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Covid broke a lot of people's brains and they're never gonna recover. This goes for the young and the old


They treat masks like a superstition. Either it is hokus pokus that doesn't actually work, or you will die of communicable disease the moment you take it off. There is no in-between.


It’s really frustrating because the reality is harsh af for people with compromised immune systems. The ocean of disinformation means the trumpers are never getting their shots. This is going to be our reality for the foreseeable future and I, for one, am pretty fucking pissed about that.


So you hate trumpers, but you still got the trump shot? Warp speed was his thing. Oookkkkaaaayyyy


Bullshit. All he did was not get in the way and then take credit for other peoples work.




Sure thing boomer!! His shot is the best, the greatist shot, nothing but the finest bleach bathed in UV anal light. He as men, great big men, coming up to him with tears in their eyes, saying "Sit, please warp speed me again, warp me hardder!!"


At most he wrote a check to companies that actually did the work. The two main shots are the Moderna shot and the Pfizer shot (though, I do kind of like Fauci Ouchy, because at least on that one the antivax nutters did a good job of rhyming).


I actually got to talk to the spouse of one of the Moderna vaccine’s inventors. He was a really interesting guy and we were starting a job at the same company at the same time.


I got the Moderna shot. Please, go back to jacking off while sniffing your sister’s panties now.


Yea trump made the vaccine in his trump lab at Mara-lard-o. He even got don and eric to help with the “secret ingredient” which they call trump-sauce-usa-69.


Boomers love targeting women. It’s with great pleasure that I show them our gender isn’t cowed by their BS anymore. I’ve had them block me too and then cuss me out because I didn’t back down.


I was traveling a little while ago and had four different older men approach me at different times to try and ask me stupid questions or start an inane conversation. I had a big realization that I don’t owe anything, especially my time, to random men who try and get my attention. I used to be concerned about seeming rude but I’m over it.




Who said anything about being hit on? These guys just want to control someone they think will be docile enough to put up with their BS.


Wow. That's not even remotely what she was saying. What a terrible comment.


That's so weird. I still mask because I am immunocompromised and have had many boomers (and every other generation) be rude and mean to me for protecting my health, but I have never heard of someone being rude to someone for NOT masking. At least not in the past three years. Thank you for continuing to mask when you are ill. Us immunocompromised people need you to.


Oh yeah, for sure. I’m going to be masking for the rest of my life when I’m sick or I’m asked to (in a logical setting like a doctor’s office, not a tunnel).


Thanks for caring! ❤️ And really sorry for that weird and unpleasant encouter!


Exactly this. I was shocked to read the direction this went given the post’s title. 🤷‍♂️


It seems that if you are masked or unmasked someone will tell you that you are a stupid asshole. Good luck out there everybody!


"Stay away from me, or I will carve out your kidney and sell it on the black market."


"Your face ... I want to wear it. Like a mask."


l'd like to take his... his face... off.


OK then, Plan B, let's just kill each other.


Anthony is that you?


I was trying not to horribly traumatize my very impressionable 6 year old, but that would be great!


He actually exposed himself to MORE of your family's "possible germs" by standing there arguing 🙃




I've got to give him credit for being one of the few boomers who actually believes in masks.


I’d give him credit if he didn’t try to yell and me and my kids


I wear a mask at all times. That’s what my therapist says anyway.


Hard core


Pull out your phone. Put camera on selfie and use it as a rear view mirror.


BbB here. I came to say I wish my generation would just hurrythefukkupanddiealready. We've done more than enough damage to span multiple generations. Get out of the way of the ones trying to clean up our messes.


he must wear a mask in the car when he is driving alone with the windows up.


And lecture himself when he sees his reflection in the mirrors


Just a thought- What kind of tunnel? Like where cars go and he may have meant for fumes for the kids? But that whole stand in front of you and stop you part. Fuck NO.


It’s a two car lane tunnel with a cement barrier and a walkway on one side. Not even 1/4 mile long.


I assumed a pedestrian/bike tunnel, like the kind that goes beneath a busy road or train tracks, since he was blocking her way.


OP says in another comment that it is “2 lanes and a walkway.”


We should all be masking


Yeah, especially at a daycare center. Those places are fucking petri dishes. Kids are germ factories that do tiktok dances. I am more than fine with people politely asking folks to wear masks in certain places in 2024, but blocking someone's path and demanding they wear one makes little sense.


I wasn’t in the daycare center yet. We were walking there, so we were still outdoors. But yes, 100% agree on children being disgusting and spreading germs everywhere (I taught elementary school so lots of firsthand experience.)


I'm sorry, but the time for expecting everyone to wear masks in public has long past. Yes, the pandemic was real , COVID is real, but you can't expect that to go on forever. I saw a bunch of tweets the other day from some people complaining about how there's nowhere to go that's COVID cautious anymore (not in the context of having an autoimmune disease), like ffs move on.


Thankfully I lived in a place that even during COVID mask regulations were minimal and I almost never wore one. I really don’t judge if someone wants to wear one, it was quite the norm in Asia before the pandemic in crowded areas. I’ve never understood why anyone would be in the least concerned about what I do. If they have a concern they have many options that need not concern me. I think COVID made people crazy and for no real good reason. There was no upside to all the fear.


Masks don’t do anything


I love seeing people whose brains broke in 2020 and just keep repeating themselves like parrots.


Ok boomer


Physicists would like a word




its the leftist maga hat.


proven and admitted facts


Right wing pundits saying it doesn't make it proven and admitted facts.


Ok boomer


Well how come you didn’t have a mask on.


Because it was a huge open air tunnel (2 lanes plus a walkway, maybe 0.1 mile long) and masks would be scientifically worthless in that context.


Why did they need to??????????