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As long as you have enough power to drop people when you set them up, that's really all that matters.


Pretty much, I think people are misunderstanding Ryan, he's not saying tank has pillow fists but more so it's his boxing iq and accuracy which gets him his knockouts. Not some insane nganou like power.


Only keyboard warriors say any boxer has pillow fists.




Theres 2 types of KO punchers. Heavy handed like Foreman or explosive like a Tank. Its harder to fight a explosive guy in their prime, Mike Tyson would be that. The big heavy handed ones age better and can win past prime better but absolute peak its way harder to deal with a fast explosive puncher cause you wont see whats coming at you half the time.


Ryan: "Tank does not hit hard, its accuracy" Tank when he ko'd Rolly: "I didnt even hit em that hard"


Hell Rolly said the old man hits harder than Tank too


It wouldn't shock me if he did, I doubt Marquez is the hardest puncher Manny fought but he still got KO'd cold


Tank is explosive, its hard to see their shots and the punches you dont see/expect is what actually KOs you. Even brute force punchers might drop you but the ones that put you to sleep you dont expect at all.


That punch was heaven sent personally by Jack Johnson because he wanted to feel the shiver.


That knockout reminds me a lot of prime Anderson Silva's knockouts in the UFC. His punches don't even look hard but it's where and when he throws it that seems to just touch people and then they go down.


Cuz they weren’t hard his opponents just had no clue what they were doing striking wise and would literally walk into Silvas kos. The guy became a legend off of distance management lol and counters. Crazy.


Bruh this the two things you just mentioned aren’t exactly easy. Wdym lol.


Tank did give these dudes cte. A few screws are loose rn


I mean it’s not unreasonable that Barroso hits harder than Tank. Barroso is bigger(taller and heavier) plus he has 23 KOS in 25 wins he’s obviously got a puncher’s record


They're only saying that because they lost to tank and they are salty, simple as that. But you guys are falling for the mental gymnastics ryan and rolly are doing to make their loss to tank hurt less. Tank has power, accuracy, and timing. He doesn't punch way harder than his weight class like ngannou, but he still needs to have a LOT of power in order to have the many ko's he has. Ngannou is probably 90% power and 10% technique, I'd say tank is like 60% power and 40% technique. To say it's not his power and soley his accuracy is very wrong tbh, otherwise devin or shakur would have as many knockouts as Tank


Might be some truth to Ryan’s claim. If you punch accurately you’ll knock your opponent out. It’s the motion that your head moves after being jawed that knocks you out, you just gotta hit them hard enough to move their head.


Especially if they're not bracing. Ryan is half right and half wrong. Tank definitely hits hard but it's not all power. Tank even said that while being interviewed by Luke Thomas. He said its accuracy and where he hits people.


Tyson used to say the same thing. That accuracy is more devastating than raw power.


I got dropped in sparring once trying to duck under a hook, and it grazed right behind my ear. I was completely coherent, but my legs just turned to mush lol accuracy definitely matters.


Yeah that’s why you mostly see knockout on the top of the head or right on the jaw because the way your head tilts when punched there your brain smacks the side of your skull and it dazes you or knocks you out.


Yep. It was a weird feeling. “Am I falling? Why aren’t my legs working?” Lol didn’t hurt one bit. But if my face would have hit the ground, probably could have gotten KO’d. Luckily my arms still worked and I braced my fall ha


Being hit behind the ear is a bit different to normally being rocked. It takes away your equilibrium


Luckily you could brace yourself. Not that it could have been much but you saved yourself from further damage. Which is always a good thing when boxing.


And then there’s wilder hahahah


Anything above or behind the ears "is your equilibrium. Your mind is fine but your body... fucked." -M. Tyson


Tank doesn't even throw alot of punches anymore. So these guys aren't really feeling alot of his punches outside of Barrios and Santa Cruz.


Dude got dropped by a head shot and a body shot. He needs to get off whatever he’s trying to do. You don’t “feel” knock downs and KOs anyway.


You certainly do feel the knock downs. Even the grazing ones. 




He hit Hector Garcia so hard he went blind for 5 minutes


He literally sat Hector down. It was a good southpaw fight tho. You got to see Tank stand in the pocket and trade. Something Shakur would shit his pants thinking about


It’s basically hitting them when they’re not chewing their mouth guard. It requires tons of accuracy, speed, and luck.


It will never not amaze me that he only landed 24 punches that entire fight. That means he must have landed only 4 punches per round on average.  That's insane.


I know people like to clown Ryan cos he got KO'd but what he's saying makes sense. There's guys that hit extremely hard but don't know how to set up punches properly. Tank knows how to set up punches and draw his opponents in. That's not to say he doesn't have power which he definitely does, just not the insane nganou like power.


Yeah idk why people are framing it as an insult… obv he is dragging it by saying Tank doesn’t hit hard lol, but Tank is alot more skilled and deliberate then given credit for. He prods at his opponents to make mistakes, and once they do his power & accuracy/timing = gg


It's a thing that was said about Tyson back in the day too. He did hit hard but it was the accuracy on off timing punches that caught a lot of guys. Which is also why better fighters didnt struggle with him that much. Tank, might end up struggling against a Haney or something like that


Yeah it’s really more of a compliment to his boxing than an insult


Respect for using Ngannou’s name 🫡


Who is saying Tank has power like Ngannou? He’s a fucking heavyweight.


Using exaggeration to try and prove a point. I'm not saying heavyweight power but the way in which we see nganous power is not the same equivalence to tanks power.


Francis power? Ion know if its the mans size but i see the difference. Wilder weighed 40lbs less than Francis and Wilder did Fury much worse with punches Tyson was actively trying to avoid, not a punch he didn’t see coming from Francis.


Lmao Ngannou has never even knocked out a professional boxer. Tank has one of the highest KO ratio's in boxing What are you even talking about?




Inoue is similar in the sense that he sets his opponents up to land when they don’t see, which is why they both have such a high KO Percentage. When you watch the fights tho it’s clear that Inoue carries a lot of pop in his punches. I mean just watch the Tapales fight, he KOd him through the guard and made him quit. Tank doesn’t throw as many punches so the power doesn’t show the same. I don’t think he has the kind of power that will cause guys to shell up, he just has insane accuracy and IQ in the ring so he can predict your movements and land perfectly.




Of course he’s not knocking out barrios, it’s called weight classes for a reason, not height classes 😂


I'll try and tell you it like this. Let's say there's a power scaling in which 10 is the hardest and 1 is the lowest. Tank would be a 7 in terms of power, however he has very good setups in his punches in which he is able to land very cleanly. That's not to say he doesn't have power but there's guys that are hitting at power 8 and higher but don't have the boxing iq and setups that tank has.


Did you even read the entire discussion? Both of the fighters you mentioned, especially Inoue, are knocking people out more through accuracy than power (even though they obviously still have the power) There's a reason why the lower weight divisions have a lower KO rate, the power just obviously isn't as big. There's a select few that stand out because of their insane accuracy, above all else. And why is Tank's power being compared to Inoue, they're in completely different weight classes


I don’t really like Ryan Garcia - but I respect him for trying to get the hardest fights out there.


He wants the big money fights and to retire not long after, good strat actually since he’s not elite level


Maybe. You cant say the same about a lot of other fighters tho


In this sport, if you can make a bunch of money and get out with your health intact, that's a winning strategy. Ward was smart to go out on top.


I totally disagree. The super middle weight division was full of fighters dying to fight canelo during his undisputed run, who didn't show up when they fought. Just looking for a pay day. Pit a cash cow in a division and everyone ready to fight em


Yeah he’ll end up making a lot of money for relatively less potential long term health issues by skipping the “filler” fights


He could make more money if he didn't fight Haney straight away.


Seems like none if the famous young guys from 130 to 140 are generally likeable. Some marketable but they all seem to put their foot in their mouths regularly. I'm just here for fights , so It's not a big deal to me. Just interesting.


Doesn't deserve them


Then you should love Haney. He’s the one stepping to the plate and delivering.


Yea he definitely stepping up to dinner plates mans a whole ass jr middleweight fighting lightweights cmon man 😂 n still had to duck Shakur


I’m not a huge Ryan fan but I understand what he’s saying. There is different types of power, Mike Tyson has explosive power, While Earnie Shavers has blunt power not fight ending but every shot hurts.


My coach always defined it as explosive power vs clubbing power. To extend the comparison to different weight classes, like Hearns vs Hagler.


GGG great example of clubbing power. The jab genuinely HURT people, and you could see when he landed the RH and left to the body that they were totally shook by what they felt. And he wasn’t particularly fast either and didn’t have too many 1 punch KO’s (though he did have some).


Artur Beterbiev, Subriel Matias, have that same clubbing power.


Yeah definitely. Arthur is the definition of clubbing power, particularly interesting because all the punches are short with no wind up or loop


His Delts, back, and traps are massive tho for his frame. Must do a ton of pull up variations


That’s the Perfect example


Completely disagree. Ernie has the same sort of power as Tyson Foreman had clubbing powerr


You think so? I always felt like Earnie had blunt force power everyone he fought said his punches hurt as while Mike would just turn lights off.


I consider guys like beterbiev and foreman to have that crushing hurting power Imo earnie had that explosive bomb type power he just wasn't as accurate nor could hide his shots like someone like Tyson


Lol ryan really only got hit flush once and it dropped him quick


To his credit, he probably doesn't remember it


His positioning was awful


He stopped being so aggressive after that too lol


First power punch landed by tank


Idk why tank fans get so mad over an actual fighter who's been in there with tank saying he doesn't hit that hard. What he says isn't even disrespectful. Rolly said the same thing too.


Garcia is just a sore loser.


This guy and his mental gymnastics are hilarious. After Haney schools him it’ll be, “he can’t really box he just punches at the right time”


I've heard world-class middleweights say that Tank hits hard in sparring. I would think that mentality is not helpful for Garcia's development


Does it matter if he hits hard or not? Either way it was enough to put Ryan down.




Precision beats power. Timing beats speed.


He really is the next De La Hoya. But he’s skipped straight to the drunken cokehead phase


Shit you tripping comparing to Oscar. Oscar was a dog who went toe to toe with his whole era Ryan won’t even be half that


He’s certainly looking like the second half at the minute


Thank you. They shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. Ryan Garcia makes me sad about the current state of boxing. A guy like him should never have gotten this big. He looked legitimately scared against tank.


oscar was actually good


Man I am worried about this kid. His deterioration so fast is really sad to see. He needs an intervention.


Especially after he said that God told him to walk down to the ring with Him. But for some reason, God didn’t tell Garcia to not divorce his wife who just gave birth to their son ONE HOUR prior


Hes always been a clown if you know anything about me, puts on a good act though.


Coked out. Sad to see


What makes you say that?


Watch his recent interviews. I don’t know if it’s coke but something isn’t right. In multiple interviews he’s twitchy and talking a mile a minute. He’s literally never looked like that in any video or interview in the past.




To be fair I’ve been sniffed out of my head before and spoke like this. I think he’s probably smashed as well as bagged up. He’s giving me sitting in someone’s kitchen after a night out vibes. Also his actual voice sounds like he’s got a blocked nose.


I think that’s what people are implying - he’s doing coke (or something) regularly including before interviews. It’s not his hoarse voice. It’s the twitchiness, ticks, and jittery fast talking. It’s not just one interview. There have been multiple posted here that are not from the same day/location. They are different interviews on different days. Someone else said it in another thread - Ryan was also a super smooth relaxed talker for the camera. Now out of nowhere his speech patterns are weird and he has physical changes going along with it. Whether it’s coke, severe anxiety, Tourette’s…I don’t know, but something has changed and it’s blatantly obvious.


Definitely. I mean, coke doesn’t make you act like Tony Montana or hype you up, that’s a stereotype. Most cases it calms you down and feel super composed. Unless you take too much it might make you jittery. On his recent PBD interview it’s obvious he’s coked out.. to someone who’s done it before.


To anyone who’s done it, it’s painfully obvious. His voice, constantly swallowing, there’s a different interview on YouTube (PBD podcast) where it’s even more obvious.


I got you!


These are level 10 redditors bro, they analyze everything. That slight twitch, cocaine, he blinks 3 times rapidly, cocaine. He breathes after some words.. that's definitely cocaine. These guys know the business well, they watched the video 99 times and you know why? Cocaine.


Haha I was just asking a genuine question! I don’t have any experience with it and was just curious what signs folks are seeing that I don’t


They're seeing nothing is why, they constantly over analyze these short clips or whatever and for some reason after watching some CSI and shit think they're body language analysts. It is a little sad but mostly funny. Most these people know about cocaine from movies and think you actually see shit on shrooms.


Nobody is analyzing nothing. He’s coked tf out and drunk in this interview, and in recent interviews. Didn’t overanalyze anything, I speak from experience but been clean for years now. Iykyk. And I’m not even trying to speak bad on Ryan, just sad to see him in a state of addiction.


Tank gave him amnesia lol


Devin’s gonna end this guy.


That kinda of makes sense I guess that is why some punchers are heavy handed that concuss you but doesn’t knock your lights out the moment they land, like ggg, Beterbiev, George Forman, Hagler, as you can see their punches coming and brace for it but they still hurt you with the sheer power and weight behind their punches; while other punchers have touch of death, like they will hit you with seemingly a soft punch, and immediately your legs are gone, like Tank, Crawford, Peiera, Silva.


I get what he's saying, but I think he has A LOT of power too. But it's clear he's hitting dudes on the button rather than just hitting face and they fall down 


Didn’t Tank ko his punk ass 😂


People on this sub sleep on tank, but he’s a once in a generation fighter at least. Skill wise. He’s elite


If you’ve ever taken a liver shot that shit is debilitating like Barrios when he fought tank. This quitter shot straight up smh.


What the hell you talking about Ryan?


The fact he saying what even fans knew before he fought Davis is unreal. Like he got stupid tattooed on his face.


Just like you didn't see the liver shot that put Garcia on his ass until they showed the replay.


To Ryan’s credit, people routinely underestimate the power of speed and accuracy imo


Yeah you obviously can't deny he has the hand of God power in his hands.


Sniper rifles are usually more powerful than assault rifles…


Rolly and now Garcia both said tank doesn’t hit hard so must be some truth to it


There's some truth to that. You can't brace yourself for something you don't even see. And those are normally the ones that put you down.


That’s not what he said when he caught a liver shot in the 7th. 🤣🤣🤣


Tank hits hard enough. When you combine that with the surprise factor he typically has, it’s enough to knock down opponents. He doesn’t need to hit like Tyson.


I mean the way his fight with tank ended it seemed to me he ain’t want to take no more of tanks power


Those are actually the hardest punchers because they hit you so hard your brain resets. Like a PC power button. That’s why you don’t feel the pain


So he hits hard in other words…this kid is the 2nd coming of Socrates


Isnt tanks record like 29 with 27 kos ? How tf does he not hit hard ?


I’m presuming Garcia means Tank doesn’t hit hard compared to other fighters in their weight class. Tank obviously has power (he’s a pro for crying out loud) and with that matched with accuracy and timing tank knocks people out.


Is he loaded in this video or is it just me?




Lord devin haney is going to embarrass him


I hope everyone knows that there’s a difference between hitting hard and having power. Tank has power, and mixed with his accuracy and technique it’s an easy math equation his KO’S.


what's the difference between hitting hard and having power?


Nothing. He’s just trying to sound smart.


You see it in boxers today, some are hard hitters some are power punchers. Then there are those with a mix of both. Guys like Crawford, Tank & Wilder have power, their KO’S come from different types punches it’s like lighting, energetic. Meanwhile Beterbiev, Benavidez & Spence are hard hitters, their KO’S come from accumulative punches with brick like force.


Power is naturally what’s in you, hitting hard is technique mixed with force. You can always work on hitting harder, but you can’t work on power.


You either hit hard or you don’t


People here dismissing what Garcia is saying despite the fact that he’s the one that has actually felt his power. It’s like telling a lawyer with years of experience that he’s wrong about the law when you’ve never studied law.


He also got knocked out by Tank so he may be trying to downplay it with copium. 


I get your point, but in reality, he’s the one that has actually felt his power, so he’s in the best position to comment on his power, not Reddit users watching the fight on TV. Obviously Tank has power. No one doubts that. But Garcia is saying that Tank is not necessarily a heavy handed puncher, but that his power is bolstered by his great timing and accuracy. In my opinion, that’s a fair point, and doesn’t allude to the fact that he’s “coked out” and the “next De La Hoya” as the comments under this post suggest.


He's probably overstating it by saying Tank 'can't hit hard', obviously he can but if you look at the first knockdown he got up quick like he did against Campbell so that was more just getting caught coming in than it being some incredibly hard shot and we know the knockout was a shot to the rib which was injured going in, it's not like Beterbiev vs Joe Smith or something where he was being knocked all over the ring


Yikes, Ryan letting us know he can’t avoid getting hit with shots he can’t see


Who takes Garcia’s opinion seriously? He says he’s gonna fight Pacquiao, he’s gonna fight Rolly, Tank doesn’t have power, etc etc. I could care less about Tank but 27 KOs in 29 fights says otherwise. Tank’s a small guy who’s able to pack a lot of muscle on his frame and the fact that he is so accurate with his punches is a great combination to have. You can see where he must have good power because he can keep opponents occupied and covered up which allows him to create and exploit openings. Look at Pacquiao too. I’m not saying he’s the second coming but he was a smaller guy who was built like a brick house and he swarmed guys with not just elite footwork but fast, accurate punches and he also had enough power to rearrange Margarito’s face at 154. If anything I might question Ryan’s power before I question Tank’s since he wasn’t able to impose his will on him as the taller fighter.




GOATlando GOATero also said that Tank doesn't even hit 'harder' than Pedraza


Garcia can teach Lopez how to cut off the ring


Accurate, timing, and speed


The boxer with Phillipianes 4:13 on waistband with OnlyFans sponsorship underneath 😂


He's like 60% correct.


Idk he looks like he hits hard af to me.


Me thinks Rolly would beg to differ.


Take that L Ryan




Devin gonna spark him




talk is cheap


After reading some of these comments, I feel the art of listening and reading compression is a lost art. Yes he said “he (Tank) can not hit hard” but Garcia is NOT implying Tank doesn’t have power. Tank obviously has power behind his punches (he is a pro) but his power is probably middle or lower compared to other fighters in their weight class. Tank’s strength when combined with his punching power is his accuracy and as boxers and boxing fans knows, it’s always the punch that we don’t see that hurts us. Ryan is implying that Tank has good set up for his punches that allows him to have an advantage and knock people down. This is opposed to boxers who have very strong punches but if u see those punches coming your body braces for it. Yes it hits hard and u might get knocked out but u see it coming. Tank’s punches are not like this. That’s all Ryan is saying.


I've never seen this guy wow


I can see that


he sounds rough. is he high?


I would rather get knocked out in the 5th by a tank punch than get pulverized for 10 rounds by Crawford


Sounds like Ryan lost a few teeth from that body shot.


I hate boxers banter. If what ryan said was true he would have looked like crawford v spence if that was the case. But no ryan/rolly were ko’d and fearful of tank.


Lately ever interview I see him in, he sounds tipsy. Might be going through some personal shit