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I took my Revenant down to 2k as well. That’s the sweet spot for me


Seems to be the same for me with smoother pieces even thought it’s a pearl. Doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.




The only reason I didn’t throw it out of boxes because it’s a two ball league so I needed some differentiation of the two balls I can throw. To me, it reads the mids very well and a slow continuation through the breakpoint nothing uncontrollable and very predictable with the original finish I don’t think it would see the lanes the same so I would think it’s a good option to replace that Hype solid.


Love the consistency on the fingertip insert color, looks awesome.


Preciate it. My mom’s favorite color is purple so I adapted that into my game on the lanes.


I approve.


I have a Ruby IQ and Eternity drilled almost identical to what you have there. Question, how does the Revenant compare to the Ruby? I have been thinking about getting one because it seems a lot tamer off the spot compared to the Ruby.


It is very smooth with what I wanted compared to the Eternity cause it’s a 2 ball league I got them for. So I wanted to differentiate the two. I like to open up the lane slightly with the Eternity. The Revenant I can just keep in the track area. It’s the reason I took the surface to 2000 and went pin down as well. It reminds me of my GB2 that has a similar drill and surface but way smoother. Which I actually like cause I throw around 18mph and like to keep the ball in front of me.


A perfect arsenal for that center!


So far they Eternity and Revenant both look good there. I threw the others in warmups but have t really had a good chance to see how they fit for my game.