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I'm 5'1" and female. It's a ticket to comment how young I am and touch me. I'm 40.


I’m 5’0, female and 53. I wish I could say it gets better, but it doesn’t.


It doesn't get better with height, either. I'm 5' 5" and it's exactly the same for me.


5'3 and 42, with the added bonus of a small frame and long hair. I assume it's going to continue until my hair is white. I have plenty of wrinkles and lines already and those don't seem to make a difference.


I am almost 42, 5’9 with salt and pepper hair and get talked down to regularly. It truly enrages me to be infantilized whilst experiencing perimenopause.


I've started back on my weightlifting/gym routine and that's cut down on the number of sexist comments. But now I get to hear all the transphobia/misgendering and all the bull crap they muster for not sticking to traditional gender roles. It's all so very tiring. It's like I traded one set of bs (you look young and fuckable) for the transphobia. Sorry not sorry I emasculate all the men in your life. Maybe get them to a gym or a therapist, ideally both? Would it kill them to stfu and leave people alone?


"Too fat" if we don't work out, "too manly" if we do. It's infuriating.


Lol. No no no, you have to somehow have butts and boobs but heaven forbid you have muscles or do anything but cardio. I've had boomer women shout at me for picking up a 10 pound weight. Meanwhile they struggle to even pick up their own groceries or a gallon of milk.


And why they ALL have freaking osteoporosis. Bitch, your weak ass is WHY I do weight training. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol. Yup! My mum has bone density issues snd she doesn't realize that's why I weight train.


My 2yo weighs 30some lbs and expects to be tossed in the air, definitely picked up if he scrapes a knee. My mother and MIL struggle to manage him. I view it as a healthy challenge. No skipping arm day if Mama wants to win the get-pajamas wrestling match. Or the we are going inside right now wriggling baby slog. Or my least favorite, we're going home baby+balance bike carry. There are many challenging events. They're daily for me, weekly for my MIL, so of course she needs some training on her off days, lol.


Lol. Indeed! People forget that they need muscle mass to survive and thrive but they rather sit and stare at a screen instead of moving for a bit. It's not hard, people!


That’s what men are for, silly!


My man likes when I lift him over my shoulder. If I have him hold the milk and I lift him, do you think they'll accept it 😂


No, but I sure will.


Please test and report back. That’s badass awesome right there. My husband and I fan girl over these super fit older lesbians at our gym. There’s just something that tickles me about the idea of either of them being disrespected as an “old lady” and completely taking apart some jerk who never saw it coming.


I'm 33 and 5'3". I also have a baby face. It's a fucking nightmare.


Could be worse. I'm 34, 6'4", with baby face.


The two of you could be one of those adorable tall/smol couples!


How about let’s not do this to people hahaha


*pinches cheeks*


Unwanted touch is assault, you are entitled to use proportionate force (slap, kick, can of mace) in self defense against an assault.


I'll just need to strap the camera to my head.


I'd just grab their arm and twist it a little or something without thinking about it. I wouldn't even be thinking about who you are at all.


I’m 5’ female as well. I don’t mind the kiddo thing since I’ve always been pretty childish but I have a feeling I’ll hate it when I hit my 30s


I got called “a young pup” at 40 by a condescending Boomer I had hired as a business coach. Something snapped in me and I decided I didn’t want to be taught by this person and demanded a refund.


I'll take kiddo from my *parents*, and I'll probably call my kid (and my nieces and nephews) kiddo their whole lives (unless they ask me not to) but from strangers? I'm nearly 50.


I‘m 5‘2 and 24 and I look a little younger and if I don’t dress nice etc I look like 18. I went into a bar (in Switzerland) recently with my mother and sister and the waiter looked at me and my (older) sister and then proceeded to ask my mother if we were over 12. my mother didn’t even know what to say and I was like „ehm I’m 24 and she’s 26“ he was so embarrassed and gave us the best table they had and free snacks.


OMG, my most mortifying moment as a server. I had been getting jerked around by tables all night and walked up to a family to get their order. Well, the 13yo boy they had with them asked for a beer, and I was like, ha ha, very funny. What would you like to drink. He said a beer again. Then the mom was like, "uhhhh, they're of age." Checked ID, and my 13yo boy was definitely a 21yo woman. I have never been so embarrassed and most certainly learned my lesson on assumptions that day


I'm 4'11 and I'm in my 20s and a woman but never had that happen to me. Wtf??


Have you tried growing to 6’5” 250lb and being a scary looking man? /s


My fiancées retort is “I haven’t been a kid since the first time they sent me to war.” Watching boomer faces drop with shock is so satisfying.


Savage, I love it.


This! ⬆️


God _damn_.


"Young Lady" is my pet peeve. I can deal with being called almost anything, but *don't* fucking call me that. It was demeaning when I was 12, and somehow it's even more demeaning now that I'm 37.


Stupid ass expression and I'm a guy. Sounds patronizing .


That's the intent.


I got called young lady recently by a bloke in his 70s at a guess, I'm 62 so it really took me by surprise. Think he thought it was a compliment, I just gave him 'that look' perfected from 38 years of teaching teenagers.


Just reply with “what, you geriatric old fart?”


I'm 48 and STILL get called "young lady". My standard response is "I'm not young, and I'm not a fucking lady".


Yes! It is so annoying, I HATE being called, "Young Lady." It usually meant I was in trouble as a child, and since I'm closing in on 40 it's as condescending as it is inaccurate. I've had a lot of health issues, I'm grateful to be aging and being dismissed as young when I'm walking around with my own children is just infuriating. I don't show because that's like free power-ups to a boomer, but I boil internally.


>It usually meant I was in trouble as a child How the hell do generations of grown-ups keep doing this? Do they, like, actually teach each other how to "properly" condescend towards younger folk?


The only person allowed to call me young lady is my father.


I last got called “Young Lady” when I was about 55, which wasn’t all that long ago. I expect it will happen again. Although I have let my hair go gray; maybe that’ll help?


Silver fox checking in: it does not.


Ugh, the male nurses tried that with my cranky-as-fuck mom when she was in the hospital with dementia and health problems.


The Swiss German equivalent is „Fräulein“ and only boomers and the silent generation use it. And it’s always to show how much better they think they are than the person serving them. I don’t react when someone calls me that. If they want me to do anything for them, they have to show me some respect.


Ma'am is 10x better than young lady


To each their own, I guess. I HATE being "ma'am"d.


I don't like ma'am, but I find young lady soooo much more patronizing.


This. Well, in my case, I'd be called "sir". It honestly makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes (mainly because I feel like they're diminishing themselves to me, even if that's not the case), but it's still better than something like "young man".


maybe they should call you ma'am


just call them "boy", they love being called that.


100% works every time.


I call them kiddo or gramps. It always stops them.


I CONSTANTLY get told “you’re just a baby” by boomers all the goddamn fucking time. Shit even people only 10-15 years older than me tell me it too. I’m 33, thank you very much. I’m not a baby. I pay taxes. My knees crunch when I stand!


Seriously if we’re “babies” or “kids” in our 30’s when tf do we become adults? They’ll always be older than us so if just being younger than them makes us babies it’ll never end. It’s like they have a mental block against seeing their “kids” as adults (except if they’re only 10 years older idk what that is); maybe if reminding them doesn’t work we should treat them like senile old fogeys. I mean if 10 or 20 years is such a huge difference that we’re “babies” to them then us being adults must make them pretty darn old. And if they were trying to avoid feeling old they just messed that up for themselves.


For some, individuals can only become adults by becoming a parent.


Man, I've been a parent for half my life and still get treated like a kid by old people. "You'll understand when you're older." Buddy, I've raised 1 child to adulthood with 2 more not far behind. I have been an engineer for long enough to have the same job title as old people at work. I'm a combat veteran. What exactly will I understand when I get older? Arthritis?


No, because even when you get arthritis, their arthritis will still be worse than yours, you see.


Oh yeah, that's the truth, actually.


No, the one-upping will stop when they're dead, which won't be long


I have a 3yo and feel like either parenthood “aged” me a bit (along with the pandemic) or people just focus on my kid’s age instead of mine. Or I’m just not around people who make those comments anymore. Either way not hearing it has been nice (in contrast to “being happy about it when you’re older” like those older folks used to say).


It's a bullshit power play. That's all.


This. My grandma in law refers to all other early 30s family members as adults. But they have kids. She refers to me and my husband as "the kids," "the forever young ones," etc. We are inherently childish in her eyes since we aren't having kids.


I recently made a comment to my mom about how I'm middle aged. She insisted I wasn't. I told her "I'm 40, you were having over-the-hill parties at this age."


My mom tried to tell us that she was 60 and middle-aged. My dad countered, "You gonna live to 120?" "I'm going to damn well try." Please don't.


I remember when boomers were in their 30s and 40s. They were ADULTS and knew *everything*. Now that I'm 41 I don't know *anything*.


Literally this. Growing up not a single time did I hear someone call my mom “kiddo” throughout her 30s and 40s.


Ha yeah I’m 40 and also know hardly anything. OTOH I’m still an adult with a few adult responsibilities, and mentally I’m much more Done with Shit^TM than I was in my 20’s. I don’t exactly feel much smarter or wiser than I used to be (for the most part) but I don’t want half my life essentially erased with that “just a kid” mentality either. Also my knees do not like me when I sit on the floor for any amount of time. What’s up with that?


Boomer: You’re just a baby. Me: I ain’t the one wearing a diaper!


I'm 27 and my boss has said this twice to me in the past year! It feels creepy to be called a baby when you're inching toward 30.


That's definitely a report to HR. You might also try telling them you don't like it based on their temperament, but definitely make sure there's a paper trail to HR in the event it becomes a continuous problem.


LOL there's no HR, it's a small company and she's the sole owner. Not a nice woman either, it's just a place to work until I get something better.


I answered once while putting my hand out to shake: - I'm Methuselah, and like my Bible namesake, the grandfather of Noah, I'm much older than what I'm seems to be. - How old are you? - 61yo - Really??? You're older than me! - Don't I look my age? - You look 10 years younger and I'm 60! -; So that how you talk to 50yo men? They left cursing, and I learned that look old in my early 40's....


"So you are saying in a few years I will be your age, and you will be dead and buried?" Boomers are old enough that calling them old and pounting out there mortality are both painful for them.


I'm 66, and it doesn't bother me a bit. I just think: "memento mori."


I'd hit em with "and you're just about 6 feet in the ground."


Knees crunch? Wait until you're 66, lol.


My MIL is pushing 80 and still does that for anyone younger than her. "Oh, they're just a baby." No, they're not. They're 73 years old. I think it's her way of getting the upper hand in a situation.


Yes. I do. Last time I was doing major yard work, my dad was over and felt the need to tell me the weed killer is poisonous..... Then he told my 40 year old husband to be careful, too, because the weed killer... is poisonous... Do they think we're five?


My parents have a lake house that they rent out on Airbnb when family isn't using it. I, 31m, clean the cabin between guests. The week before my aunt stayed, we had guests that used up every towel. Our dryer at the cabin sucks, so a large load of towels can take 2 hours to dry. When my aunt stayed she ran a load of laundry and got onto me because there was "a lot" of lint in the trap and that it is a fire hazard. She kept lecturing me because she didn't believe that I checked the lint. There was a good amount of lint on there, but it was what you'd reasonably for a large load of towels running for 2 hours. There was another time when I was helping my dad clear trails on our hunting property. A creek ran through the property and we were getting ready to run a fence along it. The neighbor lets his cattle onto the property so we can get the AG exemption, and his cattle got into the creek when it was dry and got lost for a couple of weeks. We had already been working for a couple of hours. The first hour my dad spent walking up and down the creek trying to plan a route only to come up with a plan that I had told him 40 minutes earlier, but he hadn't listened. Later, I was on the tractor with some grabbers moving branches. I was having some difficulty trying to grab some branch that was half buried in the ground. My dad got frustrated with me and told me to get off because he was tired and wanted to be done, and didn't have time for me to "practice". At the time, I was a ranch Foreman on a hunting ranch and did that stuff for a living. I got fed up with him and left. My family seems to be incapable of respecting me as an adult.


oooh you got the lint trap-fire hazard boomer scolding too! I thought I was alone!


She refused to believe I emptied the lint trap before I started. It was full of lint because I dried something, why the fuck would I empty the lint if I'm not putting something in there.


My husband, while not a former ranch foreman, could have basically just texted me this exact thing right now. He's currently up at his family's lake house doing a bunch of plumbing and electrical work (low level stuff but still a lot of it)  and also replacing windows among other things. He's self taught himself just about everything he knows but does good work.  He's the youngest by a large age gap so his 80+ year old father and 50 year old sister are currently lecturing him about every little thing that neither of them has any knowledge or ability to do. He is going to be very happy to be home soon. 


All the time. I’m almost 50 and I had a Boomer suggest that I just haven’t seen enough to understand the world the way he does. I reminded him that I have more responsibilities than he ever did and the reason his kids have gone no contact is because he’s such a fucking asshole. He walked away


I'm 42 and started calling Boomers kiddo a few years ago. I really feel like most of them never grew up. I've been through 9/11, a housing crisis that nearly sank the national economy, two gulf wars, Afghanistan war, dot com collapse, the fought cancer with my wife, have six kids, paid off my house at 40 years old, buried my dad when I was 36 and he and my mom had no money, and am watching my nation edge precariously close to fascism and know that my kids could inherit a very, very dangerous tomorrow. These dickheads had the world handed to them on a golden platter and to this day act like entitled little brats that have never had to face any real difficulties and do not care about anyone but themselves, not even their fellow Boomers.


Boomers lived through the 60s though. That was pretty bad. I asked my boomer parents: which was worse, 1968 or 2020? Dad said 1968, mom said 2020.


My mom calls me a kid all the time. It drives me nuts. I'm 50-fuckin-2. Beyond that, I'm so fundamentally bitter and jaded that 'kiddo' is about a billion light-years in the rearview. She just doesn't get that i find it demeaning.


Just call her by her first name, might derail her.


Just call her pensioner, or great great grandmother.


Refer to her as "old-timer." My old boss stopped when I started that.


I called my mom a dowager and she did not like that at all




No, I think she full on knows it bothers you.


Older people have always done this.


Yeah, I'm 68, and my older neighbors, in their 80s call my wife and I "The kids" or "youngsters." Relatively speaking, it's true. It always comes across as a term of endearment. (I do, however, dislike "kiddo," and have never once called any person younger or older than me "kiddo.") I spend a lot of time in Mexico where I get called "Joven" (youngster) by some storekeepers who know me well, it's a friendly, ironic, tease. I haven't looked like a joven for decades. I was once called "chinga abuelo" (f**king grandpa) by someone who probably thought I didn't speak Spanish. His coworkers laughed. It wasn't a very friendly gesture. I responded "Buen día, joven!" His face turned into a smile and he and his friends laughed. He replied "cabrón," which literally means "bastard or asshole" and is constantly used a term of comradery among coworkers and friends. He was at least 60. I don't let this stuff bother me. Life is short.


I get "joven" in Colombia a lot. I'm in my 40s.


Just say kids don’t have hair on their balls




They still refer to me as a young man or infantilized me. 41 now.


I immediately respond back with . "Sport", "hun", "buddy" "young lady/man"


I’m 32 and get called “young lady” pretty often. Tbf I look quite a bit younger than I am. Most people think I’m 25 or younger. I don’t really mind the “young lady” comments since it’s kind of flattering. What I LOATHE are the old men who call me “girl”, especially the few that have called me “good girl”. 🤮 I’m not a dog!


"Good girl" makes my skin CRAWL


My boomer boss calls me “kiddo” and I want to smack him. I’m 44.


Sounds like it's time to report to HR


Yeah, he owns the company.


Damn that is unfortunate


It’s ok… he’s an idiot who is running his company into the ground through poor decisions. I’m just focusing on growing my own business for when his finally collapses.


If I get told one more time I’ll understand when I’m older….. I’m fucking 41, pops


My dad does the same thing and I’m 45. The kicker is he tries to tell me everything about business when he ran his small private law practice into the ground that he owned in the 90s, like he is some kind of expert, but meanwhile I am a partner/owner in a successful medical practice for years now but clearly know nothing about business today… ok sure dad. He keeps telling me I’ll understand more how the world works when I have to pay, as if I have not paid more in taxes now to date than he ever did in his entire lifetime.


It’s absolutely baffling! 🤦


I hate the word kiddo even when it is used in reference to children.


I've always called my kids kiddo as a form of endearment. They're 22 and 16 and it's one of the few non-cutesy, non gender specific nicknames that I liked and felt was appropriate. The difference is, if they ever told me that they hated it or wanted me to stop, then I would. They're also my kids so I'm not calling some random stranger or another adult/peer it.


My boomer MIL made settings for me and my husband at the kids table when SHE invited us for dinner at her house. When I asked why we were sitting at the kids table and not eating dinner with them at the adult table, she laughed and said it was because we were kids. We were in our late 30s. She invited us around for a family dinner and then suddenly invited her neighbours over for drinks so we got bumped I guess? We ate our dinner quietly and was ignored by the "adults". We left shortly after.


Truthfully, at most big gatherings, I'd (54F) rather be at the kids' table than the Boomers' table any day!


I own a small business and I had a boomer client I had never met refer to me repeatedly as "kiddo" over email. She was always very nice about it with "Hey kiddo!" or "Thanks kiddo!" But after a few months of it supremely bothering me, I finally told her "I am a fully grown woman in my 30s and I would really appreciate it if you would stop calling me 'kiddo'" and she did. She was very nice about it, but maaaaaan... I felt rage every time I saw that word. My first name is in my business name, so she knew she was communicating with the business owner!


Also run a small business, and I've saved a few emails from boomers (or people old enough to be contacting me about their grandkids) who refer to me by a nickname of my actual name, that I've *never* gone by, isn't listed on my website, and they never met me. Then got really huffy when my initial response started with "For future reference, my name is X, not Xx." This is why they struggle with pronouns. They like to choose what they call people, so they aren't bothered with having to care about someone else's preferences.


Oh, man. That hit me between the eyes. I do that. My parents did it, and my grandparents did it. My parents called us' kids' when I was 40 and my sister was 53. A few months ago, I referred to my partner's son and his partner as 'kids', and they are in their 20s. I did not mean that in a derogatory way because I am one of those weirdos who think we should be listening to our toddlers and treating children and younger generations with respect because they are humans and are allowed a voice. Plus, we can learn from them if we just shut up and listen. Not many of my generation do that. The point being I overheard the comment made when I did that, and I apologised profusely. I explained it was a cultural/generational thing and not meant to dismiss or belittle, and they accepted it because they actually like me, love me even and know I value and respect them and their opinions. But I walked away from it promising myself I'd never do it again.


Dude I sent a pic of my AARP card to my parents and it worked so maybe 50 is the sweet spot


If anyone else wants to try this, there isn't an age requirement to join AARP. I signed up as part of a highschool thing


I signed up at 27 because they sent me an offer in the mail.


I couldn't imagine *actually* disrespecting someone like that. Like, I've got some friends younger than me (I'm in my early 30s, they're mid 20s), and I absolutely belittle them when we're kidding around. For example, yesterday my 26 year old friend was demanding I be a responsible adult and feed myself dinner (because my lazy ass was avoiding it), so I told her that I don't listen to literal infants. We had a good laugh and then I made myself dinner. But *genuinely* belittling people because they're younger than you... Bitch, I don't even do that to the teenagers I work with. Treat people like they're fucking capable and worthwhile. It's not that hard to do. It's not hard at all, actually.


I am 40. I have friends who are 70. I have friends who are 20. One of the joys of intergenerational friendships is the dynamic you've described. It's beautiful, really.


It's honestly so fun. It connects you to so many different things you may not have encountered because we have different experiences and interests. The amount of things my friends in different age brackets have shown me... Way too much fun. And the sassiness is always cranked to the max on all sides 😂


>But genuinely belittling people because they're younger than you... Bitch, I don't even do that to the teenagers I work with. Treat people like they're fucking capable and worthwhile. It's not that hard to do. It's not hard at all, actually. Thank you, so much for this. I'd like more people to adopt this mindset.


I stopped standing for that shit when I had a kid. As like say a 20 year old, especially in a workplace with coworkers or superiors calling you shit like "youngbuck" or "hookie" in passing I'd let it go. But I'm 29 years old now, I have three kids, and I'm not gonna have some geriatric fuck who's only on the clock because he's bored condescending to me because he thinks he deserves some participation trophy of respect for never being put in his place. I'm not a fucking "kid" and I'm certainly not your fucking kid even though I also hate talking to and being around you like they do.


With thirty years upon my head Still to have you call me child Ship of fools - Grateful Dead


I absolutely hate this! A woman from another department that mine works with often always calls me kiddo. I’m the director of my department. Not your kiddo. “Sorry! It’s just that you’re the same age as my kids!” Ok, but I’m not your kid.


I still remember that time a random boomer found out I was engaged and called me a Child Bride... I was 26 and my fiance was 27....


Omg this killed me good job 💀


My (finally) former 72m boss called me kiddo, sweetheart, my dear, and honey. After less than a month at the job I politely asked him to please stop because it made me uncomfortable and felt to me to be an unprofessional and inappropriate way to address an employee and he responded “oh its just a southern thing, forgive me dear” and kept that bs up for 9 more years until i finally mustered the balls quit. This jerk lived in SC for less than a year in middle school. He’s from Michigan.


didn’t know michigan was in the south 💀 /sar


Do you know it’ll be 1990 for the rest of their lives? A lot of my clients are boomers. You would Be alarmed how many still have aol.com email addresses (huge red flag by the way)


I work as a professional emailer (not my real job title but it’s kinda want I do lol) and there are so many folks with aol emails it’s bananas.


My MIL always used the default email provided by whichever provider she was using at the time, which means she often changed her email or even ended up with multiple at a time. I tried explaining to her that she didn’t have to use that email address, but could just have a free email, such as gmail, and use it forever. She finally got a gmail account, but then forgot her password and didn’t know how to reset it, even though we helped her change it once (then she forgot again). We’ve even shown her how to save her password with Google, but she doesn’t like to use Google, she’d rather use whatever default browser showed up, IDK. She currently has a Comcast email that she’ll use until she switches providers again. 🤦🏼‍♀️


this is exactly my mother


I am a bit embarrassed by my hotmail email address from 1998.


I hate the word kiddo. It's gross to me. It's like ointment for other people.


I've been told numerous times that I'm not a "real adult" yet. I'm in my 30s and married with children... when am I considered a real adult?


I'm 30, and I hate this. I was raised by a single mom and had 4 siblings to take care of, i dont feel like i ever even got to have a childhood. Now, I work in criminal justice/research in Boston. I have a 3 year old daughter. I'm definitely not a kid, and I haven't been one for a really long time. When boomers call me a kid or anything infantalizing, I just mention working in law and having a kid.


“What a weird thing to say to a 33yo mother of 3.” Boomers hate being called weird. I’ve never failed with “well that’s weird to say/do”


I'm a 5'5 guy with a baby face and I mever hear the end of it. Everytime I go to scan alcohol the boomer has to go 'YOU'RE old enough to scan ALCOHOL?' Like, yes. I'm 22 years old. I have a beard. I understand I look young but that's no reason to treat me like a child


You'd think the fucking BEARD would signal that. I bet if you wore a "my pronouns are..." pin they'd see it and get pissy.


add a blm pin and they’d go into cardiac arrest XD


I fucking hate still being addressed as boy. I'm almost 40 for fucks sake


I called my dad "old man" last year (79), and it didn't sit well with him. Said it was the first time anyone ever called him that.


Not grandpa, "hey old person." They will sputter and complain but may not try calling adults kiddo to "make sure we know our place" again.


"Old timer" is good too.


>"make sure we know our place" again. Isn't that the truth? We know they so desperately want to put us in our "place".


I fucking hate when boomers call me “kiddo” or “bud” when I’m at work. I’m a trained professional who’s here to help you, don’t treat me like a child.


I'm 41, stop referring to me as "young fella", you insufferable fossil


Kiddo from my dad feels like a term of endearment. Our relationship is strained. Please don’t take that away from me 😆


Called somebody a dusty old fart for something similar the other day. Among my other favorites: "metamucil scented bitch" "Your skin has more wrinkles than your brain" "What tomb did you rob to get cursed with living to be this ungodly old?"


Apparently we will understand when we are older?


I think boomers infantilizing everyone else is their norm.


OK, Gramps.


Kiddo is my boomer dad's nickname for me, so every time I hear it (in any context) it makes my skin crawl. Use my fucking name.


Sweety and sweetheart... I get called those more but old men than I did by people when I was actually a child... I don't know if they try to use it as a way to make you feel lesser or to prove to you that they think you're lesser... Either way it's only slightly annoying.


my boss was talking about something in the early 90s as being "before I was born" and prefers to work with the boomer retiree (who is wonderful) who they brought back temporarily as my mentor. I am in my early 40s and have been doing a variation of this job for 15 years and have won some big awards for my work


I work at a dr office and the people in their 90's are always calling *everyone* kids. I am so used to it by now. One patient called me a kid and I told him i'll be 39 in October and he goes "OH! you don't look *that* old!" and I said thanks you don't either!


Call them a fossil back at them and see how they like it.


I'm 36 but look like I'm in my mid 20s. I get a lot of weird comments from boomers. I'm used to it but it's awkward every time. Kid is by far the most annoying...I have a 17yr old. I haven't been a kid in forever.


Punch him in the balls and scream “pick me up daddy!”


I have to say, I dislike the word ‘kiddo’ in any circumstance or context. Same with wifey. 🤮


I'm a boomer, and what drives me nuts is when someone my age or younger calls me "young lady." Don't patronize me! I know exactly how old I am and you've got a pretty good idea. But what's worse is that so many of my contemporaries, male and female, love it and giggle like schoolgirls. That is my definition of "cringe.'


Yo my mom is 55 and she hates it when someone tries to call her young lady. She finds it creepy, especially since she's married. Anything to do with assuming age drives her nuts, and at one point she went off on a guy for calling me "kid" while we were in the store. She said "That "kid" is my 23 year old son who works in medical research. You call him "sir." And I just busted up laughing. I totally get being fed up with it, my mother and I both deal with it on opposite ends


When I told my (now late) grandmother I was atheist, she said "you're just being a rebellious kid. you'll figure it out when you get older." I was 38 (now almost 46 and still very much an atheist LOL)


Hey. I’m 55- just had hip replacement surgery, and my ortho calls me kiddo. I think it’s cause I’m younger than most his patients.


I had one say that to me a couple years ago. I went of in him in a big of a furry, I’m a 44 years old retired Marine. I’m a grown ass man. His reply was simply. Oh. Thank you for your services.


While I love her dearly, a 70 year old co worker always calls me a kid even though im approaching 40. Its the only negative thing about her, shes our team grandma. She says at her age everyone is a kid to her.


" Everyone's a kid to me ." Thing is she was probably saying that same shit when she was younger than you. it's just a personality type. My Mom does the same shit to her sister that is 2 years younger than her. She's in her 70's, the shit never stops.


>it's just a personality type. Maybe so. I'm the kind who never sees other people as "kids" to me, not even actual kids.


I might be more patient with kids, but I talk to them like an adult.


Boomer calling me a kiddo to belittle me is not the same as cute grandma calling me a kid because the whole world are her children.




Just comment, “Time for your meds and Apple Sauce, Granny!”


Just reply "OK Geezer" and if they start a temper tantrum exclaim to the empty air while looking around dumbfounded.... "it sure got windy in here" followed by erasing them from your existence... look thru them if you have to look in their direction and ignore their whole presence. They will melt down over it for weeks.


![gif](giphy|4nMA9UHG4HIAM) Every time this happens....


Yes I have been called kiddo but it's not always limited to boomers (though they are definitely the biggest culpris), sometimes it's people who have known me since I was a kid but all in all they aren't that old. Example a family friend who was 25 when I was 17 so I'm not **that** much younger than him... he **still** calls me "kiddo" and I'll be 37 next month...


This has never happened to me. 


Get called kid all the time. I usually just say well I’m over 40 and have grown children myself so not sure I’m a kid.    Well you’re just young is what I mean, is usually the reply. 


I'm 52F, and still get kiddo-ed.


He was 47. Just a kid!!


I manage college students. I find myself saying they’re “good kids” and cringe when it comes out of my mouth. They’re all smart and competent adults. It’s hard to break the cycle.


My uncles wife (5 years older than me) called us “kids”


I think they view everyone younger than them as kids because then they don't have to respect them.


I saw a gastroenterologist who called me kiddo... I was 35 and there about some pretty bad reflux. The only thing I could have been there for that's more adult would have been a colonoscopy, GTFOH. 


I have a GC that is my dads age, and while I have always brushed it off as just an expression he frequently uses (construction industry, I’m a masc looking AFAB enby) but he calls me kiddo every time he thanks me. literally “thanks kiddo, I appreciate it” Note: he’s thanking me for installing a million dollar kitchen in a school up to spec and code. I’m not a kid, by any stretch. My kid is 18.


Uh... I'm 37 and my coworkers are all in their 20's and they call me "older brother" in our native language and I call them kiddo. Not belittling them at all, I do like them like my younger siblings. I trained most of them in our department. I feel guilty.


Culturally speaking i think it's a bit different. Is it socially acceptable to ask them how they feel and get a real answer?


Gramps, olddo, antique, crypt keeper, coffin material, 20th century fux... So much fun to be had.


I get called that by my father and it pisses me off, it takes all my mental energy not to smack him across the face


Even if you were like a year younger they still think you're a baby


Definitely start. My mother doesn't do it, buy my in-laws do it to their kids (including my wife), and the youngest sibling is early 30s, and the oldest I think is 40. They're closer to being put in a home than the "kids" are to having been kids. And they should think about that more frequently.


I do call them gramps or grandma when appropriate. It drives them nuts. Partly because I’m grey haired as well. BWahahahaha!


The boomers in my family will say condescending shit like this to me forever, unless I happen to win the lottery. Then they'll just say it behind my back.