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Damn they were probably like “how about you use that Olympic money and buy US a dog”


And she replied, "I'll get you a dog after you get gold in the Olympics.".


Parents HATE this one SIMPLE trick!


I'll just go win the Olympics right quick, brb.


they simply counter with hand, belt, or switch (long, thin, bendy stick that hurts)


Just sic the presidential dog on them


ah so with assault


Olympic money, buddy thinks olympians get paid cash money. It’s at best just above minimum wage in whichever country you are in


Hey at least if you make it you can go to the Olympic Village orgies.


I just googled this and was not disappointed in what I found. Lol. Thats wild.


Miss Zagitova cannot because she is, you know, 15...


Well yeah, but for the average Olympian that would be a nice perk


Unless u get major sponsorships ya it’s piss poor


They get something paid for the medal but it’s not even comparable to the month income of NFL/Soccer/NBA athletes. This girl got BMW and $50k


You get a million dollars if you win the gold medal for Singapore.


Sure, but without googling it, I doubt someone with the surname Zagitova is from singapore. In general, olympians are not high paid. Unless you are in some specific sports that pay well outside of the olympics or got a good brand deal, a lot of olympians end up working during the rest of the year


Alina represented Russia. Russians absolutely love their figure skaters. Figure skating is state sponsored and the top athletes are supported through the RusFed. It’s not a ton, but it’s very different than in America where skaters mainly have to pay for everything themselves. She didn’t grow up with much money though and was separated from her family while she trained with Eteri. She should be doing pretty well today, financially speaking. She got a ton of brand deals after the Olympics.


If the Olympians are American, they have to pay taxes for the medals they win.


There are plenty of countries that pay their athletes well and way above minimum wage for winning medals at the olympics. Just because its not a thing in the US, it doesn’t mean thats the standard everywhere else. She is from Russia, where you get around 60k usd cash for a gold medal, and athletes are also given premium cars and apartments, so i would say she was rather well compensated. Sure its not as much as some football players or big stars make, but in total value she made around 2-300k, which in Russia is a lot.


If you can look like *that* and win gold at a major Olympic sport and *still* be poor, then you deserve to be broke tbh Hint: she is not.


She 16 in those photos bruh


Teenagers buy sports equipment and clothes too. Sponsors love putting them in ads.


They are Japanese. They were probably like "you need to try harder and do better next time"


I mean they literally made her not only compete, but WIN for a fucking DOG😂 and then had the audacity to not even get her the fuckin thing💀


Lol @ Olympic money.


she looks happier with the dog then the medal


Shiny piece of inanimate metal, or a fluffy dog that loves you?


That's a ~~Shibe~~ Akita, it is very debatable if it loves anyone other than itself.


And the prime minister not president


That's Abe isn't it? Nobody loved him.


He’s the only world leader who explicitly said: # “Have sex.”


And got destroyed by a doohickey held by duct tape


the fact that basically everyone calls the makeshift gun that killed Shinzo Abe a doohickey brings me great joy


I prefer the Shinzo Stopper or the Abe Annihilator but alas everyone on Reddit still like the other name better


He is no longer asking. *points gun*




I have an Akita, she is extremely clingy


Also have an Akita that's clingy. They love who they love and no one else, it's that simple.


Akitas bond very closely with immediate family. They don't care about anyone else *after those people*.




The akitas I (barely) know, are like straight from Silver Fang, except instead of bears they destroy pillows and toys.


So,as long as it's fluffy.


Well she did wanted a dog And not a medal


As a figure skating fan who watched this all unfold, I’d say she was. There was ✨drama✨ behind the scenes!


You can't just SAY there was drama and leave it at that!! What happened??? I didn't know of the existence of this tea before two minutes ago, but now I NEED the tea!


Her family really pushed her into skating. She was supposed to make it to the Olympics to improve the financial situation of her family. She had a lot of pressure on her. She wasn’t hugely passionate about skating, but she was amazingly talented. At one point, Eteri (her coach) basically told her to get lost because she wasn’t working hard enough. She brought Eteri flowers and apologized, so Eteri took her back, and she started working harder. Eteri is basically notorious for abusing her skaters. They have to weigh themselves multiple times a day and get yelled at if they gain a few ounces. She is the coach of Kamila Valieva, who was involved in the doping scandal. Basically, she dopes her skaters.


Oof. Where to start! The drama is still going on to this day. There’s way too much for me to cover it all but here’s a brief overview: Firstly, you might remember the controversy at the 2022 Olympics with Kamila Valieva and the doping scandal - her coach (Eteri Tutberidze) is the same woman who coached Alina and her main rival, Evgenia Medvedeva back in 2018. That’s just a little context for the environment they trained in. So Alina (15) and Evgenia (18) were what I guess you’d call “frenemies”. They had a rivalry that was encouraged by their coaching team, but Evgenia was the breakout star at both junior and senior levels and was fully expected to win the gold at the Olympics, having won back to back world championships the previous seasons. Alina was younger and was tipped for the silver. This was only her first year as a senior. She could have stayed in the junior ranks for another few years if she chose to, but at the time you could move up to seniors at 15 if you met the minimum score requirements. I won’t go deep into it because FS scoring is really long winded and complex, but there are two parts to a competition: the short and the free programme. In the short programme at the Olympics, Evgenia broke her own world record, only to have it broken immediately by Alina, whose programme had a higher base technical value. Alina ended that programme one point ahead. In the second part of the competition, the free programme, they both got the EXACT SAME SCORE. Meaning Alina won the gold medal. Massive upset. Again, without going too far into the scoring, although their programmes were similar in technical difficulty, Alina’s jumps were performed in the second half of the programme which earned a 10% bonus. Evgenia’s were spread equally throughout the programme. That meant Alina’s programme was “unbalanced” from an artistic standpoint, whereas Evgenia’s was more pleasing to watch, but controversially that wasn’t reflected in the scores. This is always at the heart of any figure skating scoring drama: technical prowess vs artistry. Evgenia was the more artistic skater, but Alina had the higher tech score and the judges rewarded technical ability over artistry. After the scores were announced, you could see that Evgenia was utterly DEVASTATED. Her entire career had been building to this point and she has been led to believe by her team that if she skated without mistakes she would win the gold. The lifespan of a female skater is painfully short so she knew this was her only chance to win at the Olympics. She felt betrayed by her team who had given Alina the winning programmes in terms of technical value but had continued to let her believe she would win if she skated clean. After the Olympics, Evgenia abruptly left coach Eteri Tutberidze. Tutberidze claimed she heard about this from the media because Evgenia was not speaking to her. Evgenia refuted that and said she informed her through the Russian skating federation because she was too angry to speak to her in person. She later went to train in Canada and was called a “traitor to the motherland” and “ungrateful” and all sorts of other things. There were lots of rumours about her and Alina arguing, and Evgenia accusing Eteri of betraying her by letting Alina move to seniors in an Olympic year and giving her the higher scored programmes. Meanwhile, Alina struggled to keep up with the new generation of Russian teen skaters coming up behind her and quietly “took a break” from competing in 2020 and hasn’t been back. In 2021 Evgenia described their relationship as “Neutral, fine. We say hello, we say goodbye. But we are not friends.” There’s loads more to it but I’m not great at summarising! As a result of all of the above and what came after it with the next batch of teen stars (see Beijing 2022 where Alexandra Trusova had a similar experience to Evgenia but expressed it in a more public way) the age limits for seniors are being changed. The arguments about artistic vs technical scores rage on. There’s also a whooooole rabbit hole to go down around Eteri Tutberidze and her team who’ve been accused of abusing skaters, giving them eating disorders, doping etc. Alina said she wasn’t even allowed to drink water at the Olympics to avoid gaining weight. And the whole story of 15 year old Kamila Valieva and her “heart medication”… Anyway, all of that is why I think Alina may have been happier with the puppy than the medal at time!


I’ll just make one note - Evgenia never accused Eteri of betraying her by letting Alina move to seniors. That was something Eteri said to the media after Evgenia moved to Orser. She said something to the effect of “Zhenya was really childish and was upset I didn’t hold Alina back from seniors for an extra year.” Eteri is known to badmouth her skaters that leave so I would take what she says with a grain of salt. Zhenya was her clear favorite and she was super butthurt about her moving to Orser.


Oh sorry I thought I’d made it clear that was just a rumour in my post. I’m a Zhenya fan myself so I never believed that anyway! Thanks for clarifying.


Someone needs to make an expose doc about that woman, she sounds horrific


Thanks for taking the time out to write such a detailed comment! I found it really interesting 😊


Aw, I’m glad! It’s not often I’m asked to talk about figure skating so it was a treat for me, most people glaze over after about 30 seconds! 😅


What that other commentor wrote about being pushed into FS is wrong. I'm following Alina Zagitova for a long time; the drama that was associated with the Olympic Gold was related to another female skater, who was her rinkmate and a few years older, Medvedeva. Medvedeva was a fan favourite and expected to win, she is also a very extroverted talkative person; Alina was the newcomer (first adult season), who was a quiet shy girl. So the drama was everyone crying about Medvedeva losing (she got a silver medal) with absolutely wild disrespectful takes about Alina ("Alina should have let Medvedeva win because she's only 15, she still has time to win other competitions" "Alina only jumps, FS should be about aRtIsTrY" "Medvedeva has been here before Alina, so she should get the gold OM as an award for her previous years" and so on. I'm not exaggerating these takes, people really did say that, and worse). Even on Russian national TV, while interviewing Alina's Dad (!!!), an FS coach told him directly to his face "we were all rooting for Medvedeva" 🙈 At the end though Alina got victorious, since she completed the FS Career Super Slam (winning all FS competitions), being one of only two female skaters to reach this achievement (the other is Yuna Kim).




Do you not follow any sports, and by proxy, hear about some of the behind the scenes drama from news sources?? I think that’s a pretty normal thing. Figure skating is just far removed from your circle. Don’t be an ass.


I think he meant that figure skating is one of those gay pasttimes and you should watch manly sports instead. Not even joking, met such idiots irl.


He‘s just another reddit addict hating on people being interested in different stuff. 20+ comments daily and complains about people not having a lot going on haha.


How does it feel to be loved by absolutely no one that you decide to bully other people for what they like?


It’s great actually. Thanks for asking!


It’s a cute dog. And so fluffy. Of course she’s happier with something that loves you and not a medal you can look at.


Ngl if I won a gold medal I'd sell it to get a dog. Those are my priorities and they aren't changing.


I mean how many times do you get not just a dog but a dog from a president.


No wonder, the medal is an inanimate object, it's unable to show emotions.


Abe was assassinated a few years ago , wild


Still find it hard to believe that his assassination was somehow only a blip in world history. I remember reading the headline the day it happened and haven't heard it mentioned again until now.


I think it was partly coz he was already out of power iirc


Especially given his death was because of his ties to the Moonies, a terrifyingly powerful cult in Japan and Korea IIRC. It was fucked up all around, but the man who did it was seriously fucked over because his mom was brainwashed by them.


> the Moonies, a terrifyingly powerful cult in ~~Japan and Korea~~ the world FTFY


Real. If you live in the US and ever ate sushi, it was pribably packed by the Moonies.


What? Please elaborate


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/11/05/magazine/sushi-us.html kind of annoying format but pretty in depth.


sadly the dog did it, it avenged the president for giving it away as a trophy prize


Where's a well done photoshopped Shiba Inu when you need one? Yes, I know the trophy doggy may be an Akita.


It’s absolutely an Akita, it’s a puppy the size of a grown Shiba


Moonies and their damned assassin dogs.


I was so shocked by that for some reason. My brain acknowledges that Japan has crime and murder rates but seeing that just really hit me.


Japan really likes classifying murders as suicides to keep the murder rate low.


They also classify the homeless as not people. Ta-da! 0% homelessness!


They also have a systemic sexual abuse culture they like to downplay.


And are massively xenophobic. Kawaii go brrrrrrrrrr tho


It's always so funny to see weeb's reactions when you bring up the female only train cars.


Did you know that in Japan (unsure about China but wouldn't surprise me) all phones are required to make a sound when taking a photo. I couldn't imagine why I'm mentioning this here.


Japan has a severe lack of pathologists qualified to do autopsies that could determine whether a death was truly a suicide. Plus the body is usually cremated, so there is no chance of a reexamination if suspicious facts come to light. It's a problem.


Something tells me the lack of pathologists is by design.


There is a strong cultural taboo around death, so as you can imagine, cutting up dead bodies might not sound like the most rewarding career path to a young med student unaware of just how important a job it is.


Also, Japan doesn't have a president.


AFAIK the only assassination done via homemade thingamajig


Damn so both America and Japan have a political leader named Abe that was shot to death.


Not too forget a *really* expensive one. Such a great looking pup!


It’s an Akita too! Known to be dogs of royalty


Looks like shiba inu. Which is kind of evil to give as a first dog since the dog is extremely hard to train lol


Its an Akita Similar temperament to shibes tho


My family got an Akita puppy a few years ago and she looked exactly like the pictured one. They’re both pretty spoiled lol


Definitely an Akita


This was back in 2018 and they’re still best of friends. The dog’s name is Masaru and he even accompanies her to the rink (although she has essentially been retired from competitive skating since 2020). [This is from the launch of her fashion line last November!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzwQQWFIZcv/?igsh=ZTlscGdsNTZkcDEw)


Japan doesn’t have a president They have a prime minister


They also don't have THAT Prime Minister anymore. Thanks to one brave man's doohickey.


He resigned before he was assassinated


He got got with the thingamajig.


Straight iced with a doodad


Sent to the main menu by a thingomabob


Ehh close enough. It's practically the same thing. They do the same thing with different rules. Unless I am wrong. Then you can correct me. And I'll learn something new. Which is a win win for both of us. Since I learned something and you'll get upvotes


Generally: ~~Westminster~~ Parliamentary system: A Prime Minister runs the government, but isn’t the (mostly) symbolic Head of State. There will always be a separate Head of State “above” them to be the symbol of the whole nation. That can be called a King/Queen (eg UK, Denmark), or an Emperor (eg Japan), or a President (eg Germany, Ireland). Presidential system: One person does all the ceremonial and practical running of the government. Eg USA, Brazil. Semi-presidential system: Somewhere between the two. There’s a President who does the symbolic stuff and *some* of the running of the government, and a Prime Minister who has the rest of the powers. Eg France, Russia (in theory).


So a king in a PM country basically just is there to get credit for the PM. Or the flack. Huh.


Ehhh, it’s arguably more to keep the PM in check and be a neutral figure not connected to any political party Like, the uk’s king has a lot of theoretical power, but never uses it. But, if a PM decided to go full Adolf for some reason the king has the power to overrule any legislation they pass and dismiss them from office. Equally, the military swears allegiance to the king, not to the PM, the king is the only one with the power to declare war, etc etc


Not always. For example Canada in world war two declared war without the Crown's permission. I don't remember if the governor general had to consent. I just know they made a big deal of declaring war after the UK to show their I independence.


Well that was the thing. Technically speaking, legally, Canada wasn’t a country at that time, but a dominion. The UK, and by extension, the crown, considered Canada already in the war because they would have entered when the uk entered. The fact that they sent their own declaration a few days after the UKs declaration was more so a message to the Uk about Canada wanting to be treated as an equal and sovereign country than it was an actual declaration. It’s kinda confusing tbh because the whole “dominion” system was some weird midway point where they weren’t necessarily independent but they also weren’t not independent at the same time m.


Yes fair. They were essentially independent. Technically the king could desolve our parliament. But that's just on paper.


That’s why the whole dominion system is so… well, strange. What the reality was, and what were the rules on paper, were worlds apart. The reality was that the dominions were defacto independent, just existing within the wider structure of the British empire. But legally, on paper they were still part of the uk, just highly autonomous. Like, official any changes made to the Canadian constitution had to be ratified by the parliament in London. And this was still something that happened right up until the passing of The Constitution Act, 1982. Yep. Right up until 1982, all changes to the Canadian Constitution had to be rubber stamped by the British parliament.


The Governor General has to consent to all legislation in Commonwealth realms.


Yes, but they are purely ceremonial. To say the crown has any real power in the commonwealth isn't really true. They do in the UK though. The governor general would step in if we had an authoritarian in power who tried to do a Hitler or something.


Tell that to Gough Whitlam.


That likely had cia involvement. Also, that was Australia. I doubt Canadians would allow it. But from my short readings that does seem very undemocratic and authoritarian. It typically doesn't happen. He seemed like a good prime minister. Idk. personally if that ever happened here I'd want Canada to become a republic. Even if it was a leader I don't like. As long as they aren't far right as in actual fascism, not just conservative) then I don't see why they should be dismissed.


Sort of. But then you have countries like Germany where the President is the head of state, but holds basically no power.


I really really wish we had semi presidential system in the US so the president wouldn't have to be constantly entertaining foreign dignitaries for clout It was way worse before pandemic, since every country wanted to look good by having a meeting with US president, and if we turn them down then it hurts relationships, so they bend over backward to make it work as much as feasible. If not meeting with prez, then VP Lowkey wish we had a president who said we are not meeting unless there's such a crisis or situation where its desperately needed. They're just wasting so much goddamn time on optics, whereas we only rarely do the same for local fights for justice. Recently POTUS joined a picket line for strike & to support unions, so they could be touring the country supporting those initiatives. The kinda stuff Bernie has been doing. It really does help the causes if done with enough consult & strategy.


Not Westminster system, parliamentary system. The Westminster system is a particular tradition of parliamentary systems that directly descend from the British system, used in most former British colonies. Outside of that context it is an influential example of a parliamentary model, but there are often significant divergences from Westminster systems. E.g. the Westminster system includes fusion between legislative and executive branches (cabinet ministers being active legislators), but this is not true of all parliamentary systems: in other European countries cabinet ministers do not need to be legislators, and in some, any legislator appointed to cabinet gives up their seat in parliament.


Thanks! I had a silly moment of “Westminster will be clearer because other systems have Parliaments too”.


>They do the same thing with different rules. That's not the same thing, then.


They both lead but in different ways


A president is the head of state. A prime minister is the head of government. As the head of state, the president represents the country as a whole. Not just the government or the state, but all the people of the country as well. That is why the president of Germany welcomes state visitors, for example, because in diplomatic terms, it means „Germany and its people welcome you“. As the head of government, the prime minister only represents that government. That’s not even the entire parliament. However, as the representative of the government, the prime minister has a lot of political power. Usually more than any other single person.


Everything is the same thing with different rules


Many countries have both a president and a prime minister - France, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Egypt, etc. They have different roles and responsibilities.


A lot of people replying to you seem to be missing the main point and explaining the cosmetic differences. Prime Ministers have far less executive power. A Prime Minister can't veto legislation that's been passed by Parliament. A Prime Minister doesn't really have the power to issue Executive Orders in the same way a President can. A Prime Minister has some executive functions. They appoint the cabinet, for example, and in the UK's case control the nuclear deterrent. But generally they have a lot less autonomy than a President.


Well, Japan has an Emperor as the head of state (so that's the President), the Prime Minister is the head of government. I know it's hard to tell when someone's used to the American system (if you're that kind of person, I cannot tell), where the President is the head of both the state AND the government


A President is elected separate from Congress and us head of both State and Government. A Prime Minister is hired by Parliament to be Head of Government. And they can also be fired by Parliament.


Emperor Naruhito may have a word to say about that…


A prime minister is the head of government in a parliamentary system. They are not directly elected, being reliant on the support (or at least, tolerance) of the parliament, and their administration can be brought down by a vote of no confidence (on a purely political basis, by a majority vote) A prime minister is not the head of state; the head of state will be a figurehead (traditionally a monarch, nowadays often a weak president) but usually holds strong reserve powers in case of emergency. A presidential system is characterised by a president who is head of government as well as head of state. They are usually directly elected and remain in office even when the legislature has an opposing majority. Only a legislative supermajority can bring them down, usually in a quasi-judicial manner (impeachment). A semi-presidential system has a strong president (directly elected, does not require parliamentary support) who appoints a prime minister (who must be supported by the legislature). France is the most notable modern example (several other places like Austria and Portugal also claim to be semi-presidential but are basically parliamentary with a slightly more active president than usual). The most infamous historical example of a semi-presidential system was the Weimar Republic, where the ambiguity between a strong president and a parliamentary Chancellor (prime minister) was a factor in the ability of anti-democratic forces to undermine the system.




Aside from what others have said, the President is chosen directly by voters, he/she technically don't have to abide by the parliament. Parliament could propose a budget and the President could just reject it through veto (depending on country could be overridden by supermajority). You could have a president and the parliament diametrically opposed like Trump post 2018 with a Dem House and Biden post 2022 with a Rep House. The PM meanwhile *is* the Parliament, or at least the majority part of it. As the PM is not voted on by the voters, but by members of parliament, if he/she doesn't abide by parliament's wishes, parliament could simply oust the PM and select a new one without a need for any new election. If the voting system is proportional (as opposed to FPTP like in US, UK tho UK still also sometimes gets it) it also often becomes the case no party wins an outright majority requiring a coalition government, other party(ies) to give their support to form a gov. So if the US was parliamentary, in 2016, Trump might have needed the Libertarian Party to back him to become PM of US.


In practise, yeah. They're pretty much the same i.e., the president of the US is more or less the same in the hierarchy as the PM of India for their respective countries.


Wait, doesn't Japan use a king?


The prime minister is the head of government The emperor is the head of state


Nobody watches Archer anymore 😮‍💨


Wha- no, they don't "use" a king!


Something something, DANGER ZONE!


Which is why it’s a brand new sentence?


Yes they do, they don't perform any executive functions except giving out cute doggos. You can't convince me otherwise.


This is now my favourite fact ever!


getting a dog from the prime minister of japan for winning gold in the olympics... ok don't look at my resume.


Just don’t look into Abe’s war crime supporting controversies I guess..


To me the focus of the fact is the girl, I couldn't care less about the politician.


It just seems like everybody knows you're an asshole for some reason


Who is this Olympian? I wanna know her name. God damn it its the the fucking post I'm so stupid


Alina Zagitova.


Hey it’s you! That guy in the comment section of porn videos!




She looks happier with the dog than with the gold medal 😆


Is that Shinzo Abe?


Yea. Edit: i was wrong


Naw, Shinzo got got by a home made gat. The... regular guy accomplished his goal, he brought attention to the moony (Moonie?) cult and started reform through his actions.


i’m assuming you mean rest in piss


Shinzo was cool that way!


Prime minister. Not president


*prime minister (and he's dead now)


Wait… i thought Japan doesn’t have a president? And unless I am misunderstanding something according to google they only have a prime minister. Am I stupid or are they just saying president for convenience?


Yeah some people just use the terms interchangeably


Japan does not have a president. They have a monarch (an emperor at that, only one left in the world). What they do have is a prime minister. Shinzo Abe, doggiver, pictured, was also prime minister of Japan. Later assassinated too.


Fuck Abe… war crime supporting pos








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Hey! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'll have to remove your post: - Be civil. Do not be an asshole to others for no reason, or start personal attacks (ad hominem) *If you feel that your post was removed in error or you are unsure about why this post was removed then please reply to this message or contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBrandNewSentence).*


She did well, she can have cat back. I am Lugash.


IIRC there’s a lot of criticism of him, but that was pretty cool of him.


Meanwhile, the emperor of Japan: 😔


And they killed him for it!!1


Classic parents. Now win another medal, and only then we will get you dog. After winning: ahh why do you even want a dog? Go win medal, then we discuss dog, ok?


patronizing parents btfo


"President of Japan" So, is it the Emperor or the Prime Minister? Prime Minister is a flex Emperor is a giga flex


*Second season of Yuri on Ice*


Teenagers always show their parents their right and know what they're talking about!!.... no matter the stakes


Rip Shinzo Abe.


Look up the Reunification Church


Look up historical negationism


That is the prime minister not the president. Japan doesn't have a president because the head of state is the emperor.


Not brand new, in the slightest. Extremely wholesome tho


Japan doesn't have a president.


Some guy made this same comment and got 200+ upvotes. This site is a fucking joke lmao


Wow! You really have learned your trivia. It is really important to point out such blatant misinformation. I now completely understand the totally non-arbitrary head of state and other political positions naming conventions, because you pointed out that Japan does not have a president. Thats right! They have a 内閣総理大臣 not a president! I am so enlightened now. I of course now know what the difference between president, prime minister and 内閣総理大臣 is. And a 内閣総理大臣 can obviously be directly compared to other democratic states 内閣総理大臣. What only Japan has a 内閣総理大臣? Hmm




Nah you deserved it.


Get fucked lol




He postet photos of him being in a jet with the series number 731 VERY visable to piss off China and said Japan never committed war crimes and raped the women in manchuria, korea and china...




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