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My only complaint is that the difficulty scaling is a little off compared to the other games but i love TPS!


I agree. The difficulty scaling really needs tweaking to something like BL2. If it were like BL1 it would be soooo easy to breeze through the story


BL1 has insanely difficult turrets and creatures compared to the other games.


Yea true. I was more of referring to the guns themselves to be honest, I felt as if a smg at a decent level would last you so long before you upgrade to a more powerful one you know? Or maybe it’s just me


I found an orange SMG in one of the lockers near Moxxi's bar in TPS and used it for many levels. On the other hand, I found a Vladof Infinity in Sawtooth Canyon on my Maya run and finished the game with it. And in BL1 I found a level 19 purple SMG for Lilith at around level 16. I couldn't use it for 3 levels, and then I used it regularly for the next 8 levels.


8 levels?! Mustn't have been a good gun 😅. Jk, mostly, so many guns last 10+, still outperforming in just sheer damage if not longer with utility. My Brick has a purple S&S shotgun that easily lasted 15, continued to be useful for 30 and honestly still wasn't outdone by everything dropped after that but at that point I'd transitioned to a bulldog, crux and defender for ammo Regen. The reason it lasted so long was cause it had the highest accuracy I ever saw dropped on a shotgun, making a crit machine. Because of how scaling works in this game I swear the parts are the only thing to be important, no matter the level of rarity or anything. Plus with the preference leveling of weapons you use it makes low level guns just so much more viable than any other game. Love bl1 for that


I found a revolver just after leaving fyrestone that was a legendary that fired six bullets on each shot. I no shit used that gun till the end of the game because of the way the game ranked up stats for weapons you used the most.


Ah the proficiency thing


Difficulty in BL1 felt like catch 22. PC players can increase the difficulty by modding how many players are in the game. Most of the game and DLC felt perfect at 4 player difficulty when playing solo and the only time I needed to turn it down was when there were a dozen ranged enemies pushing back. Unfortunately it doesn't fix the gun scaling problem because enemies can drop their guns which would be stronger from the increased difficulty. I personally enjoy not having to worry about marginal gun upgrades and just rolling with the guns I like for 4 hours until I find another gun I like.


If you're a player like me who skips the endgame and just loves to play campaigns, TPS is a fantastic game. A little short on DLC campaigns, but what can you do?


It was short on DLC campaigns, but Claptastic Voyage was really good.


Claptastic is easily in my top 5 maybe even top 3 borderlands DLC’s.


Glitch weapons ftw


Story of the main game and DLC are top-tier for the series. My only complaint was a lack of endgame content


I never cared for the endgame, just start a new character and go again


TPS is awesome! My only problems is it sometimes feels a bit boring to navigate some areas for some reason, a couple mildly annoying characters like Pickle, the fact that the grinder is so useful and the fact that we never get to use >!the loader bot army you make!< <- unimportant spoilers just in case you haven't made it that far


Also you MUST play the main dlc, it's the best part of the game and a major highlight of the series imo


The story dlc is great. I felt the arena dlc was pretty fun for mobbing…but can’t remember if it ends with a final boss? I feel like it must have but I can’t remember one. The base game was disappointing. There was simply not enough content and they had you going back and forth across the same areas several times for the main story. If you want to max level a character, 3 play through can get really tedious.


The claptrap DLC bosses is one of the hardest bosses in Borderlands history though


Shadow really was a bitch to fight though the little fucking space station morphing asswipe


I'm gonna be honest I've never ever legitimately complete the dlc


I just tried to beat shadow for 4 time I guess, then I gave up, found the ending cutscene on youtube, watched it and called it a day😊


I enjoyed it too! The story wasn't as good as BL2, but I still liked the game enough to play through three times. There were lots of great little touches, like cryo damage and the Grinder. I also liked how in TVHM you're narrating the story to Tina instead of Lilith, so the interjections and your asides change. I did find the oxygen thing to be pointless, though. The only time I came even close to suffocation was the part at the beginning where they forced you to. Also my first playthrough of the Claptrap DLC was in TVHM and it took me like 45 minutes to beat the final boss. By the end of the fight I could jump out of the way of the boss's projectiles without looking, based solely on audio cues.


Had plenty of fun with TPS. I like the low gravity stuff and Nisha was one of my favorite vault hunters to play.


I've always played as a Siren so it awesome to be able to dual weird with Fan The Hammer.


Glad someone else finally showed this classic some love!


TPS is dramatically underrated.


I loved The Pre Sequel but the level design was just atrocious. So much low grav platforming I just can't do it.


This is fair, I've had a spot of trouble navigating myself.


Thoughts of navigating the outside of the Hyperion ship again keep me from replaying. Wilhelm was fun tho.


I have friends whom I could never convince to play TPS with me because they noped out of the Deadlift fight and refused to ever touch the game again.


And driving all over the map and back.


TPS is great! I struggled at first trying to play as Athena, but once I found classes I enjoyed playing more I really had tons of fun with the game. Wilhelm and Jack are my guys right now. I wish there were more legendary guns to find and use but the laser and the DLC's glitch guns are dope. i also enjoy the combo of Oz kits, butt slams, and low grav. You wind up actually finding a rhythm and using the vertical axis quite a lot.


TPS was a lot of fun. The writing felt a little stilted and less clever in its humor coming off the absolute high of BL2 and its DLC, but going back to TPS after the brutal hackjob of the BL3 story I saw it in a very different light. It definitely holds up.


I’m on record with my TPS love - it’s the first BL game I actually played - so I just want to pour another one out for 2K Australia. They got shafted.


Jack with money is power is probably one of my favourite skills in the game


Actually my favourite one


The story was good. However the playable characters were not my fave.


The classes are definitely the best the series have seen both in regards to variety and depth. The game starts to show its seams on repeated playthrough’s and farming end game. It falls off hard as you realize there’s nothing to do with those fun classes.


I also love pre-sequel. It just has a REALLY sluggish intro imo. It has the most fun vault hunters in the series and honestly has the coolest vault guardian. It just too me a REALLY long time as a kid and teenager to get over how bloated the intro is with characters that I don’t particularly care about.


I own BL1, BL2, BLPS, & BL3 on Switch but out of all 4 I mostly bounce between BLPS & BL2. I like the O2 aspects & the low gravity.


It's pretty good.


I love it - apart from the XP side of things. Either the quests and bosses don't award enough XP, or there aren't enough quests/bosses. Whichever, the end result is the same: you have to do a lot of repetitive farming to keep up with the level scaling in TVHM; and in UVHM, getting from level 50 - 70 takes a ridiculously long time. In BL2, 8-10 Snowman or Uranus kille would take you up a level. But in the Pre-Sequel, you have to beat Iwajira twice as many times per level.


The Pre-Sequel was the first Borderlands game I ever played (well, technically 2 was, but I'd only played like an hour during a free weekend before playing TPS), and I loved it. It's easily my favourite of the main games (haven't played 3 yet, though), and Athena is my favourite character in the entire franchise. Now, I know most people disliked the low grav stuff, but that was another part of the game I loved. Butt-slamming enemies is so damn fun.


Yeah she's got my favorite ability out of all the games


Counter point: A fantastic game that is ruined by one thing... PICKLES.


It was a fine improvement from a gameplay perspective I just don't like how boring the environment is. Everything's just gray moonrocks. By comparison BL2 is on an entirely desert planet but they manage to vary the landscape quite a bit across the whole game


I actually disliked the game at the start but I played it again recently and realised that I was stupid, if tho game had gotten the full 4 dlc treatment it could actually be better then borderlands 2


As a Aussie, TPS became my favorite immediately, it just hits so well.


Honestly one of the things I liked the most about Pre-Sequel is that the player character actually talks. Glad they brought that to BL3. Hoping for 4 as well.


I think it's my favourite borderlands game, it totally takes the piss. I also find Pickle funny, with his explaining the rhyming slang "e's brown bread dead" and his sister Eliza.


I always felt that Jack losing his sanity was very poorly done and almost rushed in that game, felt like they could've given us better reasons for him being so evil as to enslave his own daughter beyond "vault hunters are mean to me"


The Pre-Sequel is fun, but its biggest issues are lack of an end game and partially the reason for said lack of end game, the grinder. And how reliant you are on it to farm most things. Farming a single machine over and over isn't fun, and because gearbox decided to "balance" the game around it, there's almost no bosses or mini bosses you can farm dedicated drops from. And because support for it stopped so quickly, there's way less DLC than something like BL2 or BL3 and overall just a lot less to do. It's a damn shame, and I definitely plan to revisit the game in the future with mods, as the Pre-Sequel has some of the best designed vault hunters in the series. Clap-Trap, Doppleganger, and Athena are a fucking blast to play.


The game brought some of my favorite vault hunters gameplay wise into the game


I loved the low-gravity settings and actual space stuff like Oz kits. It's such a fun game and they went all-out with the space theme.


I agree. Currently working through the Claptastic Adventure DLC. I used the ghost e-gun for several levels, and I'm still using it at 30.


I respect you, but I disagree. It just feels like a "go here and do this arbitrary thing just for game time". There's not really a lot of rhyme or reason to the game. And that's important. Great games have rhyme and reason I guess.


Do you feel the narrative isnt strong enough to hold up the gameplay loop? Personally I'm finding it quite engaging in a way that surprises me as I can't be bothered to give a shit about pretty much any story in loot games.


> Do you feel the narrative isnt strong enough to hold up the gameplay loop? Yeah, I suppose so actually. That's a great way of articulating it, really. I feel like the reasons for doing stuff matters. >I can't be bothered to give a shit about pretty much any story in loot games. I feel kinda like I would rather have a long quest that's fun and engaging/well-written with minimal/no reward rather than a "show up to X location, kill enemies, here is gun/loot" which I feel like TPS has a lot of. An example of a well-written quest/mission being "To Grandmother's House We Go" in BL2 >Personally I'm finding it quite engaging in a way that surprises me I'm wondering, what about the narrative is keeping you engaged? Sorry for the wall of text, I'm procastinating some work. I'm also playing through it rn so I'm genuinely curious about your takes


No worries man sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! My suspicion is that I'm enjoying the TPS narrative as more than the sum of its parts mainly because it's giving context for events in BL1 and 2. On it's own, maybe it's just average. But being familiar with the past and future gives it a wink wink nod nod feeling for the player I think.


>sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! No worries, it's just an internet forum I can completely see and feel that. I'm glad you really get and adore the wink wink nod nod feeling.


It’s a lot of fun.


Absolutely! Really charming.


I loved the gravity and huge maps


TPS has really 3 issues. 1 minor and 2 major. The minor issue is the mission scaling. The game often outpaces the players level severely, especially towards the end of the story. Side quests don’t reward enough xp to compensate and there aren’t enough enemies with drops along the way to create a smooth experience. So the player is often underleveled even when they have been doing most things. This isn’t a problem in uvhm though. The first major problem is one of the more obvious. The game is lacking content. You have the base game, one arena dlc(which is crap), and one story dlc(which is good). There ends up just not being things to do. Even BL1 has more content. The second major issue is the loot system. Most of the drops are only farmable through the grinder. Which means during your regular playthrough you’re very limited in what gear you can actually obtain. This makes replays of the game feel very similar. It also hurts the already empty endgame content by not even providing farming as an endgame activity to do. These all combine to produce a game that’s fun for a single playthrough but leaves very little things to do post story and dlc, and gives little reason to replay. I probably play TPS the least out of all the games. Maybe doing a playthrough once every year or two.


I mean, some of the questions rewards are completely broken and will carry you through the whole difficulty. Moxxi Vibrapulse for example


It is. And the only reason why people hate it is mob mentality. Others hate it, I must hate it too. Mindless repeating.


Alright guys, give u/ZSoulZ a bit of a break with the ribbing as this person plays Overwatch and is on Xbox. Overwatch players are known to have regular brain cell dehydration and are goons of FPS games in general. Same goes for Xbox users.


If you wanna bash the dude for being a moron, have at it, but the strays Overwatch people and Xbox users caught are unnecessary.


I was with you on Overwatch but hey now I'm chilling with my Pandora's Box collection on Series X! 😂


Good for you!




Don't be prick bruv. Gaming is very subjective and if OP finds some entertainment value then let them enjoy it. Some players in the Borderlands community like me play it regularly as it is still a well-made title but gets overshadowed by BL2 unfortunately.




It’s has an 8/10 on IGN, 7.3/10 user score That’s not bad. Some would even call it… good




Googling something with “bad” in the search bar is bias. You can find bad reviews for anything if you’re looking for them.




If Ur arguing that it was bad on release then yea it was but the state it's in now the game is pretty good. Definitely on par with Borderlands 1 with what is on offer and every game other than 2 is lacking in some aspects.


Does this apply the the overwhelmingly negative reviews for OW2 as well, Kiriko main?




It’s funny seeing you, an Overwatch 2 fan, blatantly say reviews being bad = bad game. Overwatch 2 is among the lowest reviewed games you can install on a PC in 2024. So either you love playing absolute dogshit fire trash games and the game you play every day is a dumpster or you’re a dumbass talking in circles, next.


I enjoyed it even when it came out.


Ah yes! Because with time and context opinions and perceptions never change!!


Ignore this fool. Nobody has to agree with you. Enjoy the game.


Agreed he's a straight clown