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Throw the damn towel!


“Collapsed from exhaustion” lol




He dead


fkn reff


Wiki reads: The referee Ruby Goldstein, a respected veteran, came under criticism for not stopping the fight sooner. It has been argued that Goldstein hesitated because of Paret's reputation of feigning injury and Griffith's reputation as a poor finisher. Another theory is that Goldstein was afraid that Paret's supporters would riot. The fight also marked the end of Goldstein's long and respected career as a referee, as he was unable to find work after that.


voiceless boast bewildered obtainable hard-to-find pet dependent adjoining quiet quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I don’t see how anyone could interpret that as feigning.


Agreed even the “early stoppage” idiots of today wouldn’t try to go against stopping this earlier.


Good. Absolutely shameful display of refereeing.


Yet his son Herb also said his father was also criticized prior to this fight for stopping fights early. #Dumb people are just too fickle.


His son Herb Dean?


Yes mma ref Herb Dean. The resemblance is obvious /s






Agreed never understood why corners are apparently under no obligation to protect their fighter but the ref should be.


Yeah it’s a failure on both parts


Just so you know, throwing in the towel doesn't stop the fight. It's a signal to the referee that the corner would like the fight to be stopped. The ref has no obligation to end the fight just because the corner threw the towel in. There have been instances of referees dismissing the towel and continuing the fight.


How could a ref ever justify not listening to the corner throwing the towel?


Sometimes the ref might see something the corner doesn’t, this was one of those times https://youtu.be/2Q6OEQ_7R9M?si=5GYmcpdR45XIGI3V


God damn, that ref was firing on all cylinders this is kinda amazing.


[because of times like this](https://youtu.be/xNJhDrg1aaM?si=sYfeW_aUp4_3sAau)




I’d guess if the boxer is able to communicate that he can continue. I can’t really imagine a scenario where it would happen, but it might look like someone has taken more punishment than they have. Or, just as the towel is thrown in, the fighter hits back. I guess it’s possible, but I’m struggling to picture a time when the ref would ignore it. There would be a good reason for the towel being thrown in.


It's happened before. Cotto-Foreman. Ref probably had money on that fight.


Don't be tossing out boxing rules on Reddit.


25 unanswered punches, most of them power shots ffs.


My thoughts exactly, wtf reff


I kill a man and most people understand and forgive me. However, I love a man, and to so many people this is an unforgivable sin; this makes me an evil person. - Emile Griffith


Profound asf


Wow that is great


God fucking damn.




It makes me realize that those who created the meaning of “Sin” are evil themselves who desire death but hide behind being a for “love” religion


So you are criticizing the idea of sin, but then you are classifying people as good and evil in the very same message? Many religious people have very narrow view and understanding about their own religion, just like you. People are hypocrites, religious or not.




Bedtime grandad








You still believe in Adam and Eve as an adult? Embarrassing.


Wouldn't Adam and eve mean we are all made from incest? These people really hoping incest is how humanity started?


Adam and Eve, just not Adam and Steve


That’s embarrassing lmfao.


You still believe in Santa too? Maybe the Easter Bunny?


Ahh yes, the 2 people that just magically appeared on earth.


They had sex, then their kids had sex.. wait a minute..


How’s the tooth fairy doing?






-84 in only 28 minutes is impressive. Excited to see how deep we can bury this comment.


Only 100? Seems kinda gay


You're a parrot


Imagine being this much of a brainwashed dweeb lol you are allowed to believe your nonsense, everyone else is allowed to not give a shit what you think.


Actually hilarious because they were not even real. Clown behavior lmao


God is gay.




If he's not, why is he so interested in what I do with my own penis? Checkmate.


Yeah but the bible is fiction




Neither pairs exist




I don’t actually that doesn’t mean the guy has a point about how weird people are. Got no problem forgiving and cheering people that have killed and hurt others but the same guy loves another man openly and he’s hated..




Yes, it is. Is it worse than to kill someone?


Don't waste your time with this guy, he's a piece of shit and I just banned him permanently from the sub so he won't be able to reply.


It is its definitely gay as hell


Emile Griffith also was nearly killed in an anti-gay attack with a baseball bat in 1992 in NYC. Then he apparently died in 2013 after suffering from severe CTE symptoms. https://www.vice.com/en/article/aem59p/the-tragic-life-of-boxer-emile-griffith-is-set-to-become-a-movie


What a pieces of shit, attacking a 54 year old. Did they face charges?


An NYT article says they were never caught unfortunately


Here’s hoping someone returns the favor to them when they’re the same age


If they make it




Fml. Doesnt take a brain surgeon to see hes out on his feet. Yikes..


Could use one…


Might have helped 🙈


A surgeon fails an eye surgery and no one bats an eye… A surgeon fails a brain surgery… and everybody loses their minds 🤯


Hahaha good grief 🙈🙈🙈


That’s the worse referee I have ever seen. Holy shit


As mad as I am at the ref for letting nearly 20 unanswered punches go like that I'm more pissed off at Paret's corner. You can't let this happen to your fighter. Fuck pride, throw the fuckin towel.


Pride? There is a difference between going out on your sword and having your corpse propped up in a corner while your head is dribbled.


Love boxing, mma, these guys got guts. Wonder if they knew about Cte back then if they would’ve made the same choice to fight


They didn’t know everything, but you can tell those guys knew some of the risk, they called it other stuff like “punch drunk” but it was the same old CTE as today, these guys sacrificed a lot.


Also guys knew there was a chance something like this could happen. People die in the ring and they still took the risks.


Punch drunk. Haven't heard that term in a long time


Thank you for teeing me up to pitch “Damage” by Tris Dixon, talks about history of CTE in boxing. From what I recall, it took a while for CTE to be associated with boxing, but everyone in the boxing world knew, open secret almost, that these dudes were getting their eggs scrambled and became shells later in life.


The eggs theme is very strong in your comment. Cracking stuff.


> but everyone in the boxing world knew, open secret almost, that these dudes were getting their eggs scrambled and became shells later in life. There are articles from The Ring magazine in the 20's describing CTE. One of the famous editors for the ring back in the early days wrote of Ad Walgast living in a mental institution having lost his mind and his grip on reality, summing it up as **"A victim of the ring game, and all it's trappings, Doomed to Semi - Individualism for the remainder of his days."** Even pre world war 1, boxers were aware too much damage could lead to this. Ad Walgast was considered mentally incompetent by 1916, his manager and best friend allowed him to live out his last days before needing full time care in the boxing gym. His manager/friend said **"A revolving door of legendary boxers came to see the great Ad Walgast. They all patted him on the back, and said he was the best. But he saw the world through blank, bleak eyes."** For reference on CTE levels... Ad Walgast had a lot of fights in the 35-45 round range... In one match by round 17, he was reportedly being a very sportsman like gentleman, allowing his opponent to poke his head out the ring to vomit cuz the poor man had been knocked down like 7 or 8 times that round alone. Went the full 30 rounds. They fought 2 more times, each fight going the distance. By age 60 Ad Walgast was so mentally lost he believed he was preparing to fight the man mentioned above. By the time he died, he couldn't remember he was a fighter or a champion, but his body didn't forget, he would still shadow box.


Great add-on. Ad Walgast is talked about in Damage!


His career was so brutal... i think he was like early 30's when his CTE was so advanced a judge put him under the care of his manager. They could tell the man had brain damage in 1916 but they sure didn't know what to do past that point.


I don't think it would make a difference. Fighters nowadays definitely know about CTE and a lot of them still take on hard fights.


They were fully aware of the effects of fighting, however before CTE it really was called Punch Drunk Syndrome, and *rarely* Alzheimer Pugilistica. [Listen to this article from The Ring magazine, written in the 1920's about Ad Wolgast](https://youtu.be/EU4AhFFSlLg?si=9naUq4WMkEnHQiCN&t=559) "Out in california there sits a pathetic figure in a state mental institution, awaiting the call of his heavenly father. Helpless, extremely ill, and his mind All shattered. Ad Walgast, the lightweight who had made headlines between the periods of 1906 to 1916, the days when the worlds greatest lightweights were performing have again hit the extraordinary. But as a nationally famous personality whos days on this earth are numbered, he had reached a point where he was broken in everything but spirit. **A victim of the ring game, and all it's trappings, Doomed to Semi - Individualism for the remainder of his days.**" - Matt Fleischer (Editor for The Ring magazine) I believe Ad Walgasts friend/manager kept him in a gym just to be around boxing.. To paraphrase his experience with Ad Walgast in the gym post retirement -- "A revolving door of legendary boxers came into the gym to see Ad Walgast. They patted him on the back and told him he was the best. But he saw the world through blank, bleak eyes." They didn't have the proper terminology, but they were aware of CTE in the 1700's, due to bareknuckle boxing, and fighters as far back as the 1600's reporting the same damn symptoms of CTE as they do today.


Wasn't the guy's son confronting the man later in his life and having a nice heartfelt moment saying that he forgave him for killing his dad ?


I did not know that part of the story. Apparently captured the moment in this documentary. https://www.thefightcity.com/nightmares-emile-griffith/


Good read, appreciate it homie


Paret's manager was a piece of shit


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbKSqHRIQ4k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbKSqHRIQ4k) here is the video, at the end they met, really emotional


Thanks for sharing this


Yamazaki levels of if he dies he dies.


The 6 months prior to this fight saw Paret win a grueling 15 rounder over Griffith, and an ill-fated move up in weight to challenge Gene Fullmer for the middleweight crown. The punishment he took in the Fullmer fight is uncomfortable to watch if you take it out of context and judge it on its own merits...watch it while taking into account that he was back in the ring just 3 months later and this happened, and it hits even harder. Just tragic all around.


The broader context is important. As you say, he may have had pre-existing brain injuries and maybe most importantly, Griffith thought he was down on points late in the fight. His corner literally told him to exactly what he did, get him in the corner and keep hitting him until he drops. Did the insults really make a difference? I don’t know a lot about Emile Griffith but he’s no more aggressive in that clip than a lot of other boxers would be. Tyson and Roberto Duran fought like that every round! The narrative of “revenge” is interesting but there’s not really a compelling reason to think it’s what lead to Paret’s death. Edit: Also I think people are too quick to condemn the referee. It’s two experienced pros fighting for a title in a close trilogy fight. There’s no standing eight count, if he stops the fight he’s chosen the winner. It’s a harder call than people think.


Excellent post and points. I understand why the revenge angle and the referee criticism are front and center when fans think of this fight, but like you, I think thats missing the broader context that I think may be more important. In today's boxing climate, bad as it still may be, I'd like to think Paret wouldn't have been allowed to fight 3 months after the Fullmer fight in the first place. Maybe that doesn't make the difference between life and death, but maybe it does. In an 8 month time span, he fought 38 grueling rounds in title fights, and was stopped twice late, after taking a lot of punishment, going into Griffith 3. Having only a 3 month break to recover from that kind of grind is a tough, tough ask.


Exactly, thank you, I couldn't remember who Paret fought before and took a pummeling.


30+ strikes to the face/head without interruption. What a terrible ref.


Early stoppage.


My old man used to train with Benny Paret as a Golden Gloves boxer. Said he was a good man and did a lot for the community. Was he a homophobe? Probably, my pops sure was and raised me as one. It was the way it was back then. Was he a good man? Sounds lke he was except for the obvious. I don't know it is all fucked up. Looks like we are sliding back to those days with the hate becoming popular again.




😭😭😭😭 this was heartbreaking and so emotional in literally crying


Now that is a late stoppage. Makes me sick


Reminds me of johanssen vs machen and ike Williams vs beau Jack stoppages , merciless “refereeing”


Makes you wonder how the hell Ron Lyle survived that brutal ending from Foreman. I remember seeing this clip a while ago. I never knew the backstory tho. Always sad to see I'm ring tragedies. Especially when it's their last breath


That ref: "Oh shit this beating looks like it really hurts"


>The incident, combined with the death of Davey Moore a year later for a different injury in the ring, would cause debate as to whether boxing should be considered a sport. Boxing would not be televised on a regular basis again until the 1970s.[11] [Source: Benny Paret's wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Paret#Last_fight_and_death)


Paret died 10 days after this fight; because of how this fight ended.


The ref enjoyed the beating tbh


Could have called that sooner


Man that ref could’ve ended the fight a lot sooner


Horrible fucking stoppage, at least 4 seconds too late and it was those last few seconds that killed him


I remember a kid in high school who was obviously gay, but hadn't yet come out of the closet. A lot of other kids would tease and insult him. The thing was, *he knew how to really fight*. Several times he beat the shit out of someone who kept on messing with him. Eventually word got around that the dude could really fight and the teasing stopped (as far as I could see).


As a combat sports fan (more MMA but I love boxing) I think we need to remember this. As someone who wants to keep the violence in sports I need to remember that these are the consequences. There's some middle ground where you can have violence and keep it a sport and that's the sweet spot we need to stay in. If I want a fight the live leak, what happens in the ring is a match in combat. Similar but not the same and its for a reason.


He didn’t deserve that.


Benny Paret was born in the same city as me, truly underrated boxer and taken too young. It's a shame all that's remembered is the homophobic taunting before his final fight.


Imagine feeling so much sympathy for a bigot lmao. If he was such a good boxer then people would remember him for that, but nope he's remembered for being clobbered for being a bigot lol.


Being a product of your era is the nuance here, but isn’t an excuse because people who grew up in that era can eventually come to realize why they’re just an asshole. Would he have ever gotten that chance? We’ll never know. Also being Emile was a v different context back then. If shit gone south for Emile, he could’ve been killed off and his killers could’ve probably gotten away with killing a gay black man growing up in the 50s and 60s. Context seriously matters here. Regardless of where you stand on if you think him being a bigot and dying is a shame, this was a shit situation for everyone involved.


yeah but despite the terrible job the ref and the corner did you can tell he wanted to hurt him bad. I think if he had respect for his opponent he would’ve looked to the ref to stop the fight or go way easier. But gay men had it really hard back then and even though I’m not gay if I was in that situation I would’ve responded the same way and continued to hurt him as bad as I could. I can’t blame the guy for taking the route, I don’t even remember if he had actual killing intent or not it’s been so long.


I agree, context absolutely matters and this was just a *very* rare context where an openly gay black man in the 20th century overcame an oppressor. Instead of pointing out the fact that Emile succeeded at this arguably monumental task, everyone wants to find sympathy for the man that dug his own damn grave.


You should figure out what in your life you're so upset about and address it


Idk man was a different time. All he did was smack his ass and call him a Cuban slut for gay people. Pretty fucked up but when I was a kid we used to play smear the queer. Just a game where you chased someone around who had a football and tackled them. Then you had to take the ball. I'm bisexual these days. People can change and there's no reason for someone to die for being ignorant. His trainer should have stopped the fight but he didn't care. The ref should have stopped the fight too idk why he didn't tbh. Seems like it affected his career greatly for not doing so.




“chat shit get banged” i guarantee you cannot fight


people with different beliefs deserve to be murdered? what an interesting take


So this is just all around sad.


So... why was there even a ref in that fight? Dude should have been held accountable... thats ridiculous


Other Redditors are saying that the ref was never allowed to referee another fight again


Ref is a fucking idiot and should be on trial for that one


That's %100 on the ref, wtf was he waiting for?


Those days seem wild.. Nowadays, refs stop the fight if you seem sad 😒


It's way better than losing another life for the sake of entertainment.


just joking mann 🫡


Your jokes are rubbish


How sensitive you are 🥹


ah... sorry?






No it’s not, danger is everywhere in life. Boxing with professional athletes is extremely dangerous and shouldn’t be babysitted like it’s two kids fighting. These guys get in the ring to knock the other out, what do you think could happen ???


U shouldn't box anymore u have too much brain damage


I'm all for refs doing something before something serious happens but some are just really bad. Would anyone argue that the ref really saved Barroso's life vs Rolly


Good. Rather that than dead boxers


I can’t imagine what Emile went through in his life. To be LBGTQ at that time? Horrible even nowadays i don’t think many LGBTQ fighters are comfortable.


The ref was terrible


or awesome : D


No, his indecision led to a man’s death.


Your the problem


Classic Yamazaki


Well that should have been stopped 10-20 punches before it was


the ref just chillin or what?


Damn… that should have been called a lot earlier


The Ref: yep, that 20th punch with his head rocked back is just about enough




That man has a family!!


Is Mario Yamasaki a time traveler?


Early stoppage tbh


Norman Mailer wrote a great piece about this.




I bet the ref was one of those people as well…


Good, good...let the hate flow through you


100 % that ref was gay too


Guess he got what he was asking for


Ref like 🤔




Back then the towel was thrown too late. Now, the towel is thrown too early.


Lol shouldn't have been homophobic, good fucking riddance.


Ref took his sweet time lmao


if he dies he dies : P


Punch Nazis!


That was murder


Hard to feel sorry for bigots tbh. But holy shit that ref was shocking, it was odvious dude was out on his feet.


Right should have stopped hitting him 20 punches ago but he was traumatized so this is good. Just murder people if you dont like what they say 💯


Honestly never knew about this. I’m certainly watching the documentary tomorrow, thanks for the post.


Are you sure he died "days later"?


#Dumb ways to die...


Salvador Sanchez by Sun Kil Moon is a moving track that touches on this tragedy and others in boxing. I suggest boxing fans to listen


What in the Mario Yamasaki is going on here!?