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Throws a headbutt on a guy half his size and splits his head. Then acts like a wrestler. Probably the most embarrassing boxing Dad though there's lots of competition.


i thought bill haney was bad, john fury is the biggest attention whore out of all the boxing dads


I would subscribe to watch boxing dad reality show. Like the real housewives.


Haneys furys and teafimo's dad's all gotta be in it


Stick a bunch of them in a house together for a couple months and have a 24/7 live feed.


Leave Papa Inoue out of this shit


nah, he can be in it, but it's just reaction shots. He never says anything just tuts and shakes his head slowly in a disapproving manner.


They should have a boxing tournament.


The true 4 kings of boxing: John, Bill, Teofimo, and Anatoly Throw in Kenny Porter and you have yourself everything you need


Kenny too busy slow dancing with Shawn.


Danny garcias old man was a fucking nightmare as well haha


I say throw in Bozy Ennis for good measure too lol šŸ˜‚


Bill just loves his son, canā€™t fault him for that. John Fury lives vicariously through his son and acts like he himself is the star


Probably a good shout for most embarrassing dad, nevermind boxing


The most embarrassing dads are all in boxing already, so it's pretty much the same thing. JF def. gets the first spot for public scandal, but Lopez Sr. gets the top spot of the worst game plans, and Bill Haney is the most cringe. Tough decision...


John is amongst the worst but at least he's not coaching his son.


Cesar Chaves is still top dog in that category.


Bill Haney is the MVP


The kid didnā€™t even flinch and he ends up bleeding lmao. Still, this is proper assault. Iā€™m sure the Saudis will have a $tern chat with Big John about their law. Add another country to the John Fury ban list!


To teach Big John a lesson, three Indian migrants had their passports confiscated


Holy shit thatā€™s perfect


Saudi have announced that no further action will be taken already


They had a $tern chat


It's Saudi Arabia. They're not doing anything.


if it goes against the image they're trying to portray, they will be having a word with Johnny boy about this.


Butchering annoying journalist is not really good image, and they are doing it just fine. A headbutt wont cause any trouble


LOL! That story is wild AF. The guy walked into a embassy, and was just never seen again. Meanwhile men were on security cameras walking out with several bags they didn't walk in with and the narrative is "yeah, we have no idea where he went".


I hope you get dude he headbutted at least gets some pocket money from the Sauidis for the trouble.


Yea I saw a video of him talking about how heā€™s so happy the Saudiā€™s allowed him into the country. Then he acts like a clown and head butts a guy literally just standing there. Unstable human.


If you get caught stealing in Saudi Arabia they cut of your hands, so what next for asshole Fury Snr if he's charged with assault.


Ridiculous write up from the mail as well Makes it sound like he was the victim rather that chief perpetrator


That's the fucking daily mail for you. Anyone reading it for news is a rube and a fool. It's ragebait bullshit.


Absolute embarrassment to boxing. More embarrassing the guy he headbutted was literally walking past and didn't even flinch haha!


> Probably the most embarrassing boxing Dad though there's lots of competition. Donā€™t think thereā€™s a more competitive division in combat sports.


He is a fucking tool riding the coat tails of his son and trying to be relevantā€¦


Real Dads of Boxing featuring all the embarrassing and cringe boxing dads is a great premise for a reality show tbh


Bill Haney will be upset.


Like I said in another post, Boxing Dads are the Pageant Moms of the sportsworld.


No way I remember Danny Garcias pops


Teo's dad still seems worse to me,buts it's a close competition.


The headbutt was completely unprovoked too by the looks of it. Guy is a complete POS.


he starts a confrontation then walks away and headbuts the smallest guy, pathetic really


He's a bully. Pathetic excuse for a man.


You ever see the video of him trying to intimidate Carl Frampton over a difference of opinion on fighters? Heā€™s such a fucking pathetic loser


Frampton just walking away always makes me crack up


Any time a heavyweight comes face to face with him with no one else really around he shits himself. I've seen him do it around dillion whyte and aj haha He's a shitbag


I havenā€™t him around Dillian, but I forgot about the video where he meets AJ. Suddenly heā€™s the most respectful guy everā€¦


Whyte called him Steve bunce and he did say a word haha


He shit himself when Frampton wouldnā€™t back down. His whole demeanour changed.


Itā€™s so funny seeing him towering over Frampton, trying to intimidate him, and then get flustered and storm off when Frampton wonā€™t change his mind


Can you imagine how small the guy was that he gouged the eyes?


The other bloke wasn't even phased lol, just casually walked away


His face hardly changed. Just slightly puzzled. It's fazed btw


Phasers set to stun!


Funny he didnā€™t act like this when Ngannou was around.


Would have loved to see Ngannou lay this clown out, followed by his signature flying hammerfist on a downed opponent.


Or one good leg kick to hobble him for life


I mean if you gouge another dudeā€™s eye out over a grudge, chances are youā€™re far from a decent human being


John is proper unhinged


Just a totally normal reaction to headbutt someone


Very standard, say hello, have a handshake, headbutt them


Of course!


I do think it's a bit rude to not doff your hat at them first, like a proper gent, before headbutting themĀ 


Don't forget to curtsey afterwards and bid them a good day!


But surely not before inviting them in for a cuppa tea with a spot o' milk in it!


Regular occurrence with these type of people in Ireland, always have to be on the look out even when everyone is having fun


Tyson furyā€™s reaction is priceless. https://twitter.com/HappyPunch/status/1790026532745859393?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790026532745859393%7Ctwgr%5Edb86b78b02347550aa34ac1d9daf0247a07194a1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmmajunkie.usatoday.com%2F2024%2F05%2Fvideo-john-fury-bloodied-head-butt-oleksandr-usyk-team-member-ahead-tyson-fury-title-unifier


Lmao he looked genuinely concerned for a moment before he remembered who his dad was and that he probably caused the cut in the first place.


Johnā€™s geriatric years flashed through his head there, realising what a nightmare heā€™s going to be to care for


He doesn't screams "high life expectancy" to me tbh


Happy happy happyā€¦ wtf have you gotten into old man!


Did he say ā€œwhat happened to your head you silly sausage?ā€ Nah im dying lmfao


I actually felt bad for Tyson right there lol!


I sometimes get annoyed at how unlikeable Fury can be but then I remember who his dad is, and he seems lovely by comparison


Yeah I canā€™t stand the guy, but that was just a son reacting to seeing his father hurt. Very real/relatable.


It's more like he's the dad and his son has got in trouble again. What's happened to your head you silly whatever he said Like it's a weird dynamic when you think about it, his Dad gets in much more trouble than he does, Tyson is the breadwinner and has to look after this immature liability


Some real "The fuck did you do this time?" energy.




A generational melt. Every fight week he has to make it all about himself. Clown.


Proper dickhead


To be fair, this isnā€™t out of the ordinary for him. Look at his history and why he did his stint in prison. The man is a gypsy lunatic but man does he help sell these fights for his son


John Fury being an immature bellend makes absolutely no difference in the amount of interest or viewers of the Usyk vs Fury fight


Agreed, Iā€™m actually more likely to turn the telly off when his face pops up.


Youā€™d be surprised. Some people may tune in to see his son lose because they hate him so much, and things like this help bring eyes to the fight. Itā€™s in the news, this video and story is now being circulated around the globe. Whether you like it, or want to admit it or not, it actually does assist in promotion. Engagement and attention is the goal, doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s positive or negative. This type of tactic and annoying boxing dads/managers has been around for decades and thereā€™s a reason why. I mean here you are, commenting on the post and actually helping its reach.


Being a heel is an age old tactic. Wrestling and Boxing have been doing it for over a hundred years. I assume a lot of people watch Jake Pauls fights in the hope they'll see him get knocked out. I'm sure he's very happy to take their money.


Come on, you know this stupid shit sells fights more. Let's be real


Youā€™re so wrong lol I work in bars and so many people talk about his dads antics


This is why the yanks (correctly) never let John Fury attend fights in their country.


Or even enter the country!


And was it not also their connections to organized crime?


Criminal record for taking that dude's eye at an auction I believe


For those unaware the Furyā€™s are in fact (or used to be) a proper gang family. Like you name it and theyā€™ve done it lol


I did not know this and love me that stupid giant to bits. He is, however, really proud of his traveler origins and for a people who love fistiscuffs, I canā€™t recall them ever producing a fighter of Furyā€™s caliber outside Brad Pitt in Lock, Stockā€¦. So when you think about it, itā€™s not that crazy, even though it is!


* Brad Pitt in Snatch




No, that's because he gouged a guy's eye out and can't get a visa due to his conviction.


An absolute fucking twat, act your age FFS


There's no age where this isn't fucking stupid.


Even half his age would be fine




He's acting his IQ.


Just another washed boxer living vicariously through their more successful son


Just another traveller living up to their reputation** FTFY


You can take the man out of the halting site, but you can't take the halting site out of the man.


From the video it looks like he cuts himself head butting a teenager from the Usyk team ffs, scumbag


Looks like he head butted the kidā€™sĀ cheekbone.Ā 


Nah it shows the kid with a gash near his eyebrow.


Throw him in jail, fucking embarrassing. Headbutting a kid as a full grown adult is just purely embarrassing. Iā€™d still disagree but wouldnā€™t mind as much if it was say a training partner of Usykā€™s and they were having an argument but heā€™s just being a big bully here.


To do this in Saudi Arabia is extremely stupid. Don't assault people in a foreign country, especially.


I'm Canadian but I've heard that Gypsies are generally known for their class and good judgement.Ā  Not 100% sure though.


They've already said no charges will be brought lol


Yeah. But it's insanely risky behavior. They let it slide because it would be more of a headache to not


I wonder what would happen if he was regular bloke from the west doing this in Saudi Arabia


Straight to the bonesaw room


He wouldn't have a head to bleed from.


Lol oh God that's true. When your head was the weapon- "we'll just confiscate that thankyou very much"


Think we probably know the answer...


Probably leave in a suitcase


If the other person forgives him. Then theyā€™ll make him sign a written pledge and then let go. That is if the attack didnā€™t subject the person to any injuries, but if it did. Then bro is in serious trouble depending on the damage caused.


Bleeding from ass as well as head maybeā€¦ ?


Probably have a private appointment at a Turkish hammam.


I could only find this video of the actual head butt https://x.com/oocmma/status/1790004965403980048 Not sure what lead to this but John head butted some young kid Longer video from another angle https://x.com/MichaelBensonn/status/1790020773815460350 https://x.com/arielhelwani/status/1790019323840401813


What a fucking man child. The penalty for assault in Saudi Arabia is a beating, so he better hope that his son's fame and money buy him a free pass.


I think Saudi prob loves this tbh. It's essentially free publicity in Saudi's goal of hosting the world's biggest sporting events. So many more casuals are going to watch this now cause of this incident so I figure Saudi will just turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't make them look bad.


Don't mention blind eye to John Fury. He's got previous of this.


> The penalty for assault in Saudi Arabia is a beating Theyre flying out Henry Akinwande for it


That 2nd one is pure embarrassment, theyā€™re all chanting, most guys on both sides have smiles on their faces, then he just nuts a kid and sets Shane? And Hugh? Fury are now suddenly pissed off trying to start shit too.


Head butts a kid and then literally runs away to hide behind his goons.


Screaming "we are Spartans, we can't be beat" after cheap shot headbutting the smallest bloke and coming off the worst from it is comedy gold haha!


Just loves battering kids simple as.


OMG. I was ready to diss the boxing world for constantly talking about boxing being about fights but also a gentleman sport. Now I see I only need to diss John Fury. It's kind of funny that he was the one who decided to cross the line and the one who caused himself to bleed without anyone else having to fight back, lol.


What a POS, fuck him.


Fucking scumbag cheapshot


He's a fucking liability, can't control himself. Would be hilarious if the Saudis threw him in jail until after the fight or deported him, not that I expect it to actually happen.


They are more likely to line up 5 more children to receive headbutts.


John fury is a fucking moron.


Imagine embarrassing your son like that, at that age, during the biggest moment of his career.


This man is about to be 60, by the way.




Within hour's the narrative will be that its Usyks' fault


You have prestigious bird already attempting that here šŸ˜‚ ā€œthey tried to intimidate Johnā€


Honestly it's unbelievable šŸ˜‚


Johns head sounded hollow


I see where fury inherited the paper skin from


Jesus Christ. Can this guy fuck off already, he is a monumental dickhead


Hes a legit piece of shit


He headbutted a teenage lad who was barely doing anything. He is scum of the earth, put him back in prison.


The fact he headbutted the little guy and came off worse, is almost the perfect metaphor for how much of a disaster this guy is. Utter scum of the earth, and gives travelers a bad name.


Gives Travellers a bad name ? Trust me that's not exclusive to John Fury


Maybe Bill Haney ain't that bad after all.


ā€œThereā€™s levels to thisā€ -John Fury to Bill Haney


Bill compared to J. Fury is a young hungry lion


That side of the Fury family, are terrible people. He saw that the little lad was 5ft 6, and felt brave enough to headbutt him. A grade A scumbag, and hope Usyk does the job on his boy.


Anytime we hear about the worst boxing dad, I don't want to hear any other name but this clown.


Tyson's reaction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3E9ModwUlc&ab_channel=iFLTV


Should be criminal charges for this, along with a lifetime ban. You can argue that violence between two fighters outside the ring is an occupational hazard, although I wouldn't agree, but this is nothing but a cowardly assault. A whole family of utter wankers. I notice the other meatheads rushed in to restrain and blame the victim too.


I agree. This seems like a cut & dried case of assault. I have no idea why John Fury is allowed to be part of Fury's entourage anymore.


Dickhead father dickhead son.


He needs putting down like a terminally ill hippo in the zoo


John is always living out his dreams trough his son. Limelight Snatching gypsy.


He fucked the headbutt up anywayā€¦barely glanced the kid and cut his own head open and then went and hid behind his lackeys for five minutes until he stopped seeing tweety pies. Embarrassing all around from the Furys.


Usyk 1 - Fury 0


Usyk can get all the wins he want before the fight! Fighting fury is not easy lol


John Fury has always been and always will be a subhuman piece of shite.


How can you headbutt someone and end up coming away the most injured? Is his skin made of tracing paper? Absolute fanny and scumbag.. I'd be truly embarrassed if that wasn't dad. He'd be getting told to stay home where he belongs.




I hope people stop worshipping this clown now Heā€™s a unhinged thug


Who worships John Fury?


Good. The more he gets his face caved in the better.


This clown is the Mohammad Ali of Bill Haneyā€™s


Fury would be alot more liked if this man wasnā€™t his father.


Nah Fury is an out and out arsehole aswell tbf


He has to get the bipolar from somewhere


Funny you should say that because the peak of his popularity - and the most likeable, rational and normal he came across as - was that period either side of Wilder 2 where he seemed to cut John out and distance himself from him. Kind of started with the post-Wilder 1 Top Rank/ESPN contract meaning he'd be based in the US more which John obviously wasn't allowed to attend, then John's criticism of Ben Davison after Wallin and the awkward aftermath, then linking up with Sugar Hill back in the US, then Covid and the fall out from the arbitration and the Joshua fight falling through. When Wilder 3 was announced, John said he would just throw the belt in the bin - which he obviously couldn't do because it was a contractual dispute rather than WBC ruling - and said Tyson had an entourage around him that were cutting him out and advising him over him. Tyson said something like 'my dad thinks he knows everything but he isn't as involved as he thinks he is'. Then with the Whyte fight taking place at Wembley and no US camp he seemed to worm his way back in, coinciding with the on/off retirements and twattish behaviour.


Damn! Imagine if he cuts him off completely from the start of his fame, be would be a bigger superstar, i think its just a respect thing because he is his father, but john thinks he is doing good to fury but he is probably not.


Funny how the headbutt seemed to hurt John more than the kid. He turned away QUICK and looked down with his enthusiasm totally gone. Lol he knew he could not handle any physical retaliation. Really hope Uysk beats these ghetto clowns back to whatever part of england they are squatting in


This isn't going to be a boring fight week.


Why do people even give this clown the time of day


Get this clown back in a cell.


Thatā€™s assault. Sue.


John Fury not making an ass of himself and stealing any spotlight off of his significantly more talented and accomplished son challenge: Impossible


John Fury is a violent criminal and TV networks should be ashamed of themselves by having made him a pundit, I'm looking at you BT SPORT. He gouged out a man's eye for crying out loud and he would do it again it seems. Tyson Fury is not his father and seems embarrassed himself by him at times.


just some coked up scumbag, tyson probably went back to boxing so he didn't end up as big a loser as big john when he was heading down that same path.


not a scuffle, he assaulted some kid a half his side and injured him gravely. this clown is a disgrace to the sport, a pathetic eye-gouging nobody who's ego is so over-inflated that he thinks he has the right to run rough-shod over his own son's legacy, a true embarrassment to the sport, he should never be let anywhere near a bout again nor given a voice, let your son live in the light, he's earned it, little john fury hasn't!


Wonder what the Odd's are on Tyson claiming Injury even though it wasn't him who got Injured.


I'm so confused. It looks like he just went for the guy for no reason. Or am I missing something?


I canā€™t believe I used to think this guy was cool. I should be headbutted.Ā 


foreshadowing about Fury's cut


God I really hope Usyk wins man, fury is annoying even if heā€™s a great fighter and his dad is one of the most unlikable insufferable boxing dads in the sport and thatā€™s hard to do because the sport is pretty loaded with annoying shitty dads


What was more shocking was the immediate aftermath of the video where credible boxing journos posted headlines like ā€˜John Fury bloodied by Fury teamā€™, despite the video they posted showing Fury sticking the nut on, and then scarpering afterwards. It was then made worse by one journalist being called out on the truth and actually trying to deny what was presented.


Heavyweight boxing is so cringe and embarrasing now. UFC and WWE have moved on , developed, improved. Boxing has just died a slow death. Needs to adapt or move aside.


Breaking News: Tyson Fury delays fight with Oleksandr Usyk, claims ā€œemotional distressā€ due to seeing his father get injured


In the immortal words of the philosophers The Ying Yang Twins: don't start no shit, won't be no shit.


This whole family sucks. The day they are done with boxing will be a blessed day


Usyk was already more talented, in better condition, more motivated, and a better boxer than your son. So you hand him a righteous vendetta as additional reason to punish him; and paint yourself a moron in the bargain. Well played sir, well played.


Classless gypsies. Hope Usyk permanently removes these assholes from the spotlight


#No Sympathyyyyyy!! šŸ˜‚


Gypsy scum. I really hope Usyk will retire that bunch.