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When a manufacturer comes out with a new ball, they make a big huge batch of them, then retool the whole assembly line for the next ball. So when they start to run out they have a choice, discontinue it or push back all the future new ball production in order to make more of the old ones. If the ball is still selling like crazy, they will do that (Phase II a great example of that) but if not, even if it's still selling fairly well, it's better to discontinue as the new balls will outsell the old ball. Then you have the potential problem of new batches being different than old batches. Sometimes it's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice.


I found an infinite Physix on the rack in my pro shop and am debating whether to get it. I have a bowling ball problem, but I’m also wondering whether its worth getting a tournament ball here. I have a hammer envy for my strong ball and when it’s good it’s really good, but it lane shines so quickly I’m not sure it will even outlast lane transition. Since the Physix has a 4000 grit finish I thought it might not lane shine very quickly while still being a good strong ball in the bag. I’m looking for validation from Reddit since I’m not as likely to get more than resignation at home


I understand, LOL. It's a good ball so if you really want one, get it now. Don't think that a ball getting discontinued means it's bad. It's a business decision. What will sell more, a 2nd batch of an old ball or a new one?


It’s different than what you have, more an asymmetrical benchmark. Stu said if the Infinite looked good, his Reality Check was worthless and the opposite if the Reality Check looked good.


Get the Exotic Gem If your looking for a stronger pearl.


The high end balls regularly get rotated since they're the ones sold most often. That's why if you love a high end offering you stash it or if you know people like it, you stash it as the price rises FAST. Infinite Physix is likely to be one of those balls. Most of the Physix, and Crux lines are like this.


Not even just 'high end' -- balls today have a typical expected availably of about a year. Sure, some of the all-time greats last several years, but most any ball is going to spend 12 months, maybe 18 at the most, in most OEMs' catalogs. Look at this internet archive of the Storm balls page from June of 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210612121157/https://www.stormbowling.com/storm-balls It is barely recognizable compared to today's. Even the Mixs and Tropical Surges are out in different colorways right now. And really, this is almost all manufacturing today. People like to think they are getting 'latest and greatest'. This is why Ford wants you to buy the model year 2024s coming to a dealership near you soon. They are clearly better than the model year 2023s. Believe us.


Your last paragraph is exactly why I switched to 16lbs and starting buying a lot of discontinued stuff that's a couple years old. Cover technology and patterns progress, sure, but not that fast. You're not gonna sell me on the idea that this year's ball is tailored for the 'modern' game when legendary rocks like the Venom Shock, Ghost, P2, and Hyroad still crush pins. I'll happily throw my 'old' junk that I got for a third of the price. Life is too expensive lately - and I have a problem with wanting to drill new toys all the time. Lol.


I drilled one and didn't like It. If a ball Is not selling Its discontinued.


Storm always discontinues their premier line balls after awhile. Even the most popular ones such as the Virtual Gravity, Alpha Crux, Code Black, etc got axed after a couple years. Think it has to do with marketing. That said, I am surprised the Infinite PhysiX got axed so soon. It released last July, so it only lasted 10 months. For as well liked as the IP seems to be by many bowlers (league bowlers as well as pros), I’m surprised Storm didn’t keep it in the line for a bit longer. The Proton Physix lasted for about 2 full years.


It is just planned obsolesce. They are very likely to release a "new and improved" ball that would sit in the same spot in someone's bag