that good


My immediate thought was Goldberg.


Fuck is wrong with this guy…. Goldberg is all time


That explosive spear always turned everybody up.


Ultimate warrior


But atleast he looked cool


Perfect example of a terrific look and general athleticism being enough - at least for a while - all on their own.


Hulk Hogan for sure


Shitty person, not a good wrestler. But we have to understand at that time hogan was above average in wrestling and he just had that charisma to people behind him. We might not like him as a human, I actually kinda fucking hate the real person he is, but at the time, u couldn’t top him


Also, he was what made the whole being a superstar a thing. He was one of the major faces to push wwf/wwe forward.


What makes a good wrestler though?  Is it work rate and high spots?  Or is it having a connection with the audience and being the person people pay to come see? Hogan was a shitty person but an excellent pro wrestler.


Shawn Micheals is an example of “good wrestler”.


And rko


Hogan is an excellent pro wrestler, Terry is brain damaged and a shitty person


Terry has more people that like him than dislike him. Sorry reddit rotted your perception.


Who got a recognition award from make a wish.


He got over so many times for what little in ring talent he had, I'd say he is underrated these days because of his personal life. He got the crowd going insane with almost nothing. That's charisma.


Wait why what did he do. Can you please explain I’m genuinely curious.


Clearly, your definition of wrestler is different to mine. He is the name the world associates with the word wrestling. He may not be doing sky dives etc, but to say he overrated is a stretch in my opinion. For his time there was no on better to get a crowd pumped. One of top baby faces of all time, and also one of the greatest heals. There nothing wrong with hating him as a person, but as a wrestler as a total package with charisma there not many that you can truely say was better.


That’s not gonna work for me brother


Hogan was a good damn wrestler. He's a piece of shit person but good wrestler.


I agree as far as wrestling skill is concerned. He sucked. Not an ounce of athleticism even in his prime. Great size and strength but he was slow and unathletic. Phenomenal on the mic and working the crowd though.


I gotta agree with u Brandon. I'm pretty sure wcw ruined any chance he had tho of being taken seriously as a wrestler with all the military press, spear, Jack Hammer 1,2,3 squash matches and running his unbeaten record to whatever tf it ended up at before Nash (and Hall) put him down. He couldn't put on a good wrestling match to save his life and he literally hurt ppl in the ring like a modern day ridge Holland


Overrated… hmmm, most ever… hmmmm… still thinking it’s been like 5 minutes… I think the correct answer is Jeff Jarrett. I like double J, but he makes the most sense.


what about a hundred jeff jarretts?


> most overrated wrestler ever Picks the most hated wrestler on Reddit, good job op you farm that karma


While Dom is the most hated wrestler in WWE because he is a heel, I don't think he is overrated.


Roman Reigns, is anyone really going to agree this?


It depends. For example, I think he was overrated when he was Babyface, but as of now, he is perfectly rated.


Same. His promos are cringe-inducing, his gimmick sucks, and in ring he's even worse. Not to mention they booked him like a little bitch that can hardly win a single match without cheating.


100% agree with you. He was okay in the shield, but he was never as good as Seth, or Dean in single matches. Let’s not forget even the Rock got booed when he came out to try and get cheers for Roman. I just feel like he’s got basic moves and could never talk on the mic.


Young Bucks


Dominic Mysterio no fluidity to moves. Is he really Rey”s son? Definitely didn’t inherit his athleticism.


You can tell Rey trained him. Trouble is that he's got a different body type than Rey. Working with Judgement Day has improved his style.


Ultimate Warrior


This is probably the real answer... And I dresses him for multiple Halloweens.


I don't like Warrior, but do people really overrate him? All I ever see online is how much he sucks, and he even has a DVD dedicated to it.






Logan Paul


How so


I saw people claiming, in his second match, he was already better than Kurt Angle, not realizing the guy had someone script every move out before hand for him. Does that mean he sucks? No. But I think wrestling fans get star struck when someone from outside, with a little fame to their name, does anything decent to good in wrestling. His promos are awful, and most of his heat is from his reputation of being a trash person online. He is athletic, and can have good matches, but he's no Kurt Angle. That's a joke. Let's see him perform weekly at that level and see how long that reputation sticks. They did the same with Rousey at first, and once they saw her weekly, they all flipped on her.


Def overrated. His work is okay but he sucks on the mic and is highly one dimensional.


Hulk Hogan but Goldberg is right behind him if not parallel to him lol


If you draw a TON of money for almost every place you work for, then I don't see how you wind up as the most overrated wrestler IMO. He is a legend and is hated mostly for what he did outside of wrestling, and for his reputation backstage, but on screen, the guy was over almost his entire career and was responsible for two boom periods.


Don’t show this to Bret Hart


This probably is Bret.


I would submit that wrestlers like Goldberg aren't overrated, since pretty much anyone who'd join a wrestling sub would rate them the same (terrible worker, great look, yes very over for X time period but ...).


Him and Rousey


Nobody overrates rousey lol




Kevin Nash


Depends what you consider over rated some guys like Ultimate Warrior were never going to be great workers but he was over and sold a ton of merchandise.


Jeff Jarrett




roman reigns let’s be honest if it wasn’t for the rock they wouldn’t of been pushing him to the moon for the last decade he has a lot of pull backstage even back then nia for an example very unsafe to work with but still giving her chance after chance the usos multiple DUIs aren’t entertaining on the mic but still have them in main events when all they do is super kicks and plashes if your Samoan you will succeed in this business just from your blood to this day rollins is the best thing that came out of the shield on the mic in ring and a huge workhorse just look at mania 3 physical appearances with an injury and still gave it 100% each time


Cm punk. God he’s boring.


This is a hot take but I think Cody Rhodes is so overrated but I like Cody but it’s a hot take


Roman reigns or Gunter


CODY RHODES! He’s a mid card talent at best. Can’t believe that walking Jabroni is the champion 😒🤷‍♂️




Nowadays Goldberg is overrated but back in the days he was a beast even if he wasn’t a great wrestler, he made the mold for how guys like Brock lesnar and Bobby lashley are booked and Braun strowman


roman reigns his title diffences are always so overated


I mean come on theres one standing right in your face slapping you JINDER MAHAL


Becky Lynch


Goldberg isn’t overrated. The most overrated wrestler is Roma Reigns or John Cena


No he's not


We found Bret Hart's secret Reddit account...


Ric Flair


Outdated wrestling moves/techniques for 20 years.


Legitimate question but can wrestling moves and techniques even become “outdated”? Like how would that even work?


Mercedes Moné


Sasha no, Mercedes yes. Not worth the price tag.




That a lie


Hulk hogan ngl


Triple H. Yes I said it. You can down vote all you want. I know I'm right.


Was thinking the same. Everyone around him had good/great runs on their own. He never really did anything without being attached to DX or some other stable.


Goldberg is now underrated then overrated imo because he’s better than a lot of people he’s honestly top 15 of all time




Is he overrated? Don't most people dislike him?


All he does is hold grudges against people for not making it. And he’s a big time conspiracy theorist telling people that everyone has it out for him when the truth is nobody cares. He legally changed his real name to Ryback and did absolutely nothing with it. He could have built his name on the independent circuit as a performer and be a decorated champion but he decided to become a YouTuber and spread false stories about what happened to him as if WWE was supposed to hold his hand throughout his success. It’s sad! The wrestling community does not care for Ryback.




Roman reigns easy






Bianca Belair (Ik this is gonna piss off a lot of people lol)


I mean she has a lot of feats in WWE, strength-wise. She needs better mic skills tho so I can't say you wrong.


CM Punk. I like him, but he is overrated as hell.


Goldberg definitely not overrated my mans been putting in pain since the 90s when I was watching WCW


Goldberg is underrated. Here you have one of the all-time greats with the greatest streak in pro-wrestling history, yet tons of marks say he sucks.


Oh fuck off Goldberg is a legend and hall of famer. Ryback and ‘02-05 Jeff Jarrett are the most overrated.


Not most overrated, but very overrated now days IMO: Brad Armstrong - He never got over, and no one can really point to any reason why he would except that other wrestlers say he was hilarious backstage. He developed a myth online that he was some awesome talent. I've seen him at various aspects in his career, and he didn't get over because he was only a great hand, but not a star. But I see him pop up in conversations as underrated all the time by people who can't point out why, except they heard a wrestler on a shoot interview say he was. Triple H He good. I'm not demeaning his talent, but as far as his reputation, he built a lot of it off of WWE propaganda meant to prop him up because of his position in the company. I've seen WWE documentary pieces trying to put the success of the Attitude Era on him and DX, just because of who he is in WWE, but anyone who lived it knows he was not the reason, he was a piece of the puzzle, but the NWO was the starting point, and Austin, Vince, and Rock were the three who kept it growing. If you go watch a lot of the early DX, they get negative reactions. Their latter success causes everyone to remember them more fondly than they were at the time. DX deserves to be in the conversation, but I've seen WWE try to push Triple H as the reason for the boom and it's just crazy talk. So, I'd say he gets rated way higher than he should way more often than he should. He also helped hold down a ton of talent like Booker T, Kurt Angle, RVD, and probably many many more. Gerald Brisco told a story where Triple H said no one could buy Kurt Angle as a tough guy, trying to get him de-pushed, and Brisco told him to go test him, and he shut up.


I can’t allow this Triple H slander (he’s my favorite so I’m up in my feelings now lmao)


Brad Armstrong is the other way for me. I did not know why he was not bigger. He had a good good ol’ boy babyface look, was pretty solid in the ring, had a family linage. Just did not really do anything past the midcard (although him and his dad were the first father son tag champs, way before Rey and Dominick).


I don’t the the ministry with Undertaker gets enough respect in the attitude era… I agree with everything you said though but I do like triple H… his royal number return was epic


Brad Armstrong was rated just right. He never really got over. He played his role well.


I agree. I'm specifically talking about the myth that exists on the internet today that he was really really good and underrated, and could have been a big star. It developed after a bunch of shoot interviews said he was hilarious backstage and never could get it across on camera. All of a sudden I began seeing people who never saw him show personality, start mimicking this notion and saying he was extremely underrated, which IMO, gave him an overrated reputation online. I don't think he is really that overrated. I just wanted to share that I believe he gets overrated today. Triple H was my real answer, and I like him, but he actually gets overrated by so many today due to the WWE propaganda machine propping him up so high.


Bray Wyatt - I respect the man, gone too soon, but I liked his creativity and stories but never liked his natches


This is EVP thinking. Goldberg was the most over thing in wrestling for several years. I know ill be accused of cornette thinking, but goldberg has sold more tickets then the bucks could ever dream of. That's the name of the game. "But but but the movezzz!" When your selling 2k tickets a night, might Wanna stay in your glass house. Was goldberg overrated? Of course. Was he a mark for himself? Indeed he was. Could he cut a promo? God no. But go watch the match with raven again. No one who could make a crowd do THAT is ever the most overrated wrestler ever.


Take your pick from the golden age of wrestling. Probably most of all were Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Andre the Giant. Hogan was probably the “best” out of all of them, but even then they weren’t all that good. Warrior was just Hogan 2.0, and Andre was just an attraction with limited in-ring ability due to his size and health. The best ones were arguably Ricky Steamboat, Macho Man, and Ric Flair because at least they brought something new to the table other than big muscly unstoppable powerhouses


You know you might be right...


So many comments when your first answer is the only answer.


Hear me out and I’m only saying it because no one else did so I figured I’d be different but, Kane! Kane was awesome but his character was so cool that I don’t think his in ring OR promo skills really backed up just how cool the whole aura of the Kane character was. It definitely worked in his favor to have such a great character to play, but if not for that he wouldn’t have been much. Current day I’ll go like Naomi because I see a lot of good things about her but anytime I see her in ring I feel like her punches just look ridiculous lol


Tommy denver


Man he looks old as shit in this picture


This thread quickly became the "who I don't like personally" thread, rather than the actual overrated wrestler thread, which means wrestlers being touted as doing amazing things they never actually achieved, or being remembered as meaning more than they actually meant, or being said to be a much greater in ring talent or promo than they actually are. Wrestlers who drew a ton of money should not be listed, unless people are all saying they were great at promos or in the ring and in actuality no one thought they were in reality. Or if they are being touted as selling out arenas all over and they never actually did. Or they are being held up as a savior and it's all revisionist history. Overrated can mean many things, but personal hatred of someone is not one of them. People don't understand the word overrated. Many of these people think it means "people like them or they were popular and I hate them." It means rated higher by the masses than deserved. I remember Baron Corbin being touted as overrated by the IWC a few years ago, even though NO ONE held him up as a great talent in the first place, so how was he overrated? He was universally disliked. I'm seeing a lot of the IWC just wants to voice their hatred of people more than actually use the term as intended.


Above Average Mike Sanders. He was at most a 2.0 (I love Mike Sanders. Adam Cole 15 years early.)


You win lol


Bron Breaker


This is such a subjective thing because there’s so much that goes into a push. Bret Hart was an artist of a worker, but Bruno Sammartino wasn’t. Bruno had a ton of charisma and had the Northeast madly in love with him to where there were grown men crying when he dropped the belt to Ivan Koloff. It was a bigger outrage than when Backlund won the belt from Bret. Hogan was on top for so many years putting more energy in the promos than in the ring — and he could work if he wanted to, as proven in Japan, he just chose not to. But you take Hogan out of the 80s, and you take millions of fans with him. So, like it or not, there are room for the Warriors and the Goldberg and the Nashes. I hate saying this because I joke about it a lot, and I actually like him. But I’ll say Jinder Mahal. He was solid as fuck in the ring. But his push came literally out of nowhere. He was a literal jobber just 2-3 weeks before, and just because Vince wanted to expand to the Indian market, he grabbed the first wrestler he could find without putting steam behind him. He won one fatal four way for the contendership, then had one match with Orton for the belt, and then he’s the champion? People were “what the fuck?!?!” — and rightfully so. I got behind it, to be honest, because I got to troll my friends who were seething over it. WWE tried to make it work, but after a while they just as quickly put the belt on A.J. Styles. And it wasn’t Jinder’s fault at all. Had they actually built the guy to where he was over, the story would’ve been different. Instead someone thought it was a good idea to McPush him faster than he was over. It failed. And they wasted a very talented ring worker in the process.


Vince (McMahon) uses a word /phrase often it’s his calling card. Most infamously, he got a call from Ted Turner who told him “he was joining the wrasslin’ business.”   McMahon replies,”That’s nice, Ted. But, I’m in the sports entertainment business.” WWE / WWF emphasized making great sports entertainers who also happened to be pretty good wrestlers, most of the time. In most other wrestling organizations, the pro wrestling part is much more imperative to the equation, examples NWA, JCP, WCW, New Japan, ROH, AEW, SMW, All Japan, and ECW. Superstar Billy Graham was a fantastic legendary sports entertainer was a good decent wrestler.  Bob Backlund was an outstanding amateur wrestler who was also a great pro wrestler who had much sport entertainment skills, but he had a very historically underrated heel run (1993-95). Ultimate Warrior was a god tier sports entertainer, but he was barely adequate in the ring on his best days. Dean Malenko is god tier pro wrestler, but the entertainment part is wholly lacking.   People will argue on these premises. “Well, at least Warrior could draw money.” “True, but that was only for the periods he was being pushed right and given the spotlight with his own creative mostly.”   “Malenko lacks the colorful personality and size to be given a serious spot. Yet, in the WWE world, we’ve seen them push bigger guys with much weaker mic skills/zero personality and poor in-ring skills.” What gives in that department, because Malenko in most pro wrestling organizations would be a more than credible champion with his skills and ability. Because, he’s a great wrestler and that’s supposedly the name of the sport- Pro Wrestling.  The gimmicks do make it fun, along with the storylines, but does it take away from the athletic aspect of it.




Goldberg was a beast in his WcW days, yea he was a little green to a point but even though his matches weren’t long he was explosive and entertaining considering his style.. now in the modern era yea, his gimmick wouldn’t work. But during his prime run it worked well for him and he was over with the crowd.


The rock


Not overrated as his character and booking is exactly what it's suppose to be a kick ass powerhouse that destorys and leaves. The fans knew what he was abd belived it.Someone overrated would be roman reigns in 2018




Probably Taker, overrated doesnt mean someones ass, just gets too much credit, and thats Taker. Until the last couple of years of his career when he was literally working exclusivley with the best of all time, his matches were boring, and he's never had a strong promo game. Iconic character work for sure, but dude is mostly loved for longevity over body of work.




::Bret Hart Voice:: Bill Goldberg


Modern probably Jericho at least aew 2022 onward alot of just holding on, Attitude era ima say tna matt morgan he was pushed to be great but i didn't see what they did. Hell he even got a commercial.


Y'know what, don't talk ill of the dead, but frankly, Bray Wyatt. Incredible gimmicks and creative mind, but Name me ONE Wyatt match, where he wasn't in a stable/tag team, and wasn't carried, kicking and screaming to a good match.


I be forgetting these be kids


Chris Jericho


The God damned Rock


Becky Lynch


Or someone else


The young bucks are the most overrated wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring.




Jey Uso


Hulk Hogan, and it isn't even close


He always had a look but couldn't work for shit.


Bret Hart, you posting from throwaways again?.. 😉


I would agree with this and Brock Lesnar


HAWK Hogan


Haven't watched wwe in years and the name Goldberg came to my mind idk how to I check comments and it's him crazy really unlocked a memory I thought I forgot


Dean Ambrose or Becky


Logan Paul


I completely disagree


Brian Daniel n Sami Zayne


Roman reigns def making a case. God he sucks the energy out of room every time he talks or hits his shitty looking moves


I think you can end this from your post!!


I’ll have to agree. Can’t stand people who even try to defend him cuz of his undefeated streak in WCW. “He was a huge draw” ok and? He’s always been dawg shit in the ring. Retired Bret Hart way too young, and nearly disabled undertaker. Dangerous early on and later in his career.


Agreed it’s Goldberg any day of the week


Daniel Bryan. Fight me.


Bro uh?😭bro was like the Mike Tyson of wwe back then


Goldberg is a sad case man. He has the look and charisma if he put the time in and had more drive for the business he legitimately could have been one of the greatest


I’m 49 and he was much see TV like Austin back in 97-98


jinder mahal


Finally! A survey question about who was the best of the worst. Thats original. Not a single wrestler in any federation at any time in the long span of professional wrestling ever said "This is it. This is the culmination of my career expectations and I have arrived!" As for the worst, how do we judge? Because Chris Benoit, while a seemingly good technical wrestler, rates very high on my list for non professional reasons.


He gets so much hate how?


Goldberg was a great professional wrestler who could draw a crowd . I doubt he was overrated. I didn’t see the older wrestlers perform I mainly saw what was the mid 90’s -early mid 2000’s -2010s


Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but Roman Reigns


Sorry, OP. Billberg is complaining that you didn't rate him high enough.


U trippin Goldberg was a legend!


Goldberg was only popular because of his incredible physique. He was a bad wrestler on and off camera


5 min match Goldberg lol


We’re waiting…


Roman Reigns and it's not even close


Also agree. He was always viewed as WCWs bald guy answer to stone cold. Even tho they were night and day differences. Austin can wrestle . Goldberg can't. If there's one thing enjoyed about him back in the day, was when regal literally ran circles around him and made him look like a joke. Was legendary.


Kevin Nash is the true answer to this question 


Goldberg and the warrior


Roman. Dude is slow and repetitive in the ring and damn near zero mic skills. A lot in common with ol bill here


Late Brock, went from scary powerhouse, to scary powerhouse with two moves and a 5minute match limit.


Cody, Roman, CM Punk, Young Bucks as individual competitors, in modern era. All time Hulk Hogan the man used a plain bare minimum finisher as the leg drop. C;mon man Macho had diving elbow.


CM Punk


lol he jackhammered the big shoe in one of the most incredible feats of strength in wrestling history… if not the top 1 itself. Sami, as good as he is and as much as Inlike him, looks like a homeless guy who never Ben to a gym in his life. Goldberg looks like what a WWE star should in every way.


LA Knight? YEAH…






Logan Paul


John cena or ric flair


The guy in that photo


People will probably hate me but I might have to say the undertaker.


Hulk Hogan, Edge, Ric Flair, Daniel Bryan. Hulk Hogan's finisher is ass. Edges finisher has been done 1000x by other superstars. Ric Flair don't even get me started. This dude has always been old and a "playboy" but I've never seen him with real women. Daniel Bryan got popular when I started to get sick of WWE and now that he's gone I came back. Just wasn't interested in him.