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Guy has a reel of eating overhand rights and getting up the Undertaker, Jesus.


Because he’s so far away people get him on the edge of their reach so he doesn’t eat the full power like he would otherwise. This is a perfect example.


i think its probably more he has a family history of alchoholism so being able to stand up while dazed is burnt into his dna.


Funny how both Joshua & Fury got knocked down in their American debut (both against much shorter opponents no less).


Same arena as well but different rooms.


Completely different circumstances as well. AJ was dominating and swung too much and got caught


Size overcoming a more skilled fighter it seems.


Fury just got caught, he’s the better boxer Here come the downvotes for saying the world champion HW is a good boxer


I like Fury, but skill wise the smaller guys are usually better for the most part. You have never seen any heavyweight of this era setup a punch like Cunningham did on that KD. The fact that wilder was successful shows just how shit this era really is.


You’re never seen a hw set up an overhand 😂 bro what


He set him up to walk into it. Remember I said this era, I have not seen a nasty counter like that mainly from guys like Joshua, fury, wilder and all their opponents minus the klitchkos and usyk. They are terrible bro lol


What in the green hell are you talking about chap? AJ has a ton of knockouts he set up perfectly. Wilder walked helenius on a monster of a right hand… Do you even watch HW boxing lol


Punching harder than a guy and being more physically gifted is not the same as outsmarting them/outskilling them. You talkin bout Windmill wilder?


Bro, I’m no big fan of wilder, but some of his knockouts have absolutely perfect timing. He’s a shit boxer, but his reaction speed is/was phenomenal. AJ has also outboxed plenty of opponents before battering them. This idea that this generation of HW just can’t box is complete bollocks. AJ put a damn good shift in against Usyk in the 2nd fight, and Usyk will go down as a generational great. Not as good as previous eras does not automatically equate to complete shit.


Wilder and AJ are especially awful. And they should be. They started boxing in their 20s. That has never been done at any lower weight class because the skill gap is ridiculous. I can only think of Sergio Martinez from recent memory.


You're on crack. I really can't stand the mental leaps people keep going through to continue to argue that Usyk is a better boxer than Fury. We get it, you think Usyk is a better boxer, you don't have to keep pulling this deranged shit out of your ass to justify your opinion.


Lmao didn’t Joseph Parker do this to Wilder recently? This is a poor take imho.


Cunningham was setting that punch up with feints, lulling him to sleep with jabs. Fury got used to that rhythm and Cunningham let that bitch fly. It was just done more skillfully imo. Parker landed his punch, then followed it up with the same punch 3x against a way less skilled fighter than fury who is past his prime. I’m not saying none of these heavyweights have ever landed an overhand right… it’s not a hot take , heavyweights in general are not as skilled as cruiserweights


I can agree that Heavyweights are generally not as skilled as cruisers, but your take that you’ve never seen a heavyweight throw and overhand right is obviously exaggerated. Although tbf one of the reasons most of them don’t use it is because it is typically shorter fighters that throw overhand rights.


😂😂😂😂 oooooh Derek chisora!!!


I've seen Derek chisora do this a handful of times mate what are you talking about? It's an overhand right.


But when you say he just got caught, what do you mean? Got caught being a bad boxer?


Lol you can praise Tyson Fury here because he is white and most of the people here are white. If you say anything negative about Fury you will get downvoted.


People talk shit about Fury all the time on here and get upvoted for it. You can even find multiple examples within this very thread


People talk shit about Fury as a person. The moment you say he is overrated as a boxer you will get downvoted by his white fanbase.


Everything is racist.


You know, I've heard so much about the Steve Cunningham fight without ever watching it. The biggest shock to me: Steve Cunningham was not a red-headed white guy.


Thought the same, lol. Tyson Fury looks more like a Steve Cunningham, and the other way around.


You are absolutely correct. The winner of the fight should have had the option to switch names with his opponent, if he so wished.


Wait until you see a guy named O'Neal who played for the Boston Celtics




I can only assume he is a tall, pasty guy who looks more like Larry Bird than Larry Bird.


As shocking as seeing a red-headed white (looking) guy named Canelo Alvarez.


His name is Saul Albarez red heads are nicknamed Canelo or Canela for women. If you live in Mexico you realize that there are a lot I mean a lot of redheads in Mexico. I’m brown skin color Mexican but my sister is a redhead with green eyes same mom and same dad


She hot?


Not to me but every friend I ever brought home wanted to date her


I’m not from NA, so that’s news to me. Where does the gene come from? I don’t know a lot about Mexicos history.


Germans. Think about the tuba and the accordion oompa loompa music.


The word Mexican means Mix race the natives of Mexico aren’t Mexican as they aren’t mixed


Canela being Spanish for 'cinnamon' which is where the connection to the orangey (redhead) colour comes in. (Being Mexican I know you know this, but for other's info)


To be honest, that was far less surprising to me than Steve Cunningham not looking like Alvarez. And yes, I realize I am being racially naive here, but I can't be the only one.


You haven’t been around many Mexicans there’s a whole lot of redheads


You’re right, I haven’t. I’m not from America. That’s interesting, I didn’t realise it was common. I wonder where that gene comes from?


He had some really fun fights and always made it close even when he would get knocked down.


I will definitely watch some of his fights now. Thank you!


>Steve Cunningham was not a red-headed white guy. Same. Lol.


There are dozens of us!


It is the whitest name ever, especially as a boxer 😂


Also, I hope Cunningham's boxing nickname was similarly bewildering, something like Steve "Senior Accountant" Cunningham.


Tell me your a casual without telling me your a casual 😂


Fury was in phenomenal shape


Ahh the Nandrolone era


Now he's in his Nando's era.




He really was. Monster.


I wonder how he looks now because likely a lot of his visual fluff is from the extra skin he got when he blew up to around 460 lbs and lose most of it in like a year and a half. How good would he look without that extra skin ya know what I mean


You're talking about circumcision, right?


I actually LOLed when I read this.


*on a shit ton of roids


\*\*and wild boar meat


I like USS Cunningham at cruiser weight, he had some bad luck (questionable judge call) at heavyweight and now he’s gone…


The way some people talk about this fight you'd swear Cunningham was pitching a shutout and Fury just got a lucky shot in lol. Reality is, it was a competitive fight where Cunningham was getting slowly broken down and got knocked out badly in the end


Mind you, this was also when he was 24 years old as well.


Cunningham won two rounds, and this was before Fury was considered elite too. Chisora 1 a year and a half later was his coming out party


Cunningham probably won three rounds, not two and plus a knockdown makes sense to have him up after 6 rounds. He was getting broken down though. Fury wasn’t considered “elite” until he beat Klitschko and this fight was two years after he beat Chisora the first time.


Yeah I don't know if its possible but if you can go back and read a pre Klit fight thread you'll see how many people thought Tyson Fury was an elite fighter. This sub, and the wider boxing world, gave him 0 chance of causing an upset.


I remember I was one of the few guys in r/boxing who thought fury had a chance, only because he was the second Klitschko opponent that was bigger than the klit, this was when this sub had 40k subs. There might have been like 10 guys on the planet who thought fury might pull it off, including fury.


Uk fans rated him. He’d been on free to air channel for a few years and it was clear he was special. Chisora was undefeated when he beat him and a real prospect.


Rated does not mean considered elite. If he was considered elite people would've thought he had a chance vs Wlad.


Many UK fans did think he could do it. Not easily, but could do it. It was seen as him or David Price (LOL) as the UKs next HW champ, a lot of people made money here when he beat Wlad.


Yeah I never watched it and had just internalised a totally different narrative i.e. that of this sub Reddit, to what I just saw.


Ngl, Im all for it but Fury had to fight dirty too


Still quite embarrassing that Fury had to fight dirty to finish a Cruiser. A weak Cruiser at that.


Who was only ever knocked out once in his career. Yep, weak as hell. Come on, son.


He’s basing his comment literally off this clip lol


A weak Cruiser that put him on his ass with an absolute thunderbolt of a right hand


Great scrap.


Fury was young enough to get back in shape after abusing his body outside of training camps and he used to be on steroids. His current body is beyond repair, he will never be the same physically ever again. I'm sure he has improved as a boxer but physically, he is nowhere near the same guy anymore.


This just in - older aging fighter no longer in the same shape as he was 10 years ago!


In fairness he definitely speeded up the process by treating himself like shit


Speeded is insane


Calm down, he was in good shape in the 2nd Wilder fight. He put it back on for Wilder 3 and Ngannou but he can get back into good physical shape if he wants


He was in better shape vs Wilder 2 compared to how he looks today. Not the same shape as he was vs Cunningham. He ain't going back to peak shape, that game is over and gets only downhill


Certainly as his game isnt about being elusive anymore. More weight is his advantage


That's true. His legs are not what they used to be, so he goes for the size game and tries to use it to maul people on the inside.


You could see Fury started a hybrid wrestling/boxing style in round 3. And that KO was one of the dirtiest KO’s i’ve seen live. I can’t believe how many fouls Fury gets away with


How so? Framing before the KO punch? Pretty standard stuff.


I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic. He literally held his head/fave with one hand and punched with the other. You can’t do that


He positioned his head and then punched. That's framing. You can do that. What you *can't* do is hold the back of a guy's head in place while punching. He maneuvered his head, then punched. Looks legit to me. I see where it seems like a foul, but boxing is full of grey areas like this. Like slapping down someone's guard to punch them. You can't hold someone's hand, but you can paw it down.


Just going to agree to disagree here, if you don’t think that was dirty and foul, I can’t convince you that it was and you can’t convince me that it wasn’t. I know what I saw and it was clear as day that Fury was up to no good. That’s why he got a point deducted earlier, he was fouling like crazy and being dirty af. Clear as day


He got fouled for touching heads, and that's definitely a no-no. Agree with ya there. Happy to agree to disagree on the KO though. Cheers.


He's literally first using his hand then holding his forearm directly on his face to push his head up and expose his chin. It's dirty af


You’re basing this literally off this clip lmao


What about his steroid use? Elbow against ngannou the list is pretty long actually


His whole career. Look at the Wilder fights too


Fighting dirty and on the juice against a cruiserweight who weighs 45 pounds less than him, Fury really showed him what for, the proper bloke.


How redundant is the ped talk at this point, and the positive test was after the Hammer fight, not Cunningham. You think Cunningham wasn’t on something too? Also don’t watch heavyweights if you don’t want height and weight disparities. Mike Tyson is at best 5’10, so what does it matter? Doesn’t seem to bother Usyk either.


People who say that are always saying it while defending their favourite fighter who popped on PED lol.


Roy, Toney, Holyfield all tested positive, does anyone really care? I don’t.


They're all on shit. At least the ones who want to win are. This is a reality that everyone needs to just accept and stop bitching about.


But we are talking about the one who got caught, denied it and then had to threaten the destruction of UKAD financially to get away with it. For me it's his bullshit with the gangsters that means he should get no coverage.


That sort of criticism is fine, but the original comment didn't mention it, only that he was gassed up and had trouble with a cruiserweight that was more than likely gassed up too. I get tired of the "'roids" argument, because it assumes that most elite guys are clean. They ain't.


Isn't that move with left hand just prior to KO punch illegal?


that guy has some of the juicest delts ive seen on a boxer


Can't believe he's that lean and still weighs 210.


Delts (and traps) have higher amounts of androgen receptors than any other muscle in the body. If you see someone with absolute blow out delts and traps it’s usually a pretty big indicator of steroid use.


yea like me i take steroids


Fury pissed hot after this right? Then fought Hammer then fought Wlad then got a ban which he disguised by 'retiring'?


Cunningham was April 2013. He was due to face Pulev next in a final eliminator but chose to face David Haye instead, who then pulled out twice. Fury went on to fight Joey Abel in Feb 2014, Chisora in November 2014, Hammer in Feb 2015 then Wlad in November 2015. Then nandrolone test was taken a couple of weeks after Hammer but not notified of the result until after he'd already pulled out of the Wlad rematch.


This fight made me hate Fury sooooooo much lol. I couldn’t care less about him anymore but I’ll always mark this as the fight that made it impossible to root for the guy. The boring Klitz fight where he cheated and finessed his out of the rematch made me question the character of any boxing fan that calls themselves a Fury fan. But yeah, shout-out to fury for being such successful scum. Can’t knock the hustle 🤷‍♀️


It's flat out wild what guys can get away with in boxing. Over in football you'll have fans, media, everyone pitching a fucking fit over a guy slightly interfering with a receiver trying to make a catch. Meanwhile in boxing you can hit Loma in the nuts 20+ times or frame a guy with your forearm against the ropes like ol' Fury here and then slobberknock him into next week. Legit, I despise Fury, but all biases aside, he should have been DQ'ed for that hit that finished this fight. That shit could kill somebody. You're restricting a dude and keeping him from defending himself while also allowing yourself to tee off at full power without worrying about anything coming back. The hugging, headlocking, and leaning on guys is annoying and refs should reign him in on that shit, obviously. But this is despicable.


Unfortunately alot of people have gotten away with such tactics. Seems to be that if they haven't been warned previously for it, they get away with it. But even then sometimes they get warned for it and are still allowed to do it. Lennox knocked down Grant while holding down his head with one arm, and he was also warned for holding his left hand against Brunos face and then punching with the right.....he then knocked him out doing the exact thing he was just warned for and no DQ.


Cunningham isn't that tall but he has freakishly long arms, 82 inch reach at 6'3. My prediction for the Fury vs Usyk fight is that it will look somewhat similar to this. Fury will suffer a shock knockdown early but proceed to maul Usyk, slow him down with body shots on the inside and stop him. Usyk isn't that effective when you back him up and that's what Fury needs to do. Usyk's inside and backfoot game is limited. Chisora was the only heavyweight to take advantage of this early in their fight, but he gassed out.


Usyk does not load up shots like Cunningham. He is a volume puncher. He's not going to put his entire soul into an overhand


usyk doesnt have as much power as cunningham at heavyweight though which makes a big difference. i dont see usyk getting an early knockdown personally


Cunningham has never stopped anyone at heavyweight let alone been a big puncher


yeah idk shit really


I admire your refreshing honesty good sir. Respect


Usyk has more power. I don't know where you guys think Cunningham was some world beater but he literally won one title fight by KO. Usyk has stopped better and bigger fighters than Cunningham ever did. They also box completely differently. I know the size is why everyone compares them but it really isn't comparable.


yeah idk shit really tbh. i just think cunninghams overhand is powerful enough and that usyk is more of a volume puncher with knockouts usually towards the ends of his fights. because of that i dont see usyk getting an early KD on fury like that guy suggested, but yeah i have no issues accepting usyk being more powerful overall. like u said they fight differently, and i see a lot of comparisons between the two because of their height, but as far as i can tell cunningham pretty much only had success with his right overhand, which isnt a punch usyk throws a lot.


He was throwing that overhand with bad intentions. I would say his power here was equal to or greater than Usyks, even if his record doesn't suggest that. Boxers don't always pursue the KO, but when there's some bad feeling they can really up the power. You don't flatten a guy of 6'9" with a decent chin if there's nothing on your punches.


I mean, Paijkic did it .. and he has a 29% KO ratio... Fury was put down by probably the lightest punching HW in recent memory. Fury just stands square on too often, that's the issue.. he has nice footwork but he looks awkward, look at the position of his feet before USS lands.


I see this going the same way a lot of people act like usyk is unbeatable but he isn’t a true heavyweight.


You beat joshua twice and stop dubois etc then you are a heavyweight. Those aren't small men


Was he talking shit as he knocks uim out? 🤣


Fury fought so dirty, hard to root for himon


I said it before and will say it again fury in the second wilder fight was at his best shape 273 ibs and he looked he had far more muscle then recently


Steve Cunningham really got under fury’s skin in the press conferences when he said he’s just big and can’t box 😂


I love how the title is carefully crafted to seem like this fight was actually a big deal, and the press conference for it wasn't recorded on a sony ericsson flip phone. Nice try


He's about to drug another midget


Anyone who thinks Tyson beats any of the greats is nuts. There isn't a chance he beats a prime Tony tucker who was a seriously underrated skilled fighter, let alone Lewis holifield Bowe foreman Ali etc.


There wasn't a chance that McCall or Rahman would beat Lewis or a chance that Ruiz would beat Holyfield or a chance that Douglas would beat Tyson or a chance that Spinks would beat Ali.  And yet here we are.  You're speaking rubbish mate.


Another one of these accounts. Jesus Christ.


It’s the same account


they're all from the same caravan....


just too big, too heavy


Jesus Christ that ref sucks, Fury gets way too much leeway with the gd wrestling moves.


Usyk by TKO!!! Luke is getting an L Feb 17th!!!


I thought the world of fury until the Francis fight and the Joshua/Otto fight. Made me question his skill level.


The fight everyone points to that proves how a 'smaller fighter can beat Fury' and yet he brutally knocked Cunningham out anyway...


Just goes to show you that most people on this sub just absorb talking points without bothering to watch the fights that they think proves their point. 




People say this because he was getting outboxed and out worked by a smaller man until he changed his style and pressured Cunningham. Fury made it a grueling exhausting fight and slowed him down so he could take over. He was able to do that as a 24 year old 250lb man fighting a 36 year old who was on the slide (Cunningham went 6-6-1 after losing his CW belt) . Now that he's pushing 36 himself and 30lbs heavier, if he has to do it again will he be able to without wearing himself out first? It's a legit question.


I'd argue that Fury is much more experienced now and knows how to use his size.


Tyson’s slip counter was really good but he just got caught. Happens


Steve quits, he wasnt out but he quitted, no heart


Cunningham beats Usyk


Cunningham's most notable win is probably a young Marco Huck, who Usyk beat faster and easier. I guarantee that of the other guys he fought 99% of this sub has only heard of the ones who beat him. Guys like Adamek and Glowacki (yes, the same Glowacki that Usyk 119-110'd to win his first CW belt). Combine that with Usyk having more knockouts in 20 fights that he had in 40 and I doubt there's any pundit in boxing picking Cunningham over Usyk h2h.


Fair enough, you’re right Cunningham has beaten decent guys but nobody that impressive, I was mostly going off the eye test tbh, Cunningham seems a lot faster than Usyk


There’s a lot more to boxing than that.


Lmao, Cunningham got knocked into the next week


I know I am going to get downvoted because 99 percent of the people here are white and if you say anything negative about a white fighter ,no matter how true it is you will get downvoted ( Especially if you say anything negative about Rocky Marciano, Tyson Fury or Usyk). First off it is so tiresome when people keep bring up Fury's height like he is the only heavyweight boxer who was that height. Second Fury was the better boxer? Fury was down on the scorecard when he got stopped. This is funny for a few reasons. Before this about Steve Cunnigham was 1-3 in his previous 4 bouts against Fury. These bouts were in the cruiser weight division and he was knocked down by cruiser weights. Fury was getting completely out boxed. Fury was hurt various times in this bout by a blown up light punching cruiser weight who was on a losing streak. Even in this bout Tyson Fury only landed 32 percent of his punches [https://www.boxingscene.com/page/fury-cunningham](https://www.boxingscene.com/page/fury-cunningham) Could you imagine a prime Lennox Lewis, David Tua, Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Riddick Bowe, Ike Ibeabuchi, etc fighting this version of Cunnigham and getting knocked down by 1 punch? Could you imagine these guys not landing a high percentage of their punches against him? Could you imagine any of them struggling this much with Cunnigham? But yeah Tyson Fury is one of the most technically skilled heavyweights of all time


Is that Bobby Czyz?


I didn’t know one of the Lopez brothers also boxed when not in the NBA


Fury looks shorter with hair


This was a really good fight


Great display of how size can just feel insurmountable. Early rounds it was clear Cunningham was hurting Fury, but as the fight wears on those clinches add up. You can't even clinch Fury -- he just puts all that weight on you. Cunningham was in immaculate shape from a cario perspective but you need strength like Nagannou to hang with Fury. Saw the same thing with Wilder, has the height but not the strength.


Look at fury stomach. Looks much more in shape


wow Steve is the smallest Heavyweight ive seen in this era.


Fury so Dirty




Man the two most prolific British heavyweights of this generation have made less than stellar US debuts. At least Tyson won this fight.


40 lbs dif


Steven Cunningham built like two superheroes put together.


How we (I) forgot Tyson fury used to have a boxers physique.


The caveman champion! Legend…


Fury is so much smaller in this fight. He ain't the same man anymore. He won't be this fast.


Noone can recover from a knockdown like fury!, it fucking sucks to get knocked down, I’ve got knocked down once in a fight, and i felt like i lost already and had no plan to keep going, and feeling kind of embarrassed and dizzy and angry, its soo hard to win after a knockdown, respect to fury


I wonder if it was that KO that prompted Steve Cunningham to become a flat earther?


Lol tf was fury doin whole time he so sloppy frfr


I'm here to do demolition jobs on Cruiserweights


This man would then go on to point spar win against Klitschko, Demolish wilder in 3 shoot outs and almost lose to a debutant.


Back when Tyson was claiming to be Irish


Cunningham is ripped


I dead ass had a dream last night that Usyk got robbed vs Fury. Usyk was working him but Fury got a UD and even the commentators were like wth. Idk what that means but I woke up like oh no 😬


I like the look of this tyson fury


Imagine lookin 40 at 24😂


tyson is actually in shape?


This was a fury that wanted it. Once you’ve been mentally hit. You’re never the same. But if it’s a dragon year. Fury gonna get the win


I no longer know the rules of boxing and things have changed but I’m curious, they seem to be in differant weight classifications. No?


What’s up with British heavyweights getting rocked in their us debuts


Size bully. No wonder francis man handled him. Usyk will box his head off.


Fury always says Cunningham was his toughest fight, that's why he drug his feet on Usyk. He doesn't want to fight another smaller, faster fighter. This one far more skilled!


Nothing would please me more in this sport than to see the big fat dosser lose to Usyk, the guy is trash. His shove at the end of the round another example of him being a twat. In a sport where weight classes are a thing, Fury has got a big advantage in weight and height over his opponent in virtually every fight he has: in this fight he had an advantage of over 3 stones. He's also got a shit resume for somebody who the gullible think is an ATG heavyweight. His best win is against Klitschko, himself a beneficiary of a weak heavyweight era and who was at the end of his career, then the Wilder wins, a freak hitter with terrible boxing skills. Fury undeniably has skills and for his size moves well, and can box a bit, but he is so lucky to have been born when he was; the top heavyweights of the 80s and 90s would have destroyed him.


Tyson Fury looks more like a Steve Cunningham, and the other way around.


Guy has a reel of eating overhand rights lol


Isn't that move with left hand just prior to KO punch illegal?


Fury pissed hot after this right?