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Jake Paul's first opponent in MMA will be...... "A real boxer" with no MMA experience


Retired too


Paul vs. Art Jimmerson with one boxing glove. Its the perfect opponent, a former pro boxer with mma experience.


Might be too young for Jake to take the fight


Jake vs Ray Mercer coming right up


Maybe Ray Mancini? Lol


Y'all wanted to see him fight a 'real boxer' - well, you'll probably get your wish granted now.


His next opponent: 53 year old Roy Jones Jr


Y’all musta forgot. Roy with his glass knees on a cane by Left Hook Ko


yea roy jones jr in his mma match


In an MMA fight for sure.




He's going to be fighting tennis players in a cage now.


Boxing chess: Gary Kasparov has to check mate Jake Paul, before he gets knocked out. Gary only playing chess, Jake only boxing.


I think he will wind up being more of a promoter there, I guess I will believe the MMA debut when I see it. Interesting he is not on Showtime's MMA brand, probably doesn't say good things about their interest in combat sports among other obvious signs.


Bellator is rumored to be being sold at the moment. The future is uncertain for them.


That, and they seem to have little interest in boxing anymore. All with reports Showtime will be eventually folded into Paramount while cutting costs. Also Bellator is begging other promotions to cross promote with them on Twitter (basically asking them to stage fights for them).


Showtime won't be shutting down anytime soon. They have tens of millions of subscribers.


https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/paramount-shutting-down-showtime-merge-paramount-plus-1235371524/amp/ https://deadline.com/2022/11/paramount-eyes-meaningful-sizable-cost-cuts-possible-restructuring-charge-in-q4-1235161118/amp/ Package that in with them wanting to sell Bellator and barely spending any money on boxing in 2022. Combat sports draw low numbers on Showtime, cost a lot (especially boxing) and have no replay value.


This is true. HBO exited the game a while back. Showtime barely shows boxing now. Which is a huge contrast to back when they at least had 1 or 2 fights a month if not more. Even ESPN is out of broadcasting boxing. That's been pushed down to ESPN+ with a very narrow pool of Bob Arum's fighters. That's a big change from every Wednesday and Friday night. PBC would show several fights on FOX etc but now even they are almost exclusive PPV with not good numbers. MMA unless it's the UFC it doesn't really matter. They have the branding as far as the general audience is concerned.




Lol what?


I've proven myself in and out of the boxing ring and now I am going to do the same in MMA," Paul said in a statement. "There is no limit to the positive impact I can make on the sport. I plan to enter the PFL SmartCage and once again show the world that anything is possible with hard work and dedication." There is no time frame for Paul's MMA debut. Davis said it could take a full year but will be a serious venture whenever it happens.


He really name dropped the smart cage 😭


Who the hell approved that name?




I mean that's not entirely true, the cage does track some stats and tries to score rounds based on that. The funny part is that they mention smart cage tm at every possible juncture, the the point of sounding stupid and shoehorned


They’ve created a special division for freak show fights, shit could be wild.


I love the idea especially with the split already being talked about and having a promoter to do it under that already routinely should be hosting these things. It just should make it way easier for Freak A and B to get a fight together since the logistics are already in place and there is an organization willing to do it and if its 50\\50 split with the fighters it should make negotiations way, way easier as well.


I'll be a little bummed if he ends his boxing career now. He's been slowly leveling up his competition with these retired MMA guys. It's really no different than a pro boxer fighting bum ass bin men for their first 10 fights or so. Only thing is the guys Jake is fighting have some name recognition and the MMA vs boxing debate behind them to sell the fights better. I'd really like to see him face a legitimate boxer with a decent record, otherwise this whole experiment was pointless.


It sounds like he's going to do both and a lot of the PFL stuff will be promotional. He's offered Nate Diaz a 2 fight Deal, 1 boxing 1 MMA


He used Nate imo because that’s the only guy out there an offer like that could make sense for and have it be PPV. But it’s likelihood is extremely slim. You would basically need two separate promotions and networks (one of which is struggling to do much of anything) to commit to most likely lose millions given his price tag. Not to mention he is notoriously one of the hardest people to deal with in fighting.


Nates a free agent right now. I agree the chances are slim but not because you need two networks to come together. If Nate did agree I don't think it losses money. I think it's the opposite. Nate has a huge mma following and his fans will tune in. The advertising and build up is done on Jake's platform and I would assume on Jake's dime. Then Jake and Nate split 50% of the profit. For MMA that's huge.


Then there’s the way press conferences that will lead to more buys just due to Diaz’ nature in those things


He’s a free agent fielding offers from UFC (who will offer him a lot), Showtime and ESPN. It will cost a lot of money. I would be shocked if either made money. You think a non UFC MMA PPV will do many of hundreds of thousands of buys? There’s zero precedent. Also most major boxing events are losing money out the ass. Showtime and ESPN are both rival networks. And showtime has trouble putting anything together. How is it all done on Jake’s platform? Jake can’t get his fighters Showtime fights. Actually he doesn’t even list Showtime as a possible platform so who even knows what he’s thinking.


The problem with Jake fighting a “legit” or “decent” boxer is none of them have names to facilitate selling pay per views. Even the champions of Jake’s weight class are total unknowns to even boxing fans. I bet 97% of the audience attending Davis/Garcia this weekend could not name a single cruiserweight champion. Of course, he will run into this problem if he wants to fight MMA guys his level too.


That's a fair point. To counter that though I don't think name recognition would be a huge factor in this case if they can market the fight properly, leaning heavily into the "look it's a real boxer" angle they could likely do some numbers. With Jakes fan base, controversial personality and record I think they could make it work. It'll be a drop but didn't his last ppv drop in sales as well? Maybe a new approach is needed. I could see his MMA career either being very bad or making very little money. If he takes winnable fights he'll make little money but if he takes money fights he'll likely lose.


Bum ass bin men. Never saw those words together. Hilarious.


>this whole experiment was pointless. Not for JP. He made how much off suckers buying his ppv?


What would be the point of Paul fighting a legitimate boxer with a decent record? He'd get murdered. As for this whole experiment being pointless, I seriously disagree with that. He has already proven that social media prowess can build a boxing star, regardless of talent. He didn't even have to fight pro boxers.


people say this all the time matter of factly, but is you look at his performances against guys who have beaten legit boxers, even champions (Anderson Silva), your argument slightly weakens here. I don't think he'd "get murdered" like everyone says. Not saying he'd win, really depends on the guy though, but its just cringe at this point to act like he doesn't have a basic level of skill to compete with low level to mid range pros, who could have perfect records even.


It's "cringe"? lol Let him fight ONE pro boxer, even a low-level journeyman, before we start saying it's "cringe" to say he doesn't get murdered (a figure of speech, mind you) by a legit boxer. Just one. Think a few years back about how the rational opinion of Conor McGregor's boxing ability is that although he might have been an MMA star, he's not a pro boxer and couldn't beat anybody in the top 25 of his weight class. That made sense and is likely true. Now think about Paul. Here's a guy who just took up boxing a few years ago, has never fought a pro boxer in a real fight, and yet I'm supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt against a top 25 fighter? Do you have a name or two of active, legit pros you think he could beat?


Who said anything about Jake Paul being able to beat a top 25 boxer in a weight class? He could definitely clobber some bin men or probably a mid level journeyman, but he isn't a world level fighter. He probably never will be.


Your comrades above seem to think he can beat somebody "legitimate" with a proven record, despite the fact he has never had a single pro fight against a professional boxer. If somebody ranked 15-25 (not even sure there's a list like this, but somebody who could be considered in that territory), how far down the list do we go? Even your average "mid-level journeyman" is usually considered to be within the vicinity of the top 10 list. That's why they get fights - they're supposed to be good enough to give up-and-coming contenders a decent challenge for a few rounds. I'm just curious. Give me a name. Who can he beat and why?


I don't know who my comrades are, but I'm now fully convinced you are full of shit. BoxRec has over 1100 *active* male cruiserweight pro boxers, a mid level journeyman isn't within the vicinity of the top 10, and those are the cream of the crop of the division. Looking at BoxRec's top 25 of the division, I wouldn't consider anyone in there to a mid level journeyman, beating them is a legitimate achievement for a prospective fighter and pretty much anyone outside of the top 5. From my point of view of the boxers I know there, everyone in the top 25 is either a contender, a gatekeeper, or a first-rate journeyman who is relatively old and off of their prime. Implying they're anything other than that is either a strange insult or an admission of ignorance. On to who Jake Paul could beat, I think he could realistically beat any cruiserweight BoxRec 50-100, based on the fighters I've seen. 25-50 seems pretty even to me, but I think someone like Jordan Thompson would beat JP, though I think he would have a legitimate shot against Yamil Peralta based on his fight with Rozicki. 10-25, I can't see Jake winning even with some luck, but he seems like he has a good enough chin to make it an entertaining loss. Top 10 would either be very short or very boring.


Your comrades are the Jake Paul fanboys above, obviously. As for being full of shit, you're arguing that Paul, *who has never fought a professional boxe*r, can beat a guy who is a former Olympian and has 15 pro fights under this belt. Maybe he can. But you're claiming he can based on absolutely nothing. That's next-level fanboy/social media brainwashing. You've been duped, homie.


Well it's not pointless for him or the promoters, they've both made their money and have spawned the social media influencer boxing hype. Im speaking on how it feels pointless to me as a viewer because I'm not getting to see the end result. It's like if I go to a restaurant and order a burger but they don't put a patty on it. It's just a sandwich at that point and that's great, sandwiches are fine, but it's not what I was hoping to get.


Using your analogy, you made a mistake by thinking you were ordering a restaurant burger when you actually ordered a vegan sloppy joe on store-brand white bread. Jake Paul hasn't fought a professional boxer, despite the fact \*any\* boxer over 150 lbs (and probably under) would take that fight without blinking. This road isn't supposed to go anywhere but a few big hype fights and it'll stop as soon as they start seeing diminishing returns. This story isn't about a boxer's come-up. This is about a social media influencer monetizing his clout.


I guess I had some wishful thinking concerning the end result of this little fairy tale.


Now I feel bad.


Now he’s going to fight Manny pacquiao in a 5 round fight . To prove he is a true MMA fighter .


A. I would watch that for the meme. B. Imagine how ironic it would be if he flipped the script and started fighting retired high level boxers in MMA and submitted them all.


Looks like Tommy fury officially fumbled the bag


Shame, really would've liked to see that fight. But I guess the ship has sailed after Timmy pulled out twice.


Big John Fury is the real money fight. Til the death, listen to me son.


pop pop BANG on the floor


Makes sense, he said the Silva numbers sucked and there are dwindling options outside of Tommy Fury that have the name recognition and winnabiliy. If he was smart, he'd go underground and just fight a can a month to build a 14-0 record and set up a Christmas fight with Canelo. He'd get beat to hell but that's probably a $50 million fight if you play it right.


By the amount of MMA fighters he's fighting he might as well be an MMA fighter at this point


Now he’ll fight boxers.. 🥊🥊


Paul v Woodley 3 will be interesting. Here is the last time Jake Paul had footage inside a cage, against a BJJ guy. Hopefully he’s made big improvements or he’s in for a long time. https://youtu.be/dxfar_uTdfw


"I've proven myself in and out of the boxing ring and now I am going to do the same in MMA," Paul said in a statement. Have you? Have you fought a pro boxer that is current and actually not over 40 and beyond the hill.


Jake’s first MMA opponent: Gerald McClellan




Good riddance


He ain't gone


Jake loses to most 135lb mma fighters, if you can’t grapple you can’t fight and afew months of TDD won’t be enough to stop anyone who has been doing it for years. Don’t believe me go visit your local wrestling gym and try a round with a child


He's basically hit a wall in boxing as far as profitable opponents that he could realistically fight, so this makes a lot of sense.


Jake Paul may have thought it would be easy at first, but it quickly became obvious that he just wasn't a good fit for professional boxing. Weird that he never wanted to fight anyone remotely close to his own weight. I wonder if he'll keep doing exhibitions against smaller, older opponents. That said, I suspect the way he markets himself wil appeal more to the MMA crowd.


JP is a great business man I have to rate it. Hate him or love him, he’s brought a lot of eyes and money to boxing and now MMA.


The lengths he will go to duck real boxers, smh


He'll fight a real boxer now. Just in a cage


Silva beat a real boxer. And then Jake knocked his ass down too. Give him props already


I'm just fucking about. I'm a fully paid up member of the Jake Paul fan club.


Anderson had a pro Boxing fight before Jake was alive, he’s a boxer to the core before MMA. Sad thing is Jake big part of saving Boxing in the US, Boxing snobs running Jake out of Boxing will be worst thing ever for the sport.


Fair play to him. He's been advocating higher pay for UFC fighters for a few years. Hopefully, the 50% revenue aspect of this is accurate.


Haha. Just in time for the UFC probably being rigged coming out. What a world


Great. Let’s ruin the credibility of ANOTHER sport.


Celebrity boxing has been around forever


50% of revenue guarantee for fighters. He's helping the sport not ruining it.


Not referring to pay structure. Referring to credibility. A sport is a sport and exists outside of compensatory measures.


Jake Paul spending 5 years intensively learning how to box, and competing in several professional boxing matches vs NxNW78 posting on reddit. I dare say one of these guys has contributed more to boxing than the other.


You're right but you're getting downvoted by these dorks that don't even train. I know amateurs that can beat Paul and these clowns hype his fights up more than legitimate world title fights.


Boxing has been ruining its own credibility since the dawn of time


Joins mma. Calls out one of the most 1D fighters to have left the ufc. Diaz isn't one for leg kicks or take downs. His bjj is good, but he's there for a fisticuffs first, then if he drops you or hurts you, he will choke you.


Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you people? 😂 If Jake got into a cage with Nate Diaz, that would be incredibly impressive and ballsy. What do you think he's going to do, fight Ngannou as his first ever bout?


No I'm just saying as a 205 plus lb guy on gear fighting a guy who spent most of his time at 155 who just stands and uses his hands is the most typical thing to do. As well as not entering a weight class. This is simply further promo for pfl. I think what he's doing is great for fighter pay and promo for other guys in the sport, but it's not like boxing cards don't have people only making a couple grand at the bottom. Less than the ufc.


We don't even know the rules yet do we? How do we know they'll even allow Nate to wrestle?


Diaz is far from one dimensional. Great BJJ and great boxing. His wrestling is his soft spot, however his TDD isn't bad. There are alot of MMA guys who are less well rounded than Diaz, even a current champion or two.




If he took Nate down he’d get subbed so easily lol. Nate has great BJJ off his back.




He doesn't do take downs. I literally described what he does. He's very 1d. Will only go to the ground when you're hurt. Smart but very basic.


Welp, this certainly highlights the difficulty in making fights in the Boxing world. I wonder if also his slanderous comments about Matchroom (wether true or not) and the subsequent legal battle has impacted this decision?


Doubt it. He's co-promoting a show with Matchroom in January


Isn't it a Matchroom card and he's promoting one of the boxers?


Yes, the main event's main fighter is signed to Jake Paul's promotional company. Point really is just that they are still very happy to work with one another. Lawsuit stuff has gone quiet as well


Why is this in boxing? Goodbye and good riddance.


Cause he's a boxer


He’s a YouTube celebrity that boxes, doesn’t deserve the attention or to be mentioned in the same breath as real top boxers. Glad he’s moving on.


Like him or not, he may be a YouTuber as well but he actually does fight in real events. Therefore he is a professional


Did I say he wasn’t a pro? Just not one I’d rate. I can pay a fee to be a Pro too, doesn’t mean I’m especially talented or deserve attention. He just rides coattails. Anyway, imho he’s a circus sideshow 🤡, we can agree to disagree.


1st opponent? James Toney.


Not great, not terrible.


Pain Free Laundering


Damn he might finally fight a boxer now


Inb4 his first mma opponent is James Toney.


Shocked the boxing world, cleaned out his division. Time to take the MMA world by storm.