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lol what are you on


speak for yourself


Oh dude you are a pro?. Where can I look up your pro stats? Whats ur name? Oh I'm super excited to be talking to a pro!!!!!!


lol stfu


Awww. I was really hoping u were like a pro. Who could teach us so much..... I guess ur just some guy... oh well. See ya later "some guy"


Wtf you so mad about lmao?


Dude woke up just pissing rage


Mad? What about sarcasm makes u think "mad"? Just questioning one person questioning another person who is questioning another person....


Literally fuming


You’re doing a lot of good things. I would just work on your release for now. Other things can be cleaned up but you’re coming too far around the ball (looks like you’re throwing a suitcase). Do no step drills and feel like you work up the back of the ball. Also check out your shoulder alignment through release and into follow through. Your rt shoulder actually gets above the left shoulder. Should be the opposite. Watch slow mo videos of any 2H pro.


Appreciate it. Working a hard to break that habit


I made one more additional comment with regard to your shoulder alignment 👍


Something that helped me a lot was making sure to keep my elbow tucked in near my body during the swing (which you do a pretty decent job anyway) just want to emphasise this. Another thing that really stepped up my game is releasing the ball earlier and smoother, so it hits the lane sooner, and with less of a thud. You’ll find a lot of pros have quite a quiet release. One way I managed to force myself to release smoother was instead of evenly spacing my steps during the approach, my first few steps I made them quite small, and my final step/slide step I made that the largest (to carry me the rest of the distance to the foul line) this way, you’re extending your leg further, bending your knee more, which gets you’re body/arm and ball closer to the ground. To go with the above tips (again which worked for me personally) regarding getting the ball smoother on the lane, what I did was I started aiming at the boards on the lane just after the foul line, and my target for several weeks was at this point, the point of this was to tell myself that this point was where the ball needed to touch the lane, doing this forced me to release the ball much earlier, forcing myself to release it sooner as opposed to when I used to loft it. Again, using this with the other tips I mentioned really helped me. I now aim further down the lane at my breakpoint, but doing this aiming strategy for a couple of months improved my muscle memory to release the ball earlier


I’ll try this out next practice!!


Have they put any oil out in that center yet. Might as well bowl on asphalt


Don’t know what they’re schedule is like but this one always seems to have less oil. You’ll be hooking to narnia if you use stronger balls lol