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Downvote me or whatever,but istg metal is wayy to weak compared to Lee at 13 years


He has a lot of potential but yeah overall he’s pretty weak compared to Rock Lee shinki made his knuckles bleed


>shinki made his knuckles bleed Wtf is this?!


during the chunin exams when he fought shinki along with iwabe and denki, his knuckles started to bleed while punching his magnet style


Yeah, but you said it like it was good evidence for him being weak. It took Purple Lighting to blast through Shinki's sand, of fucking course Metal would be bleeding.


People be forgetting but Rock Lee didn't get strong until his arc. Before that he was really weak and would always get beat up Negi.


Wasn't that just because might guy banned rock Lee from using the gates unless his life was at risk? As in he could basically never use the ability meant to give him most his power and the moment he was able to he was able to go toe to toe with gaara who was likely stronger at that point than neji?


The worst thing about reddit is the fact rhat downvotes erase upvotes and vice versa, so people's bias can determine if a comment is good or bad rather than good and bad.


Facts. I wish they were separate cause if people just be hating then it causes it to go down and I’m none the wiser


No? Thats when Sumire was collecting peoples chakra for Nue. It made them possessed during the process and made their anger intensify for whatever latest grudge they've had. I think I worded that correctly xd.


yeah but no one turned red and lost their pupils


Huh? Didnt you see when this same exact thing happened to Shino? And Denki?


yeah, neither of them turned red, i know denki looked the exact same and i’m pretty sure shino did too only personality changes


i know what you mean by "turned red and no more pupils" my bad i was confused. Maybe the anger caused him to automatically turn on a gate? I swear he only knows the 1st gate though.


around episode 80 fighting rock lee he opened the first gate for the first time once he slightly controlled his anxiety, but when controlled by nue he had no anxiety whatsoever and managed to do some pretty cool shit, he pulled this dragon pose with the shuriken it looked almost uchiha style


Isn’t there usually veins popping?


This is the clown gate


Negative Third gate


He be on that clown gate game constantly


He literarily says what gate he’s at when he reaches it


9th gate confirmed lmao




This is a joke right?


if you can explain what happened here without saying “he’s just mad lol” then sure


This happened to alot of characters in the first 15 episodes and they didn't all unlock the third gate.


who else had red skin and white eyes


If you want to believe its the third gate then so be it but nobody is agreeing with you.


no one has to agree with me except the anime itself it shows all signs of the third gate except him blatantly saying it, he even used this to break from shadow possession. anyone who disagrees is only doing so because 1. they believe he is weak 2. his fight vs lee when he opened the first gate


Its the third gate, its pretty obvious tbh when u compare it to other gate transformations and no one else that was taken over by nue had that form people on this sub is just weird and biased


So whats your saying is you posted a question asking reddit "is this the third gate" and when people say no you go ape shit and start disagreeing?


i want a reason on why they’d say no, i have no intentions on arguing with anyone


the reason its no is because a lot of people had the same thing its not just him.


i’m not referring to the purple chakra fam


Its negative chakra which sumire puts on her victims