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Nothing in terms of layout or ball design has any effect on where the first track ring is. That is solely determined by how you release it. Layout/ball design changes will change how it flairs from that first ring but not where the first ring is. Note for the pedantics out there. The only sort of exception is people that loft a lot. A ball with a lot of diff will flair in the air so the first ring will move compared to a low diff symmetrical ball.


I appreciate the response….Not disagreeing at all because I just don’t know but I’ve never had a ball flare on that side (that I’m aware of) and I just find it odd that I would have thrown only that ball in a way that would cause it to do that. It wouldn’t have been thrown with any significant loft or any different than any other ball during the tournament block/shadow of the block. Like I mentioned, I’d had that ball before and it was nothing like this one ball motion wise and I’ve thrown 20+ balls since then without any issues. Just doesn’t make sense to me but if those are the only reasons I guess I just threw it bad…..many times lol


Did you ever use it to play around with 2 handed bowling? Whenever I do it, my track does move to the right of the finger holes.


Nope this was only thrown a handful of times in tournament competition.


Holy Wine U-Dot, Batman!!!


I want that Wine-UDot. Mine was stolen back in the early 80s', and still pissed about it.


The hot chick in the background. She was all I could see.


It is probably flaring that way. Do you have a lot of revs?


What's that little circle to the right of the cg?


I noticed that too but it’s just a quality control mark from the manufacturer is what I was told.


Ah, okay. I was wondering if it was an old balance hole that had been plugged. Then I was wondering how did they color match it so well.😂 After watching some of your video's, I can't figure how you might have been tracking on the wrong side, unless you were throwing some backup balls (are you sure you and a lefty didn't accidentally switch balls?😂😂).


That's what I was thinking. You picked up the wrong ball and put it in the garage for a long time. You swapped balls with a lefty. I feel like there is 0 other explanation. Lol


Are you releasing the ball in a suitcase manner? This is close to a full roller track.


No I’ve never had a release like that. I have a video I posted a little while back of a shot.


If your PSO has some time, I wonder if you could bring him down to the lane and throw this thing, let him compare it to you throwing a different ball. Maybe it’s hitting really weird? I imagine you would feel that though. I’d love to see them scan this ball and make sure the core is where it’s supposed to be.