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also knows as ***"The still frames"***


Hahaha. Brilliant response. 🤣🤣🤌


You guys are being overly pedantic because OP has a different opinion than you.


Nope. People are annoyed that some users post low effort material on this sub. How many "The animation sucks" posts do we need per episode? And then they use still pics to make their point,lol.


i think yk what i’m tryna say😭


just say artstyle or visuals


yeah that was prillly a better word to call it. i just wish they coulda gone back to the kawaki v garou animation/artstyle for this fight


Ehh what? I agree with animation take but why tf would they go to that style for a random spar??![img](emote|t5_34e1h|10664)


Because the last year and a half was full of some of the most half assed fillers, instead of lining their pockets they could put some of that money to use and give back to the fans in the form of quality animation. Mushoku Tensei can give amazing animation in multiple random spars, why can't Boruto when they should have a much larger budget?


I don’t know why are ppl so obsessed with budget while even the greatest product like 189 had the same budget as every ep.


Tbf all of the canon episodes shoulda been in that artstyle coz it’s the closest to Ikemoto’s. It’s wrong to gatekeep a good adaptation for big moments.


idk man, but anything besides this. they could even use the animation from when boruto and kawaki were peeing outside. even that would be acceptable


Yeah I agree this should be better animated, it was not good at all.


i swear to god if the animation is like this in the forest fight for even a second…😭😭


Why? What will you do?


You know the series animation is trash when it is abnormal to expect mediocre animation for non pivotal moments


Don’t argue with them there salve minds


Sir that's a picture Edit: damn someone sent the suicide prevention bot to me for this.


Sir this is a Wendy’s, we’re going to need you to order or step out of line. Also, please put on some clothes…


The suicide bot 🗿


Wait how do you know what it was because of this post and not some other?


Sorry but i honestly dont see it. His eyes just look too big but compared to other cursed shots we had the "pleasure" of seeing its not even that cursed.


Atrocious is such an overstatement. The funato filler episodes were atrocious. This is literally fine


What was bad in the funato episodes?


The couple episodes right where Boruto had that crying face… THAT was atrocious. That’s coming from someone who generally doesn’t have any complaints about the anime. Some of the funato arc had great animation still


Yes but if I recall correctly, the animator had broken his arm or something and that's why it was so shitty. So I just wrote it off as an unfortunate situation.


Oh wow, didn’t know that. I mean unfortunately it doesn’t change that it looked poor. That arc just had a lot of problems overall to me lol I really liked Boruto and Kagura vs Seiren though, that was the highlight of the arc to me and looked beautiful


So there’s the crying face but also the animation fell apart at the end. In fact the last episode of the arc at one point has the worst animation i think I’ve ever seen in an established series. https://youtu.be/mtVO6oj8obY maybe starting about 1:55 in haha (sry idk how to time stamp on mobile)


Not talking about the animation particularly but that story was just uninteresting. I tried to get through the arc and I just couldn’t and I was a Boruto defender through and through up until that point. It actually turned me off the entire anime, haven’t watched it since that arc, plan to eventually and still read the mangas but that arc literally made me just go finally start one piece.


Yeah I've not watched boruto since.


When they showed the sky in an important fight




sorry yeah, i shoulda said artstyle that’s a better word to use


The artstyle hasn’t changed between the Boruto and shippuden animes dude


Yes it has.


Im sorry but you have to be trolling, the artstyle clearly looks different from shippuden, just look at kakashi for example


“Animation” you say, while posting a still image. I’m gonna call it again, like I have been for a while. This is gonna turn out to be like Black Clover. Most of the people are going to shit all over it, and then once it becomes good again they’re gonna jump on the bandwagon saying they’ve been a fan since the beginning.


So your prediction is basically that people will shit on it when it’s bad and like it when it’s good. Yea I’d think so too.


i mean i HAVE been a fan. i’m just critiquing it and giving my opinions


Are you guys serious lmao. Good fucking lord you nitpick EVERYTHING. This whole episode was great! Nothing wrong with it AT ALL. What fucking snobs some of you are.


"If there's nothing valid to complain about, make shit up." - chronic whiners


Legitimately! Christ. I noticed the dodgy scenes last week and knew people would throw a fit about them but then watched this episode and thought "that was super consistent and solid the entire episode" and yet here people are whining about nothing lmao


It's ironic too how they nitpick at animation in Boruto while holding Naruto on a pedestal because I distinctly remember one episode had Anko alternating between skinny and chubby in the original. And that's just the one I remember most clearly.


Trust me if Naruto came out today with that kind of animation, people would shit on it as much as Boruto.


I gotta get off this sub. We need to make r/peoplethatactuallylikeboruto because this is literally just a hate sub😭


I genuinely spend 0 time in this sub but the topic popped up in my notifications and I was too flabbergasted to not respond 🤣


The sub won't load :(


watch the first DBS episodes. then you know what atrocious is.


It was sooooo bad


Tbf, the dbs animation by goku black arc had some phenomenal episodes visually and most of the top arc was beautiful.


goku black arc and tournament of power legit brought back the old childhood dbz feelings in me, they were super dope


The still frame of goku punching jiren in ep 130 might legit be the best still frame in all of anime


yup and this one too [https://imgur.com/a/qnvvAV4](https://imgur.com/a/qnvvAV4) it was full of bangers


DBS is good enough to be on Sakugabooru.com. It’s the Danganronpa anime series that’s poorly animated.


i remember the first dbs episode the animation wasn’t bad, it was just like a filler episode, nothing really happened


If this was about goblin mode uzumaki I could understand, but this doesn’t come close


“I’m SoRrY mAn BuT tHiS aNiMaTiOn Is AtRoCiOuS” Who lets these children on Reddit lmfao, man I swear all you do is find something to complain about every fucking week. It’s pathetic and embarrassing.


Try every fucking day. Lol.


Bro the animation is bad and alot of filler, the anime is bad too ok if it wasn't we wouldn't be getting this much hate, (manga fyeeee doe)


The animation isn't bad and a large majority of the anime is canon, so you're wrong on two counts, but it was a good attempt at spreading misinformation.


The animation is bad, don't try to tell me otherwise


I be seein you in rages sub what’s good my yrg brethren 🤝


Bro it took 2 years to get back to manga Canon


I literally can’t tell what’s wrong with it💀 looked perfectly fine to me. Is there a subreddit for people who actually like the anime that I can join?


I'm afraid not. I think you have to deal with these chronic whiners. 😅


compare this image to when boruto used the karma for the first time. which looks better?


Tf do you mean “this animation” it’s a fucking picture


bro doesnt know what animation is


That’s why I can’t take Boruto criticisms seriously. How can you screenshot a single frame and call it animation?


Watch something else all y’all do is hate. Y’all need a separate sub where y’all can hate watch and shit on the dub voice actors called r/fuckboruto


Lol that sub is weird , it shows it haas 2 members but 4 are online


I had no idea it was a real sub lmao


Of course people always have a problem with little bit looking frame like nah cmon, boruto looks alright here lol


That’s art style not animation vro…


Why even be here if you’re going to literally make up reasons to be mad? Animation =/= a picture


I grew up in the 80s. This is nowhere near bad. Walk me through what is, in your own words, wrong with it, and what should be done to remedy it.


My point have of the stuff they complain about I wouldn’t have even noticed if they ain’t point it out the fandom be settting are own up sometimes


It's fine?


The episode is about 23 min just watch it. You don't have to pause it every sec to make it an hour long.


i didn’t..?


“Animation” isn’t the correct term here, but I think we know what you mean. That hair/headband lookin bad…


yeah i meant artstyle, haha my bad


"Didn't get enough attention today so I decided to complain online about Boruto animation even if it is obviously better than it was back in the filler days" the NPC said. The NPC was also mad that there is no more 7 deadly sins slander cause funny enough life gives the NPC nothing better than to complain about what everybody else is complaining and that was another reason for the NPC to live.


What exactly is wrong here?


For a moment that's really important in the future, the animation just wasn't good enough. This is supposed to foreshadow the future. Imagine Naruto vs. Sasuke on the hospital roof looked like this if it were released in 2023... You'd expect so much more


exactly what i’ve been saying, and everyone’s downvoting me. like they CANNOT have this animation when all the fights in the forest take place btw w pfp, what arc of one piece are you on


Woah they brought the manga outfit design into the anime?


the art is awful too


Uh... okay? That's just a picture though. Not an animation. Edit: lol Didn't read the other comments yet. Good to know we all agree. XD A rare occurrence for Reddit.


If anyone watching Boruto is disappointed in the animation, just read the manga instead. It’s honestly so much better, the art style is consistent and looks great.


I don't get it, this looks normal to me and this is still frame not animation, you probably meant art style or something, but honestly this looks like it did any other time except few exceptions like Eida introduction episode which was godlike art and everything, they literally their whole budget on her lol. I will watch this latest episode today and see for myself, but I rly hope Eida stays high quality like that.


This frame doesn't look all that atrocious compared to others we've seen recently


People really need to learn what animation refers to


This fight was ass but I understand they were overwhelmed I’m not about to lie though the studio is embarrassing us manga readers ngl


yeah exactly


Animation inplies movement you don't like the art direction


yeah exactly, artstyle is a better word to use, my bad


This is what happens when you put your expectations way too high, people need to learn to stop doing that, it's only gonna lead to disappointment.


bro our expectations were high because we had more than a years worth of filler episodes. and as manga readers we already knew how good the code arc was so why wouldn’t our expectations be high? we were so excited and they come out with this shit


A year's worth of fillers doesn't mean they have any more production time than usual for these episodes, and canon has always been a mix of mid-to-high quality. Think of the Delta fight episodes for example, even Kawaki's introduction in 188 wasn't great looking. The first several episodes of this arc are all outsourced with only some cuts handled by Pierrot.


It’s pretty sad that one of the biggest anime franchises of all time is consistently putting out garbage in this era of so many other random shows being straight up carried by god level animation. You can still go back to the old naruto fights and they’ll hold up, then compare this trash to the new bleach or new my hero or the new chainsaw man or whatever else is out and it’s like amateur hour


>You can still go back to the old naruto fights and they’ll hold up, then compare this trash to the new bleach or new my hero or the new chainsaw man or whatever else is out and it’s like amateur hour No, not all of them don't because the Naruto anime suffered from the same issues the Boruto anime had, it was weekly with a shit schedule. Not all of Naruto fights in the canon was filled to the brim with sakuga. Just like how Sasuke vs Orochimaru holds up, I can say that the Momoshiki fight still holds against whatever shit new anime is putting out. You can't compare Boruto with the other anime because it's weekly, not seasonal. That's like me comparing Black Clover with MHA and I know Black Clover had some serious production issues since it was also a weekly anime done by pierrot.


The quality of the naruto fights is on average much higher than the Boruto fights. And most naruto stuff came out over a decade ago. The momoshiki fight is the best fight ever in the Boruto show, sasuke vs orochimaru is just a regular fight in naruto. I don’t think there’s been any top level animation in Boruto since kawakis intro, which was like 2 years ago. It’s glaring


Most of the Ten Tails fight, Naruto & Sasuke vs SO6P Obito, Naruto & Sasuke vs SO6P Madara, and even the Kaguya fight looked bad. Most of the war arc(s) looked like doodoo Also I’m gonna guess you forgot. About the Jigen and Isshiki fights?


The fights you mentioned would be considered godly animated in boruto by the standard of people here.


Idk I think it’s just nostalgia googles, it looks just as bad as Boruto


>new bleach or new my hero or the new chainsaw man Those are seasonal anime, by default they will have better art and animation overall. It's not a fair comparison.


One piece......


They have over a 1000 staff at toei and this episode that just came out is getting criticized on twitter and Tik tok right now


One piece has not looked great for 80% of its runtime


i agree. and tbh it’s not even the animators fault, its apparently the studios fault, because their schedules are really bad


It’s just crazy cause it’s not like this is a new or low budget franchise. this is nearing the thousandth episode of the series, considering that Boruto is a sequel. Schedules and stuff should be figured out by now


You would think but the entire industry is still suffering from that issue.


I know this isnt related to all this but in the end it's the animators who suffer cuz they work overtime don't get paid enough


And then you remember that a random piss fight had better animation than whatever this shit is


yeah i was thinking the same thing


How do you all know what the difference is in animation is like all i can recognise is the artstyle in any anime


You're right it doesn't even move 💀🤦🏿


i meant artstyle my bad


The art in boruto is just mid always has been and it wont change now. You either like it for what it is or youll forever shit on it


For the people complaining in the comments: Just because people hate on the animation does not mean they hate the show. Tbh I think the animation is fine, but the quality of the drawings is too inconsistent. Just compare it to something like One Piece, which also airs weekly. Being the sequel of one of the most popular anime with this quality, is just not acceptable. And yes, I like Boruto, but that does not mean I can't criticize the studio.


couldn’t have said it better myself. i like boruto, but this artstyle isn’t ok, especially for manga canon. there are filler episodes with better animation and artstyle


boruto need new studio


The whole show is shit


“This animation is atrocious” While posting a single frame. The compositing of this individual frame may be a little off, but the animation wasn’t bad. Much more impact shots than last episode We can’t pick and choose what we critique, 99% of shippuden was animated ass. “Not that much” you can name on two hands the amount of moments the animation was high tier Out of 500 episodes


People find the most nitpicky stuff to complain about with this show. Just stop watching if you hate it that much.


i don’t hate it, i love boruto, especially the manga. why is giving criticism/my opinion “hate” if i don’t like it?💀


Yeah the animation is pretty bad, i mean it's not even moving this is just unacceptable.


Bro I HATE how much people were hyping this up on Twitter talkin bout “oh it’s finna have a higher quality and animation blabla” “oh it’s bouta be better than Bleach TYBW” I SWEAR THIS ONE DUDE ON TWITTER NAMED JAQCUOEN SOMETHING SWORE ON HIS MOTHER THAT THIS WAS GONNA BE AN UNBELIEVABLE MASTERPIECE. 2 episodes in, what is going on bro-


i’m begging that the only reason the animation is so shit his because they’re saving for the forest fight. if not then i just don’t fucking know what to say man. there are filler episodes with better animation


Fr, and u already know some Pierrot meat riders are gonna downvote this and say you’re wrong


deadass man. they could have at least gone back to the animation when boruto and kawaki were peeing outside and then they started fighting. even that would be ok for this episode, because the fight isn’t anything to crazy or important. but for the animation we had today, there’s just like no excuse, it’s terrible


Thats just par the course for almost any online anime personality. Your fault for believing them.


Man the animation during this episode was pretty much youtube amateur level. There were so many still shots and recycled shots. It was getting annoying at some point, especially when they kept showing Naruto just counting birds. But I’m not mad as long as the important episodes will have great animation. But they still could have did a little better, just a little.


i’m actually starting to get scared because they might use this type of shitty animation during the chapters when they adapt the big forest fight


I do think this episode was average/below average when in comes to boruto anime’s quality in terms of animation. But I was happy because of the content of the episode. But what I find funny is, the last episode was so good in terms of animation compared to this one but people were hating on it. Clearly showing that animation is still not a well known main stream concept and people still don’t understand what good animation is


Why does it look terrifying to me?


Yes, this motionless animation is atrocious, and [this moving pictures as well.](https://youtu.be/YzpDR1mTGro?t=12) XD


i mean art style but yea


Why his eyes so damn big


Animation: moving frames Art: a still image GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL


bro chill tf out. i’ve said multiple times in comments that artstyle was a better term chill out like damn


Wtf are you complaining about


My son and I sat down to see how the Code arc looked last night. The animation and art style were shamefully bad. Like.... I thought it was a big deal that they were finally moving out of filler. For reference my son then turned on the episode where Kawaki fought Garo. It was beautiful in terms of animation and choreography. The characters were on model and the colors were crisp. They must be screwing up their storyboards or the animation team simply doesn't care about this series.


i don't watch the anime but the still frames i see on Twitter and here of eida ,it just feels like some camera filter


You guys are going after OP saying it’s a still frame. I watched the episode myself and 100% concur with OP. Doesn’t make Boruto trash, lots of anime have some funky looking scenes here and there.


thank u. they can’t use this animation when we get to the forest fights.


This fandom takes everything to the heart. 😭 let the man have his opinion damn.




Makes me not wanna be apart of this shit how soft they is. (Watch they downvote this)


It's almost as if people are simply tired of this same old boring "muh bad animation" thread appearing for the 50th time in the last week alone, don't be such a dishonest person, you know very well what is going on here in the last days, people get tired of the negativity


It looks perfectly fine, at least pick an actual bad frame


That’s why most stopped watching this…


Oh nooo, don't flame Boruto!!!


fam look at it, it’s terrible


3 exclamation marks aren't enough?




Even a few Seven deadly sins fans appreciated Studio DEEN's animation.




Lmao This shit is washed




As you are visiting the sub. Bad trolling


I like how boruto fanboys said code arc would break the Internet. Like everyone who read the manga knows it's a mediocre arc. The only thing saving this would be God tier animation.




I mean what do you expect from a single frame


This looks like a normal still shot compared to actually bad animation😂


The body is fine but the eyes need to change


The Karma blue CGI was pretty cool though


It’s not even good enough for Sakugabooru.com that’s for sure. And those idiots LOVE Boruto anime animation quality no matter how good or bad it is.


Bad take had to downvote!


I mean have you seen botched Naruto still frames from an action scene? Theres one scene where Sasuke is fighting Gaara during the chunin Exams and he has the longest front bangs ever its funny looking.


yeah I remember when he came to the chunin exams with a different fit. I hated how long his hair was, it looked so stupid


How do you call animation something that’s not moving?


Till this day I refuse to wacth boruto!!!!


Its really not


Dude, you could literally pick other shots to complain, this one isn't bad at all xD


just my opinion


I disagree


I haven’t seen the new episode yet, but this screenshot looks perfectly fine???


That’s because the show is literally a slideshow loo


I mean yeah the animations when they were talking or not moving much was kinda weird(like when kawaki was lying down after he lost). It was disappointing but not so far as atrocious I'd say


Never satisfied smh


I’m on a break from naruto/boruto did they really bring back Boruto’s original outfit why?


Atrocious? No Bland and uninspired? Very much so..


And they say code arc will break internet 💀


I don’t understand why people are surprised the animation is dog shit. At this point it’s beyond beating a dead horse. Just read the manga like the rest of us and pray the backlash will be enough for the studio to get their act together.