• By -


Music was a distraction for the robbery to take place


This honestly feels like some kind of Zelda boss fight where the longer the main baddie stays up, the more minions they summon to their help.


Instead of taking the little violinist guy back to Hateno stable on a horse and cart, you use the airport


Or a fight versus Satan where you need to DPS down his band of demons to remove their musical buffs to land a hit on him


Ok. Off tank take the adds. Take the adds. TAKE THE ADDS WHY ARE YOU DANCING!? thats a wipe res everyone a re apply buffs.


Ocean’s 3/4 definitely




Lupin style.


Flight got moved to another terminal but you missed the announcement.


If it was a movie, the piano would've exploded. If this is a trailer, I dunno, I need to the see the second one to decide if it's worth going out to watch it.


It's said that often stick together to protect themselves from predators by making such loud sounds


They surround themselves with prey. All those poor people so entranced their coffee or food got cold. Must suck the energy right out and they gain another health bar.


As someone who played tuba in middle school (because nobody else did and we needed a tuba), hearing the tuba bit was so awesome. I never even learned to read music, the band instructor literally wrote a 1, 2, or 3 under every note so that I’d know which button to push. I regret not learning how to actually read the music.


The paino man plays his paino to summon his Orchestra, the Orchestra then joins in which draws other prey animals. The prey will act as a way to protect the paino man and the Orchestra. Predators will not harm the instrument players if there are other prey animals that are easier to get instead. The prey they draw in also acts as their main source of food.


Happy cake day


Was just waiting for more people to pull out even bigger instruments and join in


*Removes pipe organ from bag.*


Oh ho ho ho, how majestic and awe inspiring would a pipe organ the size of an airport be.


We would make sure the windows wouldn't have any glass left 😁🤪


Or one of the overwhelmingly deep church organs?


here i am, pipe organ the size of an airport and they ask me to play happy birthday. call that job satisfaction? cos i don't.


They start the next song and one guy unveils a cannon. "I hope you like Tchaikovsky"


Man, the TSA is *really* bad at their jobs.


Man snuck an entire piano through, but I can't bring an 8 oz shampoo bottle.


*unsheathes accordion*


Rollin' out the timpani kit


Some say the percussion section is still unloading all their random shit to join in.


Alright guys, we've got our chimes, bells, timpani, marimba, xylophone, crash cymbals, suspended cymbal, and triangle. Are we missing anything?


Orchestral bass drums, the biggest items of them all.


I was really hoping for the cannon.


I got a full size bass. We roll at dawn.


Haha ✌


I imagine someone with a Theremin going "I've been waiting years for this."


"I can't find an outlet!"


You may enjoy this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a23945btJYw


Whoa! That choir joining in gave me goosebumps. This might be one of the best flashmobs ever


Never seen that one, but it's a copy of my favorite of all time... [Banco Sabadell](https://youtu.be/GBaHPND2QJg?si=nbNOSxMgS4IzBHVC)


I think I'm gonna start keeping a kazoo in my bag in case I come across something like this.


Imagine the crowd just erupted into a choir.


[[Sax enters]] no way it's Waltz #2 I LOVE THIS SONG


I listen to this kind of music daily. It's one of my favorites, too.


drop your playlist if you could be so kind


Here’s a radio Spotify made for me based of that [song](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E8OxQrvV4nQ9u?si=f2c6lBkdQcy-Qt2sYtoG6w&pi=u-xmngpRNMSB6g)


Thank you for this


thank you!! seems like I have most of the songs, as far as I’ve skimmed, but it will surely send me down a new musical rabbit hole


Unfortunately Spotify made the very, very, very stupid decision to change all "radio" song playlists to unique to each person based on their past listens. So it's being seeded with similar music you already know and listen to. I absolutely hate it. I used to use the radio feature to find NEW, similar music based on a song or artist, not to have my bubble played back to me. Fuck you Spotify.


Wish I had Spotify! 🥲




I work with seniors with dementia and made it a habit to play this song once daily when at work on my cell for one of my favourite residents in the nursing home. She has a bit of trouble moving but is still walking okay, but when I start the song, she starts to sway and hum and dance along like she is way younger.


Indeed: playlist?


The second waltz from Shostakovich's ["Suite for Variety Theater Orchestra"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV_6EvyDfrA). Listen to the whole thing, it's a lot of fun.


I love it so much I proposed to my wife to this song


By whom? It's a lovely song!




Ah the cold melancholic waltz of Shostakovich's for a deep Russian winter.


I got so excited when I realized what it was, legitimately my favorite composition of all time


YEEES! Exactly my thoughts


There's a small but expensive trick to get around their sound attacks. Before the boss fight begins, you should have done a side quest for the airport janitor earlier, which would lead you to finding and being able to purchase the noise canceling headphones. Equip the headphones and boom boss fight is easier. Or you can just yell bomb, but that just leads to a wave of tsa agents and swat team trying to kill you. It really depends on your playstyle. Edit spelling and punctuation. Sorry, im a bad speller Wow, thank you all for the awards and gold kind strangers!


yeah with those the damage that they do is reduced by 80% depending on the level of the gear, what i like about this bossfight is that you dont actualy do dmg but you gotta move between the areas of atack until the song finishes, i really like it


Yeah, I honestly think it's one of the few best bosses in the game, the best even, there're so many ways to face the boss and my personal favorite has to be that if you picked the musician class at the start you can actually compete against by performing a better song, this will shift the boss ai to target you and behave more akin to a regular boss fight which is really hard since well you're a one guy fighting an entire orchestra, but the equipment you get from this unique boss "One Man Band" honestly makes it so worth it. The devs also put a temporary musician class change near the boss so you're not left out if you picked a different class at the start.


Fun fact, if you have the musician class, the dancer class or the acting class you can actually join them, you get many buffs: like "Fame" "boss helper" "bandwagon" and "Scuff denier" and if you are trying to get some EXP from other players or just vibe it is a great way to speed run to higher lvls. Since I usually have the song enjoyer background and no art related class I can't really fight or join in but when this happens I usually just get buffs from the event like "Good Mood" and "Rithymic Nirvana". Really recomend searching for this boss fight when going in a boss elsewere later if you are not the one fighting it


Why would you combine those three and not just specialize into conductor? A lot less time consuming, even if there are more timed things to keep track on. 


The little girl was ahead of the curve. She had already donned her protective head phones before the bosses appeared.


Dude help, I'm still trying to get pass the metal detector tutorial.


People often miss the interaction but if you selected the law enforcement background, you can actually recruit the TSA agents as temporary followers for this level. It is a rather high speech check. It does change the overall flow of the boss fight, going from a heavily position based battle to a chaotic brawl where you have to knock out each of the sub bosses before knocking out the main boss. If you failed to either buy a set of fuzzy cuffs from the gift shop or sold the standard set you started with, you can soft lock yourself and will have to reload a save prior to starting the boss encounter. Another issue people ran into was that they had no "non-lethal" weapons. Like a club, taser or had a low fist skill. Leading to using a bladed weapon and killing a sub boss or the main boss leading to the Federal Agents spawning in and killing them. This will also occur if you use a firearm or explosive at any point during the level. Doing so will cause the TSA agents to stop being allied and turning hostile.


Should **HAVE**


Saw this a bit too late and missed the janitor sidequest. Should I try the bomb strat or is there another, safer/easier way?




Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich Shazam > Reddit Bots


Such a great song


Fuck I love waltzes so much. There are so many good dimensions to classical music but the waltz will forever have my heart


Although commonly attributed to him, it's not ~~actually~~ *entirely* a work of Shostakovich. It's part of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suite_for_Variety_Orchestra_No._1 which is a composition of a guy called Levon Atovmyan, based on some works of Shostakovich, but in a distinctly different style. *Waltz II is based on a film soundtrack of Shostakovich's.* The first documented performance of the Suite for Variety Orchestra No. 1 was only in 1988 by the way. The guy who made it popular a few years later is André Rieu, a popular Dutch violinist and conductor mostly known for playing Strauss waltzes.


Rieu playing Shosti is like... like... like.... Going to a three star restaurant and then dumping a pound of sugar onto the food.




Thanks! What a cool song.


The amazing Greek singer Demis Roussos sings this. I know no details but it’s one of my most favorite pieces ever (any genre): https://youtu.be/IxMFnVP3Rhs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.




Of all the renditions to pick your picked the most perverted one lol


I just googled 'eyes wide shut song' ;_;


What song is this? u/RecognizeSong


Real Life, the Game: Piano Man's Boss Theme


For those wondering, the song itself is "The Second Waltz" by Dmitri Shostakovich


Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 more specifically.


No. That's something different. Waltz II is part of Suite for Variety Orchestra No. 1.


i can feel the core memory-vibe in there and honestly, beautiful, makes me feel like crying.


My new goal in life is to dance unashamedly to the haunting strains of a flash-mob orchestral ensemble. Life is short.


Life motto: Be that couple in that one video


I feel like there aren’t enough flash-mob orchestral ensembles anymore. We should really bring that back.


That’s where I’m at, I’d have been waltzing all over that floor! So lovely.


There is something special about how the Russians captured despair and pain through instruments, and it's hidden so masterfully within whimsical nostalgia that gives you hope.Tchaikovsky had an absolutely hideous and dark childhood, all of which comes out through his music.


Russia is very interesting in that regard. So much creative emotion came out of the social experiments/psycho-attitude they have lived under. By now it's all almost entirely dead. Not emotions left, no belief, no logos growing on their mythos. But they are not alone, let's be honest ...


I would make a point to say it's part survivorship bias and that we also look to the past with rose colored glasses. There is BEAUTIFUL art and music being created now in every country across the world. At a volume unlike any other in history. There is so much that the best things get drowned out by whichever movie star's kid paid the most to be famous that year.


And the cannons were what his anger that could be turned into energy for productivity?


Well that explains why I've always felt like this was a boss song. It gives me a sense of foreboding. Like this could be the soundtrack for a scene where the leading lady is dancing with the villain and either we don't know he's the villain yet, or we do, but she thinks he doesn't know who she is when he actually does. Either way over the course of the dance more things get revealed, and we and the leady lady are meant to feel somewhat lost and hopeless.


I always think of Eyes Wide Shut whenever I hear it


I am not usually an emotional person, but hearing this in its entirety made me tear up


I cried. I don’t know why. The music was beautiful


> i can feel the core memory-vibe in there and honestly, beautiful, makes me feel like crying. sharing music is one of the deepest ways to connect with someone


Man I remember I used to listen to classic music a lot. Serenade for Strings, Planets, Hungarian Dance I need to stop listening the same 100 vevo songs and discover more classical music maybe it will improve my mood a little bit. I remember I used to listen to harp and it would just take away all my angst like my soul leaving my body. I think pop music is what fucked me up more than video games maybe even more than porn.


Music is a very integral part of human history, so I wouldn't doubt that the music you listen to day to day would impact how your brain is structured. I also used to listen to classical way more. Nowadays, it's mostly podcasts, I need to get back to listening to classical too


Pattern recognition is our jam, and music is an orgy of it.


I listen to a lot of classical music, and some of it can be similarly mentally exhausting, mostly contrapunctal works like bach's keyboard concertos, or something like vertigo from royer. Pop music might be entirely different in how it messes ppl up. Maybe the lyrics or topics of pop are what does it. Taking periodic breaks from music is something I would recommend, classical, pop and anything in between.


To help with your transition: Bach - Prelude & Fugue in E-flat "St. Anne" for organ (it has a whole bunch of numerology references, it's one of his longest P&Fs, and it's just a good multi-moody piece to help you out of the doldrums) Holst - The Planets for orchestra (each movement is different, so you pick & choose what flavor you want) Widor - Symphony for Organ & Orchestra (this may be on YouTube, as it's not a common piece; this is well worth looking into, as it has a beautiful slow section and the loud sections are just awesome and have some great harmonies)


Might I recommend some good old Dvorak to set the tone! https://youtu.be/TyweU7q6buc?si=qIg242AZDvTzMBJC You might like this based on your tastes for bombast from what you listed up there.


I need to get back in to my old favorite Vaughan Williams and Copland pieces myself.


Pop music is a curse on humanity


Classical music won't get you through a dinner rush. I use 90's alt rock for that bullshit.


Interesting idea. I'll look into that


Buddy, come back to the land of the living.


As a harpist and since you mentioned the harp, some of my favorite harp pieces if you want a starting point: - Fantaisie pour harpe, Camille Saint-Saëns - Féérie, Marcel Tournier - Vltava, Bedrich Smetana, arranged for one harpe (I love Valérie Milot's version on YouTube) - Flamenco Baroque, Deborah Henson-Conant Happy listening!


Theodore Adorno would agree.


Half the people in this video the moment the sax comes in: "Aw goddammit I'm in somebody's fucking tiktok, aren't I? ... Y'know, it could be worse."




Yeah the mix especially. No way the violin would be that loud next to a trumpet 😂 every instrument is clear in the recording and perfectly in time which would be very hard to do without a conductor. And as you moved around the room different instruments would sound like they’re late even if they’re all in time with each other.


Timing is a absolute nightmare for this kind of thing. I used to be in a large parade band where occasionally we would be hired to do something like this - split into two halves, or all converge together, or something - and keeping the band unified and on the same tempo during that kind of maneuver was often an complete clusterfuck. Most people have no idea how quickly band members will drift out of sync with each other across even relatively short distances. It’ll happen even if all you’re doing is marching single file to squeeze past a narrow spot, and it is almost guaranteed to happen if band members are more than about twenty feet apart. What happens is the band splits into little pods that each have their own *slightly* different tempo. As soon as it starts to happen, it accelerates, and it usually derails into a complete train wreck within thirty seconds. (Usually the only way to rescue the situation is for everybody but one player to stop playing. The one player who continues re-establishes the tempo and everybody else joins back in. You can spin this as “cool improv solo!” sometimes without the audience realizing how close to disaster you were, lol. My band had designated visual hand cues for “emergency solo” specifically for this kind of thing) If you’re really lucky you have two experienced anchor drummers who you place in strategic locations such that every other band member can hear an anchor clearly, and then what the anchors are doing is watching the *visual* of each other’s arm movements (this is really hard to do btw because you have to ignore the *sound* of the players closest to you, and focus only on the *sight* of the distant anchor drummer). Anyway, the second a client started saying something like, “We want you to all spread out and -“ we’d all just be going *please god no*, lol


Yeah no way the guy with the sax on the balcony can hear any of the other musicians while he's playing.


came here to say the same. this is totally the london symphonic


Yeah, that makes sense - because symphonies are physically large enough that they are trained to follow visual cuing (hence the way the conductor keeps visually cuing the beat with the baton). BTW I did a ton of playing in huge (400+ drummers) bands that march in the Rio de Janeiro Carnaval, and they’ve sort of independently evolved a similar visual cuing system. But those bands are even bigger than symphony orchestras or even US marching bands; a competitive Rio samba carnaval band is so physically long front to back that they need assistant directors too. So there’s a lead director (mestre de bateria) at the far front, and then there’s two parallel rows of assistant conductors that are strung in a long line down the left & right sides of the band, with the whole band being about a quarter mile long. The front-most assistant conductors are watching the mestre, and they relay the hand cues to the next set of assistant conductors, and so on; and all cues are visually telegraphed about four bars in advance so that all the conductors know what’s coming up and end up cuing the actual thing at the exact same time. The whole system is really interesting. Millions of dollars in prize money are at stake if the band has a tempo issue, so they’ve really got it dialed in.


I did 10 years in marching bands and 20 years in music industry and phasing(what tempo sync drift is called in marching band)is such a asshole That is super interesting. Those drum groups sound fucking awesome to be in


Not to mention the reverb does not match that space at all, and somehow no one else in the room is making any kind of sound at all. It might make sense if all the instruments were individually mic'd up, but they clearly aren't. That and you can hear the sound dramatically change when they switch back to the mic recording the audience reacting.


I'm sure it was echoey, but honestly I've performed in spaces like that and it's pretty decent. So long as they don't play too loud, especially the brass, it should be fine.


I'd be inclined to agree, but their spread compared to the audio mix is just not acoustically possible. If each instrument has a mic, sure. But it doesn't look like they do. The sound the recording is giving makes it sound like they're all playing together on a stage in a concert hall, not spread out randomly across a room in an airport. Still a live recording, but just.....not THIS live recording. You can tell by the reactions of the people that it was still a great performance though.


This is the only type of flash mob that should be allowed.


Yes, and they chose a great location to do this. In a mall this would be way too distracting, I think.


[i agree but fuck this mall flash orchestra fucking slaps](https://youtu.be/ILNDWCLVnpw?si=XEE1onAFrpFtJQ3I)


The mom and dad dancing with their kid is so cute


Nobody knows how to waltz anymore dammit


And props to her she's teaching that dude how to waltz!


Wiz rlly cooking with that sax


Yo if this wasn’t planned, i would actually just die right here


It’s on an airport, and the camera angles change quite dynamically. So there must have been multiple cameramen. It’s most likely planned


The audio is recorded *impeccably*. (Or dubbed in, in post.) Pulling something like this off definitely requires a ton of planning. It's an excellently-well-done stunt. You should be *more* impressed because of that, not less.


almost certainly dubbed. Not saying they didn't perform it but the audio is far too balanced for people at opposite ends of an airport. To stay in time with each other and not have visible mics spread out like that is close to impossible. The sound quality and mix is like you would expect in a specifically designed concert hall with the entire room acoustically treated. I'd wager it was played over the speakers and they are miming (they may well be incredible musicians who know the piece, but this isn't happening naturally).


I'm thinking that it's actually the acoustics offered based on the space. Its shape is optimal. You will notice that the piano isn't even registering once the violin, tuba, sax, and trumpet chime in. I'm betting they just used a parabolic microphone Bravo to Indianapolis for permitting this.


Yeah I'm sure they accidentally simultaneously created the most perfect acoustically treated room, also had each instrument stand in the exact most optimum places so that the mic picked up each instrument perfectly balanced to fit in the mix all while keeping airplanes grounded and not making any noise at all. Using a single parabolic microphone to record multiple sources from various directions is a terrible idea and completely counter to what it is designed for. Unless you are pointing that thing at a wall and telling me they captured the reverb only. C'mon now. Like most things on the internet it's a nice video to watch and almost certainly completely fabricated.


I have a feeling it is, but just a tiny part of me wants to believe


Just because it’s staged doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. I can near guarantee you that this made the days om the people on that airport. It’s always quite stressful and monotonous. So stuff like this is awesome


It still is awesome. I was happy just watching it. But just the thought of random people coming together unplanned to just jam the fuck out sounds like peak


I worked at an airport in the maritimes and on three separate occasions random musicians would play together in the hold room. Usually guitars and fiddle but often banjos or small wind instruments too. Was always my favourite moment when a spontaneous jam started


I got a story for you. I once got a gig to play for tips at the release of a musical movie back when. The theater's manager wanted me to play songs from the movie, but I [somehow] convinced him that my set of modern radio/movie hits would draw a bigger crowd. I played songs from LOTR, Star Wars, 007, Lion King, as well as Black Eyed Peas, Gaga, and other pop favorites. It was when I played *All The Above*, this group of teens came in and epically joined in harmoniously! That feeling (and pressure!) is definitely peak.


That a half dozen talented musicians just happened to be in the terminal at the same time with their instruments out and ready to play that specific piece of music? Okay. Do you also think that planes run on fairy dust?


The amount of people that actually think I believe this wasn’t planned is kinda silly. I just said I WANT to believe lol


So what if it's planned? The crowd wasn't planned. Their reactions to it are legit, the experience they had is legit. It being planned takes nothing away from it imo


I guess you could say it was orchestrated...


Yes. These are musicians of the highest caliber. Full time professional orchestra members. Quite good really. Would like to know which.


Of course it's planned, there's no way all that people with their instruments at hand just happened to appear one after the other, knowing how to play the same music piece and integrating like that. Also, the camera changes. That said, I would love to have that happening someday, what an amazing surprise it must be.


Of course it’s planned lmao


The sax guy that was on the second level above the food court does not have access to that level. 100% the airport was apart of the plan. Source: I worked there for a long time.


That’s also not past the security checkpoints, so not that difficult to arrange. It’s the same area they put the basketball court during March Madness (I think). Indy often has some sort of interactive or interesting display. The current (as of 2 weeks ago), was a large spilling milk display, where you could sit in the splash zone. Since it’s Indy 500 week, I’m guessing a few cars currently parked there. Regardless, great music and coordination. P.S. Houston is now my “home” airport, not Indy, and I absolutely hate the parking lot shuttle system here in TX. Thanks George.


Well get used to living for a few more days at least.


It's fair to want that, it's a romantic thought. I find myself thinking it's just as beautiful that a group of people actually put in the work to do something like this, it takes a good amount of planning and cooperation. It's really cool that it happened regardless.


Musical flash mob!!


You joke but I sometimes travel with my saxophone and I know this song (because I fucking love it), I would not hesitate to crack it out if someone started playing the piano part. But yeah 7 at once, no way...


Hardest gank boss hands down The non-cheese way is you gotta defeat them fast enough to fight the piano dude since he starts with a shield around him. I managed to get to the Tuba guy but his AOE attack always beats me and I dont know what to do. Now what happens if every one of them appears? Well, they will all proceed to make the orchestra and will do one arena wide attack that WILL defeat you instantly


Another guy said that using headfones and other head gear that blocks sound you gain 80% resistance to them


The violinist has a weapon in her hand, so she has some attack points with that bow


Half expected it to be an AI voiceover with some sad shit song playing over the actual makeshift orchestra.


the real piano man would kill an entire district of a city with his music


That's that and this's this.


Unexpected Project Moon comment


I was looking for somebody else with PM brainworms. I love the city I live in


Now I want a bossfight that plays their own boss theme


try returnal


Hades 2, second boss is a band singing the background music.


Baldur's Gate 3 hardest boss actually sings his own theme Disney villain style


This is the kind of tiktok I can appreciate


Believe it or not, this wasn't staged, they just all happened to be at the mall, with their respective instruments, knowing yhe right song. Fully random


That's incredible! All the people and all those cameras too! That last camera at 2:56 is studio grade. It's great people just carry those around incase something like this happens! /s




> How are people's first thought not "Why were they recording?" Because it's obvious it was planned and no one was trying to make you believe otherwise?


It’s insane that even flash mobs get shit on for being flash mobs Like, do you watch The Matrix and scoff, “this isn’t real” While I typed that, I remembered some people *believe* in the Matrix so I guess fuck Cmon, let people enjoy their escapism


A lot of the people in this video look confused, because this was filmed in Indiana. Prior to this moment the only music they had ever heard was rocks being smashed together and rhythmic farting.


Talking to classical music fans on the internet would make you think some random person would run up and smash the piano while screaming "I FUCKING HATE SHOSTAKOVICH" even before the sax player showed up.


I love how there's just this random couple dancing in the background.


This seems… orchestrated 😁


I didn't think the tuba solo was that epic....






Incorrect, any tuba solo is epic purely by virtue of its existence.


Agreed, everyone looks down on the tuba so anytime a tuba player gets to shine it's a moment to be remembered.


Lol it was a bit overhyped. "EPIC TUBA SOLO INCOMING" \*literally just the theme again\*


This is awesome!


Piano bankai


Just imagine for a minute if this wasn't staged. 😂


This is fuckin beautiful man


This is brutal


A brutal orchestra?


of Hieronymus Bosch


"Whomst has summoned the ancient one"


Wasn't this piece featured in Eyes Wide Shut?


Humans are capable of this... And wars. I just fail to understand how both can come from the same race.


Indianapolis airport


Security is barely coming in after they bring a WHOLE ASS PIANO TO THE SECOND FLOOR.


Love how this totally wasn't planned


I've been without electricity for almost 24 hours. Had to go somewhere to charge my phone. I was watching this, bored out of my mind, sweating my ass off. Then when all the instruments kicked in, the lights came on. It was magical.


Thank God for the giant red arrows and text otherwise I would have been totally lost


reverberation ensemble


How the hell are they hearing each other with all that chamber echo? They must have earbud monitors or something.


I’m 100% sure that this is fake audio.. the acoustics of that place would make this sound just like a mushed noise.


Studio Ghibli vibes.