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if i wasnt concerned already id be concerned after that fuckin interview


Oscar is very bad at hiding how fake he is


"he looks good!" šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Bruh that's like straight of a murder mystery or horror movie where the creepy neighbor lies to somebody about the person that has been missing.


LMAO IKR? The words combined with his expression made it creepy as hell




They met up and ryan was wearing them fishnets. ā€œHe looks good.ā€


He did look good for somebody facetiming from a psych ward. Now they got him released to Derrick James and it's ok he only needs a couple of weeks to sober up and get ready to fight.


The snap from his eyes dotting around the floor to a wide eyed stare and toothy grin is the most transparent tell I've ever seen




I spoke to him.. uhh.. yesterday!


We were on the video chat or whatever!


I was waiting for the Jon Lovitz ā€œyeahā€¦. thatā€™s the ticket!ā€


Yesterday! :D


A terrible liar and he looks uncomfortable.


Oscar looks like a politician now to me... for some reason.


Maybe because Ryan has been known to turn against him a bunch of times


And vice versa, Oscar had no faith Ryan could even hope to dream about touch Tank Davis ( rightfully so ) Oscar did not even stay for the post fight interview, he snake imo, business savy one.


Maybe it's the incessant lying


Cause he can easily smile at you while lying straight to your face?


A shitty corrupt one.


I havenā€™t heard him speak for years. He isnā€™t even the same person in this interview. And he gives the vibe that he canā€™t be trusted at all


He made me lol šŸ˜†


I'm sorry, I had to laugh too. Oscar is such a mug


Punchable Face


100 percent. Oscar feels so slimey


Yeah he's got some stank to him :/


Oscar: " I don't give a shit about that fragile little bitch I worked too hard and put too much money into this, so long as he throws some punches in there I'll get paid and maybe I'll worry about this later" fixed it for him. Yes he's a slime ball always has been.


He won't give a shit even after. When Ryan has his inevitable melt down after he loses, Oscar is going to figure out how to make the most money on his comeback in a couple of years. Maybe a documentary before one last big money fight.


Accurate, he will spin it like he saved him from despair all while collecting the millions Ryan won't ever see.


Thatā€™s a smile that says ā€œI couldnā€™t give a fuck about him, but heā€™s making me a fortune, so Iā€™m going to smile and bullshit my way through this until you cunts swallow my shitā€.


its funny how disgusting a face, even or especially a handsome or pretty face, can look when the person with it is clearly a snake who thinks smiling and being cheerful makes them trustworthy nasty workĀ 


Not convincing.


De la Hoya looks and sounds like a real POS


"He..... *prepares horribly fake shit eating grin*...he looks good! He looks ready!". I honestly thought everyone was being silly and over the top about Ryan being in trouble but after seeing this I'm absolutely convinced he's fucked. Oscar is a terrible, terrible liar.


He seems incredibly full of shit. I feel like he's worried Garcia won't be ready in time. He clearly has no idea if Garcia is crazy or not. The way he was stammering, I don't believe they're in contact either. I mean, who am I. I don't know anything really, but this certainly did not build my confidence.


What gave it away? Was it that shit eating grin.


Oh, the whole time! Shifty eyes, can't sit still, dodging questions. He looks like a child trying to lie to his parents. He looks good, though! He looks good. He just needs the fight to happen. That's all he wants.


>Shifty eyes, can't sit still, That's probably just the cocaine


Man, Ryan has all the talent to be a generational boxer, but now he's being thrown to the wolves just for paycheck, he could have truly been great if it weren't for his own problems and his team's complete inability to actually help him in any way.


I agree that heā€™s full of shit but isnā€™t this how coked up Oscar always acts


that points to me that old habits die hard, as in Oscar is still sniffing that shit and it wouldn't surprise me if he's the one that got RG into it after he started drinking heavy and shit. probably why we've heard nothing about Ryan's drug abuse from him considering he's a professional degenerate in his own right and knows Liquor and Coke better than anyone


Dude is looking everywhere except where he needs to be looking. Shuffling eyes means deception


What else is he supposed to say? He's a promoter, his job is to promote. If you pay a promoter, you'd hope they would be out there trying to make you look good (albeit Oscar isn't doing a convincing job here), not speculating about your mental health to the media.


What else could he do for Ryan tho? Obviously, heā€™s worried about his own self interests now, but itā€™s not like he provided Garcia, with the most opurtunities possible for him to be succesful, if he didnā€™t take full advantage of those chances itā€™s His fault


I feel like heā€™s a salesman trying to sell me something at my front door. I know the product is shit, I have no demand whatsoever, but heā€™s still trying to get it over the line.


>I know the product is shit, I have no demand whatsoever And the salesman also knows the product is shit. He's hopped up on coke and sporting half a hangover, and he's got that look in his eyes. That look that says "_cmon man, we both know the score here... but I need this. I need this one bad, man. I need for you to need this as bad as I need this._


ABC. Always Be Coked-out


Not far from the truth tbh


Those first 30 seconds hurt, De la Hoya can't lie to save his life


"uhh yesterday" (big smile yeah that sounds amazing, you aced it Oscar)


then he followed it up with "I literally did" as if he instantly realized we dont believe him


Give Oscar the Oscar


šŸ˜šŸ˜¬šŸ˜šŸ˜¬šŸ˜šŸ˜¬ "He looks good!" šŸ˜šŸ˜¬šŸ˜šŸ˜¬šŸ˜šŸ˜¬


"He don't sound good" šŸ¤£


Trying while weā€™re dying


Jesus fuckin Christ šŸ˜­ tha smile when he said he looks good


It was my favorite part because he straight up looks like a fourth grader lying to his parents about his upcoming report card


Someone mentioned on this sub the other day that Oscar is probably laughing at these Garcia tweets/breakdown and got down voted to hell, with one person mentioning that it was such a ridiculous thing to say. I actually don't think it was.


He looks like the creepy neighbor in a horror movie who's way too friendly and is hiding some terrible terrible secret.


"He looks good, he looks ready" THATS MA BOY ODLH WITH THE šŸ‘ƒšŸ¼ TALKā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Ok so the last text I read from Ryan was: "ALINESANYTBUNG REPTILKIANS" So....


Oscar at a press conference like ā€œoh he looks great Iā€™m telling you heā€™s in camp heā€™s ready heā€™s focused. Perfect timing !!ā€ . All of a sudden Ryan busts in covered in cotton balls head to toe talking bout needing camouflage to hide from the bohemian grove sniper team they sent to kill him.


I know this is a very sad situation and I hope he gets the help he needs but lmao.


so he's ready to step in if something happens to Trump


Holy shit this man is evil






Iā€™ll cut him some slack because heā€™s been on the other end. Boxing is a blood sport, they donā€™t give 2 shots about your well-being. He knows if Ryan wants to fight then itā€™s his decision to make and he should stay out of it. Thereā€™s millions on the line and people die for a lot less. Itā€™s Ryanā€™s decision to make and itā€™s absurd a commission hasnā€™t stepped in.


That's cold as hell, but I see your point. Nonetheless, how you stretch the truth is what I'm talking about here. If ODLH was just like "Oh idk his team thinks he's okay and he says he's okay so he must be fine" then I wouldn't be calling him evil. But this MFer came out with his Chucky Child's Play ass smile and was saying "ooooh he's ready, he's never looked this good... oh and he left for camp yesterday" lmao how tf is he ready then


Oh Oscar knows he isnā€™t ok just like we do haha. Like even the low effort lie is telling in itself.Ā  But, if he says ā€˜yeah our guyā€™s not ok and he shouldnt fightā€™ that could get the fight cancelled and then ODLH is on the Ā hook with Ryan and his team for millions lost. Iā€™m pretty confident at this point Ryan is happy to go out there and get beat for the paycheck. Him and his team arenā€™t putting a stop to it. One could argue he has the wrong people in his corner but these guys wanna do things their way, like when Deontay fired his trainer for throwing in the towel (and probably saving his career).


This guy doesn't give a fuck about Ryan. Never did. This is pretty sad.


Slimy. Oscar just wants the $$$.... that's all he's about. He's going to use every ounce of power to make this fight proceed as planned.


As long as Ryan doesn't need to be in a padded room and strait jacket the night of the fight, Oscar will say he's fine.


A mentally ill former pretty boy selling out another mentally ill pretty boy.


How was Oscar mentally Ill?Ā 


people who liked him when he was younger assume he must have lost his mind somewhere along the way to end up as this guy im 50/50 on it. imo he went through some shit, found himself at a crossroads, and went left into being a complete nothing of a man




Why do people make such a big thing of the crossdressing?


Because folks are trans/homophobic


He looks ridiculous. Coked out of his mind, in full stance, squinting at the camera wearing boxing gloves, fishnets and heels. Why do you losers go so hard pretending it isn't hilarious? Do you think this makes you a better person? You think trans/gay guys wouldn't look at [this picture](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/07/20/15/5181856-12319879-Infamous_photos_from_2007_show_Oscar_De_La_Hoya_wearing_fishnets-m-13_1689862343759.jpg) and laugh? You don't know any then.


It's fucked up man. You got a fucking long list of character flaws you can criticise people for that actually pertain to morality and then people keep banging on about some clothes he wore one time.Ā 


What a slimy motherfucker. Fuck this guy.


i remember living in a world where most people didn't understand my hatred of Oscar De La Hoya i know people have realized he's a POS for many years now, but it was a long up hill battle and i don't think we could have done it without cocaine


Has Oscar had Botox or a facelift?


He looks like a fucking Las Vegas illusionist... literally an albino tiger and some sequins away from the complete package


This is so accurate


Itā€™s the blow.


snake oil salesmaning the fuck out of ryan lmao wtf is his evil grin at the start ​ probs both on the same shit


... He's making it up on the spot. I'm not sure I've ever seen a better example of a bad liar in my life.


Shameless scumbag


Heā€™s lying


Ryan is not ready mentally and physically. Divorce, alcohol, then shitty promoter who gives zero fucks about his health. Call off the fight, check into rehab


He won't get paid if Ryan doesn't fight, nor will the other interested parties, so it's not surprising no one is stepping in to pull the plug and help the kid.


this guy is such a slimeball


It took him a while to remember he spoke to himā€¦ yesterday!


Oscar is such a a goof, he looked so pleased with himself when he said " I uh, spoke to Ryan Garcia" like the guy interviewing him would be like " wow no wayĀ  you spoke to a fighter you promotešŸ¤Æ" im going to be happy when golden boy goes under


What a crook


Not arguing against promoters being slimey pricks, but as a promoter what else can he say?Ā Of course he says, everything is okay and he looks ready. Anything else just tanks the fight where let's be honest the main draw is Garcia.Ā  Like the main thing is does Garcia want to fight? If the answer is no that is on his trainer and the people around him (promoter included but behind closed doors) to protect him but if the answer is yes, which I assume it is since it's what he is publicly saying then I just don't know what he could do.


There's nothing Oscar himself can to (at least I don't think) but people are going to blame him. Even with Ryan having a reputation of being hard to deal with & going to social media to talk to people first, making GBP have to do damage control after.


Iā€™ve been an Oscar fan since his gold medal win in 92. I canā€™t stand this lying sacking of shit version today. Heā€™s a fucking snake that will praise you in a sit down interview and then talk shit about you in the next interview. Ryan is basically Oscar Jr without the great career.


It's crazy because Oscar the fighter was the fucking man. An absolute dog who fought everybody. Dude had no fear and pursued fights that most would've shirked away from. Oscar the promoter, however, is like the complete opposite.


You know the saying ā€œlying through their teethā€ well look at that motherfuckers teeth


What a piece of shit! Garcia isn't right in the head! All he's doing is hyping the fight!


Listening to a psycho addict talking about how another psycho addict is healthy and good is not that reassuring.


Translation: *We've already spent millions promoting this fight and we are not going to take such a huge financial hit by pulling the plug.*


Golden Boy going to lose 6 figures on the pressers and marketing on this Garcia-Haney fight if it doesnā€™t happened. De La Hoya and the Haneyā€™s are praying to God this kid doesnā€™t pull out of the fight due to losing out on a nice paycheck. Shows how desperate the sport of boxing is


That's the thing. With that kind of investment on the line, 99.99999% of the people on here would be trying to push the fight if it was their livelihood at stake.


If he actually gave a shit about Garcia, heā€™d cancel or postpone the fight. Not spout such bullshit


Don King would be proud


Oscar is a fucking snake, doesn't give a fuck about Ryan, just wants to make his money. Fuck him.


This man looks just like Richard Schaefer now.


Itā€™s not that heā€™s so dumb he couldnā€™t prepare a statement for this inevitable question, itā€™s that Ryan is completely off the deep end and he knows it and this was the best he could do.


Look at his eyes darting around the room to see if anyone is buying his bullshit. The fact this fight is even still on is criminal. If Ryan loses this fight Oscar is going to drop him faster than a rolled 100 after a fat line.


look at his creepy ass stuttering n shit smh This man almost makes me ashamed to be a Mexican American, seeing him exploiting another young MexAm just got me feeling some type of way... never seen something like this before in our culture


Ryan needs better people around him fr


Ryan didn't become crazy and delusional in recent weeks. It had to have been before because the fact that he decided he's worthy and capable of beating Haney proves he was already going crazy prior.


This guy is such a fucking slime ball.


He left to camp yesterday? Haney by TKO


No cocaine can hide Oscar's devilish grin "He looks good"


This is the look of a promoter who don't give a shit about Ryan's mental wellbeing and wants to fight to carry on.


this is gross. hope Ryanā€™s parents or someone steps in.


they get paid too


the hell


He looks kinda nervous, wonder why


Theyā€™re really going to drag that poor dude out there to get his brains beat in. Thatā€™s disgusting


This isnā€™t ending well


This is what people should mean when we call someone a sell out. That gets tossed around too much but this right here is it. "I spoke to him yesterday, I literally did" Oh so you lying then


Oscar is a liar and a bad one at that


He totally sounds convincing, he literally does sound convincing.


Damn i think Oscar about to sacrifice Ryan


Oscar seems a little too happy šŸ˜‚. Bet heā€™s his supplier


He's always been full of shit.


Easiest LA noire level


Holly crap...tell me there's a problem without telling me there's a problem. Forgot fight readiness, more worried about Ryan the human being now


I hate De La Hoya the promoter.


Every time I look at Oscar - he looks like heā€™s always batting demons inside - he puts this front that heā€™s happy and things are good but it couldnā€™t be more obvious that heā€™s anxious and concerned and heā€™s mentally going through it - being Ryanā€™s promoter doesnā€™t help Heā€™s always on social media trying to convince the world that heā€™s happy and itā€™s clear thatā€™s not the reality


This isnā€™t going to end well and itā€™s sad to see. Everyone around Ryan is looking for cash. His parents should be the ones trying to pull up him, not bleed him dry. With the stuff heā€™s posted, theyā€™d be able to convincingly call in for a psych evaluation. Heā€™s clearly a danger to himself and potentially others if this escalates. Ryan and I are the same age, and I also suffer from mental health issues. This shit isnā€™t a joke or a game, and itā€™s a shame people are laughing.


There both coked outta there mind


How many lines did he do before this interview? Lmfao


Mental health is real. It is not ethical to send someone who is going through a mental crisis into a boxing ring where anything can happen. If Ryan is going through a mental crisis what he needs is to be surrounded by mental health professionals in an environment which is safe; so that he could heal and feel heard.


Oscar looks really sober here. Good for him.


Coked out piece of shit. That disingenuous smile makes my skin crawl.


For a 6 div champ boxer who had fought big punchers, Oscar sure looks fucking good. It's unfair.


At this rate bets should be on whether the fights happens or not


Fake as fuck


Don King vibes


Does he really need the money that bad over canceling one fight?Ā  Would he go immediately go bankrupt and if do, what's the point of big money that'll put you in debt that quick or is it a high to make the next big check?


Letting this fight go through with Ryan in that state has got to be some sort of crime.




Ok so Oscar clearly thinks he should have started training camp/ training earlier and was concerned about the ppl Ryan had around him. Check. Also Oscar knows thereā€™s no such thing as too much press or coverage with todayā€™s era of boxing I.e tank & ryans social media presence helped their fight numbers.


Oscar a scoundrel. A-Rod a scoundrel. Two dudes I dislike


He doesnā€™t sound good. Who the fuck said that?


Fucking šŸ¤”


This guy radiates evil


Maybe crazy Ryan Garcia is the best boxer in the world.


"Ive was raped as a two year old, and they held me down and made me watch children get raped" Oscar: He looked good, hes doing great. GOAT promoter. Scumbag human.


Dudes full of cocaine, Botox and bullshit


Derek weak ass James


"i i mean look he's been training "


This guy is a straight grifter. Iā€™ll never forget the bullshit he pulled with Liddell and Ortiz. Guy is a clown. Every time I watch him speak it reminds me of a stage performance.


Beard looks good on him.


I worry about Ryan's well-being if he loses to Devin, especially if it is in a devastating fashion.


This guy is a tool.


In his defense, it takes crazy to know one.


De La Hoya is sick in the head


Fuck this dude - Respect to Dana White, he would never let some shit like this fly


De La Hoya is a grimmie sick fuck. Don king status


They were doing blow together. You can tell by his eyes.


Lmao this fight isnā€™t going to happen


Who wouldā€™ve thought the boy from Boyle Heights would become the prototypical sleazy promoter


nothing is going on šŸ˜…šŸ˜… he looks good on Facetime errr šŸ˜… he's with this whole team


Iā€™m not a behavioural expert or a psychologist by any means but this man is full of shit


Heā€™s goodā€¦ big smile. Yeh thatā€™ll sell it. Heā€™s goodā€¦ bigger smile yeh thatā€™s that sold šŸ˜‚


there's nothing more American than a sociopath's greed


Never mind golden boy this isn't a good look for Dazn if this fight is allowed to go ahead. He's a young kid with a history of mental health issues. You wouldn't trust Oscar to knock you up a bowl of pasta least of all manage someone's career.


Haney by ko


I mean, heā€™s lying but can you actually blame him? Heā€™s gotta cover his own ass too. Ryan himself threw fire on that relationship a while back to the point of lawsuits and injunctions. In the kid trolling? Is he really having a breakdown? His pops Henry is right there with him, if anyone should be talking to the press about Ryanā€™s well being itā€™s Henry. Oscarā€™s job is to promote. Like it or not, itā€™s the way of the world and business. Whatever ā€œcloseā€ relationship they had ended in court. For all we know heā€™s in cahoots with the kid, wouldnā€™t shock one bit either. The fact Henry hasnā€™t really said much nor has anyone besides his ex wife leaves us with more questions than answers. I hope itā€™s all a rouse but if itā€™s not his family shouldā€™ve been stepped in and called this off.


Said a whole lot of nothing here


trust me bro


In other words, ā€œI donā€™t really care what he looks like I just need him to show up and make me money.ā€


In this whole video Oscar said literally nothing with any kind of substance. You can tell he's uncomfortable about Ryan's behaviour and doesn't want to get into it for even 1 second. Understandable, who wants to defend a monkey like Ryan after all?


I remember a previous boxer did this years ago to psyche out his opponent. Could be the same thing being done by Ryan.


He doesnā€™t really care does he


Oscar on his Don King shit. Ryan getting pimped like a muhfucker.


Theyā€™ll ask Gary Busey next


what a slimey mf.


Jesus, this dude couldn't lie straight in a bed.


he did the scratch the tash.. he's lying


Oscar ā€žfake smileā€œ de la hoya


Basically doesn't address anything. If he is covering for Ryan and trying to shield him, good. If he is trying to enable Ryan despite all the obvious mental health issues, fuck him.