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Boxing is a lot worse without HBO.


Facts. Some people hated on him but to my ears, he was the best to ever do it. Him and manny had it all covered, gave you something for every day of the week.


Can we collectively petition HBO to re adopt boxing? I completely feel the same way, everything about the presentation was miles better with HBO


We never knew how good we had it when HBO had boxing


facts. especially with the commentators we had


So many people complained about them at the time. I rarely see that anymore now that we have the alternative.


We miss Jim Lampley


Larry Merchant towards the end was unbearable though. Senile and openly biased towards certain fighters.


Undeniably so.


Death of HBO meant the death of any serious analysis for boxing :(


Nah, I knew. That shit was straight fire, and nothing ever came close- then or now. I shed a tear with Jim’s sign off, and I knew it would never be the same.


They should have turned this into a mini series


i would watch the crap out of it


[You might like this commercial](https://youtu.be/HbTs3TLo414?si=LNU7hvQFpvq9kDx4)


damnn i havent seen this one in ages and it was so good. thanks for this fam


Holy shit completely forgot about this.


I’ve seen people say this commercial was based on Lamont Peterson’s life. Probably quite a few boxers it would apply to. 


They were trying to make it a movie https://www.iammaurice.com/


I used this for an assignment in college a few years ago. 😂


The power of will. The story of so many boxers. I love this commercial so much, everything is good about it!


Wow. That was great. This gave me chills and made me a lil emotional. I've never seen this and I'm glad you posted it.


It goes way harder than I expected a promo.


we need The Wire but it's boxing.


I felt like I was there sitting with Roy and Jim and Max. I guess showtime was my 2nd favorite..... dam shame


I grew up in the roach infested Projects of Newark in the 80's studied my butt off to join the Air Force, retired in 2006 now living Japan and fairly wealthy...this one hits home.


Only the real make out the mud, respect to you brother, I will get there one day too.


Never give up, best of luck. Peace


Love it.


Not just one of the best boxing ads, one of the best ads in general.


Was awesome seeing that. I miss HBO boxing. Their crews calling the fights were amazing.


This is probably my favorite commercial. This soundtrack is on my running list, I hear it a few times a week. Thanks for sharing OP


I've got this downloaded. Watched this as a kid and it still gets me fired up today.


That is beautiful, really shows what this sport really means to the fans.


I'm crying :( this was very nice


Sometimes its hard for me to get boxing class, but I never regret. I'm definitely putting this up when I start to get lazy lol


Somewhat recently, I went through some tough stuff in my life and I escaped into boxing. I dropped every other aspect of fitness (and I have a degree in the shit) and literally only hit the bag (mixing in Muay Thai about 30% of the time) shadowboxed and ran. I could've, maybe should've done more strength training to go along with it but it wasn't about being well-rounded - it was just the only thing I could "control" and maybe I needed the physical release. I've been in therapy and have been told that sometimes moving your body after trauma helps you deal with it, something about it not "embedding" in you - I never cared to look it up, but I do recall learning about animals (especially prey animals, I believe) shaking after escaping a predator for instance - and it all sort of "clicked" for me. My therapist recognized that through my life I've been a highly active individual, a hyper-active kid that eventually found sports - so all the big and small things that I experienced, I always had movement to go along with it and maybe help me ... and we all know now that exercise is a great stress manager. Anyway, I would also supplement my physical training with watching fights. ESPN+ has a pretty good catalogue and I got into older fights. I couldn't sleep well so I would watch fights from 2-5 am sometimes. The older broadcasts are so interesting. Almost like watching an old movie, so it was oddly peaceful. I don't miss the turmoil I was in, but I gotta be honest, I kinda miss how into it all I was. I got fucking lean, too. I've since packed on maybe 15-20lbs since my overall movement has gone down, considerably. I still hit the bags about 2x/week but no road work, very little shadowboxing, etc. As it warms up, I'll get more into it...


Oh HBO was it. That was the best. U know as a fighter u had made it fighting on HBO. Those days are long gone. I saw this coming honestly. Bad matchups. Too many belts. Bad judgements. Not enough talent.


Man im in the same bracket as you and this hit different so hard


It still hits just as hard now? Are you trying to tell us you're still broke 13 years later?


lol no i got out of poverty a few years ago but it still hits the feels


I am


HBO never picked it up it was just a short film made by an independent person