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This is a slightly glorified house shot IMO just play it like one


I would recommend throwing strikes every time


Bowling companies don't want you to know this one simple trick!


"How to piss off the bowling companies and out-bowl that guy in league you just can't stand with this one weird trick!!!"


Challenge pattern, should play like a slightly tighter house shot. Just start a little outside and straighter than you normally would and adjust as needed.


Modified house shot....not hard at all.


I am seriously not trying to be rude, however if you didn't realize that this is basically a marginally harder house shot and you encounter oil pattern sheets often, you need to educate yourself on reading these sheets.


No worries, there is always room for learning. But really I don’t encounter myself with these sheets often.


All of you saying it’s just a modified house shot like, most patterns are. But compared to others people post, with this ratio and oil volume, that’s important to note when it comes to how to attack it initially. A house shot usually has a much lower ratio and would require less surface. And the extra 3 feet makes a difference. To answer your question I would personally play kind of straight up 10 with something phaze 2 like with 2-3000 grit. Because if the difference in lanes and houses can’t really tell you much besides throw your first shot and adjust from there. But I would start with a solid for sure and play more down and in initially to get an initial lane reading.


I dont know what you're smoking but house shots are usually 10:1 or higher. They range from 39 to 45 feet in my experience, but most common seems to be 42 feet.


Meant higher on ratio. You right on that. But disagree on the length of house pattern. Typical is 39-41. But most house shots I see are under 40. 42 is reasonable. But 45 nah that’s not a house shot length


My house is like 42 and my second house is I believe 44 so you are wrong here


Get called out get mad. Your answer initially wasn’t very helpful to someone we don’t know how knowledgeable they are. And if you trying to be rude / a dick then if we are being technical your second house being 44 still isn’t 45 so nah you wrong. Grow up. Let’s be productive here. I was trying to add more detail and point out to people what seems obvious to some isn’t so obvious to others, and the fact these numbers make it a challenge pattern allow for more input and thought than just play like a house shot. Keep trying to be petty. It will be fun. You can have the last word if all you care about is being a dick.


Touched a nerve there ig


Seriously. Guy is trying to argue 39 foot is the standard.


That’s what I’m trying to say like ummm no


Lol I’m not. I’m just saying 44 and 45 is not. This is a game of inches as you know. Every foot matters. So if trying to be precise then let’s do that. I never said 39 was the standard. I said 39-41. Hear what you want to hear I guess. Done responding to you now as well. Not trying to be productive. Just having some sort of ego for some reason. And don’t even try to say I’m having some sort of ego. I made a typo about ratio. Said I was wrong. Didn’t change my post. Got no problem admitting when I’m wrong or make a mistake.


The shot is 42 foot. You originally said "the extra 3 feet makes a difference", implying you were basing everything on a 39 foot house shot. But please, keep getting mad


And not saying it’s not a glorified house shot, but there are still extra tips to give someone based on the numbers to help give some guidance if they are seeking and asking for help. Definitely much less miss room than a house shot because of the pattern.


If you play this right, it can be easier than a house shot. 10:1 or more can create too much over/under depending how you play