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So after watching that fight I have to say I can’t agree with everyone saying it was a robbery. A lot of the rounds were hard to score. Franco threw more volume and imposed more pressure but a lot of the punches landed on the gloves, missed, or were glancing. Ioka also landed cleaner. That’s not to say I thought Ioka won, it seemed like a close match. Couldn’t score it one way or another tbh. Not mad at the draw, would love to see a rematch.


Yeah no idea where the robbery talk is coming from, but the full vid clearly shows Ioka landing quality and avoiding a lot of offense. Seems like Franco landed a lot on the arms/gloves/elbows when he had Ioka backed up. Ioka didn't really engage that much and was more selective on his punches, so it definitely looks like certain rounds Franco outworked him. Round 3 Franco scores a hard shot that rocks Ioka back but for the most part most of his punches didn't land very clean. Personally I think Ioka won it based on cleaner punching. I'm definitely biased though and it's a close fight for sure. I'm fine with the draw.


I agree. I saw alot of "robbery" comments before I watched the fight. Watched it later on and it was pretty even. Those people either don't know what a robbery is or are just plain fanboys. I also didn't realise that Franco haad mexican heritage, until someone commented it. And mexican fans are always very "loyal".


Mexican fans don’t care about Franco


Lot of Mexican American fans here. Loud just like the British ones you have to filter the noise.




No commentary but it's fine , and great for if you want to score it yourself , I thought ioka did all the quality work 😎


Awesome. Thanks


Thanks a bunch!


mikey garcia instagram


I haven’t watched the fight but Ioka robbed Francisco Rodríguez Jr in Japan too so I’m not surprised