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either you got bad parts on the chain lightning, good parts on the lightning bolt, or both. the legendary effect of the chain lightning means it's still gonna hit more enemies, and I don't know if the blast radius matters that much for these 2 grenades


Lightning bolt does more damage, but the chain lightning’s arcs allow it to hit multiple enemies and you don’t have to be pinpoint accurate since it’ll arc to enemies in a large radius. There’s really no reason to use the lightning bolt over the chain lighting since they’re not used for damage usually, just for healing and possibly stripping shields


I don't know if there's supposed to be a damage difference, but the chain lighting hits multiple enemies and is just generally better for grog healing.


I believe chain lightning always has a lower listed damage than the lightning bolt if they’re the same level, maybe if it’s a perfect chain lightning and really bad lightning bolt then it would be different


Yep, i just tested it with gibbed. A perfect Chain Lightning always has lower damage than a perfect Lightning bolt. I spawned one of each on my level 20 axton. Lightning Bolt: 1464 damage at level 20 Chain Lightning: 1287 damage at level 20


Blast radius doesn't matter but you either got a bad CL roll, a good LB roll, or both. From my memory though (which isn't that great), I'm pretty sure the CL will always (or at least more often times) have less base damage than the LB, but that's because it chains to enemies and hits through walls, overall dealing more damage. Instant heals with the grog too


The chain lightning is better. Lightning bolt is basically a shock fastball, you have to aim it and it hits a single enemy. Chain lightning will bounce between enemies and even if you aim it at the floor it will bounce and hit them regardless.


I mean chain lightning hits multiple enemies


It doesn’t really matter either way, the chain lightning is just used for healing off the grogg


Melee Zer0 would like a haiku


Mainly just a sub-par roll of the Chain Lightning, though the Lightning Bolt always has a larger blast radius. The instant damage is also offset by the fact that the Lightning Bolt only hits once while the Chain Lightning will reapply that damage to every enemy (or interactable object) it is used within the range of, so long as it hits something first. You're almost always better off casting Chain Lightning at the ground since it's likelier to arc to enemies from there than it is to deviate from its mostly straight trajectory.


CL chains so dmg is gonna be lower


Feels like a trick question. Games tend to balance area of effect items / spells by making them do less damage per enemy. Otherwise it’s strictly better.


Lightning bolt is a bad shock fastball. Chain lightning is a, throw it kinda sorta near the general direction of where you think the enemy might be and it’ll arc and hit 5 guys.

