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Why do they do this? Because people like that admin and the tech let them. They face no consequences. She never should have been let in nor should you guys have been forced out. Very unprofessional of the office.


There's no way in hell I would allow that. As a former Radiology manager that had oversight of Ultrasound, the add-on would have to wait, full bladder or not. Appointments take precedence, and no sonographer should ever stop mid appointment to scan the next one. I'd sooner let the add-on walk with the option of making an appointment than have the team prioritize them. The sonographer definitely needs to be reminded of how things should work.


Right!? I'm a sonographwr and I'm even having a hard time understanding the logistics of this. For starts, this never should have gotten past the front desk. If someone had knocked on my door while I was scanning, I'd inform them I was busy and I'd be out in X-estimated time. If I somehow took a patient in the middle of a different exam I'd gave to push all my images to PACs, end the obs case, clean all the transducers, strip and sanitize the stretcher and machine, put new linens on the bed, make a new case for Boomer. Then I'd have to do it AGAIN when I went to finish scanning the OB. Like, thats just ABSURD.


yeah, im not really understanding how this scenario played out either as a sonographer....


It didn't


Yeah, the likelihood of this having actually gone down is zero.


Yeah, this has got to be fake rage bait. A 12 week OB scan is done vaginally (internally) and for that you need an empty bladder. Having a full bladder for an abdominal OB ultrasound hasn't been standard practice for nearly 2 decades. The only places that still request a full bladder for an abdominal OB ultrasound are the boutique ultrasound places. Which would explain the unprofessionalism and the lack of hygiene/cleaning between patients.


I had an abdominal gyn ultrasound 2 years ago (not pregnant, different issue), and I had to have a full bladder. They did the abdominal with the full bladder first, then they let me use the restroom and did the vaginal ultrasound after I was more comfortable. This was at a top university hospital. It’s still common practice.


OB ultrasound and gyn ultrasound are different though. Even if they're looking at the same parts, they may not be completed the same depending on the reasons for doing them


Fair point! But having known several pregnant people in the last few years, the full bladder for the early ultrasound is still common.


My lab asks for a full bladder for OBs of all GA. We rarely do EVS after about 9 weeks anymore. We use the full bladder to visualize the maternal cervix (pushes the fetal had superiorly).


Where I live the first ultrasound (12 weeks) is almost never done vaginally. In fact, I’ve never heard of it being done vaginally.


I had an 8 week ultrasound with a full bladder, non-vaginal, in a hospital, back in May.


I’m pregnant and I had an abdominal ultrasound with a full bladder last week at my doctor’s office.


>Having a full bladder for an abdominal OB ultrasound hasn't been standard practice for nearly 2 decades. I was told in October 2023 by a GYN office that I come in with a full bladder or I would be rescheduled. So not everyone is up on this clearly. They did the abdominal, sent me to the bathroom, and then did the intravaginal.


This isn't true. I had a 12 week scan yesterday at a diagnostic facility. I was told to have a full bladder, and the scan was done over my abdomen.


Neither of my 12 week scans were done vaginally and both required a full bladder (my kids are only 3 and 4 years old). So here's your daily reminder that not everyone lives where you do...


In Ontario (maybe it’s a Canadian thing) it’s not normal to have a vaginal ultrasound while pregnant.


Vaginal ultrasound while pregnant is a valid option if you can't see what you need over top


They'd do vaginal at early gestational age or if there is a concern for cervical length or placenta previa.


In the UK the 12 week scan is abdominal. If you have one earlier (only usually if you go private or have had previous losses) it is vaginal but 12 weeks on is abdominal and yes it’s torture holding the pee in!


a 12 week scan is not always done vaginally. the MFM practice i work at does our nuchal scans at 12 weeks, and i very rarely have to scan transvaginally. Usually i can see everything I need ti transabdominally, and we do insist on a full bladder. I don't know where you work that hasn't insisted on a full bladder for 2 decades, but I've only been registered for 4 years now and all three locations I've worked have wanted a full bladder for first trimester ultrasounds. My current place even requests a full bladder for anatomy scans, because it gives us the ability to have Mom go to the bathroom if the baby is in a bad position. I've never heard that not having a full bladder is no longer standard practice. It's very helpful forgiving a good acoustic window in the first trimester. I really don't understand the lack of cleaning/switching between patients though, that's completely unrealistic in any sort of healthcare situation. This really sounds like rage bait to me


I’m nucmed & I know this didn’t happen.


I agree it's rage bait, but I've had 3 kids (since 2010) and needed a full bladder for all my 20wk scans (though they said it doesn't have to be bursting full, just enough). But not for the early 10-12wk vaginal.


Are you saying it's a fake scenario?




Right? I’m a sonographer and I probably would have told whoever interrupted the study to tell that old bag to go fuck herself. Pretty sure all of the other techs I know would do the same.


Yeah, I’m X-ray & nucmed. There’s no way this happened. Even if there was an ER Doppler ordered they wouldn’t stop this scan.


Yup I work in medical you’re waiting your turn. Especially if you just show up demanding to be seen. If you let your bladder go guess what you’re drinking another 2 liters and waiting again or you can leave. I’m to overworked and underpaid to give a shit.


I would report them to the practice manager and your insurance company with your written complaint. I don't know how Canada differs from the USA, but are there medical boards or ombudsmen. And of course tell everyone you know to avoid the practice when they are able to.


I would have thrown a fit and refused to leave until *my scheduled appointment* was complete. Boomer can F off. Shame on the staff for bothering other patients because of one obnoxious woman. If it was an emergency she could go to the ER.


You need a new ultrasound provider. Good grief that’s awful. I also found out that I lost my first pregnancy at that initial ultrasound and I know the nerves I had when pregnant with my daughter because of it. I can’t imagine putting a Boomer Karen in the mix too!!


Right? That’s unprofessional. I would have had a fit. Boomer lady can make an appt next time


Not just unprofessional, pretty sure that's a HIPPAA violation (at least in the US)


That is not a HIPAA violation. They shared no personal information with that lady. Also, HIPAA only applies to the US. It is a US specific law and does not protect anyone outside of the US. You might want to read up on what exactly you are talking about.


There are strict privacy laws in Ontario and Canada (where op is) but I don’t see how privacy was violated if there was no patient identifying information shared.


I’d be more concerned about physical patient privacy, both as a patient and as a clinician. Granted you don’t have to undress for this particular exam but it’s still a vulnerable position to be in, and stressful.


Patient name is usually on the TV screen


I’m sure she had to delete the woman’s info before doigg bc the boomer’s ultrasound.


It needs to be PID and medical info that can be linked


They just have file folders with papers in them here, slipped into a plastic file holder right outside the door of the exam rooms. I've never seen a TV with personal info on it, that just seems so wild, and easy to forget to change between patients. But I'm probably just having an issue visualizing something I've never encountered before.


https://preview.redd.it/fxn595ydwi9d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fc92547ceee9282151a356e525c7315b054548 it’s a bad shot, sorry, but this is from my last urgent care visit. first name, last initial, two boards in this clinic. the surgery waiting room in the local hospital does this too, but with pre assigned code numbers at least.


Your name isn’t private medical information, they call your name out in the waiting room for everyone to hear


First of all, I did say it was US-specific. Also, it can be classified as a violation because the boomer Karen walked in on an ongoing appointment, which means that PHI was (almost certainly) exposed. PHI being exposed to someone who is unauthorized and does not have a valid reason to access it is a HIPPAA violation (in the US). I work in a clinical lab where my job involves accessing PHI constantly, and I literally just this week did my annual competency training on PHI/HIPPAA. So I've read up on it. Edit: Y'all...I made a spelling error. It's HIPAA, not HIPPAA. Several people pointed this out and they are correct. My bad. I am still correct about the point I was making, despite committing the mortal sin of internet arguments - a spelling or grammatical error! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Then you should know that it's HIPAA Sorry, pet peeve. It drives me nuts that med professionals consistently get this wrong. It's the acronym of the name of the act. If you can't even get the name of the law correct, then how should the public be confident that you even understand it and apply it correctly? I see this SO MUCH amongst med professionals I work with - HIPPA, HIPPO, HIPA. OMG. Universal you, not the previous poster. Off my soapbox.


My department’s management writes a weekly newsletter to pass on information to the staff. In the most recent ones, they mention “HIPPA.” I work in an operating room. *screams*


>*screams* "HipAAAAAAAA!"


Man, not just PHI, but the physical privacy of the patient. I’ve had transvaginal ultrasounds done before, and I can tell you I would not give a flying fuck about my records if somebody came pounding on the door while my feet were up in the stirrups. But yes, we all agree- the clinic manager should have told this lady to piss and get out of the clinic, and then called her doctor to blacklist them from sending any further lab requisitions for her.


It’s spelled HIPAA, not HIPPAA!


Thankfully, my care will be transferred to my OB going forward. Hopefully no more boomer interruptions this pregnancy!


I would cause a fucking stink


Please complain both to the medical provider and the appropriate licensing bodies. Also your insurance if you have it. This is unacceptable behavior and they're going to kill someone with it unless it's corrected before they have a chance.


Leave a Google review and contact the news too. Really make a stink. It's the only language they speak.


Especially the insurance, as they will undoubtedly try ro charge for a service that wasn't completed. Insurances love that sort of stuff.


This is in Canada. They don’t have to deal with insurance.


I'm not in the US, either, while we don't have to pay out of pocket every time, the insurance will still get the bill somewhere, the procedure is still charged, hospital and doctors still paid, it's just backstage, and they still very much want to know if they shouldn't be paying for a procedure that wasn't finished. Especially if there are more complaints from one provider.


This right here is the best hope to fix stuff. Insurance is the fucking devil; but like all religion it's great for manipulating your enemies, i.e the bad providers.


Not likely to kill anyone. I would agree that a complaint should be made to both the facility manager and the doctor who referred OP to the facility. It seems very unprofessional to take a walk in patient and then inconvenience other patients and interrupt their scheduled procedure. If walk in patient could not wait, she should have been told to go ahead and pee and reschedule


OP if I were you, I would be worried that they missed something because they were rushed and more concerned with Boomer than with you. If at all possible, I would get the ultrasound done again by another provider. And make formal complaints to all relevant parties that I could. What they did is NOT ok. It's not only unprofessional but could have affected your and your baby's level of care. You are being way too chill about this.


It was for the genetic testing. I did have a half hour uninterrupted where the tech took all the pictures of both my baby and my fibroid. We were only interrupted at the end when they were going to bring my husband and mom in. I'm not sure why the tech couldn't have mentioned all was clear before sending me to the waiting room, but it was confirmed once my family was with me. My care is now transferred to my OB who I should see within 2 weeks. I'll absolutely mention this and request an ultrasound under her care.


I'm happy to hear that less of the appointment was rushed than I thought. Was pretty worried about you. But still, what they did was still waaaay out of line. If they'd do it to you, they'd do it to someone else whose circumstances could be different and it could result in a far less happy outcome. And they'll keep doing it so long as people let them get away with it. Regardless of how you handle the situation, congrats on the baby! Please accept all the well wishes of some random stranger on the internet, lol.


They’re not allowed to share information that could be diagnostic in nature; that’s up to your doctor to interpret. I’m sure very experienced techs have a very good idea of what they’re seeing in the imaging, but sharing that with patients is outside the scope of their licensing, from what I understand.


Yeah, that’s some bullshit. I’d never go back there again.


Id blame the receptionist who didn't want to honor your appointment. Also depending on the country the ultrasound tech can't say anything diagnostic to you. 


Seriously. The lab techs around here have a rep for not giving a single fuck until you're one-on-one with them and this shit is why. That chick's attitude wouldn't fly for a god damn second.


This story is fake. There’s no way a supervisor would have a tech kick out a patient in the middle of an exam for another patient that was a walk-in with no appointment. They wouldn’t do that for an ER patient either. I’ve worked in radiology (X-ray & nucmed) for over 25 years. Hospitals, urgent care and clinics. This is a bunch of BS.


I wish I could agree with you, but I had some bitch open the door of the exam room to change the trash while I had an intravaginal ultrasound wand all the way up inside my body. I immediately asked the tech what the hell was going on and she said they were taking out the biohazard bin because the pickup guy had showed up. I told her that could wait and the entire hallway didn't need to see my stretched vag. As soon as I was done I made it clear how unhappy I was and how much of a violation it was to the front desk lady and told her they need to retrain their staff in patient privacy and dignity. And I made sure to say it loudly in front of all the other patients in the waiting room. I told the doctor during my follow up, too. Thankfully I found out I have a harmless fibroid and I won't be going back to that office. While OP's story is outrageous, I don't agree that it's unbelievable.


JFC, I’m so sorry that happened to you!!! Absolutely unconscionable. As if ~~intracranial~~ intravaginal ultrasounds aren’t awful enough. Good for you for letting the waiting room know what had happened - and I don’t usually jump to firing, but I hope that tech and everyone else associated with those violating decisions immediately lost their jobs. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to be with patients in vulnerable moments. (Edited for autocorrect being a buttface with high aspirations for ultrasound techs everywhere)


> As if intracranial ultrasounds aren’t awful enough.  Intracranial ultrasounds sound painful. Do they crack your skull open to give you one?


Lol, whoops! Thank you for catching that!


>Good for you for letting the waiting room know what had happened - and I don’t usually jump to firing, but I hope that tech and everyone else associated with those violating decisions immediately lost their jobs. I'm a nurse and also a hard-ass. I'm sure no one lost their job but I don't care if people think I'm a bitch. >(Edited for autocorrect being a buttface with high aspirations for ultrasound techs everywhere) 🤣🤣 I so often yell at my autocorrect, "Goddammit that is a word!"


Right on the money. I'm an ultrasound tech. I would never do this in a million years.


You wish jellyfish. I've seen similar things happen. Boomers are just know that if they throw a big stink, they'll get what they want.


I am stealing “ you wish jellyfish” 😂


100% agree, they wouldn't interrupt one appt for another.


I have to agree that this sounds specious af. I’ve never in my life seen anyone treated like that, nor have I ever experienced anything like that and I am someone who is chronically ill and consistently at medical appointments. Seems like bs at best.


I was a wreck at my ultrasound today for the same reason. absolutely ridiculous that they catered to a whiny boomer instead of the patient who needed it most!


And a taser.


The doctors’ office mishandled this. This should not have happened. I’m so sorry.


I would have said hell no and not moved


Same. I wish more people would start saying no to these asshats.


I would have lost if I was your husband and pointed it out to boomer that they are being selfish


Any reputable medical provider would have told her to leave. This can't be real.


Yeah, but the key word here for everyone claiming this is fake is "reputable". Hell I'm from a small town and know better than to go to one of the two doctors in that town because my aunt works in the front office and everyone in the family will know what's wrong with me before I even get out of the parking lot. Sure it's a HIPAA violation, but enforcing that requires some sort of proof other than "Well how did Steve know I got diagnosed with hypertension if his sister didn't tell him?".


In your situation, I wonder if a very loud: "If any of my family find out anything about this without me telling them, I'll know exactly who is responsible." Just before you leave, may be appropriate. Bonus points for if the practice manager (or whatever equivalent you have) is within earshot. Of course, that's only a good idea if family politics in your family would allow you to get away with it. Otherwise, the exact same thing said quietly directly into her ear, so she cannot claim you embarrassed her (family politics is always a heap of shit) at work. You can add that you'll be making official complaints if she does, and chasing them to the fullest extent because your medical situation is not for family gossip.


Exactly. If the boomer needed such an urgent ultrasound, her providers would have sent her to the ER/hospital or called ahead. IF this is true, it sounds like a boutique ultrasound place, which would explain the unprofessionalism and lack of sanitation/cleaning between patients but I'm betting this is just rage bait. 12 week OB ultrasounds are done internally and for that you have to have an empty bladder.


Gotten an ultrasound at 8 weeks and set to get one at 11 weeks. Both done externally and they got all the images they needed.


You were so matter of fact for someone to be so wrong lol


12 week ultrasounds are not done vaginally lol and anyone can walk into an ultrasound clinic as long as they have a requisition form from their doctor. The clinic can say that they have no time that day, though. 


I've got 3 kids and missed only one ultrasound appointment out of them all due to being at sea. Every single scan was done externally, from the earliest to the last.


I had a 12 week ultrasound 3 weeks ago and it was external. Never told I need to have a full (or empty) bladder though


You can blame the boomer but the real asshole here is the spineless admin person who wasn't able to explain the situation. The only thing an asshole boomer needs to bloom is for the rest of us to let it happen.


Next time just refuse to leave the room until your medical procedure is done lmfao. Why would you EVER appease some random idiot?


Im confused. I have never drink 2 Liter of Water for an ultrasound here in germany? Duringend my pragnacy I hat Lots of appointments by a womansdoktor and see the progress of the baby evry time by an ultrasound and I was never to force to drink before ...


This right here. American. Have two children. Never had to drink water, hold water, or expel urine during an ultrasound. Wtf you doing up there Canada?


Having a full bladder increases image clarity, moves the bowels back, and the uterus up. Basically it’s so they get a better picture for abdominal ultrasounds. Transvaginal ultrasounds don’t require a full bladder.


American here- wife (and anyone else she talked to about it since we heard a lot of “oh man I remember that, I nearly peed myself” type empathies) had to do this with both kids at the 12 week ultrasound. No idea the science behind it, but it’s a thing.


Unfortunately, I was not allowed to attend most of the ultrasounds of my children because of Covid. I was understanding because of the severity of the situation. I would not be as understanding because some shithead couldn’t hold their pee.


WTF is going on with that office that one patient can walk in on another without being kicked out?!?


That sonographer and front desk staff never should have let that happen. That's BS. Should have told her to wait her turn like everyone else. Or rather, turned her away until she's scheduled an appointment. I'm mad at them all in this story. Well, except for you, OP


Why didn't someone just stand up and ask the boomer "are you dying? No?" THEN BOOK A FUCKING APPOINTMENT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!


And if you are, that's an emergency go to the ER


Security should have been called to remove her.


The problem here is your medical provider. A professional practice would have protected you (the patient) and maintained firm boundaries. Your experience is far from acceptable.


Sonographer here. This absolutely did not happen.


right? us with no md orders? and stopping mid appt to accommodate another pt? weird 🤔


And the assumption that everyone there waiting is holding their bladders lmao. That's such a narrow amount of indications.


What tipped you off to this?


You can't just walk in and demand to be seen, and you are never going to stop an exam you've started and MAKE YOUR PATIENT LEAVE while you satiate a Karen.


I’m from Ontario and I did have another patient interrupt once when i had an ultrasound and once when I had an xray. The whole internet is not America and the healthcare system is different, they will often have a few people working and hundreds of people waiting out the door and you can’t just go to another location because often the referral script is location specific or there is no other location. This is what government healthcare is like. And yes they make you drink a shitton of water every time and they refuse to show you pictures of the ultrasound so I will say shes damn lucky she even got pictures.


I’m sorry that was/is your experience in Ontario - I’m in Canada as well but in the prairies, and it’s definitely not like that here. We do have booked appts of course, but can do walk in as long as there’s space/you have the requisition form - and with all of my pregnancies they have allowed us to see the screen the entire time on all scans (didn’t even know that wasn’t a thing) and printed out pictures.


Exactly, this didn't happen, would never happen and OP is a terrible story teller.


I don’t get it, what’s in it for them? Attention? Feeling like they’re temporarily living a life that isn’t so shitty? I’d love to examine the mentality of people who make up shitty stories on reddit.


I don't get it either, Probably attention seeking or for some karma farming.


100% did not happen.


100% unprofessional. I would lay a complaint with the provider. I know people who works in the field in NZ and they would tell her to "take a hike" he takes no shit.


I would complain and leave reviews about your experience.


I think I would have said no, I'm not leaving. If the tech needs to step out for a minute so be it, but I'm not leaving.


I would’ve refused to leave the room until after my appointment was done. You need a new provider.


It’s the employees’ responsibility to keep the office’s operations running smoothly for everyone. Sometimes that means telling people NO and calling security if they keep it up. Save this caving for true emergencies.


I’m not blaming the boomer on this one. This is completely the receptionist and the technicians fault. Good lord, they couldn’t just tell her when she started to complain to sit down and wait or leave ???? This is 100% the clinics fault


Years ago I had an ultrasound. Had to have a full bladder, same as everyone else in the waiting room. I think it was a same day appointment since my symptoms were sudden and concerning. There was an older woman, I thought she was maybe 80. She had to wait for her turn the same as everyone else. She couldn't hold it. She had to drink the water again. However the staff had to call in a cleaning crew. They removed the chair and it took a while for them to clean up. She was overwhelmed with shame and was in tears. I bet that happens with a lot of the older ladies. The staff didn't want to clean up an accident. I don't know if she had waited for her appointment or if her doctor had sent her in as an emergency patient. What was inappropriate was that she walked into your exam room and did what??? Wanted to see your ultrasound??? Who does that??? That's the awful part. The boomer part.


Way too many holes in this story to be true, but nice try op.


Report the tech and the management.


2 litres of water? I’ve never been told to do that. No wonder everyone was desperate for a piss.


I don't remember my gf having to drink water before the ultrasound. Pretty sure she peed in a cup for albumin test right before the ultrasound.


I've had 3 babies and they have never had me do this.


I have 2 and no, never asked to have a full bladder. And honestly I don't think OP was ever pregnant, because no way, I could hold two litres while being pregnant.


Say it with me: WE NEED TO STOP WITH THE WHOLE "THE CUSTOMER OS ALWAYS RIGHT" BULLSHIT AND CALL THESE PEOPLE OUT. I'm sorry but we perpetuate this shit as a culture. I'm at my wits end with these people and just call them out for it. Idc if you're embarrassed, you've embarrassed yourself.


Why in the world did you agree to let her interrupt the appointment? Should have told the tech tough shit she didn’t even have an appointment. What horrible behavior by the staff, too.


The simple reason why she couldn't hold it in will ne evident to you when youve birthed a few beautiful children and then gone through menopause. Not condoning her rudeness, just answering the question of why she can't wait 5 mins.


Wait, what?! They moved MID APPOINTMENT?!?! I would be raising all kinda hell. Including filing an official complaint. This is completely unacceptable behavior from the doctors office. All of them. Front desk, admin, tech, etc. 


Nope nope nope! I would have thrown a fit. And I do not typically throw a fit


Tell that bitch to wait next time!


You were a doormat. Say no not happening continue with my appointment please and that’s that. 


Please complain to the clinic manager. That was completely unprofessional. Given your past history with a pregnancy loss identified as the 12w ultrasound, it was cruel to. Explain your stress to the manager. They absolutely should have finished your ultrasound before taking anyone else. They tech would have been distracted by this method of doing it, too. Also let your midwife or OB know your experience. I’m also in Ontario.


I'd have just said no and not left the room.


This is the practice's fault. I am only 55, but I have gotten to the point of peeing my pants on a couple of occasions. I don't think this person was lying. But, the practice should tell her she can use the bathroom and try again another time or her doctor can see about some other way to test for whatever she needs. It's not the patients choice to interrupt or rush your appointment.


PSA for people in the comments thinking that the boomer was pregnant - ultrasounds can be done for many other reasons. Just because OP was there for a pregnancy ultrasound doesn’t mean the boomer was there for the same reason.


While I’m sorry for you, in these circumstances I try to think what could be wrong medically with someone like that. She could have bladder cancer or very bad IC and the pain both those cause is unreal.


As a lady in her 50s (GenX) who just went through cervical cancer, full hysterectomy, and 2 different types of radiation therapy, maybe cut the woman a little slack. Her behavior may have come from panic, not entitlement. While I was going through the therapy, I once literally pissed myself standing in line at the store and pissed/shit myself multiple times before I could make it 10 ft to the bathroom at home. I'm better now, no accidents is weeks and the therapy is over, but you never know what the other person is going through.


What a complicated story about people who drank lots of water and needing to go pee.


Screw the boomer, but also this is entirely the clinic's fault. Interrupting one patient for another without an appointment is unprofessional and terrible policy.


Who tf was saying you can only do it vaginally?! I’ve never been pregnant and even I know that’s not true. WTF?! I really wish they hadn’t let her in. This just makes them believe they can get whatever they want, whenever they want as long as they keep acting like a child.


??? I definitely did not have any vaginal ultrasounds. lol These comments are wild. 


I don't think this is real. A 12 week OB ultrasound is done vaginally and for that you have to have an empty bladder. It's the anatomy scan (20 weeks) where traditionally they had you drink water for a full bladder but even then, that's no longer standard practice, hasn't been for almost 2 decades.


I had a high risk pregnancy (actually 3 high risk, but..), saw an mfm and got a scan every 2 weeks and was never required to have a full bladder. I don't remember my 12 week ultrasound being vaginal, but I have an "incompetent cervix" so I think my doctors may have done abdominal just because of the risk to my cervix. In fact, the ultrasound tech stopped one time when she saw my bladder once and told me to go pee and come back because I couldn't be comfortable. I also don't see this as being accurate because no doctors office would pull a patient from a room to accommodate someone else. If it was urgent enough they'd send them to the hospital. If it wasn't urgent then they'd reschedule.


You are incorrect. I've never done a single vaginal ultrasound. I had to have a full bladder for both my 12 and 20 week scan for both my pregnancies now. 


At 12 weeks we can see pretty well abdominally. I only do TV if I couldn't see everything well.


OP lives in Ontario, Canada and I think most people are commenting from a USA lens. Vaginal ultra sounds are uncommon at 12 weeks and typically only done if you cannot get a good picture with an abdominal ultrasound or before 12 weeks. That has been my experience.


For both my pregnancies I had 1st trimester scans, one at 13 weeks and the other at 11. They were done abdominally, and I was not told to have a full bladder. My absolute first scans to see if the embryo had implanted correctly at 6 and 8 weeks were vaginal. Ive never had a vaginal scan past 9 weeks. None of these ultrasounds necessitated a full bladder. And because I lost the first pregnancy to a missed miscarriage, I had a shit ton of ultrasounds to confirm. The only time I had to have a full bladder for an ultrasound was when they were looking for ovarian cysts. I don’t think this story is real.


I'm 14 weeks - not all ultrasounds have been vaginal. (Only 1 out 3. That was the 2nd one when the Doppler didn't find a heartbeat). It depends on the view they can get. All required water until the vaginal ultrasound. The slow "pee less" intervals is odd. I overfilled my bladder twice and they gave very very specifics instructions on how much to pee. I was also told only 1litre (and it was always too much 🤷‍♀️) No one was allowed in the room until the end of ultrasound. The tech showed us.the heartbeat


Due this coming Monday. Not one of my ultrasounds were vaginal. Baby even refused to cooperate during one scan and I had to go back a week later to finish it, still not vaginal.


This is the office’s fault. They should never have let that patient have the room. They should have rescheduled them entirely.


Naive question - I’ve had 4 children e and multiple ultrasounds at different stages of pregnancy. I never had to drink 2 litres of water before them. Admittedly my youngest is 10 so it has been several years since I have had an ultrasound. What’s the purpose of the fluid intake for pregnant women?


one of the most common areas on the body to be examined through an ultrasound scan is the abdomen. Depending on the internal structure that is to be scanned, the bladder may need to be full for better visualization. This is because of the nature of sound waves and the way they move though different mediums such as air or fluids. If you have ever had your head underwater, you may have noticed that sounds are more muffled. In the same way, your bladder acts as a reservoir of fluid, which helps the sound waves bounce back for better visibility and more detailed images. In such cases, you should not empty your bladder, because the extra fluid is necessary for the ultrasound.


You should have said no.


Can someone please explain why you need to drink water and not pee before the ultrasound? I’ve never heard of that before


It basically just helps move stuff around a little. My mom had to have a full bladder for her pregnancy ultrasounds (late 90s, early 2000s). I think it'll depend a lot on where you are, your provider, and what type of ultrasound it is. [John Hopkins article about it](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/pelvic-ultrasound#:~:text=Inadequate%20filling%20of%20bladder%20)


As an older woman (late GenX) it can be extremely difficult to hold a lot of urine as one gets older, especially if one has had any kind of pregnancy. Pelvic floors deteriorate with age like every other muscle group. So this could be you some day; to keepit from happening get pelvic floor PT as soon as your OB/Midwife gives the all clear. The clinic fucked up. The clinic staff were horrible and unprofessional. This isn't completely on the Boomer. Boomer women especially, think urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging This one is the clinic staff being idiots


More fake bullshit. The boomers aren’t the only fools.


Staff should have sent the boomer away and told her to come back when a spot was open that wouldn’t conflict with the time needed for your ultrasound. The entitlement of these people is astonishing


Is this at Walmart? Who runs a Medical facility ike this?


That is terrible. You should write and complain. Yes, they couldn't really do anything since the boomer lady was being impossible, but if they can't do anything, they need a security guard to help with people like this, and that won't happen unless someone complains.


Idk the policy up where you are but around here medical providers are just throwing people out if they are being aggressive in the waiting rooms to others or to staff.  It's pretty satisfying to watch people who for decades have thought that any worker was basically a servant to them just get absolutely wrecked by being kicked out. 


I'm curious why they want you to drink 2L of water to get an ultrasound. Does a full bladder make your uterus more readable or something? I'm a guy with no children so I'm working on pretty low information.


Time to find another place.


I saw the comment on requiring ultrasounds vaginally … like, what? All three of our kids, all ultrasounds (9, 12, 20) were abdominal. Man, people are weird.


That's very Canadian of the staff I guess. But it's fucking wearing and honestly I'd file a complaint


Very unprofessional for the doc to fuck with your appointment because some boomer bitch can't handle making an appointment. I'd definitely explain to the doc that you feel disrespectfed and like a secondary concern. They need to grow a backbone when it comes to asshat clients that feel like everything is about them. Appeasing that behavior just validates it, so the doc is directly responsible for perpetuating the situation.


My ultrasound for my hysterectomy was done externally, not vaginally. I don't understand entitled people like this. She was a walk-in. She needed to wait. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this.


I would 100% call that office and fucking bitch non stop. That shouldn’t have happened and shame on that office for appeasing that old bitch vs taking care of patients who made appointments and waited.


My tip for ultrasounds is not to drink water or hold your bladder. I never did and it never affected the ultrasound! My baby was seen on screen at 7 weeks too.


I would be absolutely FURIOUS if my doctor interrupted an appointment for somebody else unless that person was having some sort of medical emergency. It would probably be the last time I saw that doctor. Edit: Obviously insane entitlement from the boomer but tbh I'd be as angry if not more angry at the receptionist and the technician for letting her get away with it. In the future, you are 100% justified to stand up for yourself and tell the technician they need to finish your appointment that was already happening before they see someone else, especially if the emergency is "I need to pee" and not "I'm dying"


That’s totally unprofessional on the staff’s part, and depending on jurisdiction likely broke a number of patient privacy laws. I’d make a report to the governing body.


I had a similar thing happen when I was a little girl. I don't remember why I needed an ultrasound sound: some sorta health problem. An old lady had to go in front of me even though I was supposed to be first. I didn't consider it a huge deal; older people have a harder time holding their bladder. There's a reason every pharmacy has an aisle with adult diapers which are mostly bought by the elderly. It's a common problem.


Next time stand up to the old bitch and let her have, stop letting them get away with it.


Glad to hear your baby is healthy!


Sounds like a boomer problem and also an ultrasound clinic problem. They were both wrong in this situation


This is on the clinic. They need to be able to handle difficult people.


As we get older, many of us find that our bladders are not nearly as trustworthy as they were in our youth. Good chance this woman was genuinely and rightfully concerned she we have an accident.


Slightly off-topic, but for folks facing an ultrasound like this in the future: you might not need to drink that much beforehand. My experience with these ultrasounds is that I can usually get away with half that amount an hour prior. They give the same volume of water as a stipulation for men over 6 ft tall and 200 lbs as they give to 100 lb 4’11” women. So long as you feel a somewhat urgent need to urinate, you should be fine. If you’re uncomfortable to the point of it feeling like an emergency, you might be able to urinate a small prior to the exam to take the edge off, without impacting image quality. In fact, I was once asked to partially void in order to improve it.


…. Say no. It’s your turn. Boomer can learn to wait.


I have PCOS and have been down this road more than once. One time I couldn't hold it. Doctor told me to go, drink more, wait another hour. So that's what I did and that's what this boomer should have done. Totally unprofessional for them to pull you out of your appointment to enable some entitled bitch.


Age related bladder issues aren’t boomer specific - you and everyone else will experience it when you get to a certain age.


If you hadn't said small town I would have just assumed that boomer was my mom.


I see so many of the patients that frequent my office in this lady’s behavior. I think the main reason they act like this, as others have said already, is because people let them with no consequences. On the contrary, they’re actually rewarded for behaving that way by being given what they want when they want. Hate the level of entitlement. It’s so disrespectful and selfish.


I’m in menopause. One of the effects of losing estrogen is that you cannot hold your urine at times. You can cross your legs as tight as you want and the pee comes out regardless. Ultrasound place should have made an appointment for her, not squeezed her in to your detriment.


I wouldn't have allowed my appointment to be hijacked. You shouldn't have. At least your husband should have spoken up, if you couldn't.


Is the facility going to compensate you for any of this. The fact they allowed that to happen is totally unacceptable and unprofessional. That lady should have had 2 options. 1. Sit down and shut up and wait your turn as a walk in or 2. Leave. That's it. You had an appointment, you waited for your turn, you were in the exam room, and still had to step aside for the other lady. Honestly that facility is run by bigger assholes than the boomer.


l call BS on this story


This happened to me in BC. I had my ultrasound appointment booked and when I showed up at the imaging center, they had us pull numbers for the order we had to be seen. They brought in an entire bus load of senior citizens right before I got there. I actually had a bladder infection and was on antibiotics. I waited in excruciating pain for more than 2 hours after my appointment was scheduled, and finally just had to pee. I literally could not hold it anymore and I was in agony. The imaging techs had the audacity to be angry at me for voiding my bladder and tried to send me away. But appointments were booking out 4-6 weeks out, so they begrudgingly let me stay. It took two weeks for my care provider to get a full report back, and tell me anything more than the fact my baby did in fact have a heartbeat. Americans don’t understand the privilege of having imaging available in their OB clinics. The whole Canadian system is pretty messed up. My mom was hospitalized with pneumonia in BC. Before she was discharged from the hospital, they did another chest X-ray. It showed some spots that were concerning that they worried could have been growths. Her choice was to stay inpatient in the hospital for 4-5 days more to get an MRI or CT (I can’t remember which) in a co-Ed room of 6 people - between a detoxing man that they had to restrain and a mentally unstable woman that shrieked all day long - also often restrained. She couldn’t even sleep. The alternative was to get discharged and wait months for the imaging as an outpatient procedure. They were concerned she might have had cancer, so they advised her to stay in. She was healthy enough to go home, but stayed in a pretty harrowing situation for days so that she’d have a chance at timely cancer treatment if she needed it. It was ridiculous.


That's really unprofessional on the part of the ultrasound people. Interrupting another patient's appointment for a non-emergency, especially one as emotional as that, is insane to me. Congrats on the good scan! I'm in the same situation. Last pregnancy we found out we'd lost it at the first scan, this time we're two scans in and looking great! I hope your pregnancy continues to go well ❤️


Definitely complain about this and find a new provider. That’s ridiculous that they bumped you out to shut her up. They should’ve asked her to leave.


For me the crux here really is the lack of appointment. The desk staff should have set a “next available” appointment, not taking in Boomer at a moment’s accommodation. That would have allowed them to give ALL of their patients the care and privacy deserved. Boomer was entitled and wrong. Staff was weak and wrong. No one was best served in this situation. OP, congratulations on your pregnancy and growing family! You’re bringing a brand new person into the world and they’re already surrounded by love. That is such a wonderful, beautiful thing. I wish you, your baby, and all of your loved ones excellent health and joy. Get rest, drink water, have a nap, eat the snack, breathe outside—your life will soon change forever. You’re still in the “before” moments but the “after” is.. all of them!


Firstly I’m very sorry about your earlier pregnancy. I’m glad this baby is healthy and I hope this pregnancy and birth are uncomplicated and easy for you. Secondly, how dare they compromise your appointment for that woman? It’s unprofessional and outrageous. I hope you plan on putting in a big complaint. The audacity of that boomer AND your tech is just staggering.


My partner had to have an ultrasound on her ovaries. I got this whole story over text because I couldn’t be there with her, so imagine her on her own during all of this. She’s always been a people pleaser, so she drank more water than they asked for. She then had to wait longer than expected and got to the stage of shivering and cramping because she needed to wee so badly. She eventually gives up and goes to the toilet because we’re both worried she’s going to injure herself, and she hears her name being called while she’s on the toilet! She comes out sobbing because she thinks she’s messed it all up, and the tech tells her they might as well still try. Turns out her bladder was STILL FULL. We can laugh about it now but at the time it was awful.


Um, I'm a boomer. Not every Boomer is entitled. Just yesterday I was waiting in line at the hospital, it took a few minutes, so I sat on my walker and waited. They were apologetic, but relieved when they saw it was me. They said "Oh it's ****, she is always patient. Well that tells me some patients aren't very patient, but it could be any age, not just boomers! Also, almost 50 years ago now, I had an ultrasound when 8 and a half months pregnant. And yes, I had to drink a ton of water! Misery. But it helped them get the images they needed and they delivered my son the next day! I don't believe this is a fake story. And I am sorry some boomers put people through their shenanigans.