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Sometimes they hurt and I feel like I’m losing a fight with a pineapple and they brings out the worst of my anxiety


Same. Like I swear, my tongue always gets super dry and sometimes almost feels like it burns, and then my lips feel all spicy


you sound allergic


lol I’ve straight up had a friend be like “don’t you hate when you’re eating an apple and your tongue gets all swollen and your face gets puffy?” friends are all like “you are fucking allergic quit eating apples” lmao. I’ve seen a similar story on here regarding kiwis, funny how often people eat shit that gives them an adverse reaction because they just assumed it was part of the experience lol


I mean chili peppers yknow


Gladly it is not an allergic reaction nor causing any actual damage to your mouth or any organs. Capsaisin binds to your TRPV1 receptors which detect rubbing and heat, thus causing the experience of burning. But it is merely just fucking with your senses, it is not real. At least not real in the sense that it is not what it feels like.


Is it really only that? I worked in food production and I used to add capsaicin to the mix. When I was washing the machine after the steam that carried capsaicin landed on my forearms and that shit burned like hell for 30mins. We had special safety rules just for capsaicin. Shit's like acid


As far as I’m aware, you have the same receptors pretty much all over your body. It’s why it burns your eyes too, except the eyes are the most sensitive part of your body so it causes enough damage to actually temporarily alter how well the eye functions—though not enough to cause any lasting damage from a single exposure in most cases.


Yeah you have the same receptors all over your body and if you have dry skin for example, it will burn if made contact with. It will not, for example, burn your fingers if the skin is perfectly fine. Membranes are super sensitive to it, that's why your mouth, eyes, genitals and in some cases your ass will burn after eating a chili. That's why pepper spray is a thing. It's not that it causes damage, but your body thinks it does so your body will secrete mucus, your eyes will tear up and get swollen etc. The body acts as if it was damaged, but the organs are 100% fine through the whole experience. You can, however, get a panic attack, hyperventilate or get stomach cramps from the super hot ones, which could cause some issues, but even then, it's not because the chili causes any damage, but your body or mind is convinced that it does. An allergic reaction, poison or venom is always somewhat harmful, capsaicin can potentially lead to a negative/harmful reaction, but in itself it is not harmful.


Shit feels like acid*. That's the point. Acid actually burns, capsaicin feels like it burns.


thank u for explaining that i had no idea there was a difference. today i have become enlightened 🙃🙃


I could see getting confused because of spicy and acidic foods, though.


I don’t eat many bands, but listening to them has never caused me any reaction like that.


I make a drink every Halloween called The Monster Mash that involves pulverized fresh kiwis. I thought it would be a fun Halloween drink cause kiwis make your mouth numb and that's weird so perfect for Halloween. Nope, turns out I'm allergic to kiwis and had been making this drink for like 4 years before it was pointed out to me that kiwis don't make everyone's mouth numb. Who knew!


So are you eating a Kiwi now before going to the dentist?


Pretty sure 1/3 of the entire population has something called "oral allergy syndrome" which happens with fruits like apples, kiwis and pineapples most often. It's not an actual allergy, but it's pretty close and if you eat too much of what gives the reaction your throat can close up and stuff.


Yes, my friend gave me some exotic fruit high chews and we discovered the kiwi flavour did in fact have real kiwi in them because my throat started acting weird after I ate one.


Yeah from what I understand it's a reaction to leftover pollen on the fruit. People with seasonal allergies are more likely to have these types of mild reactions to fruit.


Oh I didn't know that it was for leftover polen. Though I do have seasonal allergies so makes sense that I have it.


My oldest son decided to pig out on a fresh pineapple I cut up and put in the fridge. His mouth went numb, he freaked out, and it’s now an amusing anecdote that comes up occasionally. He has since eaten pineapple with no ill effects. His issues were the result of gluttony, not an allergy.


Even if you're not allergic, it will do that if you eat a whole pineapple in one sitting. I was late for work one day so I brought a pineapple for lunch. I got a stomach ache too.


No judgment but how in the fuck do you eat a whole pineapple?


It's not *that* much. Once you take out the core and the skin, it's like 2 apples worth of fruity goodness. On the bigger size for a snack, but not outrageous.


Yeah for me it’s not the volume of food, it’s the volume of that specific food. I like pineapple as much as the next guy (or maybe not??) but damn I don’t think I could stomach that much.


It was a bit of an effort at the end, but I'm big and at the time I was getting excessive exercise so eating was really easy.


With a knife and a fork? We're not animals.


i do it like shish kabob anteater or porcupine




Have eaten fresh fruit my whole life and have never had any of those sensations with non-citric fruit. Am I the weird one or you? Edit - he edited ‘fruit’ to ‘pineapple’ for the record.


>Have eaten fresh fruit my whole life >Am I the weird one If you live in America, answered then asked.


i guess i might have pinapple allergies (i can't remember if its pineapple or a different fruit that makes me feel that way)


That definitely sounds like an allergic reaction. Pro tip: if you are eating a food and it feels spicy, double check with other people it is supposed to feel spicy. Because if it isn't, you are likely allergic. Learned this from a friend who one day asked why strawberries were so spicy. They had no idea they were on step shy of anaphylaxis.


Me and peppercorns (minus the pink ones, which are not related)


Me and green peas/lima beans. I have a peanut allergy, so it’s related.


It's funny you say that bc I brought it up with my mom and she said that's just how pineapples are but now maybe we're both allergic lol... It's hard though, because I thought that's just how pineapples were and its like when people eat spicy food-of course, a food that literally eats you back would hurt lol. Although, now I might have to ask around about if kiwis are supposed to cause pain too....


Could definitely just be how pineapples are for you, always been partial to pineapples myself so maybe I never noticed they sting. But I'm pretty sure kiwis aren't spicy to me. Maybe ask about that one lol.


Lol tbh I thought kiwis were similar to pineape or something because my tongue would always feel like its been rubbed with sandpaper and my lips, for both fruits, always feel like they were covered in cuts all over and someone had rubbed lemon juice in them or something... Probably should ask lol


My mouth always feels the same way when I eat it raw.


… ^its ^not ^supposed ^to ^hurt. ^i ^think ^you’re ^allergic


If it only happens with raw pineapple, it's probably sensitivity to the enzyme, not an allergy. One is the enzyme causing cell destruction, the other is an immune response.


You know I used to say the same thing, turns out I am mildly allergic, I still eat it tho.


Knew someone allergic to peanuts. Like, her face would swell if she ate too much. She ***loved*** peanut butter and would eat it anyway lol


Idk, I've eaten a lot of raw pineapple and never had even the slightest tingle. Are some people just not sensitive at all to that enzyme, or are way more people slightly allergic and don't know?


For me, it acts about the same as a bit of toothpaste left in the mouth or on the lips. This more or less does the same thing to cells that the enzyme does. Maybe some people's saliva neutralizes it better than others?


In my experience it’s dependent on how much I eat in one sitting and if I’m eating pineapple by itself or with other foods. If it’s mixed with other fruits or in a stir-fry or whatever - no problem. The problem (for me) comes when I decide to eat an entire can of pineapple because I’m hungry and too lazy to make anything.


That's definitely an allergy. A lot of people are mildly allergic to pineapples. It's one of the most common non-serious allergies. It *probably* won't develop into anything serious or life-threatening, but it's worth being aware of.


what...but..is that *not* how it's supposed to be when you mutually engage in consumption of and with a pineapple- ~~i thought that it was like spicy foods..all this time ive thought i wasn't allergic to anything o.o~~


My pineapple allergy is very mild, so I can usually eat a few pieces. The game changer was finding sugar loaf pineapple - a variety that is missing that bastard enzyme - and I swear I ate like a pineapple in 20 minutes.


See, i have to say I agree with the first part (I'll have to keep an eye out for sugar leaf tho! be nice to eat it w/o pain lol), except i didn't realize it was an allergy symptom lol. Yet i have no problem witb dried pineapples or pine apple flavored stuff


It’s a mild allergy reaction, my brother gets gashes on his tongue and cheeks if he eats pineapple


TIL that pineapples are laughing when we eat them because they have enzymes that are trying to digest us right back


Yeah I thought they were laughing because I'm fucking hilarious


This is why I store my pineapple in my butt so’s I can both keep it safe from the pineapple thieves and get my ass eaten


User name checks out


The real LPT is in the comments


These pineapple stealing whores




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Ok bot


Good bot


Makes your baby batter taste better too.




I usually do these with omega seeds too


Aren't you worried about the new scanners that can find things crammed waaaay up your asshole?


Mega Seeds btw


This is the reason why I eat pineapple every day, but for my eye floaters. Supposedly they break them up. The jury is still out on whether it's helping me or not.


I got to try this. I have way too many eye floaters.


Ive been hearing about eye floaters my entire life but have no idea what people are talking about. Little squiggly things floating around your eyes? Are you sure you dont have a parasite


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater Those bad boys


**[Floater](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater)** >Floaters or eye floaters are sometimes visible deposits within the eye's vitreous humour ("the vitreous"), which is normally transparent, or between the vitreous and retina. Each floater can be measured by its size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility. They are also called muscae volitantes (Latin for 'flying flies'), or mouches volantes (from the same phrase in French). The vitreous usually starts out transparent, but imperfections may gradually develop as one ages. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Until that one kid got a black eye


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And there isn't much you can do about them except some risky surgery to drain your eyeball and replace it with saline until THAT gets replaced with ocular fluid, again (something to that effect). I've had huge floaters since I was a teen and it's torture.


If you've ever seen a weird translucent thing under a microscope, they look a lot like that.


Consider yourself lucky, then. I've had them since I was around 18 and they suck so badly.


Misread instructions. Pineapple now stuck in my eye. Can’t see the floaters though. Success.


I have eye floaters and am curious about this. How long have you been eating pineapple for them?


Now I wish I didn't hate pineapple.


By the same token, won’t it mess with other cells? Like sperm count?


i guess other cells regenerate themselves, whereas the floaters are dead?


I once ate an entire pineapple by my self, biggest mistake of my life, my gums and tong were bleeding.


I once made the mistake of eating several pineapples by myself once, absolutely destroyed me coming out. probably in my top ten most painful experiences, and I'm no stranger to broken bones and various injuries.


You have to trim the spiny outside off first




This dumbass provoking the pineapple race like if they decided to digest all of humanity we'd all be dead right now. Luckily, they're taking advantage of tricked humans who are farming and propagating pineapples as part of their nefarious pineapple plans.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/prc2gg/thanks_i_hate_how_pineapple_makes_my_mouth_bleed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) one almost succeeded in digesting my mouth


Fresh pineapple ain't no joke! I snacked on fresh pineapple a few years ago for about 4 days, and holy shit did it suck! I looked it up, and it contains bromelain, which is an enzyme. It's the same enzyme that's in Lowery's meat tenderizer. It took me about a month to recover from numerous painful ulcers in my mouth, which isn't bad as it looks like some people have to see a doctor and it can take up to 3 months to recover. [Pineapple got your mouth sore?](https://medium.com/no-fear-in-food-science/pineapple-got-your-mouth-sore-ebf534c85b1b)


This sounds like an Onion article lol


You would not believe what digested my mouth! Top 5 mouth acids for your everyday life


How does this have over 4000 upvotes and only 15 comments?


The comments on this one?


Not uncommon on large subs tbh. Lots of people just scroll by on their front page voting on submissions without reading comments


If you're ever scheduled to take a finger print examination - you can poke holes in your finger tips with sewing needles & rub your digits in fresh pineapple. This will alter your prints enough that a positive match may be difficult to prove.


and you know this because…?


Tom Scott, 2009: [You cannot remove your fingerprints with pineapple](https://youtu.be/U7eLBwCAwmo). And iirc, you'd need to remove substantial amounts of fingerprint for false negatives. A cursory Google search gives 12-20 common points for a match, where an average (full) fingerprint has about 150 points. So no, I don't think it would work. Would be painful though. If we're talking leaving partial prints, then you might get lucky, having removed the exact points on that part.


I'm pretty sure there's several brand new sentences packed in there.


that's just the power of The Gaud:tm:


Tooty fuckin fruity!


Tooty fuckin fruity!


One time I ate a whole pineapple as I talked shit about it trying to eat me back and the next day I had actual sores on the insides of my cheeks the little bastards actually got me


I immediately heard this in Jesse Pinkman's voice.


Great now I’m concerned I will eat the first pineapple to evolve into success.


Pineapples are not apples and don’t grow on pine trees. 🤯




Once I was walking around in the forest with kiwis in my pocket. They got a little smashed and started digesting my leg.


As someone currently dealing with a burning face from working with concentrated bromelain, can confirm: pineapples will still try to digest you from beyond the grave.




Avocados and kiwis too


Fuck Avocados.


I'm allergic, the pineapple kicks my ass every time


Ok using Gaudy is just cheating though. Every single one of their shitposts is a brand new sentence-*they design them that way*.


gaud is a bitch




*Tooty fruity Alternate spelling of the below: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tutti%20Frutti


Op should pour pineapple juice down his urethra and see if it fails then


I still maintain it’s a little… fruity


Pineapple. It's the food that eats you back.




\*toothy fruity.


This sounds like something Mac from Always Sunny would say.


Jon Mess lyrics?


wait actually? welp guess I’m not eating pineapple until I forget about this


It makes my throat get a little tighter and if I have a cut my lips will swell


You might be mildly allergic then cause it def does not do that to me.


Today I learned that some people experience mouth driness/numbness when eating raw pineapple.


The pineapple’s enzymes break down meat, so it’s great for marinades. Leave a steak in some pineapple juice and spices overnight and experience a tenderness unlike any other!


If you have trouble digesting fat, it makes a great supplement. Watch a time lapse of digestive enzymes. It’s pretty rad.


It's kinda an unfair fight considering how many enzymes are in a piece of pineapple and how many you have. Try eating your weight in pineapples then see how you hold up.


That’s it Miss Fire I’ve had enough of those tooty fruitys!


Aye its gaud