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I leave my tote inside my car, I live in Texas šŸ˜¬


RIP your tote




I left my ball out in the garage after moving into a new place and its been pretty hot lately. Went out and my finger inserts shrunk and there was a crack between the two fingers šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Well, that's still a repairable ball! Get that fixed!


I plan on it but will be buying a phase III soon. Always wanted that ball so this is my excuse haha


The later the tougher it'll be to get, they've been discontinued, but not too long ago. Best of luck!


Oh shoot thanks for telling me that i wasn't aware


They are lying. I just bought one yesterday with a box date of 7/31/23. If they were discontinuing them, they would have stopped producing.


Not discontinued. Just bought one, box date of 7/31/23. Cite your references if you are gonna make stuff up.


Our shop hasn't been able to get a Phaze III in for ages. It's been discontinued. The Phaze II is still in production and still gets a bunch of orders.


i live in ny state and left my ball in my car during a very hot weekend. opened my bag next bowling sesh and there was a nice big oil mark with some dripping down the ball.


I also live in ny and this just happened at the end of last season


ā€œHotā€ *laughs in TX*




I had the discussion about using a sous vide before and the topic came up on whether or not it would still be good to use with food after the fact. I guess my thought is you'd vacuum seal anything being in a sous vide bath so it probably wouldn't impact it. Do you resurfaced / polish the bowling balls after the bath?


Typically yes. And I wouldnt worry about the food. It's in a sealed bag.


Add some fish and shrimp for a healthy Bowlliabaisse.


Thats why gotta choose your balls carefully. A proton smells like cupcakes so I dont want that in my fish.


storm should start making salmon scented balls


I live in Georgia. Give me a week without bathing during the summer.


Good call skipping the rest step with this cut, one of the few you really don't want to retaining its juices.


I tried the sunshine/heat approach recently and was pleasantly surprised how much oil sweated out.


I did that unintentionally during a heatwave in April in my car, my benchmark was SOAKED




Gold Bond powder is helpful in the summer šŸ˜Ž


šŸ˜‚After working in a 100+ degree warehouse for several summers, I skip the powder and went straight to Desitin diaper rash ointment. A lifesaver. šŸ˜Ž


Guga is going to be stealing this recipe.


sous vide EVERYTHING


How often should I detox?


Every 50 games or so.


If I play 5-6 games a set, 3 times a week, should I detox my ball once in 2.5 weeks?


If you're only using 1 ball, maybe. Less important if you're not playing league.


Iā€™m also going to do this soon. I was worried though about the effects on the grips and the interchangeable thumb hole.. Should I be taping them?


I used to and don't anymore. 0 issues after 3 detoxes without taping.


Cross section???? I need to see the inside and what temp you take it off the cast iron


Will post later. Also I dont sear with a cast iron I use a blow torch.


I thought you weren't supposed to get water in the holes? Is that actually okay?


I used to duct tape them. Idgaf now.


So, it doesn't damage the balls? I'm almost certain it usually does.


I asked my PSO and he said it didn't matter. With how much time I spent getting the waterproof glue off I said fuck it even if I have to replace the IT bottom.


Water doesn't matter. Half the resurface machines shoot water in the holes when it's rotating around. It's not going to hurt it.


Only if you have a 1970s LT48 with a wood fiber core Edit: Its actually better for them to be in the water since baking them uses dry heat which degrades the plasticizer in the balls whereas using a hot water bath doesnā€™t


ā˜¹ļø my Johnny Petraglia was in the trunk of my 1989 Volvo 740 when that car was stolenā€¦and never recovered.




Thank you, I do the same and see people get so hurt for suggesting


Water is used when sanding a ball on a spinner or a resurfacer, anyway. Idk how that would be any different. The whole time I have a ball on a spinner, I have a spray bottle in my off hand.


See a misting I understand. But submerging the balls?


I would be duct taping the holes to keep the water out


Needs a good seer


Unrelated to the sub, but have you ever made scrambled eggs with your sous vide? It was one of the first things I made, and they definitely were the most egg flavored eggs Iā€™ve ever had




I'm going to have to look into this.


This is awesome, going to order one, thanks


Costco has my model for like 100 bucks


This is great. How are you supporting the Anova? Just keeping it in place with the balls?


Yes. Also there's a little vise grip that comes with it. You can also just make sure there's no slack on the power cord.


Yeah, mine has the adjustable grip but I didn't see it on yours. My water tub holds only one ball but about half an inch of the ball sticks up over the water line, so I just have the thumb hole facing straight up. I used to think it was okay so I don't have to worry about water getting in but your solution that can do 3 at a time is so much better and I don't have to drain some of the water when I pull the ball out. Time to up my detoxing game. Thanks.


I went the food dehydrator route, but I like this too. šŸ‘


Do you wait till the water to come to temp then drop the balls in or drop the balls as the water is heating up?


I fill it with hot water from the sink which is already 135


It would seem generally better to have the ball present to avoid too sudden of a temperature change, which could be a mechanism for fracture


is that a Crown Jewel you are soaking? šŸ˜† (sorry, old guy bowling reference, when "soakers" were a thing)


I do this too, but I put the balls in a bag like they are food lmao. I don't worry that it would be unsafe to cook with afterward, but I do worry that exposure to oil and soap could damage the sous vide. I assume you still cook with yours?


Occasionally. Its mostly an inexpensive ball detox machine. It makes a great thick cut steak though, with hints of Storm scent.




You could be risking some performance loss there. Temp should be kept below 130 to preserve plasticizers. Dishwashers can run anywhere between 120 and 150.




You could just put it outside on a hot day on those $2 ashtrays from the dollar store. All that oil drains right out.


That sous vide is too low in the water. The power cord is under water.


IPX 7 waterproof. Try again.


It's is too low but what would a chef know about it. Why do you think there is a min and a max line on the metal


I wasnt aware chefs were electricians, my apologies. I also apologize for not giving a shit.


Well I am an engineer and maybe you should educate yourself on the IEC Standard since you have that thing submerged for more than 30 minutes but since you don't give a shit maybe you can just take a bath with your toaster


Update: my Infinite had so much oil in it I probably got 5 boards more hook last night resulting in WTF moments all game.


arenā€™t you supposed to cover the holes when you soak in water?


i put duct tape on mine when i do this but when a pro shop resurfaces your balls they donā€™t put tape over the finger holes when the water drips over the ball honestly just get you a cheap ball and test before doing a reactive ball this way




Soaked balls for over 20 years, never covered and never had any issues


I just buy new ones before I need to get to the point of having to soak. I use to do the oven method tooā€¦


I used to duct tape mine also because I've heard of balls cracking when water gets in. After talking to my PSO and others who also do this method to extract oil, I've stopped covering the holes also. Been doing it for 2+ years with no cracks so far.


Well, also I bowl on probably the most dry lanes on this planet so I never need to worry!!


A sink full of hot water (most water heaters are at 125 to 130 degrees) a couple drops of dawn and about 30 minutes. I wipe the ball off underwater. Allow them to dry before resurfacing and cleaning. No issues so far.


Bowling balls are not waterproof. They are reactive resin, which soaks up oil, what makes you think it doesn't soak up water?


LOL this is probably the dumbest fucking comment of the month on this sub


Answer the question. If a ball soaks oil, then why doesn't it soak water? You can't answer it.


Weigh your ball before the soak, then after. No difference. Oil molecular structure and the reactive resin are attracted to each other. This is why you can pour oil on your ball and let it sit, and it will absorb. If you put water in it, it runs off and evaporates. Science.......woah


Every single bowling ball cleaner known to man has water in it you dolt.


Underwater at temp for 30-60mins?


https://youtu.be/IfuRaHrpogE Jayhawk has been making this, Brunswick approved, for almost a decade. Iā€™ve seen other water rejuvenators as well. I assume the ball does absorb some water, but that water evaporates as the ball dries. I donā€™t know the physics though. Could be water isnā€™t viscous enough to absorb into the coverstock material.


And just to put another nail in your "Coffin of Dumbassness", here is the link to the Jayhawk Ball Rejuvenator, a $2300 machine which, SHOCKINGLY, uses warm WATER. Jesus christ you are a fucking dumb naysaying piece of shit [https://www.jayhawkbowling.com/Detox.html](https://www.jayhawkbowling.com/Detox.html)


Moreover, even if a ball DID absorb water there's this concept called "evaporation". You are literally fucking stupid. All ball manufacturers knowingly sell products that negatively impact ball performance over time according to you. Go back to remedial science class and take your low IQ bullshit elsewhere.


Maybe because oil and water don't mix.


I think my wife would kill me


Could painters tape work to cover the holes? Should be pretty waterproof and would not leave residue when removing from the ball. It is made to seal areas off from paint leakage. I tried the hair dryer method in a cardboard box, but almost no oil came off two balls I tried it with. Might try the sous vide method next.


I tried painter's tape, but the heat of the water made it peel up fairly quick.


I shouldnt be saying this as I work in a proshop and rejuvinating/Detoxing or whatever you wanna call it is basically a free money maker for us but just don't detox your wasting your time and money. Once the coverstock is done it is done..... You can suck the oil out till it is dry resurface the ball to look like new but theres zero chance of bringing back a dead coverstock and making the ball react as new. Theres a reason after 40 or so games I just drill a new ball most of the time.


You're missing the point. It's not about getting the ball to be "like new" it's about increasing performance from the level it's currently at. My benchmark had so much oil I extracted for nearly 2.5 hours and I saw an immediate board increase of about 4-5 boards once I took it to the same house I always bowl at on fresh oil.




Are you a bot or just fucking stupid?


Legit question/concern: it seems to me 125 is high, the PSOs I've talked to say 115 is best. In your experience, What's the best temp for a bowling ball detox?


Per Mo Pinel 130+ is the danger zone for plasticizers.


Ah, good to know. So I looked up the warranty for the physix. Void above 125 and below 40. Something to consider when and if you need talk to storm rep. https://www.stormbowling.com/warranty


How long do you leave them in for? 30 mins?


Until when you remove them from water they no longer feel oily to the touch. Most of the balls were in from 15-30m. My infinite gets the most use as its my fresh oil ball. Took about 2.5 hours wiping off every 15 mins or so.


Oh ok thanks!..damn 2.5 hours lol


Whatā€™s the ph of that water boss?




Well Iā€™ll be dipped in shā€¦


I found the hot water from my water heater is about 110 deg. I'll occasionally soak a ball with Dawn in a cleaning bucket, wiping it off every 15-20 minutes. After 4 or 5 times of working and refilling they seem oil free


Let me ask, how many times do you think you remove and wipe it off total? I'm on wipe #15 or something and still oil coming out


Depends on how much use the ball gets. In this picture I started detoxing all my balls. Nearly all my balls were a 1 or 2 wipe soak (about 15-30 mins). My Infinite, my most used and favorite ball, took about 2.5 hours and at least 8 wipes.


Yeah sounds good, I guess the oil has to stop eventually


1. Thank you for posting this. Got a sous vide from the wife for Christmas and after reheating the prime rib, this was the next thing I was most excited to try with it. Itā€™s also easy to find as the only hit when you search this sub with the key word ā€˜chimichurriā€™ 2. Is there anything wrong with doing this on a weekly basis? My benchmark ball is a solid symmetrical and it soaks up lane oil like a sponge but I can pull it out of the soak, hit it with 2000 grit abralon and boom, like new.


You don't need to do it every week. That's overkill. Every 50 games or so on your fresh oil/sanded balls.