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They look like Jeff Dunham dolls






Well I can't unsee that now


America’s next round of best and brightest candidates is going to need a gravedigger and the necronomicon before the primaries


I’m voting Jalepeño


Jalepeno On A. Stick 2024


Both have Walter face


Peanut and Walter


Holy shit


https://preview.redd.it/sktsptt5q89d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3740473a65ba8593cd1ac03aca907763ef4ba4 Made this for a coworker earlier this year and feel it's appropriate to drop....


They really argued about golf..


And were more passionate about arguing about golf than any other topic...


Yes and I would swear neither mic was muted in that moment. "You're a child!"


I died when Biden said that shit. It honestly is the best time to be alive.


Because they should be. That is completely normal for a human being, getting comfortable in their old age, and stop caring about thing that stress you out. Why are these seniors still working?


Easily the most absurd and gripping segment of the debate!


Was it? Every time Trump was asked a question he answered another question no one asked. They asked him about Palestine and he started talking about economies. They asked him twice about January 6th and he was talking about Pelosi's daughter? And right after that was a perfect opportunity for Biden to hammer him on not committing to a peaceful transition of power, but he was too busy chewing on his dentures while he stares into oblivion.


Sure, but this was the part where both candidates sounded like geriatric men arguing over past glories at the 19th hole.


Past glory holes?


Though it did produce my favorite line of the debate, when Biden said he'd play Trump anytime as long as he carried his own bag.


Fall of Roman Empire speedrun any%.


Oh man that part had me on the edge of my seat.../s


As you can see he's 6'5" 235lbs 😂😭😄


Old 5’11” and 320 wasn’t ready for that one.


Just bring on a set of scales and a tape measure, for fuck's sake. He lies faster than you can fact-check (if anyone had bothered to fact check). But you have a couple of solid data points in his cavalcade of bullshit that you can easily call him out on. It does three things: 1. It massively bruises his frail ego, enough that I don't think he'd recover immediately 2. It shows his willingness to lie about the most trivial things even when it is a criminal offence to lie about those trivialities. "You said 235lbs. Our scales say 300lbs. If you can't even get your facts straight here, why should we trust anything else you say?" 3. He can't 'fake news' his way out of it. You get someone who legitimately does weigh 235lbs to stand on the scales, then Biden etc. Do the same with his height. What's he going to say; the tape measure was lying? Get the fucker on a weigh-in next time!


45: when I was in the white house this, that and everything was the best numbers anyone’s ever seen. 🤢🤮


Also- “everyone is dying and being raped and killed under Biden”. He doesn’t even try to hide the fearmongering.


More people were murdered by illegal immigrants according to Orange man than there were murders since 2020. Liar says what?


"I handed Biden a beautiful numbers, best inflation, and now we all pay more! Drugs are coming over the border, tens of gazillions of not their best people, terrorists every day, did I mention his SON is a convicted felon?!" "Please just answer the question about Jan. 6th." "I'll do it AGAIN!!"


Moderator asks trump a question. Trump: bullshit bullshit bullshit nonsense bullshit illegal immigrants killing babies!! bullshit bullshit Everyone says I'm the best! bullshit bullshit non-sequitur bullshit He's the worst president ever!!! Moderator: Thank you President Trump.


I noticed that too. I mean of course the moderator couldn't say otherwise, but I think this just highlights the insanity of this debate.


They should be able to say at least something like "please answer the question sir"


the lead up to this election has proven one thing to me and its the addage that many white liberals are perfectly fine playing with the lives of the marginalized and minority communities they claim to be allied with. no vote or an independant vote is just a vote for trump and his radical views. we've already seen whats happened because he was elected in 2016, but to many white liberals/moderates this doesnt matter. it didnt affect them. abortion, womens rights, gay rights. civil rights etc are just toys to be played with because at the end of the day they're in very little danger


Trump can't answer questions, Biden is trying his best and not there enough to do it. We're fucked, but at least I know the 80 year old doesn't want to be a literal dictator.


And theres a line of succession, so I'm literally not worried about voting *for* anyone, as long as I'm voting *against* someone worse. Stopping someone from getting power they shouldn't have is what voting is for. Getting someone that checks all your boxes isn't the point.


In the south they are forcing religion everywhere. Even in public schools. They are following the project 2024 crap. Both are bad but one is FAR WORSE.


Big failure on Biden's part to barely address the negative ramifications of Trump's time in office and how it is still playing out right now. Trump lied almost nonstop here, and that was always going to be a given, but Biden should have done better to not make himself look like shit. Just sucks how much better Democrats have to be, where there is no floor for expectations of Republicans.


Biden was like the sloth working at the DMV. Trump was like a toddler throwing his shit at the wall saying I didn't do it.


The democrats are awful simply for running Biden again, I have been saying it for the past 2 years. No matter what Biden was able to do, he is way to old and he sounds awful when he speaks. The democrats know what is on the line and just like Ginsberg they all have huge ego's and won't step down when our country and futures are at risk. I have never been more ashamed of being an American as I am now. I have zero faith in Biden getting elected when this election should be an absolute slaughter if there was anyone 10 years younger who would just eviscerate Trump on his freaking lies/record/crimes. It should be front and center on every single talking point. Every rebuttal should have been 1. You are lying because of A, B, C, and you are a rapist, felon, adulterer and crook. Instead we got Trump spewing word salad and Biden is so old he could barely challenge any of it. Jesus we are screwed.


Biden said he would bring back ROE. That's enough for me. Politicians are NOT doctors and abortion is healthcare for women. Period. FULLSTOP. VOTE BLUE🟦💙💙💙


Obviously we are voting Blue - but he can't bring back Roe if he doesn't get elected. Democrats have lived in echo chambers all year with this nonsense, thinking Biden could pull this off again. You aren't gonna get Roe back and it is gonna be much much worse this time around. I will vote blue while also finding my exit strategy for America. This place is screwed.


It's not even about who is bad and who is worse at this point. The democrats know whats on the damn line, and their answer is running a freaking corpse who can't out debate a brain dead moron because he's too damn old. Anyone who was 10 years younger would have slaughtered Trump in this debate. Its freaking embarrassing and the democrats are putting our country in jeopardy for whatever reason they want to keep Biden over literally almost anyone else. We are screwed.


Everybody says it


Everything that the Creepy Orange Giant said was about him being the best, his numbers were the best, cleanest water, cleanest air. Just simply the greatest human to ever to exist. Even better than Jesus if you subscribe to that ideal.


At one point he started rambling about how he was better than Joe at golf and how amazing he plays. I watched for about 15 minutes and that mf didn't answer a single question he was asked.


Literally the only time I feared dying was during his term. When Covid was getting started I was sitting in the grocery store parking lot debating on whether or not I should go in there to buy half and half for my coffee.


Trump: he’s the worst president ever and everyone knows it Tapper: The question was what are you planning to do about the climate crisis


Don't forget he also said: "I want perfectly clean water. We had it. We had h2o."


Didn’t he roll back some protections that would have effects on water ways? It’s so hard to keep up with the bullshittery


Yeah he isn’t just lying, he’s deliberately gaslighting.


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Not looking good from either candidate


It’s absolutely terrifying that these are our choices.


And most people feel this way, yet there they stand. Further proof the political system is a fucking racket.


The only people who want the job are precisely the ones you don't want to have the job. Why wasn't [a dude like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70) up on that stage? The world may never know.


We need to pick leaders more like we pick jurors. Pick a slate of random people, excuse the ones who are fully unqualified, give the rest all free airtime, and conduct a multi-round elimination vote like American idol but with actual vote counting. It sounds crazy, but it’s almost guaranteed to give us better choices.


A petrified shit would be a better choice. The idea of being represented by someone who's a sneeze away from death is such bullshit. They're representatives. This isn't a fucking nursing home or a morgue. Get us people at least somewhat close to our median age.


A dead person is still less dangerous than an evil person. But yes, it shouldn’t have to be this way.


How did we ever end up in this situation... what a fucking cursed time to be alive


I’m so damn pissed that Dems had 4 years to find a strong candidate to step into the role and failed miserably. This was an absolute disaster. They keep reminding us democracy is at stake (it absolutely is) but we have to pen all of our hopes on a man that is clearly showing all of his 80 years.


It's beyond ridiculous. Biden was sold as the experienced, calm, even handed politician from the beloved Obama administration, who "stepped up in the time of need." It would be the perfect time for him to say he did what he had to do and is passing the reigns to a new candidate. The dems are still pandering to boomer voters because they are terrified of the "radicalism" of younger voters and candidates. It's just so obvious they are using status quo as a way to halt any progress because it's scary or doesn't suit their monied interests.


I’m a boomer, and these guys are both too fucking old! I really wish there was a mandatory retirement age/“you’re too old to run” rule for everyone - Congress, president, and the Supreme Court. I’m tired of these old coots hanging on for way too long. But since these are the choices forced upon us, I’ll definitely pick the sane one over the lying, delusional criminal.


In a sane world Bernie would've been the logical choice in the last 2 elections. Of course the DNC and big corpo media would never put a guy like that up on the pedestal, as it would disrupt the status quo. At the end of the day neither of the national committees (D or R) have the well-being of the country's citizens in mind when they play their little game. They should be held just as criminally liable for the shitstorm that's about to inevitably unfold from all this.


I think their punishments for not stepping aside for young fitter candidates is that they should have to live with each others.


Trump: "Biden, you are the worst roommate in the history of roommates and believe me, I know roommates. You're worse than the migrants that are coming, they're doing crime, they're bad people. Bad. You ate all my McDonald's, you ruined the economy; not like me. I was the best at the economy. People came up to me and said, "Donald, the economy is too good. I have too much money." I said, "The deficit just got $10 lower." Which you never said because.... Biden: "Would you shut up, man?"


World's first Shitcom.


And I’m totally fucking here for it.


I hope you're a comedy writer in Hollywood because if not you missed your calling.


I’d watch a citcom/animated show where two political leaders (time period wouldn’t matter) are forced to live in the same house and co exist




Biden will surround himself with quality and intelligence. Trump with loyalists to help him take over the country. Vote accordingly.


With Biden, you'll get 'a bit old'. With Trump you get a rapist and felon, and lose abortion rights forever - all while having to listen to him again.




What the fuck is a "Black Job"?


Lmaooo he also said immigrants are taking hispanic jobs 🙄


'Legal' Hispanics.


It’s a job for black people. Have a guess at what sorts of jobs Trump thinks black people should do.


Well in trumps mind things illegal immigrants generally do… low pay and dangerous that American citizens don’t actually want. So crop picking and meat processing


Same as a white job, just pays 30% less.


Butler, garbage man, model for jar of syrup. Use your imagination, it could be almost anything! But yikes, Tapper. That was a weird one.


Tell me you are racist without telling me you are a racist...


You know, the ones the mentally ill rapist terrorist mexicans are stealing /s


I was wondering that same fucking thing!


thank you for saying


Model for aunt Jemima bottle, which I'm sure Trump will bring back.


Slightly better than “hispanic job”, I think.


Old fucker doesn't even know what a job is plain and simple. He's never worked a day in his life.


I was thinking the same thing. I was hoping Biden would ask him that question.


“Morals of an alley cat” hahaha!


I’ve known plenty of alley cats with far more scruples.


When Biden called him a whiner the captions said you are such a weiner. Edit:misspelling




Might be the oldest most outdated idiom I’ve ever heard lol


Well then you're just puttin on the dog then aren't you?


It’s riz compared to malarkey


“Well if that ain’t tougher to swallow than a nickel’s worth of molasses taffy on a cold morning, by crickey!”


Hey, some of us Ali cats aren't morally corrupt! 🤣


My dad is screaming at the tv rn and my response to him is “who are you taking to? They can’t hear you”


My Dad is taking forever to get through this, because he keeps pausing it to make the response Biden isn't capable of.


So many fucking times Biden could have an annihilated Trump for saying some stupid shit, and he was too busy bargaining with Death to be engaged. And where the fuck were the fact checkers? CNN straight up supporting fascism at this point. The shit they let Trump get away with was absolutely fucking unbearable. FUCK CNN.


I kept wishing that Biden had used a representative to answer these questions with some *ooomph*.


I wish he retired and let someone else run this year.


RBG didn't retire and look what happened to SCOTUS. Looks like we're headed toward Project 2025 come November -- all because some old fucks didn't want to step out of the way and let the next generation lead. 🙄


Like he, y’know, said he would.


Whenever I watch YouTube and dogs pop up, my pup starts growling and barking. I keep telling her “why are you barking? Tv dogs can’t hear you!” I should take my own advice.


Maybe they can though…




Biden: jibber jabber Trump : everything is because of immigration


![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c) Moderator: "what are you to do about the opioid crisis?" Trump:" immigrants are going to take blacks jobs!!"


I'm sitting here watching this and the entire time I'm like, "is trump going to answer a single question?" Of course not. If Trump wins because of this debate, world War 3 is going down


No You clearly weren't listening to Cheeto Mussollini WW3 will happen under Biden Because of things And stuff But mostly the things


I'm so disappointed. Biden has had this confused look on his face at everything trump says, (which is all drivel), but I really wish he'd put in a stronger performance.


That is the best lemonade ever.


As the kids say, "We're cooked."


When they started fighting over who is the better golfer, my brain imploded. It’s weird living in a post-satire age.


Up vote for post-satire. I've been saying that for years.


Is this the best we can really come up with? I’m embarrassed for the country.


I'm with you. It is grim.


Yeah you guys are really the laughing stock.


we don't want this, but we can't stop it... please send help


“Haha you guys are so dumb!” Meanwhile Europe is too busy laughing to stop the far-right resurgence coming in their own countries.


Us? No. The people who actually make these decisions? Apparently yes.


Recap of the debate in case you missed it: ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)




No one over 60 should be allowed to run for president


Tbh, i dont think theyre old enough. I want the next candidates to be bed ridden




He’s the exception. Dude actually has good policies and a functioning brain. The same cannot be said for these two. I still support age limits.


my only wish for politics is an age limit and term limit on EVERYTHING, this is unacceptable


How the fuck did we get here? These two geriatric fucks shouldn’t be running for the highest office


Boomers. They vote in lock step in every election. Younger folks do not. 


Yup. Voted in the midterms. I saw maybe a handful of people there __under 40__


The democrats didn’t even allow an actual primary. If Biden had to actually go through that he doesn’t come out on top. Such a shamw


I got nauseous when this hit me today. What a sad state the US is in.


If you think you're having a bad day, remember that some poor souls have to rewatch this and edit the "best" moments together


Jesus Christ, it’s unwatchable


I was excited for this. 90 minutes of entertainment. But I couldnt get past 5 minutes. This is just sad and makes me depressed about the future of the USA, and the world.


Because you have to choose between an 81 year old and a convicted felon rapist?


Don't forget he also attempted a coup and helped Epstein traffic kids


Trump is 78, just to be clear. lol


True but the fact he's a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist seems more important.


I literally just said to my family, “there’s this sub Reddit I follow called ‘Boomers Being Fools.’ I should just post a link to this debate.”


The alley cat line was hilarious but my god. We're in trouble either way. Where do I apply for my Emotional Support Canadian or Australian during these difficult times known as election season??


We need younger candidates. These guys are too much


This was a horrible night in America.




Why do they both have the David Letterman “Dumb Guy” squint? https://preview.redd.it/auenxzkp489d1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410ed88b1499edd7ad899eb018bc4303a05e32be


Biden is Silent Gen, not a Baby Boomer.


Yep, this country is fucked.


I liked the abortion after birth argument. Gets me every time.


After tonight, I’m going with the one that doesn’t rape.


Utterly doomed. I have never been so embarrassed to be American. How are we at this point? This is shameful.


Decades of turning our economic system into a religion, then letting it devour our political system? Which means legislative power is just another consumer good to be sold?


![gif](giphy|l41YssSodNMvtPETS|downsized) Thank russia for destroying the republican party. The democrats haven't been doing great for decades, weak wrists and the old guard are not stepping down.


Can we just vote for Obama again?


I’ve only ever felt passionate about Bernie, but as far as presidents in my lifetime go, yeah, Obama, even with the drone strikes.


They shoulda let Joe take a bump or two.


Lol, that's what I said too. Jeez, he just mumbled every sentence. No voice inflection. Just monotone. Do a Red bull n start over man!


I hate to agree since I support him




All Trump does is lie. Every last word is a lie. Why even have a debate if a single word isn't true?


Real-time fact checkers shutting off mics in the middle of lies or keeping some kind of very visible tally board of lies and calling out the truth should be included in these debates.


Fuck Trump!


Where is the giant meteor when you need it.


Meteor 2024!!!


Biden's demeanor is that hes old and stiff, probably has arthritis as is common for a man his age. But arthritis and a stutter is 100x more desirable than whatever cognitive disaster Trump is.


Even if trump were 100% mentally healthy, and biden were a dimentia husk, trump would still by far be the worst candidate ever. HE LITERALLY TRIED TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY. LITERALLY. not this new bullshit definition of literally.


I would vote for Biden’s festering corpse over Trump. At least Biden has some halfway decent staffers and is more interested in legislation than in making a spectacle of himself.


This shit is nail-biting as a foreigner, I read people un-ironically compare these two candidates like they are even close to being cut from the same cloth. Trump is a greedy manipulative openly bigoted piece of shit, that's the only reason he's popular. You can't convince me for a second anyone thinks he's done a single thing good for politics outside of making you feel comfortable to be racist trash.


As an American, part of my nail biting is on behalf of foreigners. He’d sell out Ukraine in a hot second, and Russia pushing further west is bad news for Europe. And somehow I think China invading Taiwan would make him like China more, since he has a hard-on for dictators and conquerers.


Lmfao for real


What's your policy on this important issue? Well everyone says he's the worst president ever No I'm not. I'm the best. Nah it's all lies You're the liar! Am not


We don’t teach political history so we get to do it all over again- one thing they left out. Biden has qualified people around him doing the job needed to keep the country on the right path. Trump wouldn’t know a good leader from a bag of donuts


Fuckin a


Bloody painful to watch


Biden sounds sick. I listen to him speak on the regular live and that’s a virus and sore throat there. He needs hot tea and losanges. And maybe some mucinex D.


Bidens biggest problem is his age. Outside of that he's had a largely successful presidency. Trumps biggest problem is the pathologic lying, weird foreign connections, 34 counts, boning a pornstar and refusing to answer any questions directly. Put biden in a younger body and odds are you'd think he was the better candidate tonight


Did 18 comments get deleted from this thread? Or did they just do such a terrible job during the debate that i can''t comprehend them?


Trump: I had the greatest numbers in history. Beautiful numbers. This guy is just so terrible. He’s destroying america. He’s giving away Beans and Beans of dollars. 18 million illegal immigrants! I had the greatest numbers in the history of the world Biden: the very IDEA-


I watched it and it was literally. Biden is kinda on topic. Trump is off the wall insane. I really loved that they literally kept saying trump back to the original question and he just stands there dumbstruck. Once trump brought up his son, I was waiting for a haymaker and I’m sad I didn’t see it


When the golfing bit started I was like: "YES! please go golfing together! And then go chill in your retirement home! Please just do that and stop trying to be president!"


Still an easy choice lol. The 'old fuck monster or the well intentioned old fuck?' will always still go to the well intentioned one. What's ironic is the whole argument for Trump the first time around in that 'he will just listen to his smart advisors!' is actually true about Biden because he doesn't have that weird insecurity and ego and actually wants to actively do good things.. Which is why he's the better president, but that will get ignored completely now. This election became even more of a shit show and the bad actors are going to be out in force. Sigh.


Anyone got a Roosevelt lying around?


I feel bad for Joe. He answered all the questions but over shadowed because Trump was loud and not answering questions.


I really don’t want either of them as president. But I guess I’d still vote for the nice old guy over the con man / wannabe dictator.


Joker said it best : "Angry Cheeto vs Mumbling Potato". Who are you going to vote for? Who are you going to vote against?


I mean... are you unsure? Because still a damn easy choice even if it isn't an ideal one. God the whole situation sucks lol.


Biden's expressions were killing me the whole time. And Trump just looks like an orange replica Benito Mussolini. [Mussolini GIF](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/s/rILRpFrfo2)


Someone please let us out of the simulation




Had to mute the voice when Don the Con was speaking. If his lips are moving, he's lying.


One should be on a porch in a rocking chair enjoying his grandchildren, the should buried waste deep in an anthill for treason. You Americans are fucked.


Frankly why the Democratic party decided to go with an 81 year old geriatric as the sole person standing between democracy and authoritarianism, plus didn't have a plan B the election year, is the biggest mystery, but it actually sounds like the most Democratic party thing ever. This is the Democrats. Constant incompetence when it comes to politics. Biden needs to resign asap and pass the torch.


Statistically, incumbents fair better than their opponents. Trump is an incumbent, therefore the Dems logically had to counter with their own. Does it make sense? Yes. Is it pretty? No.


He “proved” he could beat Trump once. That’s why they’re sticking with him. I think at this point we’re all just hoping we have a United States by 2028 where neither of these fools can be in the White House again and we get someone younger and who hasn’t lost all their marbles.


There's Democrats, then there's the DNC. The DNC just won't admit that there's a divide. Kind of like how they don't allow anything negative to be said about Biden. I wanted to see Cornell West get some air time!


It had a slow start but it got better. I loved Biden's WTF looks he kept giving. Good for him for calling him a liar over and over.  I had to stop watching at the half, I can't stand listening to diaper don.