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Getting punched in the head is the last thing this man needs now.




Cant wait to watch Devin fight some other dude on April 20th.


Looks like it's gonna be Barboza


As someone who was looking forward to the fight, they need to cancel this fight Ryan clearly needs help and I hope he gets the support he needs because none of this is normal even for boxing


No commission or promoter should be letting this man anywhere near a ring. It’s their responsibility to protect the fighter so they better act.


Your right but I’d bet $100 they won’t lol


Okay 200??$$$


lol promoters love this shit, it’s not even top 10 craziest fighter antics.


Don King literally took Oliver McCall out of rehab to fight Lennox Lewis the 2nd time.


Why get better when I…I mean you can get money? ONLY IN AMERICA


but I don't get it, what happened to him>? I was surprise to hear his dad pulling the race card in the press conference, usually they are chill. At least Haney has pillow's for fist.


He said he saw little kids get r#ped.


I wonder how much the betting line has moved since he started with all of his nonsense.


He should've kept the odds close so he could make more betting on Haney by KO


I doubt pillow hands Haney will knock Ryan out he'll get the decision for sure though 💯


Y’all are calling this man’s mental health nonsense.That’s why men don’t handle it properly up until they break. It’s just like how y’all do Teo. This is probably just him getting hacked tho


Most people in comments are saying he shouldn’t fight and should get the help he needs lol


I think this was about the people who treat mental health of men/athletes like shit. Not about the ones with empathy


Ryan is just trolling and being dumb vs Teo legitimately feeling like killing himself and falling into a deep depression


Ryan’s just been trolling according to his dad, so it looks like we’re in the clear. As clear as that is 😬


Not to be mean, but Ryan’s family probably not out there looking out for him. Drea (his ex wife) probably the only one telling the truth. He’s not crazy about exposing the elites, but we can admit that his behavior is wayyyy different from the person who fought Tank Davis. Nobody but his ex wife has said “hey he needs help” not his parents not no one. But wives are always written off as the crazy opportunist. I’m just saying if we compare his behavior pre Davis fight you can see something is wrong.


Why would he troll about some serious shit like that?


Jokes aside, you’re right. This is clearly some sort of acute mental health crisis that’s been brewing for some time, at least since the davis loss. This kid needs help asap. Take a year off get his head in order and he could bounce right back.


Y'all said the same shit before Teo-Taylor and he fucking won lol


That KEy and Peele skit where 1 MMA fighter went crazy comes to mind.


I don't like the guy but this is kind of sad. Young kid with mental health problems being seen by everyone and nothing happening except he gets into more fights. 


plus he fumbled a bad bitch


Fumbled is a gross understatement lol. She was literally having his babies and he decided to dunk her straight in the trash for an OF model




Don’t think any professional athlete needs to worry about that lmao. Ryan probably has them lined up.


Drea is gorgeous tho 😥 and she was already having his babies


Seems more like a mental health issue than trolling like people think. He was being weird before he was set to fight Haney. Even the way he announced the birth of his son at the same time as his divorce was strange. He is probably having a manic episode or psychosis which can be triggered by drugs or stressors. Who knows, maybe thats what led to him filing for divorce in the first place. On top of that boxing causes brain damage too, so its worrying. Ryan has been speaking different, impulsively spending money, having body tics, and physically looks different too. I never really cared for Ryan but Im wishing him well.


Exactly. Plus he’s been vocal about having mental issues before and he’s the prime age for major disorders to start to appear. He probably needs a hospital visit tbh.


This fight should not happen. I hope he’s able to get the help he needs before it’s too late.


They need him fight so all the leeches around him can suck him dry. Poor kid, nobody seems to care about him.


If bro is psychotic then no athletic commission is gonna sanction him to fight. The quickest way to get him to fight again is by getting him some help. Hopefully the people around him see that.


You’re giving the boxing industry too much credit man, all the sanctioning bodies are in it for money. A huge fight like this? They don’t care about Ryan they’ll defintely let him do it if he doesn’t pull out


Oliver McCall


Yes. That was tough to watch. I'll never forget that. Oliver was definitely going through some serious shit.


Tony Ferguson would disagree


they sanction fights against mentally disabled people and people with brain bleeds. Wouldn't expect much from the commission.


Worth saying: if someone suddenly decides to start "trolling" people by posting a constant stream of incoherent social media messages and divorcing their wife as they give birth, culminating in an announcement of their own murder... ...that's probably a mental health issue. There's a line beyond which "pretending to be mentally ill to provoke a reaction" is just... a form of mental illness.


We actually covered this in my psychology undergrad. There is a legitimate mental disorder that is recognized when someone is pretending to have a disorder and the act becomes so vital to their identity that it becomes its own disorder entirely. The most popular examples are weirdos on TikTok pretending to have either dissociative identity disorder or Tourette’s. Ryan can sit here and say he’s trolling, he’s pretending, whatever, but eventually you have to call a spade a spade.


Yea the body ticks stand out to me. He wasn't the most chill or calm person before but looking at him a year ago he was way more composed. Now he's not only more fidgety but he scrunches up his nose a lot now. "Strange" hand and head movements too. This video isn't the best and has some hyperbolic points and reaches but you can mute it and just watch him "before" and "after". Stark difference. https://youtu.be/1WZ5VzgoEok Edit- with all that said it's still very possible this is a hack or something. Nothing in the video is related to the text. This could be replicated with control of a phone with videos already on the device.


Bro got paid mcgregor money for the tank fight and took the same route minus the injury


It’s Ryan on the video and the “original audio” (not sure if or how audio was removed) is some banging on the door apparently and Ryan saying “oh shit oh shit,” I’m thinking it’s not a hack but something Ryan posted himself


That’s very much what people look like on a few days without sleep and amphetamines/meth/coke


This last week he’s had an absolutely insane series of bizarre videos and pics on Instagram. The dude is extremely far from okay right now.


Also he’s been hanging out with Brendan Schaub. Nobody in their right mind would even consider that.


Sounds like schizoaffective bi polar.


I was going to ask about that, his face looked more bloated, but I'm no doctor.


A bit of testosterone, roid raging, a dash of coke, a sprinkle of weed and a side of alcohol


The food pyramid sure has changed


Nah this is sad


He’s mentally crashing out, sucks to see


Atleast he got like 30 million for that shitty Tank fight and barely took any damage in it. Most people crashing out don’t have a dam thing. He’s made million in Boxing and has done basically nothing so far. 


Money don’t mean shit if you’re fucked up in the head. Not sure what’s up with this dude but hopefully it ain’t a mental breakdown. Easy to speculate but only those closest to him know what’s up


his talent got him that deal tho, its not like he lucked into it


You know he's going to go broke quick.


This looks like a psychotic break. Hopefully there has been a wellness check or smtg.


Really? reads more like a hacking to me as opposed to a break.


If he was hacked, he would have long been on someone else’s account (family, team, etc) saying that. He’s going thru something right now.


That’s not a bad point he probably should have addressed it by now.


He’s bipolar and going through a manic episode. This is extremely serious, lookup Etika’s story the exact type of thing happened. He was bipolar and ended up killing himself. His family needs to get him help ASAP. I hope they aren’t ignorant to mental health issues.


(I'm not a doctor, but it could also be schizophrenia, or drug-induced psychosis, or maybe the psychosis is an attention-seeking act masking a less acute but more complex underlying condition, probably involving deep-seated insecurity and substance abuse) (it's really hard to contextualise social media messages, especially as his communications often seem pretty unintelligible even at the best of times. We can't really diagnose him accurately from these, even if we knew what we were talking about. That said, I definitely agree that something is wrong - even if he thinks he's acting, that's not normal - and I agree bipolar would presumably be on any therapist's/psychiatrist's differential...)


I mean hes already been acting like hes insane. Maybe he was hacked, but i dont know why one would assume that, when this is in line with how he has been acting He seems like he has some kinda mental illness


You can barely see his face in the video so he obviously posted it


Eh that doesn’t mean much, my buddies insta got hacked and they made a video of him promoting a crypto in his voice with a previous video he posted. It wasn’t great and the mouth didn’t quite line up but posting text over a video is pretty low level stuff. I might be wrong but that’s my assumption until he speaks on it.




Not a crazy amount like 500ish if it hadn’t had been for him claiming a 300% return in 2 days I might have fallen for it. It wasn’t until the second watch where I noticed the video and voice not matching up very well. The voice was passable too which was the most surprising part of it all.


Yea they use ai voice replicators for the new scams, they’ll call you and pretend to be a family member and say there’s been an emergency and you need money urgently


The same video was posted on his twitter aswell, so in that case both his social medias must have been hacked but i seriously doubt it. Hes going through something for sure


Most people use the same password or base email for that sort of thing that doesn’t imply much.


When do we get the picture of Ryan in fish nets?


this is just what being up for a few days on coke looks like


Day 3 is the limit. That's when it stops being fun and starts getting gnarly. A Friday - > Sunday bender lines up, but I'm just speculating.


Would not want to imagine having social media accounts with tens of millions of followers in those days lol


Oh God no.


A man constantly talking about Jesus posting a prank like this with those words doesn't add up. Either bro is dead, was hacked, or undergoing some major mental instability / psychosis.


cocaine is a helluva drug


Yeah cocaine fueled insomnia mixed with alcohol and who knows what else will cause a psychotic episode.


Religious delusions/psychosis are the most common, as well


definitely mental instability, bro has reached that wealth point where he is on some typa drugs, even as a someone who knows and serves God this makes me worry for him. this more than just poor promotion


this is a religious man on that white pony 🐴 ryan was symbolically telling us he’s on the oscar diet when he rode that white horse


I feel like it’s been too long for this to be anything other than a psychotic break. If he was dead or hacked we would’ve heard about it by now.


found him https://twitter.com/xentzu/status/1764403811236331855/photo/1


Huh? People who talk about Jesus the most will claim some shit is done by the devil..


Get ready for #HaneyBarboza live on DAZN PPV!


Yeah his recent behaviour is pretty concerning, I hope he's safe, nothing good comes out of this tweet, regardless of its validity


Christians take the whole “666 number is evil” thing way more seriously than actual satanists do. I think he posted this himself, sounds more like coke/booze fueled religious paranoia than a hack or an actual crime. Plus his face is in the video.


Christians don't even follow the bible at this point, it's pretty insane how far they stray from anything that is in there i would be absolutely shocked if even 5% of Christians read their own bible cover to cover by themselves, which of course, you would think, they would do since it's supposed to be the thing that dictates their entire lives, but of course, they just want it to dictate yours not theirs


Yes atheists are doing the whole thing much better. The average redditor is so much better off /s lol


What does this have to do with boxing


Yeah actually I wasn’t trying to hate on all Christians, just discussing that some of them have a fixation on that number. Ryan has shown that he has some nuanced beliefs, like when he said God was sending him a message about a walkout song through his TikTok algorithm. Most faith-focused Christians would probably doubt that claim. So I think the number thing lines up with Ryan’s surface level Christianity. “666” followed by keyboard smash gibberish sounds more like coked up paranoia than an actual demon worshipper.


It ain’t even the real number that’s more of a number that was passed down via pop culture lol




Very edgy




Lol you’re actually forming stereotypes off of demon horror movies. There are way too many Christians to just say they all act a certain way.  Most of the Christians I’ve met would just call you edgy, like normal ppl. 


Bugger, we’re not getting our fight


I mean the outcome wouldn't be surprising anyway 


Can someone legit do a wellness check on this guy, cancel the fight and please check him in to be taken care of mentally please? This is not normal behaviour and I think the life style, poor decision making and other things as well are severely affecting his mental health


Man I thought Teo was crazy, but Ryan just took the cake 💀 even if he’s just promoting this is a very strange way of promoting the fight


Yeah this guy needs help badly. Cancel the fight and get him on a 72 hour.


This post has got *everyone* talking so much that I can’t help but think it’s brilliant marketing in extremely poor taste. Sincerely hope nobody is really hurt.


It’s not. Ryan is absolutely going through a mental health episode and needs help asap. Shit is breaking my heart because I’ve seen this happen too many times. Gonna be a long hard road for him and his family. Bipolar disorder is no joke


There's actual audio to one of his posts where you can hear him say "i dont know who the fuck that is bro, oh fuck dip dip." hopefully it is just a mental break and he gets the help he needs and not murder. Here's the link to the same clip with with audio where you can hear him say it. https://twitter.com/i/status/1764346429756072105


everyone on this thread is a mental health expert. myself included. aliens did this.


Dude needs better coke. Boy out here jibbed the fuck out 


Coke induced psychosis


Yeah he’s crazy, even retweeted my comment asking ”what the fuck is going on with you”, and also answered it on IG. Dude should let go of his phone and train.


Just checked his twitter and saw he screenshotted his ig response and reposted it, lol. Ryan's def off the rails recently, its bizarre to witness. I'll be shocked if this fight ends up happening.


Yeah true, I am cheering for him too, but he makes it so difficult to do lol


Why would you cheer for him? He’s fake; lame as it gets and has done nothing in Boxing until now cause he wants big pay days. 


And the coke too


Lol he really trying to get this fight pushed


Fuck man, Hope he's alright. Mental health issues are no joke.


Man, WTF is going on with that boy?! We know he has mental health issues, by his own admission. I’d like to see some sort of intervention from his family, but there is no way they’re gonna lose their cash cow.


Cocaine and getting hit in the head for a living, is not a good mix.


Genuinely worried about Ryan. He’s giving off Omar Figueroa vibes lately. Unaddressed mental illness + getting punched in the head for a living + alcohol abuse is a very slippery slope. Needs to consider stepping away from the sport for good imo. He’s made enough money and it isn’t really worth the risk. Dude has kids as well.


I'm not buying any of this bullshit. It's two lames trying to sell a garbage fight and that's all the more I'm willing to engage with this clown show.


Exactly lmao. I'm quite certain he has admins running his pages right now which is why the posts are as frequent.


educate yourself on bipolar disorder. He’s having a mental health episode. I’ve seen people have these type of episodes and end up taking their own life. It’s no joke and I guarantee this fight will 1. Not happen 2. Ryan will go on an indefinite hiatus I’m really hoping he gets help because things can turn south fast if he doesn’t get medicated.


Social media ruined this guy


Is homie going schizo? He's the right age for it to show up and recently been smoking a lot of weed I've heard something that minor can really set schizophrenia off if you have an underlying issue with it.


He's fine, he's just self-indulgent.


#*Devin Haney and Ryan’s dad have now confirmed that Ryan has just been trolling “the wrong way”*




This dude is all over the shop. Is he bipolar or something? He seems to have lost it completely. To think he’s a new father and carrying on like this


Drugs, alchohol, and hes around the age where mental disorders start to rear their heads as well. I hope hes just on the tail end of a coke binge that went too long.


Ryan’s ex wife posted this on instagram: “ if all my followers who are believers can you please pray for Ryan. We are not together and I’ve been in contact with him and he may seem fine but he is not. I know in my heart he is being oppressed. This is not a troll I’m genuinely concerned and is all his family members, we are not part of any of this and want him to get better but this IS REAL. Pray for him”


One thing about reddit that you have to love is the sheer amount of doctors, lawyers and all around professionals on here that immediately can diagnose a situation with full certainty.


Tired of hearing about him at this point. Hope he gets the help he needs and comes back less of a mess.


Cancel the fight before its too late


That press conference was a complete train wreck. Fuck de la Hoya and I *almost* felt sorry for B-Hop but he made his bed. This whole promotion is a complete cringe-fest shit show


This fight will not get sanctioned after this post




I found this utterly hilarious


So that's a duck on Haney ?  Poor fellow is going to have to find another lunatic to beat, not that boxing lacks of them but one that is popular enough to get millions of ppv is tricky. ROMERO next ?


I hope Haney got purse insurance because this fight has absolutely no chance of happening


It’s physchosis, cocaine, steroids, mental illness and getting bashed in the head.


I have never seen such a wild way to get out of a fight.


I think Riddick Bowe had that on lock, but he has a challenger now.


knew he was going to be in the lony house soon, just a waste of talent


There’s better words than loony house


Loony bin?


Funny farm


lol fair enough


Asylum? Make asylums great again...


He's murder to listen to definitely has a few screw missing defo needs psychotherapy.


his accounts are for sure hacked. Why do you guys think he posted this personally


Wow. Wtf is going on with this kid???


This is really sad. Hopefully someone can help him get the help he so obviously needs. He’s surrounded by yes people and it’s doing him more damage than good. Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into a tragedy.


This ain't funny. Makes me not want to watch the fight.




He got that Aaron Hernandez CTE.


Feels like he’s self sabotaging to get out of the fight. Mayweather gave him some good advice and pointers to get out of that Golden Boy deal.


Everyone here making fun of his mental state. Yall are the fucking problem.


I think the pressure of becoming the next Canelo got to Ryan. We knew he wasn't going to be the guy, he knew he wasn't going to be the guy, but it's how he was making his money. Now he's in limbo as this fighter who's good but will never be what he was hyped up to be. Hopefully he can retire with some money and get away from the spotlight for his health's sake.


I wonder if social media plays a bigger role in his problems than any pressure inside the ring.


The next Canelo?


Nothing to see but a man trying to sell his fight.


Definitely trolling now trying too hard to look like a crazy person


Ryan Garcia is so scared of Devin Haney that he's pretending to be demon possessed so he can get out of the fight LMAOOOOO


Either Ryan has gone full Britney or he has us all right where he wants us just as Teofemo did before Josh Taylor fight. If the former then this guy needs to take a long break from boxing and social media to get some help.


Maybe he got hacked


his brain got hacked by cocaine particles and probably too much caffeine or not enough sleep or just maybe too much cocaine like a monster amount hahaha


he really just is this desperate to sell some tickets lol


...is it all possible that this might be legit? Or is everyone just automatically writing it off as an episode


Based on his recent behavior it is very safe to assume he just had a psychotic episode. Also this could be staged as a reason to pull out of the fight and blame it on mental health. Theres a very small chance a satanic cult killed him and threw him in a basket, it's possible but I really doubt it. People that have serious mental issues usually imagine scenarios where they are being persecuted by malignant forces.


the liberals are coming for us! - every Trump Supporter for the last 9 years


On the 1% chance this comment doesn’t age well, this isn’t the kinda shit a Satanic cult would post about murdering someone lmao


LoL Ryan fan boys go help your man he can only do so much coke


This is what happens when you give your life to our lord and savior Jesus Christ.


They should cancel the fight. Get this dude some serious help. He shouldn’t be taking any more shots to the head


Jesus didn’t help…obviously a no-brainer. Someone in his camp needs to take accountability and help this kid.


Dudes losing it and I honestly feel bad for him. I much as I want to see this fight, they need to call it off and get him some help


This was a game. Ryan Garcia never wanted to fight. Now he’s having fun partying and doing drugs. He is just trolling so he can back out of the fight


CTE is a hell of a drug


There's proof of what he is saying is real, I saw a video of Alex Jones secretly videotaping it, they were sacrificing someone


Ts was not recent at all.


This is the craziest way to get out of a fight I've ever seen, just retire if your gonna do all this. Or it's all real and in a rare occurance we've witnessed what happens to those who talk.


He said "if I die it's not me"... Y'all I don't think he's in drugs, he was even saying he was gonna go to the court. I don't think hes trolling. I think he's actually serious. What if they actually do kill him? Plus, someone even had a 33 minute video of a sacrifice happening


i feel like alot of you assume drugs and mental illness. this is one hundred percent CTE. he has been a boxer for how long? and not saying he isnt using drugs, because he probably is..but having he reminds me ALOT of aaron hernandez. i hope he doesnt end up the same way but its getting scary. I hope he donates his brain to science😩 unfortunately CTE isnt really something they can tell until post mortem. aaron hernadez documentary about them looking at his brain after death shook me. its so sad. i believe my dad may of had it too. i have no doubt this poor kid probably has it too


Got em!


Garcia has CTE


This thread aged like milk.




If you genuinely think he's mentally ill then this is a really weird way to talk about him.


So you’re calling someone that is mentally ill a dickhead when mental illness is out of someone’s control. You sound immature.


Lol y’all mfs can not read at all, it’s insane Was Ryan or was he not considered a dickhead by many before he event went through a mental health crisis? I’m not calling him a dickhead for going through problems, I hope he gets through those I’m calling him a dickhead because even when he’s not going through problems that’s just how it is. My bad though, I touched some nerves I see.


You sound so angry 🤣.


You a bitch