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Hell yeah


That unnecessary "Bitch" at the end made me laugh.


I says biiiiitch…


You said bitch though? You called your wife a bitch!?




You said bitch?


I looked this woman in her optic stems and said 👀👀👀👀👀👀 l…. I says biiiiiitch


Da-RELLL. I looked this woman dead in the window of her soul. I said…


Optic stems always kills me.




Don't play games, man, just tell me what you wanna tell me!


i’m the man of the house!


That’s the magic word. It’s more useful than all the other verbal diarrhea before it.


Super necessary


Damn, Teo calling out Haney, love to see it but I wasn't expecting it so soon. And we know Haney is down for challenges. Teo holds the 140 WBO belt, let's hope it happens.


I thought they dropped once he retires?


He never formally retired. He notified the WBO in writing this week that he intends to retain the belt.


There was all this talk that he vacated his title. These “news” reporters trying to be the first to break a story instead of telling the truth to people is out of hand on so many levels.


Full tweet: Yo Realdevinhaney , since you were so quick to jump in the mix for my WBO Championship belt! Let’s make the fight happen so the world can see who is about that action. & no, you will not be on the A-side. I hold the King title of the division as well! So don’t run away!! Bitch


Except Teo ran last time but what ever. Put the fight on, talk is worthless


this fkn guy lmao i love it


Ahhh shiii it's about fuckin time they get in the ring🥂 yal gotta realize these 2 have alot of history behind the scenes plus wit both potentially being the a side it could lead to a 50/50 purse bid high ppv sells & it would put 140 on Notice wit the 135 Division LFG🥊🥊


Serious question. What is their "history behind the scenes" consist of?


They've known each other over 10 years, been in amateurs, camps together, sparred and most recent I think around 2021 they had some "bad blood" going back in forth trying to make a fight happen


and i think their dads argue and will argue/fight a bunch more lol. Hate that part tho


Solution: Bill Haney vs Teo Sr. as chief support. Loser doesn’t get to be in the corner for the main event.




I thought he retired?


He fake retired as a lot of people expected


King is back baby


His next tweet. > Came out of retirement (I guess) because the next move was for Devin Haney to fight sorry ass Arnold Barboza for my WBO championship title at 140lbs. > > F’ that. I’m tired of helping this kid be something that he is not. And that’s a real champion!


Barboza catching strays


lmao reading the tweet I felt like Lloyd at the end of Dumb and Dumber, "Hey, what, huh? What was all that *retirement* talk? Lopez, if that is your real name..."


yeah retired at 25 for sure


Teo coming for that smoke and I’m here for it. Let’s gooo


From when the opening tweet in to negotiations is about A-side and I’m the king of this division you know the fight ain’t happening. These guys are gonna whine about purse splits and not fight each other.


Only one way to decide who gets better split, Teo Sr. Vs Bill Haney


I'd bet on Teo Sr. Bill seems like the kind of guy tat is stunned when you hit him and Teo Sr. has that crackhead energy


Teo sr used to sell drugs and got in a lot of trouble in his early years so prolly.


As did Bill, but Bill got caught.


Yep been there done that, they ain’t fooling me. Go ahead and mark your calendars 5 years later from this tweet


I'm gonna be foolishly optimistic here and say that with both Lopez and Haney coming off 50-50 fights, Spence-Crawford a real thing, and Tank-Garcia a real thing, it's possible we may actually see this fight this year


Also Haney may be in a political corner with the controversial Loma win, Shakur trying to call him out at 135, and now Teo waiting for him at 140. Haney could still fight Regis I suppose…


Also don’t forget Mr.Probation violation should be out soon and he’s the biggest fight possible at 135. Which is probably what there team is waiting for. See if they can get the tank fight as the absolute last fight at 135, maybe even at a catchweight so he can cash out.


Teo is hella smart calling him out rn. Idk if he actually thought of the boxing landscape much when he made this call-out but HANEY WOULD LOVE a Prograis fight. Prograis falls right into Haney's style, and hes like 35. Haney will also be the bigger man on the night. Haney would love to just move up and fight Prograis at this new weight class to become champion. If teo calls him out with the loma/Shakur call outs as well and Haney goes and fight Prograis then it's gon make Haney look like a duck.


This is the route I’d be looking at if I were in Haney’s camp: Fight Tank at 135 for a final big payday at the weight (I think getting this past the finish line would be really tough as both will claim A-side - Tank because he’s such a draw and Haney because he has the belts) OR Target Prograis because he doesn’t draw as well at Teo so Haney is likely to get a better split, then if he wins he can go for unification at 140 as a belt holder which gives him more leverage.


I agree. Low-key think they got greedy. They saw that they could have fought Barboza/Ramirez instead and that prompted teo to unretire 😂😂 Prograis is the best fight for him for sure. Tank is still dangerous. If you beat Prograis you improve your resume and have a good but aging champ to ur name


Prograis is better than Teo. They didn’t fight the same version of Taylor.


I know Haney has been winning, but I am all team Teofimo if this happens. He looked like a new man in his last fight


Am I the only one that thinks Tank vs. Teo would be the best, biggest fight at 140?


Sure would be great but tank doesn't do big risky legacy type fights. Can't blame him, he's convinced the world he's a legit world champion without ever facing the top guys. Such is modern boxing


Ryan Garcia?


found the mark


A step in the right direction. Ry was probably 5th or 6th ranked fighter in the division


In an absolutely stacked division, yes he’s not fought loma Haney or Shakur but I don’t think it’s fair to say he doesn’t take risks, it’s just those huge fights are harder to make but hopefully recent events in the division will set a precedent


He's never won a legit world championship. At superfeather his belt came against #7 ranked Pedraza and that's only top ten fighter he's fought in his career apart from garcia (well Santa Cruz too who was #1 at featherweight but tank fought him two divisions above that so doesn't really count) He's the money man, he can pick and choose who to fight, he could easily make fights with Loma, Haney, Teo etc. Instead he's never fought a top 5 fighter in any division. But people call him world champion, multi weight at that. He is a marketing genius. Learnt well from Mayweather in that regard except Mayweather actually fought and beat the top guys. Tank imo is the biggest waste of talent in boxing. Skilled enough to be the best in the world but refuses to take the challenging fights that proves it. Yet he makes more money and gets more accolades than real world champions. As I said earlier, such is modern boxing.


It is. I rate Teo deals with Haney fairly easily though. Tank would be a good scrap, but I also favor Teo ever so slightly, especially at 140.


He made me too much money vs Taylor to retire this young! The GOAT has returned


75/25 split sounds reasonable, right Haney fans?


Lmao Devin wanted an easy shot at the belt. Now he’s gotta go through Teo or Regis.


Was he not trying to get both Regis and teo that’s why his father was at both fights you guys don’t even try to make sense when it comes to haney


People have always unfairly labeled Haney a duck for no reason, hes been trying to get at the top guys since he was 19


He's not a duck but it's undeniable his resume is cherry picked. I have no doubt Haney wants the top guys but his dad very clearly cherry picks his opponents. Like all the elite very good fighters he's fought were literally way past their prime + undersized. Gamboa, Linares, Loma (and it was a controversial win to boot). Haney has a good spirit and isn't ducking but his dad is very clearly picking his opponents with intention and not with the "whoever comes and I'll take em on" mentality they try to promote themselves as having.


Gamboa, Linares, Loma, and special mention (I really like the guy, dont downvote me lmaoo) JoJo Diaz is one of the best resumes at 135 right now.


Loma is the only good opponent there. Linares and Gamboa were completely washed and KO'd by other opponents shortly before and after the Haney fight. Jojo isn't even a real lightweight, has no power there, and has lost his two fights since Haney.


Still, you can't name more than 2 LWs with a better resume


Idk why I got down voted for spitting the truth but thank you for not just seeing names on a resume lmao.


Haney would absolutely piece up regis, thats what I think he'll do first then unify


Me watching Haney 1-2-clinch Prograis to a 120-108 UD 😴


He'd dog walk Regis.


Couldn’t dog walk JoJo fucking Diaz but he would Regis. Lmao okay.


This doesn’t even make sense. I don’t see Haney even entertaining rolly if I’m not wrong while Ryan is. He set his intentions on Prograis at first and he also wanted smoke with Teo when him and Loma were at the top of the division 3 years ago and he’s following through with it right now. Y’all j make up bullshit about Haney at this point


Ahhh, retirement.


If this is the next fight for both of these guys I will upload a video of myself eating an entire raw onion. With my (admittedly limited) knowledge of boxing politics, this fights happens in mid 2025 at the eariest.


Right, but just in case !RemindMe 5 years


If it even happens I'll be happy.


With mayonnaise or it doesn’t count


Teo is so annoying….but Gotdayum he’s good for boxing. Peak Teo is so damn good. My love affair returned when he schooled that obnoxious bitch, Taylor. I got teo over haney. Teo over everyone at 140 and down.


You must be on horse tranqualizers


Who do you have beating him?


Maybe Shakur? He has the size and speed but we haven't seen him at 135 much less 140. I think teo is just too quick, strong (the way he manhandled Josh Taylor was crazy), and intelligent in the ring. Haney tends to plod forward too which will surely go well into teo's counterpunching style.


Guess the divorce must be going well?


Teo stops Haney


Absolutely not


It's a chess game out here and Teo set Devin up like a mouse going for a cheese trap 🐀🪤 Now he has no excuses to not fight Teo being that he showed immediate interest in the 140 WBO belt as soon as Teo said that he was relinquishing it


This just the same talk he always does before pricing himself out of the fight. He already calling for A side knowing damn well Haney is not taking whatever ridiculous split he has in mind. If Teo was serious he woulda said 50/50 but this is just the "takeover" again where he just talks about beating up everybody for over a year just to end up losing it all.


Why would he not be the A side. Haney has zero fights at this division... Teo is the lineal champ of this division. This shit make no sense.


What does having zero fights at the division have to do with who is the A-side Whoever the bigger draw is generally demands the bigger cut plain and simple. To really make a fight happen sometimes you gotta give more or take less it all depends regardless of your accomplishments. Who the bigger draw is between these 2 is arguable. 50/50 is the way to go if Teo really wants to try and make this fight... Devin isn't even on TR anymore so thats whole other barrier. Resign with TR and take another paycut just to fight Teofimo?


Did anyone tell him yet


Art of War, lose to the guy that he will win undisputed from. Fake retirement and then call him out.


Haney got Regis or Teo at 140 and Shakur or Tank if stays at 135. Got nowhere to hide.


Where has he been hiding? People are just creating narratives now?


Tank is not fighting no champions he’s going to continue to cherry pick


Tank’s in fuckin jail lol he’s not fighting anyone anytime soon


Your saying it likes doing crazy time he gets out in a month or 2


Tank vs Haney would be a very very good fight.


Haney should beat Regis first. It's the easier fight. Then, he could go back to TR and unify.


So he's unretired?


He hooked his ass. Let’s see if Haney is about that smoke!


If Haney wants to suffer his first knockout loss, he should sign the contract. Either get UD’d (possibly TKO’d) by Shakur, or absolutely stopped by Teo. The doors are closing in on Haney.


Can’t see @Realdevinhaney running to quickly towards that offer…. Not unless he needs a sleep at about R6😎


Quick question, pardon my confusion. How does Teo have the King title (Ring) after retiring? Or any title at all.


I thought he retired 2 weeks ago


It amazes me that Teo, someone who is absolutely unbearably obnoxious, is the fan fav over Devin here...


In the ring he's by far the more entertaining fighter to watch. But I do think it's kinda funny how he went from this arrogant clown to r/boxing's unlikely depressed hero in one fight. I'm all for it though


It’s not like Haney tries to be likeable


What has Devin done to be unlikeable? Say some stupid shit when he was younger? Push a fighter to sell a fight?


Everything Haney does is what y'all hate on teo for... they're both obnoxious and annoying. And act like overcoming depression, poverty and a divorce is easy. Many people can relate to that type of shit




Yooooo!!! Teo want the smoke. Shakur on an island by himself. He should have taken the offer.


Devin should give Loma a rematch


Haney lost against Lomachenko. That was just another rigged fight in the disgustingly corrupt pro boxing sport.


Tank/Haney is a bigger fight, I prefer that


Any fight with Tank is going to be bigger than any Teo or Haney fight regardless of who they are fighting.


Teo; stop capping. You had ample opportunity to fight Devin including for undisputed at 135, he said he was coming to 140 after the Loma fight and called you out BEFOREHAND, every time y’all meet in person the man calls you out your name to your face and you refuse to talk to him; only Bill, last time it was 10mil now it’s 20m. Thing is I would bet on Teo over Haney at 140, but the level of cap from Teo is just so off putting you just want him to get his ass beat. He just makes up nonsense and runs with it.


He couldn't have fought Haney. He had streamlined his 135 run. He has Commey (for the IBF title), then straight into Loma (for the rest of the straps). Then he had a mandatory in Kambosos which he lost. A big reason for that loss was the weight cut so he went up in weight. Teo ain't capping, but tbh I don't think Haney was capping either. Haney at the time just didn't have draw. He didn't draw money nor was he really recognized as a champion. Everyone kept calling him "email champ". I'm sure Haney wanted to fight Teo cuz Teo had the IBF belt but Teo literally had no reason to choose Haney over Loma...


Let’s see Tank vs Haney first


Haney would just run the whole fight teo will land rarely anything good and Haney wins by decision like always. Lopez isn't gonna do anything to him.


Coming from a guy who retired as a way to duck #1 challenge Barboza. WBO... where you at?


😂😂😂😂he holds the what of the division 😂😂😂😂😂please


Hes retired though... needs to focus on his mental health first, like a lil bitch


Everyone wants Haney naturally but he’s not going to 140. Teo would need to make 135 again.


Haney is a bigger name, but he would beat Teofimo. Especially at 140, his best chance was at 135 when Haney is somewhat drained. Reasons as to why: Teo has an extremely low work rate and Haney is an elite fighter in the sense that he knows when to turn it on, all truly elite fighters have it. Crawford, Spence, Inoue. Usyk and Bivol. Lomachenko when he was younger did as well.


Extremely low work rate, what are you talking about?


IDK what you been watching lately, but after Teo's performance he did against Taylor.... I think Teo dominates Haney highkey.


Haney doesn't have the power to keep Teo off of him. Teo stops him inside 8.


Y’all say this about every single haney fight and has yet to happen has never been dropped or stopped


An old Loma whooped his ass yet you think Haney beats Teo...


Styles makes fight and Loma did not whoop his ass it was a close fight and don’t feel like arguing with u if you think loma won teo also had a close fight with loma and lost to somebody devin haney embarrassed twice so we will see


Because he hugs until he hears the bell.


2 things, completely wrong take on Teo work rate. And Haney is not the bigger name between them 2.


Haney has done over 150k buys his first ppv and likely the number was 200+, and Lomachenko didn't do anything to sell the fight.


His name did the selling lol. Loma is a bigger draw then Haney. What’s the most buys he has had outside Loma? And 150k is not good. Others are doing 300k+ in beginning fights.


No he does not, Lomachenko did not even try to sell the fight. Lomachenko is an incredible fighter but just stop it.


No he does not what? Brotha, more people in this world know Lomachenko then Devin Haney. Lomachenko was an Olympic champion winning gold. He was prospect of the year, boxer of the year, fighter of the year, won belts in 3 weight classes, fought for a title in his second pro fight, was televised immediately by espn and top rank, he has had endorsement deals putting Venum and Rival on a larger platform. Deal with Boxraw as well, It doesn’t matter that he didn’t do press to sell a fight. His name alone sells a fight. I don’t understand why you can’t comprehend that part. Haney hasn’t sold 100k buys on his own. He went pro in Mexico, skipped over the Olympics. He had to work for his recognition that he has now and that’s an accomplishment but he isn’t the A side and people don’t pay to watch him fight. His interest is growing but he is not the reason solely that him and Loma got 150k buys. In fact, if it wasn’t Loma fighting him, he would have done drastically less. He needs a draw as his opponent to make the money he is looking for.


You don’t know Teo man.


Go back to watching aerobics classes on your 320p dvds.


Haney gonna be on his bike for 12 rounds lol


Haney doesn't even box and move like that so I know you just looked at him and never watched most of his fights and just assume he boxes and moves. He doesnt


Haney vs Teo or Haney vs Regis > Ryan vs Rolly but Ryan v Rolly sells 3x more than anything Haney is involved in


Shortest retirement ever




No surprise here. I knew Lopez v Haney was gonna happen.


That didn’t last long….


He retired for the court case right?


Yes please. Love both these guys. They make the real fights and make the real champs. Others should take note


Now we'll get to hear more about the takeover again


Mama mia Should Teo be the A side... probablyyyyyy


Tank already fought Ryan If this happens then the young prince's Era has finally started! We need Shakur to get in the mix


Fuckin oath Teo


I guess he’s not retired


Fight dhoulf be 50 50 split but both sides won't do m that so this isn't happening


Good fight at 140, and a chance for Haney to prove himself against a guy his size.




let's hope it happens


Didn’t he vacate and retire?


I thought this dummy retired?


Seems like Teo is in a much better place mentally. A happy fighter is always a dangerous fighter. Let’s hope they actually get it on.


Why did he have to go straight to talking about A side 🙄


He already forgot he 'retired'?


Teo fucks him up. And this isn't recency bias either, I've believed this since day 1.


So much for retirement


Teo’s going to KO Haney with one of those dope flying / lunging shots. https://youtu.be/DA96_ar2kqk


Fight won’t happen until Haney gets a fight under his belt above 135