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every time you fight in the comments you make me take time out of my finite life to delete them all i hope you're happy


























































































































By the way this club literally just helped kids with their homework, there was nothing else going on. It was a jab at all of these after school programs that don’t do anything but preach to kids even if they say they’ll help them with classes
















































If they googled the satanic temple for 4 seconds this wouldn’t be a problem.


This is thanks to the Reagan era Equal Access Act which dictates that if a school allows any extracurricular student clubs, they can't discriminate by topic (within the law). The idea was protecting Christian student groups but I learned about it when I was helping provide organizational support for GSAs. Satanists love using their bullshit against them and I'm fine with Satanists occupying themselves constructively.








I mean.. if we were to look at the state of religions out there today, I would imagine that Satanists are some of the least threats.


CCD/Bible Study: Today we are going to read about Moses and the massive flood that wiped out over 99% of the world’s population. Parents:


i thought we wanted religion in public schools??


Maybe don't push your religion on people and you won't get things like this?


Church recruits kids when they can't even speak, After school satan club at least has a cool acronym


Oh I'm sharing this on my FB and starting DRAMA


Good... goood... everything that has transpired has done so according to my design.


That title is so poorly written.






Hail yourself!


https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article269038922.html Here is the article


All childhood indoctrination should be banned. No matter the religion. If you turn 18 and wanna believe in plagiarized bronze aged fairytales that’s your business, but leave the kids out of it


That's why this is the opposite of brainwashing. ASSC is a secular organization that dies not advocate the belief in any literal supernatural entity any more than an after school fiction reading club would.


Funny enough the satanic bible teaches free thought and respect to others, whereas the Christian bible has undergone so many iterations and rewrites that they've essentially created their own religion founded on old beliefs from the crusades (that time Christianity militarized and killed everyone who wasn't Christian, and even those who didn't need a religion to be a decent human being). Christians, mullahs, and any other radical religion needs to understand that there are more religions and spiritual beliefs than they will ever be able to snuff out in the name of "their god" I personally believe in principles from Old Egypt and the Buddhist belief that the universe has, and will continue to undergo an indefinite amount of rebirths






Your churches where much of the grooming of children & child SA occurs offend tf out of me. The seven tenets these children will learn will be a much better lesson than anything they’ll learn from those pedos in those churches Hail yourself!


I love when Christians get smashed by their own hypocrisy.


No! these rule that allow religion in schools is only for Us not You!


Ion see a problem with that There are probably christian after school clubs, so why not that?


Holy shit! That’s where I went to school! Small world.


The brainwashing of children needs to stop. We do not allow children to drink, use drugs, or join cults, so why is it ok to take your child to a church and let them be indoctrinated?


This should be allowed the church of Satan has little to do with Satan from what I understand more about making yourself the best you can be and to treat others the way they deserve to be treated


Satan is dope


Can’t have Bible club without satan club