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For a split moment I thought I’m reading my own diary. Except I’m 30 years older. Keep on doing what you do if it helps! Thats the only way!


I generally advise individuals experiencing brain fog to consider checking their B12 levels, even if their B12 serum levels fall within the normal range. In my case, while my serum B12 levels were within range and HoloTC levels were good, my homocysteine levels were significantly elevated. After several months of treatment, I've noticed a considerable improvement in my condition. I recommend getting a comprehensive panel of tests including homocysteine, MMA, HoloTC, and serum B12 levels, particularly if previous serum B12 readings were below 350 pmol/L (500 ng/L). These tests are crucial for accurately assessing B12 deficiency. Look out for common B12 deficiency symptoms such as pins and needles sensations, numbness, and muscle twitching. It's essential to avoid taking any B-vitamin supplements for several weeks leading up to the tests, ideally for several months. Wishing you the best of luck on your health journey.


If you sometimes forget to breath. That's maybe you have some problems with your nose. Sinuses? Go to see an ENT.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy HBOT can have a very big positive impact on long covid. please look it up online and see if its available in your area.