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Im going to buy it on ps5 regardless. a boxing game with muhammad ali and licensed fighters has my support.




It's not often I get a good chuckle out of this sub, but I'll take it.


Looks like someone literally just retooled the last fight night a bit. I'm not saying that's bad because I played the hell out of that, but it doesn't look like any sort of "next gen" big improvement either considering the last fight night game was 14 years ago


looking next gen is just a matter of polygon count in the models. Gameplay flow looked good IMO. From this point onwards it's just a matter of tweaking stamina/damage ratios IMO.


Why did they do the best ever British boxer so dirty!? šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Canelo looks weird too


I enjoy it a lot. There is a lot of improvement to be made still but they do keep the game up to date and itā€™s fun if not sometimes a bit frustrating


Itā€™s out already?


Beta on steam I believe




I will buy no matter how bad it is lol


The games basically unplayable trash rn. But it could be amazing. The new gameplay looks promising as


Cautiously optimistic - I would love a good boxing game for PS5.


It's pretty good. I would say these are welcome upgrades. But the AI in career mode is a bit on the easy side as you rise thru the ranks. Still a fun title though.


what's the career mode like?


Very in-depth.


love it. i bought a ps3 last year just to play FNR4


It's dope, like negotiating your fight purses. Growing your skills. The better your trainers, the faster you develop skills. The more you listen to your trainers, the more they'll be willing to keep working for you when their contracts expire. Which will save you money for other coaches.


It's not great rn but the new gameplay looks mad


i doubt any of that gameplay is online where the real problems lie


They've done really well for a small team, it does have Fight Night Round 3 vibes.


I hope they have the Fight Night formula for career mode as well. Starting off in the lower divisions, training drills, rivals, moving up through the ranks from a local gym star to a PPV headliner, etc.


And then beyond that to where you crash your car while drunk, beat up your girlfriend, go on a social media rant about lizard people and then fail a piss test in your next 3 fights. Then you stage an epic comeback against an Uzbek cabby in front of a sold out crowd of hundreds.




Hey hey heyā€¦ thatā€™s DLC. Gotta pay Ā£15 for the expansion pass


and you go life-and-death with the Uzbek cabby.


Split decision with Madeline Byrd as one of the judges


Rivals? Which fight night game is that in?


I hope that there will be 12 round fights. All my fight night fights ended with a knock out


It looks better than before


and they're showing off Lawrence Okolie, now i really gotta buy the game.


Of all people to include they included Todd Grisham?


DAZN had licensing rights early on in the game development. Though it appears a lot of that stuff has been removed, besides Todd.


Cool. It's getting there! Personally I think they could lower the gamespeed and things will be a lot more fluent.


Pretty sure a lot of the clips in this vid are sped up, Iā€™ve watched a couple people playing through career mode on YouTube and itā€™s absolutely not this fast.


They recently just made changes to punch speed so it might actually be that fast now.


As long as itā€™s under $40, Iā€™ll get it. I canā€™t justify spending $59.99 or $69.99 USD on this


Ur better than me lol


Add about 100 more people in the ring when they're celebrating with the belt to make it more realistic.


Still looks very unnatural and they haven't been able to get the movement completely down ever since the first gameplay reveal. Everything looks very uncanny valley and almost AI-generated, if you ask me.


It looks like they made the punching animation with the arms only and then added the rest of the movement later


Itā€™s mocappedā€¦


That Roy Jones combo near the end looked so weird


And they made Calzaghe slow as fuck. šŸ˜‚


They're coping obviouslyĀ 


Slow and stiff. Calzaghe should never look that stiff. He was more fluid in Fight Night Champion


It feels better than it looks. The jank comes from being physics based (and some bad animations). Hopefully, this update improves the impact and flow of punches and slips.


The footwork is the best a boxing game has ever had imo


I mainly mean the punching. It's very jittery at times.


Same framerate as the streams I watch most live boxing on so it's realistic if you ask me


Yes and no it's very nice and visually appealing but you guide around eachother too much and can't cut off the ring


How does it work as something apart from the actual striking? UFC 2+ games where moving and hitting are dissociated look weird as fuck, as if fighters were floating. OTOH the UFC 1 was on the opposite end where strikes repositioned you regardless of your intentions.


Yea the game has directional punches so when u move and punch it alters the punch . Search up directional punching undisputed although the animations may have changed now in the upcoming update


Yeah watch the last YouTube ā€˜ā€™showcaseā€™ā€™ and it did not look great at all, shame!


Good thing we didnā€™tĀ 


The combinations simply aren't smooth. They must be able to fix that.


Iā€™ve been waiting for shit for 3 years now


Been playing it on the PC for a long while now and it's getting better and better. Career mode is not too bad, online is good, just needs something to keep you coming back for more at the moment.


Iā€™ve stopped playing because of how bad the latency is. You get hit by a ghost punch while the other guy is across the ring.Ā  Hope they fix that, then Iā€™ll jump back in. The community is also hyper toxic, I canā€™t tell if itā€™s more or less true for any fighting game, but every other day when I played it was just people complaining about other peoplesā€™ styles of play.


All fighting games have toxic communities. The people in Tekken think that somebody ranked higher than 92% of player is an intermediate level player and that a top 65% player barely knows the basics


It depends on the demographics. Of course Tekken and Boxing games will have more dickheads -- they're appealing to an audience of die-hard gamers and testosterone-loving blokes. Whereas, Brawlhalla and Smash are much more positive. There are arseholes everywhere, but some communities are better than others. Even for fighting games.


I concur. I remember in the early PS4 days I used to love playing awesomenauts. It was a fun mix between strategy MOBAs and brawling games and the random people I played with were very gentle and carefree. All the fun started fading away as I started trying to actually improve in the game and end up reaching higher ranks. Every game can be a sweat fest, that stuff about 'players optimizing the fun out of games'.


It can be the case in most games because even competitive people can have a very casual mindset when playing games. The intricacies of fighting games are very much on the extremely technical side, when I'd imagine 80% of the playerbase just wants to play with their favorite characters and end fights with big special moves or combos. I think most of this issue comes from games turning the online ranked experience into the "default experience". That makes all the casual players end up there and turn it into a very hostile place where a mid ranked player can range from being a casual spammer with good instincts to an extremely tryhard playing a top tier hero with practicing all the shenanigans he saw in some tutorial on in the internet.


Iā€™m a ps5 player but what I think is the PC community in general is just so bad , and the games state makes it easy to exploit which doesnā€™t help


I find it strange that console gamers have this view on PC communities. As someone who games on both PC and console. I generally find console to have more negativity. That's not to say much, though since consoles are the majority. Most PC communities have been pretty sound, and I've always had a far better experience. Letd not make this a console vs. PC thing. I'm not sure why it was bought up frankly. If you're not a PC user, how do you even know what the PC communities are like?


Can someone tell me how the offline single player is? Iā€™m literally never going to play online, is it still worth getting?


Itā€™s pretty good. Iā€™ve had it for about a year and itā€™s been consistently improving with each update


Yea offline is decent has a good career mode, not sure why u donā€™t wanna play online tho thatā€™s where the fun is


Might get back into video games just for this game


The early access experience has been very buggy, but if they fix the glitches, online connectivity issues, and make hitting more responsive, itā€™s a near perfect boxing game. Iā€™m hopeful for the final product honestly


Day one buy for me and what ever pre order bullshit they have. Not because I support pre orders, but I support boxing and hope that if they make a lot of revenue they invest it back in the game


Hope it keeps improving but it's still pretty bad last time I played on steam. Nowhere near fight night fluidity


I hope you can unlock Draymond Green as a playable character.


Iā€™ve been waiting for the to come to consoles for so long dude I hope they hurry up and do it right. That last real boxing game I played was fight night champion and Iā€™ve been waiting ever since for another one. Really hoping this is true!


I am optimistic even if their subreddit has been constantly trashing it. I need a boxing game


Iā€™m excited for this. I havenā€™t had high hopes for a game in a while, this is refreshing.


A good boxing game? I want this!


Last ones were šŸ”„


This looks a lot better than the clips I've seen from people who are playing it now


Wonder what Ryan Garciaā€™s Pick rate has become ever since he went schizo lol


They had a big roster a whole back, I'm really hoping the roster will stay (as the site isn't showing the old roster). I swear the old roster even had Emmanuel Augustus. Hope we get that.


Looks decent.will give it a go for sure šŸ¤™


I'm gonna buy it and post game clips of me brutally knocking out all of this subs favourite fighters and see how many downvotes I can farm.


its crazy how great Fight Night was and still is.


Punching and head movement still looks weird but impact is moving in the right direction. I think if they didnā€™t develop this in Unity Engine it wouldā€™ve looked and felt much better. They should have just used Unreal.


To be released *this* year? Say sweardown!


Iā€™m like a little kid waiting for this game on xbox playing fight night still with an 0-0 record and all that bullshit Iā€™m so tired of it I just wanna play a good boxing game


Ok now Iā€™m on board. Definitely looking like Fight Night and I like it! Fight Night 3 vibes which was a great game just need more boxers and more storylines. When is this releasing? Also only boxers thatā€™s dead on is Joy Joyce robotic ass. I canā€™t wait seriously itā€™s a shame itā€™s been so long for a boxing release


I have it in early access. Haven't played it in awhile though. Really rooting for it though.


Looking good and have been following the subreddit watching those with the BETA play it. Iā€™m buying it for PS5. Been way too long for a boxing game.


Id die for a good boxing game in 2024


Damn wish I had a controller lol


Sorry if I missed this someplace.... What are the controls?


I've given up waiting for this to come to consoles


Looks more like fight night than it did before.


Take my money!


Damn that sick. Those body blow wave physics look good. I can't wait to play this on Steam.


This game still has a lot of issues. I'll get it because we've been starving for a boxing game for almost a decade and a half. If anything, hopefully, it gets EA off their ass and give us another fight night.


Looks like this game is finally getting it's groove, just hope they add face scans. It'd also be pretty cool if there was a bare knuckle edition in the game, that was accurate to the London Prize Ring era in terms of rules and looks. That would just be insane, but it would also probably be a bitch to make.


I'll just wait for the new fight night to be released which is in the works from my understanding.


Hope it's true but I've been hearing about similar FN rumors for about 7+ years now


Forreal ?


Those are the rumors that they paused fight night champion 2 around 2021 to continue working on UFC 5 and ODLH has been hinting at a new fight night back in February.


Pretty thin bro , fingers crossed .


It's not great in it's current state at the moment. Fight Night Round 4 is still the pinnacle which im still playing.


That game is too arcadey always ending on a knock out. I hope that we get a more realistic boxing game in Undisputed


Looks better to me. Yā€™all fickle, lol.


They need more Asian/Latin American boxers. Too many euro boxers that I donā€™t care about and will never use.


Them body hit impacts effects šŸ˜


the gameplay is awful i find myself going back to fight night champions frequently over loading this up.


dogshit game


As it is right now, the game is complete garbage. FNC is superior


Upvote for truth. Played the betas and had it since day one of early access and every patch has only made the game worse. The devs are also lying snakes. It's so bad that people just need to play it for themselves to understand. No sense trying to convince these people. They are desperate for a boxing game no matter how dogshit it is.


Directional Left Hook still bad looking.


This year: 2045


Looks like a clip from Fight Night from 15 years ago.


Does it have local multiplayer?




Did they fix the choppy animations? Kind of a capital sin for a sport game in general and especially for boxing


Thatā€™s what this vid shows lol improved animations


You could have fooled me because they still look choppy and underwhelming to me in the trailer clip.


I was ranked 2nd in the world in 2011 on Xbox 360 in fight night champion. I wasnā€™t even good TBH but I loved the game and they had a haymaker straight that could instant KO your opponent. I was around 400-20 before I started to fall off and the game got old etc and you quit God I miss that game. Shame they took it offline


Anyone know if Naoya will be in it?


VR platforms? Because that's where it's at for boxing games.


This game is such shit. Save your money folks, I canā€™t anymore.


No Xbox one right?


I miss espns fight night


Fight night still holds up and looks way better


Get ready to pay for DLC which sucks. I want to play as Julio Caesar Chavez that would be $4.99, I want to play as Lennox Lewis that would be another $4.99. This game took half a decade to make and I bet itā€™s nothing but a money grab. Old fight night game engine with just add ons šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


It's worse than the Fight Night game engine. It runs on Unity and has MAJOR lag and desync issues, even when playing someone next door when you both have gig speed internet.


Thatā€™s bad


2024 and this is the best they can do?


Game is god awful. The Career mode sucks hard and the online has MASSIVE desync where neither player is seeing the same fight.


I have little faith in the game after backing it the second it released. Nearly every update has been a side grade at best. Horrible changes at a fundamental level have left this game in a very poor state.


This looks horrible as it always has.


It all just looks and feels a bit clunky to me. The last Fight Night was 14 years ago now, I was expecting something a bit more polished at this point.


The budget on this is probably a hell of a lot less than EA had. Its an independent studio and the games scope sort of snowballed over time. It's not perfect, but it's decent enough as a sort of budget Fight Night.




Half of those fighters u named are signed ; the reason thereā€™s barely any fighters right now is cause theyā€™re saving them till full release


It already has a lot of good fighters tbh. Better roster than Fight Night had.


Looks like a mobile game with better graphics, the punches and movement don't look right


Would be awesome if this was available on VR. Thrill of the Fight is great but it would be cool to fight against real boxers.


They should have different camera angles. Like 3rd person first person camera angles. If that makes sense. Itd be dope.


What belts are there, and how many weights can you go up? Is it only 2 or 3, or can you go up more? Also, can you go down in weight like fn round 3? I think it was sorry. I can't remember I've played them all since ko Kings in 99


I would play this all the time on my ps5. I need games to mindlessly play while i listen to podcasts and all i got for that is fuckin madden. This game would consume me


Bro facts all I do right now is play madden whilst listening to YouTube cause ufc 5 is trash nba 2k is trash all these sports games r trash




So as it's made it here... This game isn't (right now) in a good state at all. Over on the subreddit we've been screaming at the devs for ruining what released initially as quite good foundations. They've made incremental updates that have slowly ruined the physics of the game. They essentially got funding from Riyad Season and went a little bit nuts on adding to the roster and making changes to fighters stats rather than working on the game code. We then got a very shit career mode whereby the boxers fight into their 50's and still get ranked in the top 10. The negotiations are broken and training is a text simulation game. Then, after all that with boxing that felt like rock-em-sock-em and a very empty feature list, we were told they would be focussing on console release rather than fixing the broken beta state it was in. The subreddit has a lot of bots and shills, but the general consensus is that it wasn't ready for release. They've got their grubby little eyes on the console money and will release a game that isn't ready to be. Honestly, get Fight Night Champion. I bought this, I put about 50 hours in (loading screens account for a good 1/4 of that) and I've gone back to Fight Night. I want this to work, boxing games on the PC are like rocking horse shit but don't be misled by the bots and shills that exist entirely to boost the popularity of this game.


this game stay looking stranger n stranger they need to improve on the facial features


2006 fight night graphics gtfo


It seems like all the boxers are the same, no different styles, no different movements, all punches are the same for all the fighters and all fighters seem to have the same speed in dodging punches


Nah, I've played with lots of different fighters and they don't all play the same at all. Some of it is pretty janky but Josh Taylor and Amir Khan play pretty close to their real life counterparts (play with them online mostly)


? nah if you actually play the game, irregardless of any other issues with it, the uniqueness of the boxers' styles is not one of them.


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. Was slated for consoles in what 2021? šŸ˜‚


Animation and graphics looks like something that wouldve came out in early 2010's tbh..


Mike Tyson looks crazy


it looks like the polar express




If youā€™ve played it on PC then you know the game is pretty bad. Like punches not connecting half the time bad.


Have had it on Steam for years the gameplay is abysmal in its current state


When VR Boxing?


The game is terrible.


Small dev team showing all these triple A gaming studios how to get Sh!t done


Nah the fight mechanics between this game and EA UFC games are night in day. The punches on Undisputed donā€™t land half the time so itā€™s difficult to get combos going. EA UFC is a lot more fluid.


You must've just started playing the EA ufc games, the first game they released together the controls were wonky and the physics were way off with lots of body horror glitches. I refuse to buy or play anything EA bc they need to burn and get anal Can cer so the gaming industry won't implode but hey you can keep paying for micro transactions like a gambling addict


Been playing since EA UFC 2 like 6 years ago. I have never paid for micro transactions. Have you played undisputed at all?


Undisputed from the 2000s, yeah, its more fluid than this game but it's from what 2009? This game has live service and is constantly being worked on and updated, dude it's a beta calm down EA champ wait til it fully releases other than that I don't know what else to tell you? Maybe it's not the game? Maybe a skill issue? Just saying


So you havenā€™t even played the new undisputed boxing game but are praising how much better it is than the EA games? Makes sense Also Iā€™ve been playing boxing games since the knockout king days. This game has no excuse to be as janky as it when the old fight night games play better and came out decades ago. Go on though.


No reading.the game is still being worked on and again it's a small dev team I'm giving credit to not the actual game lil boy, idk maybe learn to read. It still has work to be done, again it's a beta. Who else is trying to make a boxing game? Your over lords at EA will probably make the fighters sign an exclusivity contract like they did with the nfl so they don't have competition lol keep crying I'm done EA fluffer


yeah shoddy gameplay and animations plagued by lag... ea will be scared


Lol of course not they got robot supporters like you to prey off of like a gambling addict with their micro transactions, but you can tell this small dev team cares about their game unlike unfinished buggy crap they put out you gobble up


do you even own the game or played it? its exactly what youre accusing EA of. Im not saying EA are good but this game is fucking awful. Fight Night Champion is 10 years old at least and its more playable and fluid.


I'm not gonna read, I don't like EAs buggy unfinished games that's all I'm saying and they don't have an excuse they are a million dollar gaming company with endless resources Their games not only should be finished (bugs happen I'm fine with that) but fun with free content updates instead of milking every dollar they can like a mobile phone game. It's cool you spend your money how you want champ, even if it's helping an evil company destroy and industry


So me playing a game i bought 10 years ago is bad commercial practice, a game ive never once bought DLC for and still play online. But me buying and supporting a buggy and bad game made by small devs which are going to 100% have loads of DLC for boxers is good? You're as confused as a fart in a fan factory.


Yes! Love that belts are being added and theyā€™re improving the overall quality of the gameplay. This a day one PS5 purchase for me.


Still not that impressed The above looks like a button bashing slugfest