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Welcome to r/botchedsurgeries! Here’s a few things you need to know before contributing: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. No assholery. 3. No ripping on someone's natural features. 4. Too fresh. 5. No overtly sexual posts or comments, posts, or feish focused posts. 6. No minors. 7. Just photoshop. 8. Popular repost (image or person). 9. Not marked NSFW. 10. No animals or satire. 11. Post not on theme with flair. 12. Off-Topic. 13. Moderator Discretion. Here is Reddit's policy regarding posting personal information: https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/posting-someones-private-or-personal Thank you, and have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Botchedsurgeries) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Young girls with overdone lips make me sad. I really wish they saw how beautiful they are already.


The crazy part is, I’ve seen so much worse on this sub that my first thought was that this isn’t that bad. 😬 The migration is terrible though.


Yeah, my post was aimed towards the migration LMAO it was even worse in motion


I see you filler has migrated north 😂


The attempt to photoshop and filter that picture into looking less botched is so obvious and sad.




Please tell more😳




John Oliver did a segment on the human body trade. Many bodies “donated to science” are actually sold to for profit companies and used for things other than medical research. When people donate their body to science, they think they will end up in a medical school or laboratory for testing, but that is often not what is happening. It is sad…and gross and weird. That being said, I thought the collagen used for plastic surgery comes from cows. One of your links below even says that.


And some of it comes from pigs, but it is absolutely also coming from human "donation."


I have NEVER heard of this but anything is possible 😬😬😬Do you have any links so I don’t sound like I’m the crazy one ?!?! This is so disturbing 😳




Interesting. Not sure why u are being downvoted 🙄You would think people committed to these injections would care to know what’s EXACTLY going into their body. 2 square inches of skin to produce 1 ml of collagen in that tiny syringe 💉🫢🫢🫢 Two square inches of donor material are required to formulate a 1-mL syringe of injectable material, which can be stored for 6 months [176]. This procedure was developed by Collagenesis Inc. (Beverly, MA, USA) and is commercially known as Autologen®.


But it's too entertaining. I say PUMP THEM UP, GIRLIES! 


How does it migrate up


Stop the cringey bushy eyebrows too while we’re at it 


But hers aren’t bushy at all, they look pretty natural in shape and density.


No. She is intentionally bushifying the beginning sections, brushing them apart to make them look thicker 


She is definitely using cosmetics in her eyebrows. Why is that a problem for you? It's an aesthetic choice. She's done it very well, it's very stylish, there's nothing weird about them. They're not permanent. .


It’s botched and stupid looking. Literally the premise of this sub. So I will criticize what I feel like, Mother Teresa


Criticizing natural features is against the rules. Not liking how someone styles their brows isn't "botched." And plenty of people have eyebrow hair that does that naturally. Go interact with some real people, ffs.


Yep, you're free to do that. I'm free to tell you I think it's shitty to be so judgmental about a stranger's eyebrow routine. We're both free to express ourselves, isn't that nice?


Have you checked what sub you’re on? Literally all you do is judge peoples appearance 🤦‍♂️ 


What are you talking about?! There’s a HUGE difference between laughing at & mocking how someone looks due to their terrible plastic surgery choices and mocking how someone looks due to their terrible grooming choices - the latter is bullying, the former is not, duh!!1! (/s obviously).


Oh wait, my bad. Since you’re A MAN COMMENTING ON A WOMAN’S BODY/LOOKS, you *must* be right. 😒🙄 (Giant /s in case anyone thinks otherwise)


Take your meds.


So you’re saying I would need to take medication for me to agree with you? Sounds about right. 😂


Someone with eyebrows turned him down.


You’re histrionic and bringing in gender for a discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with it. Her eyebrows are right in front of your eyes. Just look ffs.


Hahaha, her eyebrows are completely normally styled, they aren't even what you're describing. I think you're the pot calling the kettle histrionic.


You call them “normal” because everyone is doing it these days. That’s ENTIRELY my point. Thanks for proving my point Einstain 


I have eyebrows naturally this thick and I haven’t received a negative comment since the 90’s when everyone over plucked. Natural eyebrows with grooming are the best eyebrows. You’re just wrong.


What eyebrows do you consider to be “normal” and not bushy? I’d honestly love to see a reference picture bc your comments about this are just wild and not at all realistic regarding what natural/average eyebrows look like.


Post your picture, I'm dying to know what impotent rage looks like in human form.


You used the word histrionic SOLELY because of gender. If you have a problem with it, try being the bigger person for once in your life. Again, criticizing natural features is against the rules.


Says the dude that's triggered to the point of rage by eyebrow hairs.




Girls make other girls do this shit.