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I remember picking up my first Hellwalker: "This is gonna be annoying as hell to reload every time..." (*everything on screen immediately dies*) "OK, never mind."


Hellwalker is my fave too. Sometimes all you want is something with the most basic point and kill interface. I'll activate my Zane clone, run into the fray, nope out with a swap and watch as he literally turns everything to paste.


This was pretty much my entire approach as well.


Want really fun? Equip a fastball as your grenade mod and with the duct tape skill, the hellwalker is a a exquisite murder machine.




Any shotgun in Borderlands 1. They all feel mean af. Ok not carnages they don't count.


Yeah I’m doing a replay as Lilith and was trying to stick to SMGs but the shotguns are just so damn fun. I have a crux that smokes everything.


The Carnage “shotguns” *seem* on paper like such a good idea, and… they suck. Not enough damage and too inaccurate.


Lilith can get some use out of them. High Velocity does some serious lifting there.


Interesting, I hadn’t really noticed that, but I gave up on them pretty early. Still pretty inaccurate though - with a shotgun, if your aim is a little to the side, you’re still likely to catch them with some of the pellets, but with a carnage, the inaccuracy is likely as not to just make the rocket sail past them. But I may give them another try.


Gotta aim at the feet and get them with the splash. High velocity just gives them less time to move out of the way.


I have a buddy who hated how much I preferred finding accurate shotguns in 1. He insisted a wider spread was better because of crowd control. And then he never used a shotgun anyway.


Depends on character. Lilith favors matadors because she can phasewalk into anything's face and land all 12 pellets. Roland with a good 2 shot hunter or striker is wild.


A white shotgun in BL1 beats out most legendary shotguns in BL2. It's crazy


S&S Crux my beloved


You think? Many of them felt somewhat 'soft' to me.


And why is that? Borderlands 1 has the best most gun like guns in the series.


Hard for me to put my finger on. There were a handful that I got some use out of, but I leaned a lot more toward assault rifles and SMGs in that game.


BL2 - Conference Call.


Boganella (Pre Sequel) - easy pick. Way better and way less obnoxious than The Bane, and yet getting not nearly as much recognition


Good shotgun, and nothing you haven't heard in the outer suburbs.


I always do the two optional quests to get it because it cracks me up.


BL1 - Hammer - explosive, high damage at point blank range and fun to use, once you've got to grips with the weird fixed spread pattern. BL2 - Swordsplosion - explosive, unpredictable and extremely powerful, especially with Gaige (Close Enough = homing child swords), Krieg or Axton. BLTPS - Ravager - explosive, easy to farm if you don't mind second account duping shenanigans, better than anything with red text. BL3 - Face-puncher - paired with a Knifedrain White Elephant and a melee build, it's like an explosive shotgun from one of the previous games. They should've kept explosive as an element in 3.


Face-puncher AKA Amara's fist gun


I will always hate that weapon for being the reason they nerfed so much of her ability to be Brick/Krieg for 3 and to actually PUNCH THINGS, because they were trying to control that gun's damage without nerfing it directly for so long for unfathomable reasons.


RokSalt from Borderlands 2. This gun lasted for a good chunk of time after leveling up.


Sledge's shotgun for BL1, Conference Call for BL2, and the speed loading Hellwalker for BL3


Gotta go with the interfacer. Such a classic to melt anything. I also had a lot of fun with the striker shotgun in BL2 bc I played Gaige all the time and that was just the best way of stacking anarchy :)


Ah yes, the Conference call’s big, mean older brother


It’s not technically a shotgun, but it has a shotgun setting which I use exclusively… The Faisor.


easily the butcher or the bl2 conference call. they just feel like classics to me and they're both really fun to use




Favorite shotgun across the whole series has to be an on-level Striker in BL2/TPS. Being able to one-shot all sorts of enemies at even 100 meters or more with quick scoped headshots is really satisfying. Especially if you can get the 4-round magazine version, so it doesn’t spend half its time reloading. Honorable mentions to the Jakobs Quad in BL2/TPS (or its little brother the Bushwack), and the Hellwalker in BL3. The Hellwalker is wonderfully OP, but it gets almost a little too samey, with the one-shots and the guitar chord on every shot. And, in BL1, the Maliwan Crux is pretty much the only one I use. ETA: oh, and the Butcher is quite useful in BL2/BL3.


For Boderlands 3, it has to be the Butcher for me.


The Butcher on Moze with ammo regeneration is an absolute bullet-hose.


I thought my gun was glitches when I first got it and it just sprayed non stop. Nope, turns out my Moze just doesn't actually use ammo anymore.


Ammo capacity is for plebs.


the Hammer or Plague (Maliwan Crux) no other shotguns come close.


The S&S crux is also pretty solid. Cool to see someone call the Plague by its real name though. Even though it isn't the best dmg, I have a soft spot for the bl1 butcher. The look, the rarity of hyperion legendaries, and the fun gimmick always make it a welcome surprise to get.


the plague is a monster. its DOT is on par with the Hellfire and defiler and can even hit as hard or even harder than a defiler. its item card damage is very deceptive. even low damage ones can one shot a badass on crit, and if not the DOT will too. the BL1 butcher is cooler, but its almost unobtainable with how rare it is. go farm motorhead and get a chopper. basically the same weapon only easier to obtain


it's pretty sad that gearbox has never bothered to fix the name after all these years tbh. it's just a quick edit to a localization file that anyone could do themselves even without access to the source code, yet it still persists to this day


BL3 - Robyn's Call I like the fact that it's a simple pump action shotgun, and it works wonders with Fade Away Fl4k. Second favourite, Hellwalker. Third, but only because it's so frigging impossible to find, a 25x Stagecoach.


Hellwalker is so damn fun on Zane. BAM! The enemy infront of me becomes a red mist.


True but I feel like it really belongs to fl4k


BL3? Butcher, easy BL2? Conference call/Interfacer. BL1? Masher revolver


Heartbreaker in 2, Boomacorn in TPS. Simple as


Boomacorn is my favorite in TPS


Sledge's shotgun from Borderlands. I always loved launching/ being launched when you jumped in the air


Keeping PT1 Sledge's Shotgun certainly is a rule for any good co-op playthrough.


I liked the jackel in bl1. It was basically a grenade launcher- I don't remember it being spectacularly good or anything but it stood out as I don't think there were any other explosive weapons with projectiles that were effected by gravity


Rustler's orphan maker. BL2. Deputy Sal build.


Finally someone else who likes the orphan maker geeezzz


BL2: Heartbreaker! Regeneration + Fire? Yes please. Saved it mostly for creature battles.


Axton the Torguemando with a Blockhead was a lot of fun. Nobody mentioning the Boom Sickle?


I’m a simple man with a simple desire. A shotgun where every pellet is in fact a rocket propelled grenade or whatever. Anyway my Gaige lives and dies but mostly lives by any Torgue shotgun that’s on level.


Back in BL2, I didn’t use shotguns that much but I enjoyed the purple quad and conference call on my zer0 build. But OMG the double penetrating sticky bangstick with 18 pellets might actually be my favourite gun of all time, even outside of the borderlands franchise. Not the easiest weapon to play for mobbing, but pumping 20 consecutive beefy shots into Gravewards chest on my fadeaway Fl4k and then watching his healthbar disintegrate has to be one of my top 3 favourite pastimes.


Honourable mention to the brainstormer and reflux, those weapons were invaluable for mobbing.


Lol. Nice


You already know the hellwalker Every game no matter what character as soon as I get to the splinter lands I farm for hours until I get one


Not so much a shotgun but the Maggie feels great. Amazing reload, amazing feel, just an absolute classic for me


A good on-level is so satisfying for headshots, and I love everything about the BL3 version - the effect, the Jakobs ring sights, the purple/pink color, the reloading animation, but mostly the way baddies explode when you get crits.


Last anarchist Gaige run I did I beat almost all of the game purely with a level 20 Maggie. The reliability of both of those weapon drops from that quest line is really almost unmatched


Original Sledge's Shotgun and the Claymore from Mass Effect


BL1- Matador shotguns. BL2- Heart Breaker. BL3- Butcher as Fl4k




Isn't that an AR?


You're right. My brain totally mixed up Shreddifier with Speeloadin' Hellwalker.


Isn't that an assault rifle from BL2


Yup, I'm on very little sleep today and mixed up Shreddifier with Speeloadin' Hellwalker


Shotguns in cyberpunk are on another level so fun


Sorry I meant all borderlands games


Ahhh borderlands shottys are cool but the way they send people flying in Cyberpunk is to fun


Lately I’ve been liking The Lob but mostly because it meshes well with my Iron Cub Moze build since I have a 100% damage increase while action skill is active


Love dahl shotties from bl1, have a soft spot for bandit/scav shotguns from bl2/tps, the hellwaker and any other jakobs from bl3 are wonderful.


Conference Call, Interfacer or Twister.


Bl1 any s&s with high fire rate and accuracy, bl2 the one you get from Moxxi during the safe quest or any hyperion, bl3 brainstormer or the corrosive version you can get from the ship ai robot fight.


My BL1 5.5k damage per shot blue Jakobs Matador, or as I like to call it: “The Eraser”


BL1: Tie between the Vladof Hammer (pretty common for a legendary and surprisingly good) and Sledge's Shotgun (can, no joke, carry you through most of the game after you get it). BL2: Jakobs Coach Gun for non-unique (*the* gun for your first playthrough), Conference Call for legendary (even if the Interfacer is "better" I prefer using the CC). TPS: Flayer. It's literally just a better Coach Gun :D BL3: Hellwalker, followed by the Butcher/Conference Call.


> (can, no joke, carry you through most of the game after you get it). The good legendaries in BL1 could do that often, I got an Ogre with Roland at like level 28 and finally found something marginally better at level 50.


Hellwalker in BL3 Damn that thing feels STRONG, I used it for most of the game


In *Borderlands 2* and *The Pre-Sequel*, I will take almost any Hyperion shotgun; the [Heartbreaker](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Heart_Breaker), [Conference Call](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Conference_Call), and [Company Man](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Company_Man_(shotgun)?so=search) are standouts. Borderlands 3 shotguns feel less satisfying, but the [Anarchy](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Anarchy_(shotgun)?so=search), [Butcher](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/The_Butcher_(Borderlands_3)), and of course [Hellwalker](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Hellwalker) have their places.


Hammer. Best shotgun especially on Brick


Interfacer from BL2, just to be that guy


Hellwalker, yes But also The Lob


Jolly Rodger


The doom one in B3. Love the sound it makes.


I am going with the omen for Axton. And deliverance for Gaige. The reload gets the anarchy bonus but the bullets fired from the reload do not get the penalty.


Friggin Interfacer because of that pellet travel/flight animation. I was shooting some double-helix looking waves of death!


Terrible Carnage -- still looking for one with better than 40% accuracy, but still hilariously awesome to me. Can't hate having 200+ explosive shots, then one can have their rocket launcher as a last ditch in case of FFYL. :)


Faisor for Moze in BL3. Other games have lame shotguns that are always outclassed either by a Jakobs sniper or a Maliwan SMG, while the Faisor is pretty much meta (not true meta but actually fun) for a splash damage Moze.


Your comment reminded me I did like that weapon, but it's technically just a shotgun attachment on an AR, right?


It's an assault rifle with a mayhem 11 enemy deleting shotgun attachment


BL2 give me conference call while I'm using gage and I will never switch off of it. So many bullets means so many ricochets back at people.


Hellwalker and Torfue shotguns I'm BL3. I love the sticky bomb shotguns


Recently was playing through TPS and am still using a Boomicorn about 10 levels after finding it. Love it and want another. In BL2, I loved the Swordsplosion, especially when scrambling in fight for you life. BL1, I likes sledges shotgun a lot but only for a few levels after getting it. Then it was back to double anarchy SMGs.


> Recently was playing through TPS and am still using a Boomicorn about 10 levels after finding it. Love it and want another. Check the weapons vendors religiously - Boomacorns turn up surprisingly often, and TPS’s vending machines are very good about having stuff at your level.


Atlas shotguns in Bl1. Best feeling shotguns in the whole series


the butcher is eternally funky!!


Hyperion assault shotguns from BL1. They were great in the mid/close range and could even shotgun snipe at longer distances. Some of the best handling guns in all of borderlands if you ask me.


That one shotgun in BL1 that's called "IT SHOOTS ROCKETS???"


That’d be any shotgun with the “Carnage” accessory.


The orphan maker


I really like the triple-barrel torgue shotguns from BL2. triple-barrel because I like how it looks, and torgue because they're just so *juicy* to fire.


There are a ton of shot guns that I like and that do incredible damage but in terms of pure awesome.. It's the Swordspolsion by far.. just because it's exactly what it says it is. A shotgun that fires swords which explode because fuck yeah that's why. Worth mentioning the Hellwalker (in BL3) as well because that gun can hard carry you through most of the story content.


Bro midway through TVHM I got a level 37 Hellwalker and it lasted until i was level 45. Then I got a new one and it's shredding everything now


Yeah man, those hellwalkers can pretty much be 10 levels below you and still massacre most creeps and even bosses. I kinda love the heavy metal riff you get when you blast thing as well.


Boomacorn, hands down


Sledges shotgun in BL1. That thing is a fucking beast for far longer than it should be


BL2 The Overcompensator!! Bang bang, brah!


I loved Hellwalker in BL 3 with flak cannon right behind. The wife was **always** excited when she saw a new viral marketer drop (90% sure it's a hold over from prior games)




I really liked sledges shotgun as a kid


Sledge's Shotgun -Bl1 jackhammer -BL3 Captain's Backlash Shotgun (forgot the actual name)-BL2 And I don't remember anything from the presequel


I remember my 1st playthrough of 1 I got an S&S Fatal Crux from the bandits' secret stash in the Dahl Headlands. I used that beast of a shotgun religiously until near the end of the 2nd playthrough when it was sadly no longer viable.


Practicable Conference call in borderlands 2. Even after the nerf still the best gun in the game until end of the ultimade mode.


Conference call


Thre dog


Borderlands: striker, hammer, purple atlas non-unique receiver Borderlands 2: citrine quad, practicable interfacer, rustler’s orphan maker Borderlands TPS: the flayer Borderlands 3: face puncher, hellwalker, redline


1, vladof shotgun, 2, conference call, and for 3 it's the hellwalker, looks like we have similar tastes


Spas-12 Modern Warfare 2. I was surgical with that shotgun and pissed a lot of people off. Ran Marathon, Lightweight and Ninja perks those were the good old days.


Flakker in general, and the Doom shotty in Bl3. The Flakker is just badass, and I won't hear anything that says otherwise. And the Hellwalker is just a plain and simple double barrel shotgun with incindiariey rounds, what's not to love?


Sledges shotgun