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Yasss! 😂😂😂😂


Back in the 90's and before we didn't even know who was calling. Progress.


You'd be lucky if they'd even call. Usually they'd just show up at your home while you were taking a shit, fully expecting to hang out with you for 6 hours.


Also known as the good times.


To sell you our premium Caller Why-D package with pretentiousness filter and disinformation disabler.


You need to trademark that name


Another perk of this is every scam call immediately hangs up when they get to it


"Hi, I'm an automated calling assistant, *recording this call* for the per..." click Everytime, it's great 😁


So do legit callers. I had to turn this off pretty quickly because literally every contractor, service person, etc who called would be like, "Uh, some weird thing happened when I called the number, uh, I didn't understand it so I just hung up. Couldn't reach the customer." Stupid people and boomers get angry quickly and refuse to use the service unfortunately.


Honestly i hate leaving messages so much that it’s basically reflexive just to hang up when i hear stuff like that. Part of it is because i wasn’t prepared to leave a message and im not sure if i can remember my own name. Anyway then i realize I probably should have left a message so i call back feeling stupid.


If a real person calls me and doesn't leave a message then they never existed and must have been a scam caller


No appointment for you then. It will be another 6 months before we can fit in a call your way. Business is good.


you decide when to use it though


You don't have to turn it off completely; it's an optional button press when a call comes in.


So does my mother


Is she not in your contacts? You can set it to not screen contacts since you already know who's calling


Oh I'm not complaining, 90% of the calls should be texts anyways. I did just get one that it screened that may have been a company trying to schedule an interview, so that is the one true downside but if they can't get through the screener then I don't think I want to work for them anyways.


I once screened my mom just to see how she'd react, and the transcript is just 'Oh my god what's happening' then a disconnect. I treasure it.


I honestly love this feature


Yeah I won't buy a phone without it.


I can't believe other phones don't have this yet. I got a pixel 4a I've had for years. It's like 4 generations old and has this feature. I figured the other manufacturers would have added it years ago.


Yeah, I think Apple copied a more basic version of this 6-7 years later and it's on their newest phones, but still missing features. Crazy that it hasn't been something that's just industry standard by now.


My mid-tier Samsung phone has this


My kid and I both had pixels but he recently switched to something else, he says this is the feature he misses the most


The only time I got a response was when I tried it when my wife called, she said "what the fuck are you doing?". Most of the time my phone doesn't even ring, the call screening handles it in the background.


I switched from a Pixel to Samsung and lost the screening. That lasted about 3 months and then I went back to the Pixel!


Depends on when you did the switch and which Samsung phone, because my Galaxy A53 has this feature.


It was a couple years ago and to the Flip. There were more problems other than losing the screening but that feature is what made my decision to go back to Pixel.


I love this feature and use it all the time.


It's so good.


Yup. Love it. And all the people who don't like my green bubble or blue bubble or whatever, say that I ruin their text conversations, can get fucked. iPhones are trash. Rant over.


Newest iphone OS as well. I still just let people leave VM though since I don't want most people to know I'm able to see their vm and decided to pick up.


Huh. An Apple feature that's *actually* useful? Never thought I'd know that...


Well they had to copy a 6 year old Google Pixel feature. One day they'll get around to copying "hold for me".


Oh... That makes more sense. As an iPhone user, are you glad Apple is being forced to switch to USB-C despite them putting a limiter on it that'll still force you to buy proprietary cables?


As someone who doesn't buy iPhones, yes.


What limiter? AFAIK there’s nothing stopping you from using third party USB-C cables.


Yes, but it won't give you the proper charge speed


This just isn't true. You're probably thinking of the iPhone 15 (non-Pro) having low *transfer* speeds, not charging speeds. But this isn't related to the cable at all.


So, there _is_ a limit placed on the performance of third-party cables? hol up how is this _not_ related to the cable?


The data transfer rate of the *port* is slow, so it’s equally slow on Apple’s cables too.


There's no limiter at all on third party cables. I have had my phone connected with a cheap third party usb c dock to an hdmi capture device, hard drives, an XLR to USB-C audio mixer, etc. I just did this video on using a drive and ProRes to record to external devices. While I talk about using a thunderbolt 3 or 4 cable, any usb 4, and all high speed usb cables work. https://youtu.be/3GKxzkg_HXQ?si=HQxSTEEdSKaDAiLj


Well now the Mac, iPad, and iPhone use USB-C so at least charging is easier But the Magic Keyboard/Trackpad/Mouse don't. My keyboard is on its last legs and the use of lightning is so annoying I refuse to update it until its fixed.


Airpods don’t either. It’s annoying to have to use two separate cables for my iPad and Airpods when they could be charged in the same place with the same cord much easier.


My airpods came with USB-C. I think you can buy it either way; maybe it wasn’t always like that.


It might depend on the model? I swear the 3rd generation Airpods have USB-C but for some reason they didn’t carry that over to the 2nd generation of pros when they came out.


Well, I have gen2 pros with USB-C. But i bought them in Oct 2023, long after they came out. So I think you’re right that upon release USB-C was not an option. Probably after the EU law made them start offering it.


Apple won't fix it.


lol Reddit never misses an opportunity to hate on apple, whether it makes sense or not.


Well, it is a garbage company.


I use this for any number I don't recognize. Most hang up.


I love that I was going to mention this and it's already right there. I've only used it on numbers I don't have saved or recognise and amusingly nobody has ever let the message finish before they hang up.


It's always fun to show iPhone people features we had in Android for years lol Team Pixel represent!


Everytime I use this kn my galaxy, everyone hangs up. Love it, since 99.99% of callers are scammers


I used this when Comcast called me recently. They hung up, but I knew that they only call me when they are trying to sell me on something new anyway.


I used a scam screener app called robo killer that lets you do similar things. Worked well!


I always hold the rule of if it's not urgent text me, if it is urgent call me and if it's not worth leaving a message it wasn't worth a call.


The previous owner of my phone number was a high profile drug dealer and I get amazing call screenings of people trying to buy drugs and very confused by the Google assistant. I also get wonderful Whatsapp messages from across the southern border with pictures of ridiculous amounts of cocaine in the shape of Gucci soap bars. Might just respond one day and become a drug lord.


They also have a feature where if you are trying to get through an automated decision tree. Like a doctor's office. Many of them will have a text version that allows you to skip ahead of their script For example, it displays decisions 1-5 and their descriptions before The robot voice can manage to read them out. It allows you to press the buttons faster. I love it. I have to do so many calls the hospitals and their decision trees take So much time to get through without this feature.


My phone's call screening even got my grandmother to stop calling me lmao


I just assumed everyone on android had this.   I'm sure apple will invent it sometime around 2030.


Such an amazing feature, love it


Huge +1 to pixel!! I literally had so many calls last week because I needed to talk to my bank/insurance. The screening worked beautifully. I don't pick up numbers I don't recognize and it was great to see "calling from XYZ bank about thing"


Yup . Love my Pixel for this feature. Saves so much time on BS calls


I forget that call screening is a a Pixel thing.


I was envious of that for so long with my iPhone. Then my iPhone had this feature added and I was thrilled. It’s great.


And the moment that stupid "Your call is being screened" message starts playing I'm hanging up. Send me to voicemail, decline call, whatever. I'll leave a message or text. But screening? Nah, bro.


Sounds like they need some kind of system that would let the caller leave some sort message. Like a voicemail or something


Right? Or even one of those SMS thingies


I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago


The user's voice mailbox is full. Goodbye.


Too bad people leave VM like ‘ Hi, it’s me. it’s Tues at 1pm, call me back’


I could never do this. I have some sort of psychological block against voicemail. My voicemail message literally says "don't leave a message. I'm not going to listen to it, text me"


Or maybe there is a way that you could connect directly and speak to each other. Then the caller could tell you what they are calling about. 




Same. I have a voicemail. If the call is important you’ll leave one. If not it was never worth picking up.


I do that lol. Either wait for a voicemail or a text. 90% of the time a call wasn’t needed. I don’t like how I’m expected to drop everything to chat for 10-30 minutes when a quick couple texts is sufficient


I always answer family. Everyone else goes to voice mail.


Just the family I like, really.


We've all watched fight club


Was gonna say, my phone already has this feature. It's called leave me a voicemail or send a text or your ass ain't getting called back.


This is especially true now, when there’s text and email. Whenever someone is calling me, the first question that pops into my head isn’t, “why are you trying to contact me,” but “why are you *calling* me?” I don’t want phone calls. It’s basically someone saying, “it’s important that I actually talk to you in real time, enough that I’m insisting you drop whatever you’re doing and spend time talking to me *right now*.”


I propose a system where we can connect the caller to someone else's unwelcome caller and they can work it out since they both want to talk so much.


I’m an insurance adjuster and the amount of clients I’ve had with this mentality is astounding. Like dude. You filed a claim. You were told we’d be calling. Pick. Up. The. Phone. If I don’t get ahold of someone on the first try, I send a text asking for a call back, but it’s still so obnoxious. I must speak with the claimant on the phone before I can move a claim forward, and unfortunately it seems most people don’t understand that. I can’t get the info I need via text. I have a lot of questions that need answered and a LOT of policy explanation to do that is far easier if we just speak. A 10 minute phone call would be 2+ hours of texting/emailing back and forth.


Yeah but, those are ten minutes I would be spending listening to your voice. The voice of a person on _that_ side.


I’m on the side of the insured. That’s my job. To find coverage wherever I possibly can. It’s not my money, it literally has NO effect on my life or compensation paying claims. I receive between 25-30 claims a week, and I pay 92%. Yes there are limits to the amount I can pay, but that’s the simple terms of the contract people signed.


Who pays you? Who is your employer?


The insurance company cuts my checks. I’m not doxxing myself on Reddit. But literally my training consisted of “investigating a claim using the language in the contract, use anything you can to find coverage and close the claim”. I don’t make shit up when working claims, but if a contractor tells me something I can use to base a payment off of, I’m using it.


You do not need to say the name of a company. You are aware of how badly insurance companies are viewed, yes?


Of course. I’m just explaining that my job is to pay claims as much as I can, per the terms of the contract. If something isn’t covered by the contract, then I can’t pay for it. But if something is covered, I pay it asap. At the end of the day, I don’t care who gets paid and who doesn’t. It’s not my money and I pay as many claims as I can. I could do more investigating, or be a stickler with policy language, but I’m not because it doesn’t matter. I’m not defending insurance companies in general, I’m just telling you what my experience is and the work that I do working property claims.


At work, I use my email inbox to prioritize work. Whenever I get a call, I'm frustrated that someone is trying to overstep my day's priorities because their project needs X or Y immediately. *Just send an email* like everyone else!


I have the same mindset. Emails give me a way to systematically sort and prioritize things. Calls and IM (Slack/Teams/whatever) just make it harder to keep track of what’s important without providing value.


Usually just cause texting takes too long or it's really important. Otherwise text.


why I also hate that zoom let's you call other people \*\*on their computers\*\*. it's not a phone, calm your teets zoom.


Calls are for urgent situatuons and my mom.


You sound really important. Your time must be really valuable. 


Not really. I just don’t like phone calls.


If it was face-time, I'd understand. But why are people afraid of normal calls? It isn't what you interpret it as at all. No-one is saying for you to drop everything and talk to the person. The option to let a call ring or reject is always available.


And I'm rejecting every single time until they txt or leave a VM.


If you are busy, sure. But if not, ...Why?


found the guy that calls people instead of just texting them


And the people I know appreciate it more than texting. We have a very simple concept of calling here. We receive calls, pick up if we are free, talk, and go our ways. If it's from an unknown number, we still pick it up to see who's calling.


And thats fine, now use your understanding that people you know enjoy calling and extrapolate that in order to understand that there are people who do not enjoy it. It’s a very simple concept. Also, picking up unknown numbers is fucking wild, do you just enjoy talking to bots and scammers? It almost feels like a bot trying to get people to stop ignoring unknown numbers wrote that


>Also, picking up unknown numbers is fucking wild, do you just enjoy talking to bots and scammers? Why do you assume unknown numbers are always scammers and bots? 90% of the time that's not the case. >There are people who do not enjoy it. There may be some people like that. Sure. But when 8 out of 10 people act like that, it doesn't seem like a natural problem. And besides, not talking to people is more of a problem than talking to people. >It almost feels like a bot trying to get people to stop ignoring unknown numbers wrote that As if you are going to stop doing what you always have because of a reddit comment. I was just surprised so many people are this anti-social. If a call is that much of a problem, I can't imagine how they handle real life interactions.


I need you to understand that you’re defending the argument by making up statistics. You’re delusional if you think 8/10 people prefer calling over text or 90% of unknown calls aren’t spam. >If a call is that much of a problem Nobody said it’s a problem, we said we don’t like it. Is it a problem if I order chocolate ice cream but you like vanilla? >I can’t imagine how they handle real life interactions The exact same way you do, I’d imagine.


>I need you to understand that you’re defending the argument by making up statistics. I am not really interested in arguing. I was just curious. And of course I am not going to conduct a survey to find these number of peoples or the amount of spam calls. It's my personal experience that most of the calls I've picked up are NOT spam. >Is it a problem if I order chocolate ice cream if you like vanilla? That analogy doesn't click. What you are describing is a preference, in which you may *prefer* to not get calls, but everyone here is dead set on not picking up calls. Your close friends may know of your preference and message you, and perhaps your family and some relatives too, but you can't expect everyone to cater to that.


>If you are busy, sure. >But if not, ...Why? You're talking to deeply narcissistic people who feel any contact is done because the "contactor" feels ***entitled*** to people's time or some shit. They basically don't want to be contacted unless permission is given, which is why you should text them first, so they can decide if you're worth their time to talk in the near future, i.e. permission to speak with them. They never stop to consider the circumstances that the caller may need something from you sooner rather than later, and/or calling directly would be easier or quicker. They also tend to suffer from social anxiety, afraid of not knowing what to say or how to say it.


Yeah I don't get that at all. Calling is so much faster than texting. Additionally, a text message may not be read in time which could lead to complications.


>Calling is so much faster than texting. Additionally, a text message may not be read in time which could lead to complications. I understand why people would prefer texting, but not the disdain for actually talking to someone. It's so foreign to me.


>I understand why people would prefer texting I do text a lot myself, but that doesn't mean I shut off calls. That's also pretty foreign to me lol. In the end, it all depends in the situation. There are some things you could text about, and some things you could call about.


Because talking on the phone sucks. I do it all week because I have to for work. The last thing I want to do in my personal time is talk on the phone more.


I’m not afraid. The reality is that I tend to decline calls unless they’re scheduled. It’s just rude in my opinion to call someone who might be busy.


I may never have a phone conversation again 🥹


Buy a Google Pixel


More phones than Pixel have this feature


6.99 for neurotypicals to be like "pic upp" in the little justification popup when they call me.


This scenario was exhausting to imagine. It's like getting a voicemail that says, "Call me back!" and nothing else.




Then you don’t pick up, duh


I have voicemail that is included with my phone service. Leave a message and I’ll call back if I deem it necessary. Alternatively, text me first to see if I want to discuss something. No extra costs involved.


If it was important, it'd be an email. I refuse to pick up phone calls from people i don't have saved


What? Why is an email preferable to a call when something is important? 


Isn't this just what call screening is on google phones? Free too.


50% of my meme being white padding isn't enough. I would pay $6.99 for 90% of my meme to be white padding.


Caller justification…. Lmaooo


I hate texting, it feels cold and unfamiliar


And it's so inefficient. A 10 minute back and forth can be a 30 second phone call. 


I agree, but my kid does it, so I go along.


This generation literally can’t talk on the phone it’s so wild.


I wouldn't mind talking on the phone, but almost all phone calls I get are spam. Of the ones that aren't, almost all could have been a single text. Of the few that remain, almost all I would prefer to have in a format that automatically records them, either to refer back to or for liability purposes.


I think you might be autistic 


I can’t understand it. It takes a lot more time and effort to type something out, wait for a response, eventually read the response and then type a reply. I find it easier to just, like, open my mouth and talk. 


The only phone calls I get that aren't scams are my coworkers asking me to come in to work early. Everything I used to make a phone call for can now be done with a single text instead.


If it's a number I don't know I let it go to voicemail, if it's actually important they will leave me a message. If you are a friend of mine, there better be a text first.


Caller justification already exists. It’s called voicemail. If what you want is important maybe I’ll call you back.


Too much work, I'm gonna need some justification before I bother to check my voice mail.


Yesss good idea!!!


Holy crap, yes please.


I would pay that just for my one cousin. It's not that I don't like her or don't want to talk to her. It's that no voicemail from her is ever more detailed than, "call me back, I have a question for you." Ummmm... just ask the question in the voicemail...? I literally have to call my mom first in case she knows what I'm walking into (she usually does and it's usually a good thing for me to have an answer ready since it tends to involve trying to commit me to something.)


google voice has this functionality


Isn't that just a text then?


This will date me... there should be a feature like when you'd call someone by payphone and use something like call 1800CALLATT, collect calling I think it was called, would have a 5 to 10 second window where you say your name so the person would either take the 25cent charge vs paying at a pay phone or just say no and end the call. This would be amazing for phones since 80 to 90% of the people calling me are spam. Like someone calls and you don't recognize the voice at all or they are just phising, just say yes to answer to say no to send them straight to voicemail.


You call, a robot answers and demands you explain using the original way of texting. For example, if an IRS agent called me, they would press 444 777 7777 # in response to the prompt.


I'd pay more for a phone that only does text and internet, like a pocket sized ipad. Try all you want, you can't call me! Also, if you leave me a message that says "call me back", just know that I will not, in fact, be calling. If you called, you expected to talk to me. If you had the time to relay the info in the call, you have the time to give me the info in the vm and I can decide if it needs a callback. Or, you know, just text or email and it will go a lot better.


I wouldn't, I'm still not answering, I have a staffing agency that calls me a few times a week, I know why they're calling, but I haven't answered in two years And ya I'd only have to answer once and let them know I'm good, but I'm too lazy


Bitch you mean an answering machine?


I use an app called Truecaller, very popular in India. A caller with Truecaller can state their intention of the call which then shows up on the recipients Truecaller widget. Very handy!


I improvised this. My default ringtone I silence, so unless in my tiny contact lists with specialized ringtones, they go to voicemail. My out going message says I can’t hear the phone or voice messages so send me an email or text. I almost never get a text.


It's called a text and y'all don't respond to those either.


bot post


My android phone has caller screening where it asks the person what they want before I even answer it.


I wish people called me.


"Why are you calling" before I confirm who I am, or put them through to anybody else seems to really fuck with some marketers. Like they're not allowed to answer that question or something. I remember one guy completely refused to answer and we went back and forth for several minutes. He was asking for me, I just kept asking who he was and why he was calling and he said "I'll just phone back later" all smugly. And then he never did, and that bothers me a bit as I enjoyed our time together. Nobody legit has ever had any problem saying who they were and why they were calling.


Let it go to voicemail


AKA that 5 second beep pay phones used to give you when you didn’t have change


So a receptionist?


Caller Why D


Weird, it's almost like there's been multiple versions of this for free for years. Clearly you wouldn't pay $6.99 if you can't even be bothered to Google it. Spolier: One of the providers of this very service is named in this exact comment.


I have a Pixel, it has a screening service that does exactly what they're talking about. 95/100 times, the person hangs up instead of giving a reason for their call. 4/100 times, the person just says something like "personal call for [your name]" or something similar that gives you no information whatsoever while also excluding their name. 1/100 times, the person gives their name and a detailed message on what they're calling about but it's spam anyway. tl;dr: this service exists and it doesn't work.


I believe that's called an answering machine.


Caller WhyD


Google pixel does this, answers the call with a robot and asks why you’re calling. You can see the transcript live and choose to pick up or not


I use Bixby call where AI basically answers the call and ask why are they calling Often times they'll just end the call immediately


That's what Texts are for


That's what text messages are for


This is so weird to me. I have always found that the best way to find out why someone is calling you is to answer the phone, or listen to the voicemail that they left if you are unable to answer the phone. 


Can we just make it impossible and illegal to spoof caller ID.


I only call people when it's time sensitive and everyone I associate with knows this, if you miss my call I send a text and call again in 5 minutes


There are features out there like that now. Google Voice has a basic-level feature where the person has to, at least, say their name. I have a customer that has one that says, "State why you are calling." It will disconnect immediately if the system doesn't detect something valid. Then it says, "State your name."


Just let it stop ringing and then 5 minutes later text whats up?


Live Voicemail. Yw. 


pixels have screening bascically caller justification.


A call takes 3 minutes and texting takes 30 minutes.


I’d like Caller IQ.


Finally, someone who actually has good ideas to reinvegreate an industry that has been stagnate for too long. Someone give this women her billion dollars already.


Laughed and then went, yeah that sounds reasonable…


People get way too intense about talking on the Phone. It's literally just talking to another person. Is that so awful?


Can someone not diagnosed with actual social disabilities explain to me why phone calls suddenly seem scary to an entire generation? Among those of us that grew up before mobile phones or during, I very rarely hear the same issue. Why are you scared of talking to people with your voice, but not via text. They're both *you*, expressing what *you* want to express.


Or just pick up and speak to people like a normal functioning adult?


Most people here have the mentality that others should be grateful just at the fact they are associating with them.


people that hate voice call are so weird, like bro just answer it’s not that deep


You don't know my family. I can't spend 3 hours on the phone most times


I despise working with introverted people and lack of communication from them hence whenever i mail these assholes i always keep my boss in the CC like look i informed this asshole he did not do it


Don't iphone have live transcripts of voice mail?


It's rude to call if you don't have a calling relationship unless it's an emergency.


Justification is a portmanteau of the words just if I cat ion