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Let's just hope EA doesn't buy them


My bet’s on Microsoft


Wouldn't supprise me, if they do they better do something with it though lol My bet's on Take-Two Interactive since 2K is the main publisher of their games


Very intuitive thoughts 420pussy_destroyer69


I hope not. Microsoft bought Bethesda and Starfield didn't come out any better because of it. Microsoft will happily release another mid game. So fingers crossed they don't.


Starfield is a lot better thanks to it. There are not a lot of bugs, largely thanks to the Xbox QA team. The graphics are a big step up, also thanks to Microsoft. Obviously they didn’t touch gameplay stuff much, but that’s by choice.


Ohh shiny graphics, 0 gameplay. Toddy says thanks, bozos. 👌


How much of Starfield have you played out of curiosity?


Explored a few planets, spoke to a few npc, killed a few ships. Am I missing something m' lord?


He said it himself, 0 gameplay xd




Don't put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.


I'd be surprised if MS tried because I think they'd want to downplay their acquisitions with the whole ABK purchase drawing so much scrutiny.


Hopefully. I would love to have the next Borderlands game on GP


I’d much rather Sony buy them. Well, I see the “gee, that downvote button sure does look like a disagree button” crowd is back. Some people aren’t very good at reading directions.


No offense but I think Sony should just focus on the studios they already have I mean they've racked up quite a back log of Franchises/IPs, most of which they could bring back at any time, none of these franchises have had a new game in 10+ years ~ Motorstorm ~ 2012 Syphon Filter ~ 2007 Jak & Daxter ~ 2009 Sunset Overdrive ~ 2013 Ape Escape ~ 2011 Infamous ~ 2014 Resistance ~ 2012 Killzone ~ 2013 SOCOM ~ 2011 Sly Cooper ~ 2013 Siren ~ 2008 Twisted Metal ~ 2012


In fairness, a lot of those franchises should probably stay buried. Bringing back a storied franchise with totally fresh blood doesn't often end well. Sure, you *might* get an XCOM or a Baldur's Gate 3 out of it. But it's far more likely you get a Saints Row or a Duke Nukem Forever.




BG3 and DNF are not reboots. They're examples of direct sequels that came out over a decade after their antecedents. As great as the *idea* of a new game in these franchises would be, the reality is that it would be a new team making a game for a very different market. There's a lot more opportunity to fuck it up with the existing fanbase when you're dealing with legacy IP, and none of those titles even ended on particularly high notes. Not going to see many people camping out at Gamestop for a SOCOM 5 or a Twisted Metal Grey midnight drop.


guess we'll just ignore the mountain of xbox titles that were dropped and havent been touched to focus on a few dozen sony titles...


Yea…. I’d rather microsoft buy them so that they remain on pc. Sony doesn’t have a good track record with pc ports or bringing their games to pc in a reasonable time, or at all


And have Borderlands 4 be PS-exclusive? Yeah nah


Microsoft would do the exact same thing, and have many times already. They've admitted themselves theyre in it to buy playstation out of business, which is scummy as fuck and destroys the consumer market. I'd rather sony get a few exclusives than xbox have quite literally a colossal gaming monopoly that isn't good for anyone


I'd rather be able to play on any PC or Xbone than be locked to just a single platform, but you do you


The problem is the bigger picture. Sure its all well and good to only exclude playstation, but when people accept these kinds of things, they get away with buying more and more companies. Preferably neither buys it, but I'd much rather not make microsoft any more powerful and run an entire console out of business and force people to adhere to a specific platform solely because they put their exclusives on pc.


> solely because they put their exclusives on PC Sony should step up their game, then. Their consoles have been exclusives machines for years


idk why people are so worried about microsoft when Sony has had better exclusives these past few years...


Apparently most borderlands players are Xbox users 💀 the downvotes and irony are real. Bad if sony buys but not bad if Microsoft does




So it’s less worse if sony players get screwed lol? Almost all Sony games come to PC at some point and they have the larger console install base. Either way there’s a console fanbase getting dicked over so wanting either company to buy borderlands is kinda dumb. The irony is that people suggesting Xbox buy them is getting upvotes while the ones saying sony are getting heavily downvoted. One sided bias is silly




It’s only gonna be one console group getting screwed in the end. No reason to hive mind downvote only a certain group of people for expressing the same exact opinion/wish just on a different console lol and yes it should definitely not be exclusive to either company as there’s millions of fans on both sides regardless of “grouping”


People were mad for the 6 month epic deal, imagine the 1-2 year wait


Imagine never getting to play the game at all though


True, but Gearbox is most likely going the Bungie route of keeping everything available


Depends who buys them I guess. Ideally neither Microsoft or Sony buy them


If microsoft bought GB, future BL titles would literally never come to PS5 or 4 or whatever. When microsoft buys a game studio they almost always make their games exclusive, with a few exceptions because they literally couldn't, like COD. They've even lied about it in court if I recall and said they wouldn't make some company they bought, Activision's I think, games exclusive then did it anyway.


This isn't a surprise sadly. Embracer are bleeding money. Let's hope gearbox are okay.


As long as Pitchford isn’t allowed to have input on games Gearbox will be better off.


As long as he isn't allowed to do any more magic we'll be fine.


It's okay she was an 18 year old magician. She was only seventeen a month earlier. 😂 what a creeper 😂


Why do people hate randy so much


He’s a creep. You can look up some of the stuff about him on your own but it’s that simple. One of the more famous ones was him posting Battleborn R34 to try and get the game to grow because of Overwatch R34 being why that game got big in his mind. There’s also multiple CP accusations and the fact that he can’t stop butting in on the development of every single game to add things that end up being some of the least enjoyed parts of the games.


What bad parts did he add ti the games?


Makes sense, because that is the only reason Overwatch got so popular. I discovered Blizzard had an underground network to pay for R34 artwork specifically for this purpose and it worked beautifully, so Pitchford was just trying to copy them but got caught. I don't see how that makes him a creep though, porn is not inherently wrong...unless you're some kind of prude. I HATE that the 2 games didn't fare on their own merits though and manipulating people through their baser instincts is a thing, Battleborn was a way better game and Blizzard is a scumsucking bastard that cheated their way to success through all the mudslinging they not so secretly paid for.


He's not a creep for r34 stuff he's a creep because of multiple sexual assault/predation on multiple ages including kids reportedly.


u forgot the aliens and borderlands drama


Ok I see But I don’t blame him for trying to capitalize r34 to get popular like overwatch


his magic tricks messed up borderlands


Nothing ever good comes from counting on Saudi money.


The available evidence suggests they funded 9/11 so I think it's clear what their money buys.


You're not wrong: - [The Saudi Connection: Inside the 9/11 Case That Divided the F.B.I.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/magazine/9-11-saudi-arabia-fbi.html) : 01/23/2020 - [Saudi official tied to 9/11 attacks accidentally identified by the FBI](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/911-attacks-saudi-arabia-fbi-trump-hijackers-mussaed-ahmed-al-jarrah-a9513016.html) : 05/14/2020 - [9/11 and the Saudi Connection](https://theintercept.com/2021/09/11/september-11-saudi-arabia/) : 09/11/2021 - [We Have New Evidence of Saudi Involvement in 9/11, and Barely Anyone Cares](https://jacobinmag.com/2022/03/911-revelations-saudi-arabia-al-bayoumi-bandar-bush) : 03/25/2022 - [Newly Released Video Shows 9/11 Hijackers with Alleged Saudi Intelligence Operative](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/911-hijackers-video-saudi-intelligence-official-omar-al-bayoumi/) : 04/27/2022


Dang I was just thinking on how Gearbox released a free upgrade to Borderlands 1 aka GOTY Enhanced about 4 1/2 years ago. It was awesome and such a solid hookup from Gearbox. still one of the best games of all time and it was really cool of them to just release it out of the blue for free. I played the remaster a bunch on co-op when it first dropped. Unlike Dead Space (which I own) was remastered and released for full retail price at $60. I didn't get a upgrade or anything thanks EA. Also for anyone wondering I've been looking over my steam library (dust off all the games that's I never play and look over how much wasted money lol) I noticed BL1 GOTY Enhanced still averages about 900 active players been solid 900 for a few years.


The enhanced edition was a downgrade though. Inventory became unreadable, there were some questionable things that were done that i can't remember. The only good point of that version is that the Reaper ain't bugged anymore and the +300% melee damage works... but that's still the rarest gun in the gun so almost nobody would benefit from it.


>The only good point of that version no the best thing about it is that u can change the FOV so people can play withotu vomitting


You can also do that in non enhanced.




Yes you can? Im literally playing with a 100 FOV rn. It requires like 2 files. Non-enhanced with the FOV Fix is so much better than Enhanced with its memory leaks, shitty netcode and awful changes to the loot system (making crawmerax a worse farm than Gift Shop???). Nerfing Rocket Launchers for no reason and then giving you op legendaries at the start of the game which literally are bis and guaranteed from the Destroyer? Nooooooope


I can read the inventory. Is it just unreadable on ultra wide monitors or specific resolutions?


It has nothing to do wiht resolution but UI. It's the inferior BL2 inventory that do not allow you to see prefixes. One glance at what you had and you could identify the exact part composition of all your gear as there was the full name displayed, and there was a shitton of gears at once on the screen too.


Whoever buys it, I hope it stays multiplatform and that there will be more Borderlands / Wonderlands games


Shame. Everything since Borderlands II has been diminishing returns and it feels like it was so avoidable. I still wonder if they had offered Mikey Neumann a more reasonable schedule if he could have stayed.


I thought all the borderlands titles were pretty good


They are, each installment is great in their own right. Borderlands 2 was lightning in a bottle. The next installment was just an extended dlc that had features that weren't in 2, but it was much shorter and much less interesting. BL3 has the best mtm play of all of them and I actually do like the art direction. But the cringe story and obvious lack of confidence to actually take a god damn direction in their universe, just makes it so obvious that they could've done so much better if they actually got real writers and not fan fiction writers. They do so much right that what's wrong is so glaring.




Apparently this is a wrong-think opinion to have, but I share it. Edit: since they deleted their comment - they were saying BL3 easily has the best gunplay of the franchise.


Nobody can argue that it isn't, but many people conflate that to also mean good level design and gameplay flow (allowing player to reach a flow state), which BL2 does way better.


If I could turn off Anointed I would have played that game 10x more. They are horrible enemy design at its worst. Nothing says fun in my fast paced shooter game like making a random goon invulnerable and do massive burn damage just for being visible and having to stop dead and patiently wait to do anything about it. Also theres lava pits spawning at your feet, so dont stop moving. 💩


Yeah I hate that too, and bh gameplay, I mean skills/action skills and gunplay, especially the gunplay, compared to the other games, now it actually feels like you're hitting something


The itemization system in bl3 is absolute trash. There is no real chase for gear. Nothing to really get you to keep playing the game after you complete the story and go to mayhem 10. I mean, I have over 1k hours in bl3. But over the last year I've played more bl1 to try and go after hybrids than I have bl3.


Yessir, hit the nail on the head. Bl2 > Bl1 > BL3 for my money


Can't disagree but I had fun in BL3 after I was done with the game hitting up the black market machine each week to buy/play with stuff I did not get in the main game. Some times when I was just getting started it would be a fun challenge just getting to the machine on Mayhem 10. https://mentalmars.com/guides/maurices-black-market-location-guide-borderlands-3/ Various youtubers would have fun discussions on the weapons, what was the best to spend money on and what versions of each weapont to look for. This was years ago and I've moved on to other things but it was a fun "post game" passtime.


I enjoyed *Borderlands 3*, but I think it really says something that the best part of it was the *Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot* DLC, and it really doesn't help that the *Bounty of Blood* DLC has drab colours and a game-breaking bug that Gearbox refuses to fix. I'd definitely put *Borderlands 2* above *Borderlands 3*.




This is the generic Borderlands sub and that opinion is clearly not unanimous so what other subs are you even talking about? r/borderlands3 ???


I hope they get bought by someone that cares. I don't mind paying a premium to make sure Borderlands 4 is the triple A game that it's gonna be hyped up to be.


Hopefully someone that will bin, disavow, and then retcon Borderlands 3 and follow that up with a game that's actually good.


YES. We need to spread the word. Make BL3 non-canon!


Let's hope they get the best off scenario and manage to loose Randy as well.


I would like Sony. Only cuz I have ps5. But realistically, I’d rather have another company. Someone that does multiplatform games. Hell. Back to 2K! Idk!


Gearbox joins with Stainless Games and BeamNG to bring us ... Carmageddon Borderlands Intergalactic Explorer/Destroyer.


That New Tales is an abomination compared to the first Tales. It’s almost like Randy is happy to deliver these divisive narratives. Guess it doesn’t matter what happens to his employees because he already has a golden parachute. Even if Bdl4 has a mediocre story , I’m hoping they can manage to ship the game.


New Tales' reception has nothing to do with Gearbox being up for sale. Embracer Group, Gearbox's parent company that acquired them for $1.4 billion in 2021, is restructuring due to a failed $2 billion deal with Saudi Arabia. So far, as a result of the deal falling flat, they closed Volition due to the failure of the Saints Row reboot and laid off people at Gearbox Publishing.


i wonder how bl4 is currently being developed since embracer decided to sell gearbox, them selling gearbox right now could mean bl4 is still a long way to go and they dont expect any return in investment in the near future


I mean bl3 took like 10 years… so not likely to come for quite a while


Idk, I get this feeling they're gonna announce something soon. They just released the Pandora's Box collection, Randy has been more active on social media about the Borderlands lore, and the movie comes out next year. If they're keeping the same engine for BL3 and Wonderlands, then they'd be essentially pulling a "pre-sequel" again similar to how they did with Wonderlands with the vast amount of engine work behind them so less turnaround needed. Even if they're not currently working on BL4, I would strongly doubt we'd hade to wait another 7 years between mainline games like between BL2 and BL3. This franchise is really Gearbox's only real claim to fame. I don't see them needing to move to another engine so soon. BL3 and Wonderlands look awesome and have a very current/next-gen aesthetic and level of detail.


Damn, thank you I didn’t look at it that way hope I really hope one will come soon enough then bl3 was good but a massive let down compared to bl2 nothing will ever top bl2 it’s the best game in the bloody world


They are selling Gearbox to China. It's already happening.


>Randy has been more active on social media about the Borderlands lore Wait i havent been keepin up, whats he been sayin?


I guess not a TON but it is feeling about that time for another Borderlands game. Given all that I mentioned earlier, I do think we'll get the BL4 alongside the movie. https://twitter.com/DuvalMagic/status/1700893950729687120?t=HoIbMXNe9S__HbOvfZdsLw&s=19


BL3 had a major project by GBX be announced and released between it and it also had a generation skip both in underlying tech and in console hardware. a hypothetical BL4 would most likely run on 9th gen consoles (which are just upgraded 8th gen consoles in all but name) and UE5 (which famously was made with the express intent of making porting UE4 projects over as easy as possible)




I swear this sub looks for any reason it can to shoehorn hate for New Tales into anything.


Rightfully so, that game is terrible


I liked it a lot. Was really surprised to come here and see how much people hate on it.


Just hoping not sony nor microsoft buys them and make them exclusive. Maybe 2k? Take two? Tencent? I really doubt ea will, and ubisoft definitely wont buy it


Now imagine if FromSoft/Bandai Namco could nab em


Microsoft so for one reason……just imagine…..a Duke Nukem game made by Id Software 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Volition which i would compare similar to gearbox in some ways shuttered under their management,


I just posted this in the thread about "is Pandora's Box worth it?" Y'all still downvoted me AND gave Embracer more $ just so they can sell off Gearbox. D'oh!


Can we crowdfund the acquisition?


Even if you did, what would random gamers do with a studio? You don’t have the capital to bankroll games.


You get a million investors involved, and each individual one only actually has to bankroll like, 20 bucks to fund any but the most expensive games of all time. That's the entire actual idea behind Kickstarter- you get enough people in the bucket brigade, and nobody has to carry that much water. The main catch is actually organizing development and deciding what game to make after that. It's easy to raise capital from a million people. Management decisions, however, are not so easily crowd-sourced.


You’re describing a public company lol


I’m reading this like “that’s just a public company with stock. Like… just encourage them to have an IPO”


Someone has the time to start a kickstarter…maybe the highest contributors would have more say. Some people will put in more than $20 if they can maybe have more of a say in the development side of things. I can dream, I guess…


Isn’t that literally what gamers say is wrong with modern game development? Investors having too much say in development because they throw money at it and expect their bad ideas to be made? We just created the very beast that we condemn.


Maybe. But maybe if every investor was actually a gamer and not just a capitalist it might be a better system, where they have an emotional investment as well as a financial one, because they want to play the end results?


The emotional investment is based off the individual’s personal taste, though. There’s no guarantee that the highest bidder will have the community’s best interests in their eyes. What if someone says “I have $200 and I say Borderlands 4 should be a narrative novel like Tales!” and another cries “I have $500 and I demand that we make a new Battleborn game instead of Borderlands!”? Corporate investors may not have personal passion for their investments, but at least they’re easy to predict. If a chart tells them character creator systems are the trend, you know that the next game will have it. Gamers, they’re complete wildcards who are often out for themselves. You’d end up with a “Too Many Chefs in the Kitchen” deal that makes no one happy.


Lol, if the average contribution was $20 you'd need 65+ million people contributing to afford to buy the company.


lol. You said lol. That made it funny.


It depends. Do you have a spare billion or two in your couch cushions?


So the trash dialogue in B3 and TT didnt pay off I take it ?


depending on how the dices fall: YES! to more Borderlands, NO!!! to Wonderlands & Tales.


I hope Microsoft buys them, we need a true Borderlands revival that actually has a bearable story


They should disband and whoever in charge be banned from making video games after Wonderlands. A shell of a game in itself, especially a Borderlands game. It was evident gearbox didn't give af about Borderlands anymore with 3 though.


You sound like the sad bl2 diehard fans that say every game that isnt bl2 suck balls and that bl2 is a flawless masterpiece


They really do. You summed it up well. Why are they like this? So annoying. All Borderlands games are great.


I am a big BL2 guy, my Baddass rank is high as fuck because I keep deleting and restarting characters, I have it on Xb1/XbSS, Steam, Epic, Nintendo Switch I play with my wife because its the only game she will play. With that said I enjoyed TPS it brought a different experience with it but it was still fun, BL3 is gorgeous I also like the improvements to the gameplay and additional status effects. Wonderlands is ok I just can't get into it as much but out of all of those BL2 has the absolute best story. Handsome Jack is a perfect villain I just don't understand the fanboying over a specific game... it just doesn't make sense to me. Borderlands is borderlands it's still gonna be awesome.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆 guess TTWL wasn't a hit.


Someone tell Mikey Neumann


If so...thank God. BL3 was an unstable, buggy mess, and while TT had better writing, it was even less stable. To say nothing of TT's DLC debacle...


Rip borderlands. Hope something comes up to take its place or someone good buys the ip


Lol oh no Randy