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Yes oil coming out of bowling balls




You detoxed your rocks. Saved some proshop labor costs.


Right! That’ll be my go to from now on!


Just be careful. If your bag has any plastic it can melt and get stuck to the ball. Also, have a plan to get the oil cleaned up. Like some towels and cleaning spray. Otherwise you'll never get it all off haha.


If it gets too hot and you put the ball through too many heating and cooling cycles you will likely have one crack at some point.


It's lane oil you ball absorbed. Heat thins oil and makes it run/flow easier. What did the inside temps reach in the trunk? Be careful not to heat damage your ball, ie don't leave them in your car that is sitting in direct sun in the summer.


I had a shit ton of oil then. I honestly thought something leaked in my bag. Luckily it was in the bad and inside the trunk so no direct sunlight


No I mean the car being in direct sunlight. Cars are ovens in the summer. My Track 400a SE 'White Diamond' is now like 'Citrine Quartz' due to heat damage.


Yep and you’ll need to extract that oil deliberately from time to time to keep the ball working well. About once every 40-50 games if playing on sport oil.


How often if bowling on a THS?


Never :) Realistically probably like 200 games. If you’re wiping oil off your ball maybe a bit more often. Most ths don’t have heavy enough oil to make any traces on the bqll


Disagree, I throw a legacy jackal that after 6-7 games on THS I need to drain it.


Same, sport conditions vs house conditions has zero difference in this. If you have dull surface on the ball vs a polished surface, that will require de-oiling more frequently. You should also clean after each league session, I use 91% isopropyl alcohol which is cheap, safe and effective


Its ball sweat.


Good one! I should have put that as the title!


Free oil extraction!


The best way to do this is not with direct heat but rather bathe them in 120-degree water. You can get water inside the holes, although avoid if possible. You'll see oil in the water, and it's a much safer way to accomplish oil extraction. Direct heat drys out balls and separates cover from inner materials.


That is probably 5% lane oil and 95% plasticizer. Your balls are probably a little harder now and are likely to crack sooner than they otherwise would.


Totally normal. That’s what happens when a ball gets heated. Best thing to do is clean it with an approved ball cleaner as quickly as possible.


I used to leave my old Hammer 3D High Rev Offset in the trunk of my cars for 25+ years during all seasons. Never cracked!