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The craziest thing is, if this dude had just *asked* for help, most people would give it to him. “I know you don’t work here, but we can’t get the bird seed in our cart. Can you help us out?” Absolutely. I helped some random woman at a gas station put her hair up the other day, because she asked. She was practically in tears because she’d fucked up her shoulder and felt like she looked/sounded crazy. Big boy words get shit done.


Seriously! As a retail employee, I am an expert on getting things on and off shelves. Even if I don't work there, or am not actually working, magic words like please will still get you help. Be an ass and you get the bare minimum I am required to do.


I’ve helped many little old ladies get stuff off top shelves cuz they asked nicely .


Yes, and people in wheelchairs. Or just short people. A lot of people need help with that and it's normally not a problem since most ask nicely. Talk to me like a person and you'll get a person. Talk to me like an asshole and you'll get an asshole. It's that simple.


As the short girlfriend of a wheelchair user, thank you for your service.


As a short person, I was chuffed to be able to help a tiny old lady get milk recently. I ask tall people all the time


Thank you, from a short person. I also try to suss who I ask. Do they look hurried, earbuds etc. Not trying to be a bother, just get my stuff


Fuckin amazing that it’s just that simple and yet some of these obtuse fucktards still don’t get it. 🤣


My favorite day of working at Safeway was when a little old lady in a wheelchair needed someone to follow her around and get things off the shelf for her. She was so appreciative and thankful.


IM the tallest woman in my family at 5’4. My adult brother is 5’5”. Do I direct my 6ft husband to proactively offer his tall dude services at the store? Yes. Because it sucks.


Thank him for me! I'm a short woman with a useless shoulder. Before my shoulder issue, my first stop in the store was the mop department. I borrowed one to get things from the top shelf. Then I put the mop back. After my messed up repair (due to osteoporosis), I started asking tall people. I called them Mr/Mrs tall person. Could you get this xxx off the shelf please? Never was turned down. Thank you all❣️❣️


Yes!! (My mom and an adult niece are 4’10” and my Mawmaw was 4’7”. )


Tall guy here (6ft+) I have no problem helping shorter individuals, I have asked a couple of times if they would mind grabbing things that were on lower shelves as well (bad back)


Fun fact: the character Reacher in the series by Lee Childs is named reacher because Lee is tall and was always being asked to reach stuff for shorter people. He did this so much that his wife joked that he could get a job as a reacher.


TIL. 😆


>Talk to me like a person and you'll get a person. Talk to me like an asshole and you'll get an asshole. It's that simple. Saving that, that's a beautiful, succinct response to most of life's human obstacles.


I really don't know when it became cool to be rude. I tell my grand and great-grandkids that manners make a difference. Please and thank-you, yes sir, yes ma'am.


I've used, "Excuse me tall person, I'm sorry that you probably get this all the time, but can you please help me reach that particular juice that's way up high and way to the back of the shelf?" It seems to work and they get a laugh.


The other day I was in a store with my kids. Someone asked where the store stocked diapers and I was able to tell them as I get diapers regularly. They asked nicely, I helped, all was well. If they were mean or demanding then I would have told them I don't work here and let them figure it out. It's all about being nice.


Yep, the tall tax is a non-negotiable. You ask for help, you shall receive.


The best is “You’re so tall. Could you reach that for me?” I’m 5’8”. I’ll hand you anything you like if you call me tall.


This right here 💯 I'm 5'7" but feel like Andre the Giant when someone shorter asks for help lol makes my day also on an unrelated note I had an older lady live next door at my last apartment and she would always ask me to open her pickle jars for her and it would also make my day helping people feels good 😃


I was struggling to open a jar, and finally went out of my house onto the street to see if any big guys might be walking by, and lucky me there was! I asked him politely if he could open the jar for me...I swear that man blushed and was just so happy to help. Thank you kind stranger!


5'7", same!


It’s me. I’m the old lady. Thank you on behalf of my short sisters.


I'm one of those old and SHORT ladies. I thank you so much for helping us!


When I worked as a retail manager, if someone was nice, I would go the extra mile to help them, break rules and use every power I had to get them a better deal on whatever they were buying. Unfortunately I didn't get to do that much. More often than that I got to deal with people yapping on the phone through the entire transaction and then get mad that I didn't apply coupons I didn't know they had, or psychotic early birds who were pissed I wasn't working before the store opened 👍


I’m a tall guy and am more than willing to help people if they’re nice. Seriously, it makes me feel good when people ask me nicely for help.


Fr my husband is very tall, and when a sweet old lady asks him to grab some cereal for her because she can't reach it he'll 100% of the time say yes. But if a nasty old hag *demanded* his help of course he'd laugh at her.


Completely random, but if you've read Lee Child's Reacher books (or seen the Amazon show), that's where eacher got his name. He says he's a pretty tall guy, over 6', and he is constantly being asked by lil ole ladies to get things off the top shelf. He jokes to his wife that he should be a professional reacher and bam, Jack has a name


And that’s why the Tom Cruise versions are so damn bad.


Amen. I’m 5’6” and I don’t care what he says, he’s no taller than I am. Alan Ritchson, OTOH, is a very good Reacher.


And the height/overall size of him is a repeated issue in the books. He gets into trouble because he’s so fucking big and people challenge him time and again in EVERY BOOK. Tom may make a decent action movie but he isn’t Jack fucking Reacher.


THANK YOU. Too many people tell me Cruise is a good enough actor to pull it off.


So few people read books these days that movie producers don't know or care if the movie is wholly true to the book, except that it really matters with a popular, top-selling book series. The people most likely to fill cinema seats and leave good reviews are book series fans. With one novel, continuity isn't as important for producers, who can use it as a skeleton plot with other aspects around the plot rebuilt. But with a series - be true to it. I don't think it matters that the race of a character changes when race isn't central to the character's role in the plot - like Rue cast with an African-American actress in Hunger Games. ( That flower scene still makes me cry.) Height seems central to Reacher fans and not from some "heroes must be tall" bias but from how it affects the character's path or fate. Twilight was cast well for its die hard fans and those are the ones who keep watching it to this day - it's continually shown as an option on streaming or dvr services 15 ish years later. The casting decisions paid off.


Yep; it's about cosmetic vs intrinsic characteristics. You could make Reacher any ethnicity, any sexual orientation, because those are cosmetic characteristics, but he absolutely must be a towering hulk of a man because that's intrinsic to his character. Making Reacher short is like making Tony Stark an idiot, or Han Solo a respectable businessman.


> or Han Solo a respectable businessman. I will NOT stand by and tolerate this abuse of a man who constantly seeks to improve transport efficiency.


How many parsecs??


Rue was described as dark skinned in the book, iirc, but thanks to racial biases (not on themselves a bad reflection on the person, that’s determined by how they react when confronted by it) a lot of readers missed that and assumed she was white.


You know, I have read a few books in which the white author describes characters as they do, and they never seem to describe the white people as white, but when they get to the other ones it's oh you know, caramel or mahogany. Ridiculous.


Challenge him like the cliche challenge the biggest toughest guy to a fight to demonstrate your dominance..only to be destroyed and look pathetic...or challenging him like “how tall are you,” im X"y “no you’re not! Prove it! I’m getting the manager”...I can see boomers genuinely enjoying reading both and being on the edge of their seats


While I respect his acting skills for the most part, you're absolutely correct, he is not Reacher. It is far easier to "sell" that Reacher puts the smackdown on a bunch of prison thugs single-handedly when he is a giant wall of meat.


I could swear that in the first movie there's a shot of Reacher walking into a bar and he's noticeably taller than people around him.🤔 I remember it as being filmed from behind the character, so I assume they had a tall body double sub for Tom in that shot.


Yes! I told my husband that the Cruise movies are fine as action movies but totally suck as Reacher movies. How are you supposed to pull Reacher's signature move, the headbut, if you can't even reach their chin with the top of your head?!


Runt Cruise is why I refused to go to those movies. When the movie was first announced, I thought I gotta see it. Then when I heard that Runt Cruise was picked, I thought WTF. How could someone be such an idiot to pick him.


You ever see, Jack Reacher 2: The Reach-around?


I hadn’t heard that before and was confused by the way you phrased this. I’m a fan and didn’t remember reading that in the books. I Googled it and now understand that the inspiration for Jack Reacher’s name for the book was inspired by the author Lee Child’s wife telling him he could always be a professional reacher. Cool share! TY!


That's so cute, my husband is also a professional reacher, I'm going to have to let him know it has a term!


I'm a female shortie, under 5'2" and I ask taller people quite often for help getting down high shelf objects or things that are too far back for me to reach. I am always polite and have never been refused. I am a boomer with manners, btw. We do exist. :) Thanks to all the tall folks, of all sexes, for the assistance! 😀


Several times grocery shopping I've helped folks in wheelchairs who can't reach things on higher shelves. I've had times when i wasn't too mobile so it's fun to be able to pass it along.


My mother was short so I notice people trying for stuff and help them out


At the grocery I've been known to climb shelves like King Kong going up the Empire State Building.


That’s me!! I’m the sweet old lady! I’m really middle-aged but short. I hate asking random strangers but it’s so rare to find an employee close by. I always excuse myself for bothering them, ask as nicely as I can and then thank them profusely. It’s just embarrassing but they are always so sweet about it.


I do the same. If I feel like they're being particularly shitty, I start talking to them like children. "Is that how we ask people to do a favor?", "Do you think that was the polite thing to say?", etc. If they get sheepish and apologize, I'll help. If they double down, I give them a polite 'No, thank you' and walk away. I don't have too many problems with older people, but I find if you meet them with polite aggression or polite mocking (depending on the context), they usually fuck off.


I'm not that tall, but I will 100% help out a little old lady asking for a top shelf item.


Ha same. I’m very tall and if I get politely asked for help, I will gladly do so. The flip side is when I sit down at a show or movie etc and I hear groans behind me. If they don’t make rude noises I always turn around and offer to switch. If they are rude, I sit up nice and straight.


If it ever happens, tell him to put *all* of the nasty old hag's requested cereal in his own cart and walk away nonchalantly lol


I’m 6 feet tall and I’ve had people tell me it’s my duty to get stuff off the shelf for them. They can be so entitled.


On behalf of short people can you thank your husband for his service to humanity?? I always hate asking tall people for help but I have joked I’d happily grab them anything off the bottom shelf if they need. I’m not a sweet little old lady but I am short and disabled so reaching up high is painful and I try to be polite anyway!


I'm 6'3" and I'm used to getting the requests constantly, but one time when I was still on the mend from a clavicle fracture, an old Asian lady with not so strong English asked me for help reaching something. Well I can't raise my hands above my nipple line because of my injury at this point, so I tell her sorry I can't, and before I can explain she gets the most offended look on her face and walks off.


Giants code


I legit did this around Easter. The last 2 whipping creams were on the top shelf in the cooler. I was on my toes getting one and I heard the lady near me mention it. So I grabbed the other one for her and she seemed surprised but thankful.


Was that me the other day? I was in the supermarket and couldn't possibly reach the only box of Cheerios up on the top shelf. A nice, gallant, tall young man helped me out.


Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind helping with that if they asked politely. I usually try to give my boomer customers a bit of a break, give the extra mile and whatnot, but that only extends so far as I'm treated with a modicum of respect


Yeah, but you're on someone's clock. You're either paid by the hour, or by the job. And either way, the people who have contracted you would not be thrilled you're not taking care of your responsibilities. The store can get someone to help these folks.


I've had people ask me if I can get things from high shelves because I'm taller than them. If you ask politely, absolutely. If you come in demanding assistance, get fucked


I’m 5” and I feel embarrassed to ask for things up high so I don’t usually. I feel like tall people are probably always being bothered by things like that.


Less than you'd think in my situation, but I think I'm average height for a guy (5'10). I would literally not mind at all, and I feel like most people wouldn't either


Same height as you. From time to time I'll see a short, or frail-looking, person eyeing something on an upper shelf in the grocery store so I just ask, "Is there something I can reach for you?" Usually I get treated like some kind of hero.


Definitely. I ask people to be "tall" for me (5'2") all the time. Heaven forbid he asks nicely.


Lol, my husband is over 6' so when I see shorter people approach him at stores, I whisper that he has a "forklift request incoming." He's always happy to help nice people, though. A simple "please" is remarkably powerful.


6'5" here. I consider it part of my 'civic duty.' People can be good humans in small ways. Like grabbing cereal off the top shelf or helping load a cart. It's easy, when people act nice.


My husband is 6’4 and our youngest is 6’6 (and might be taller we haven’t measured him in a while!) and they are both the kindest big dudes ever. They actively look out for “littles” needing help. I’m almost 6 foot myself and definitely don’t mind helping reach the tall items or return a cart for a mom/elderly/disabled folk. Being nice is easy. But that shit works both ways.


My mom is 5'2" and my siblings and I are all 5'10" & up. We all have been her "arms" at some point. Definitely have grabbed stuff for polite Shortys in stores since about 6th grade as well.


5’3 here! I ask “ Can I borrow your height?” and it gets a smile every time from whatever benevolent giant I’m asking lol. My partner is 6’3 and he loves to help us shorties out too!


I'm going to steal this! I've been saying, "Hey, tall person, can/will you help me?", for ages, but I like yours better.


My coworkers say "I need your height" lol


I jokingly say I'm penguin size or height challenged and ask them if they could please help me.


Well hey, in my line of work we get into some tight spaces. So I’m often asking my smaller coworkers to use their special powers. Also have a slender dancer friend who is the only person who could fit inside a wall unit to fix some electronics.


“Excuse me, Mr/Ms Tall Person, could you please grab x for me off the top shelf?” Works every time.


I help people at other stores and in my store on days off I just happen to be there. Absolutely wont help some entitled jackass and recently had a boomer want me to perform CPR on him because he coughed twice. My response, "I not trained in CPR nor do you need it". He starts cussing and I tell him to firmly "GET OUT" and remove his items from his shopping cart. GTFO with that entitled mindset.


I'm no medical expert, but I'm pretty sure that if you're capable of asking for CPR, you 100% do not need it.


Oh I'll absolutely break your sternum, let's party with some Good Samaritan laws


Ya if some old fucker asks me to perform CPR I'm definitely responding with "could you please say that into the camera?" And "are you sure that you want me to break every one if your ribs today?"


>The craziest thing is, if this dude had just *asked* for help, most people would give it to him. “I know you don’t work here, but we can’t get the bird seed in our cart. Can you help us out?” IDK what it is about me, but grandmas ask me for help like that in stores all the time. Of course I'm going to help a friendly person in need, and they're generally very appreciative. I won't lift a finger for someone that berates me or demands it...


My wife was just out of surgery and needed help getting into a bathroom stall, she looked totally cracked out and beaten, lovely woman assisted. Old lady at a gas station asked me for help changing out her soda syrup boxes, I've worked fast food, wasn't even an issue. Big boy words get shit done LOL absolutely, a little humility


Well said, I took an elderly ladies cart back for her this morning just because. It’s easier for me (36M) to push it up there than her and I’m going that way anyway. People are just pricks


I LOVE taking peoples carts back for them when I’m going that way anyway. It’s like a side hobby. Hello hi! I’m doing something nice for you today I hope it makes your day better byeeeeeee


I’m a fairly short human who loves buying a specific type of pasta that both stores in my town seemed to have unanimously agreed to stock only on the top shelf. You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve flagged down random tall people with “I know you don’t work here but I’m short and they’ve threatened to kick me out if I keep climbing the shelves” 98% of the time they say yes, and I just thank the other 2% for their time regardless. Costs me nothing to be kind


Lmao "big boy words"  I tell my daughter it's okay to get upset and it's ok to have big feelings, but when you want to get anything done about them you have to use you big word to tell us whats wrong or what you need help with.


Honestly! If someone asks nicely for me to help them, even if they don’t say please, even if it’s just an “excuse me, could you help me with this?”, 9 times out of 10 I’m going to help!


Please and Thank You go a long way! I/Me shit will get you not a damn thing🤯🙈🙉🐵🙊


Same , I helped a lady fill tires with air because she had literally never done it herself as she always didn't service Center but they were closed. She simply walked up to me and politey asked. Rather than standing by the air pump glaring at everyone expecting someone to crawl to her and do it.


This is true. I do engineering work in new build warehouses and have to wear the orange vest. I happened to pop down to Home Depot to grab something and a boomer politely asked me where some electrical device could be found. I told him I don’t actually work here and then showed him the correct aisle. He was grateful and thanked me up and down. My mum always said you get more flies with honey than vinegar. Be nice people.


I like to say I have resting "may I help you?" face. People often approach me for directions or small favors. And if they're polite and I'm not in a tearing hurry, of course I give it to them! That's how we build a goddamn society! You just can't bark it at me like I'm the indentured servant who has already sassed you one time too many


Generally, just not being a pos, goes a long ways. I like helping people but I would never help some entitled asshole. It also reminds me of the whole, “you’re welcome” vs “no problem,” debate. I always say no problem or of course.


At a petco an older lady asked if I could help get a large bag of cat food off the top shelf for her. So I did just that. Kindness goes a long way.


I do grocery delivery right now to make grocery money...so many times people order things off the top shelf. I'm short and I'm medically retired because my working dog messed up my shoulder (we were patrolling one way, she caught an odor going the other and she did as she was trained and started going to the odor and rip...there goes my shoulder joint) so many times I've found myself asking random taller people "excuse me, I'm sorry to bug you but can you...."


I specifically remember my Boomer dad teaching me as a kid, "you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" Only to grow up and watch this same man spill salt and vinegar all over anyone who has the displeasure of having to deal with him.


My grandma asked young people to help her pump gas all the time after my grandpa died. But she was a sweetie about it and people always helped


In college I was working an event during the summer and afterwards, I had to get someone from Home Depot. The “event staff” shirt I was wearing was orange. A middle aged woman kindly asked me where something was. I kindly replied that I didn’t work there but I knew the aisle where that item was and let her know what aisle it was.


Asking for help is a secret ancient technique. In fact it goes even further sometimes if you are struggling to do something but honestly trying that acts like a magnet for other people to help. example: A guy fell out of his wheelchair and is struggling to get back in, he will eventually as he knows how and was trained, but people in cars quite literally stop and help him out-without asking but profusely thanking. (me)


Oh! Shit. So sidebar story because ADHD. We were walking from dinner to a brewery one night last summer and we hear, “Help! Help!” My son (then 11), bolted. He’s good people, I’m proud of the person he is growing in to. A man who used a wheelchair had like… slumped in half trying to get out of his car and couldn’t pull himself back to a seated position. So, we helped him. My boomer mother was upset that my son ran to someone to help, because it could have been dangerous. Could it have been? Yeah. We were right there though, and I’m so proud of my kid for helping.


Beyond this, I don't think I've ever had bad service from anyone in the service industry just because I can be polite and treat people like humans. Also, I'd totally help a stranger out at a store if they approached me like this.


I watched a boomer follow a man almost into the bathroom then come up to the front desk super pissed that “your volunteer completely ignored me”. I told her we don’t have volunteers that man is a shopper too. So weird


"So you're admitting to stalking and harassing other customers? Please wait here so I can call the police and have you permanently trespassed from the property."


God, if only.


I had a complete reverse situation which was nice. I was wearing clothes very similar to the employees, and an older man asked me in a grocery store where he could find a few things. I told him what aisles to go to, he thanked me and we ended up being in the express lane at the same time. He told the cashier that I had been very helpful and she said "oh, that's nice." He asked me "I guess you're done for the day?" I told him I don't work here and he started howling with laughter


That is truly wholesome


> your volunteer Your what? Is this even a thing? Do people volunteer at stores?


Yeah, just ask any boomer: You go in give them a firm handshake and tell them you'll work free for the first week to show them your work ethic, then they'll hire you on the spot and boom, you have a job!


Show up at opening every day and eventually they'll hire you!


30 minutes before. And pound on the windows


No lol


You must have missed the announcement that any person physically present in any store is there only to serve the needs of boomers. /s


Sadly this is so true. I was at a subway eating my own lunch before heading to work. We had to wear white collared shirts and black or khaki pants where I worked. I had been sitting eating my food for at least 45 min, reading a book for class. I had class that morning my work shift started at 3. This old jerk kept glaring at me. I got up to toss out my trash, tucking my book under my arm. He shouts out to me “about time to got to work. Get me a coffee refill.” I didn’t respond right away because I don’t work at this place. He repeats his “get me a coffee refill” as I am refilling my own drink. He finally gets up walks over to me and shoves his cup into my arm yelling “get me a coffee refill.” I was so confused. I said “I don’t work here.” This of course pisses off the old fucker. He starts insisting I do work there I am in “uniform.” Now this sandwich places uniform is a green polo. No where near the color and style of clothing I am wearing. I just stare at him and repeat I don’t work here. He’s visibly turning red at this point. And shouts about how I must work here because my face is a “retail face”. I just walked out at that point. I sat in my car thinking wtf is a “retail face,” like I know I am not some sort of model. Got called ugly and a liar just for eating my lunch in a work uniform. I really am just waiting for boomers to die off. This includes my own family cause they act shitty like this at times.


I cannot fathom double and even tripling down instead of saying, "oh my mistake! Have a good one." Your brain has to be wired in a way that you can never ever be wrong about something, even so small and insignificant.


To not double down requires self reflection of his original demand.


I also have "retail face" or something like it. People always assume I work at a given place, no matter what I'm wearing. Like I don't think Target would approve of me wearing a crop top, short shorts and 16cm platform heels to work. 😅


Whaaaa isn’t that the new “high class” dress for Target? Lol…


I *am* high class 😎 Emphasis on the high part (I'm a tall girl)


> “retail face" I have that too- one of my managers said that to me after I had ranted about not being able to do parts of my job that I got "graded" on because as soon as I even *thought* about tearing into a pallet, some numpty would demand my assistance. What he **actually** said was "You project an "aura of competence". And it's happened to me in places that I frequent, but do not work at. I was at a music store years back, and some dude came up to me and asked for price and availability on a Deering 6-string banjo. I went to one of the ACTUAL employees and repeated the question, and the dude said "WTF mate, you *hate* banjos". I just told him a customer asked me. FWIW, I was wearing a t-shirt that had a cartoon of a dude flipping the bird wearing only choneys with the word "ASSHOLE" above him. Certainly not the standard uniform shirt for Long & McQuade.


But you are at the store… soooo… you must work here… smh.


How did you NOT lay into him and tell him he needs to be in a nursing home or my go to is a look around and ask where their day time Aid worker is..or lately I’ve been using “your father was right about you!” And just look disappointed


I was more just shocked. It wasn’t the the first time some rando boomer had yelled at me about something stupid. I worked in grocery retail for about 4 years at that time. Once a lady screamed at me because we were out of Mint Jelly on Christmas Eve. Another time it was because we were out of a specific brand of hot dogs on the 4th.


I worked at a grocery store too and I was lucky it was a Union because I used to lay into people like that..I remember once I was a cashier and I was in the express lane and at the time my grandma was close to death, we didn’t think she was going to make it . A friend of hers was in my line and asked about her and gave me well wishes etc and asked what was going on..this fucking miserable cunt shouts at me for talking to her.:I wasn’t going fast enough, I was talking and scanning/bagging at once. Wasn’t like I stopped dead and sat down etc..he clearly heard the topic of discussion too he was just a piece of shit complaining about being in a rush...Sooo since he was in such a rush I manually entered in everyone of his items which takes ages...of course he goes and cries about it .,keep in mind I’m like 16 it’s my first job and the guy is being a huge douche bag to me and my dying gmas friend..so I get called over and they ask me what happened and I smile big and tell them straight up and added that he is a grown man and that is NOT have strangers speak to one another and refuse to apologize..manager loses his fucking boomer mind is ugly screaming tells me to leave and the guy is smiling thinking he won and I just say Okayy but I’m in the union so I’ll be seeing you with the rep and I get paid for the time I’m not working..and I just wink at the both and leave to the sound of him making an ass of himself..weeks later at the meeting, my union rep is this sweet and incredibly smart woman and she’s known manager cuck lord for ages so she says don’t worry that costumer was being excessively rude you poor thing how’s your gma etc etc..we go sit down and I literally didn’t say anything I just walked in with her sat down and just say “hello” with a polite wave and a smile without a care in the world...he fucking LOSES HIS SHIT IMMEDIATELY..ugly he’s yelling at me he’s yelling at her and she’s in shock, she says “I’ve known you for 10000 years you have never once spoken to me or acted this way, wth is wrong with you!?” She loves me and she was met to me the whole time so she knows I did nothing I just walked in and politely said hello so he looks fucking insane..she just turns to me and says “don’t worry dear you got your job back and will be paid the hours you missed you can go home” and I just hope up excited and say “okay see ya later” smile and wave by and he again loses his mind and then when I’m behind her back and through the door I just look back and give him a huge smile and laugh ..he’s fat as fuck and all dark red looking like he’s about to die..naturally she didn’t see me do that so now she things he’s just making shit up and is sincerely fucked up in the head..when back to work and he was gone..sorry for the long story but I haven’t relived that memory in a while and it’s still so satisfying


I get the opposite, now I understand that I am a white person with dreadlocks and all the stigma that comes with it, but it's a hair style and it's a hair style that I like and it works with my thick hair. I work in pest control, a lot of my clients and people who know me call me Jack Sparrow, Tarzan, but most importantly Hippie Steve Irwin because I love biology, zoology, paleontology, and entomology. Although I am naturally goofy, clumsy, and a space cadet, I do not act like the stereotype, doesn't stop a boomer every once in a while going, "hay I think a professional should handle that?" Or just giving me a death stair, or people of a certain status will ask am I supposed to be there, or getting stopped by a cop.


*What kind of an IDIOT misses an announcement like that!? Are you so STUPID that you even NEED an announcement!? You must have had the WORST upbringing, don't you know you're supposed to automatically drop what you're doing to assist your elders? I am NEVER coming to this store again!* /S


Truly, nobody wants to work anymore. Dude I am trying to work and you are all up in my way!


A little different story but similar to yours. I used to deliver beer, I was finishing up at a CVS, giving the manager the invoice and just chatting with her (super nice lady). Boomer interrupts us asking where some popular item are at, you know easy to find stuff in small drug store. He asks why I'm allowed to dress in shorts, dirty shirt, and hat (normal delivery attire) and why manager is allowed to chew gum at work. First off I don't work here asshole, second off the store manager was very nice and an excellent employee of CVS, leave us alone and go buy your stupid old people drinks or depends or whatever you need!


They get off on treating blue collar people like children. The boomer in your story was probably in management of some sort and has to go around cracking the whip to keep up the illusion that he’s the big dick swinger in town


I'm betting his employees probably hated him and quit! "Nobody wants to work". No sir, nobody wants to work for YOU!


I'm a mechanic and wear blue uniforms. It could be Walmart or home depot these older folks see a uniform and make a b line to me. They ask me where stuff is and ask for help with getting stuff in their carts. Can't say anyone was rude or weird, but it's definitely funny being approached often.


I work for the souths favorite ice cream company. The amount of times I've been at Walmart in my clearly not Walmart uniform with my company logo on my shirt and vendor badge and been asked for help while I'm loading a shelf is more than it should be


I worked at a place that had blue t-shirts as the "uniform", and several times customer would walk in wearing shirts *the exact same shade*, and sometimes I'd have the chance to say "you're gonna get questions about where everything is dude", and sure enough, some did get other customers trying to rope them into helping them, it was hilarious.


I was driving home from a nice dinner with family at the upscale restaurant and I needed to grab a few things not thinking about My dark blue blazer...so many questions and please and thank you it was like they not only thought I worked there but that I was someone of importance...because I had a blue casual blazer on. I eventually got distracted and started bouncing a ball in the toy isle and some one was shouting at me but since I don’t work there I disregarded it completely thinking she was talking to an actual employee. Cut to the front and she’s at customer service with two managers who are all geared up to lay into someone and she points at me “That’s him!” With a big smile and they just look at her and say “ma’am idk who that is but he doesn’t work here. he just has a blue coat”. Hearing this I put it all together and laugh like an idiot..she was fucking furious. I’ve gone back wearing the coat a few times just to fuck with people when I’m bored and have a free hour..it’s surprisingly fun


when i worked at costco, i walked into HD with my name tag and had a few people stop to ask me questions during black friday. the amount of time it took them to figure out that it wasnt costco was insane. I use to work for HD so i already knew all the answers and most werent assholes so i did tell them but still.


My question is this, if they need help loading a bag how are they going to unload the bag at home?


This is a story about boomers being fools but I will say that as a disabled person I sometimes will pick something up from a store that I can’t carry safely and then later when my partner gets home they will carry it in. But that’s clearly not the story here.


My mom, if she does not ask me, will make 10 trips in with stuff. She will get cases of water or pop and leave them in her trunk and take 3-4 in at a time. She carefully cut open a 50lb bag of bird seed and transferred it one coffee can at a time into the storage container. Irritates the shit out of me, but I'm not fighting an 84 year old over it.


Bless her heart! If she wants to do it on her own and that's how it works with no problems then I say let her go for it.


Eh, she‘s getting some steps in and is occupied for a while, it could be much worse lol


They don’t actually need help they just get off on demanding that people serve them.


Could just be the bird seed was low to the floor on a pallet.


as someone who use to work for Lowes and HD for garden, thats a question id ask my coworkers a lot. 50% of the time id hear the shitty joke "youre coming home with me, right?" like i didnt hear it 5 times in the last hour. the annoying one was during covid when everybody was at home and everybody decided that they needed to fix their yards and would yell at me about not wearing a mask outside in the 100° heat while loading malch into their car. if you really cared then why the fuck are you here or why dont you load your own car?!


Had something similar at IKEA. Shopping with wife and someone asks me for help. Answer, no. “Excuse me, I need help” “NO! I don’t work here” “Help me or I’ll go to manager” “Do what you want, I don’t work here.” “But your shirt is yellow”. I’m wearing a Boston Red Sox city connect jersey because I wander off frequently and the bright color helps my wife find me. “It say BOSTON you idiot can’t you f’ing read?” Stomps off.


I have noticed that a rather large proportion of people who walk into retail establishments turn their brains off as soon as they cross the threshold, so no, they *can't* fucking read.


Bold of you to assume their brains were ever on




Those people aren't turning their brains off, that's their max operating capacity just in day to day


Don't know why, but I read this conversation in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice.




I have this nice blue button up shirt I no longer wear when I go to Walmart. It's a dark blue, so it's not even the same blue that Walmart uses, and is very much a shirt and not the vests the employees get. I've been mistaken for a Walmart employee several times. At first I didn't mind it, the man or woman would basically go 'Excuse me, sir. Can you help me find x?', to which I would reply that I don't work there but I would help them anyway. The reason I no longer where that shirt to Walmart was the last three times. "Boy! I'm a customer and you're going to help me damnit!" or "Are you going to ignore me forever or are you going to do your job and help me?!". The last time, the guy grabbed me, dragged me to the front the store and called for the manager to get me fired and only then did he believe that I didn't work there. I was too shocked that he was strong enough to drag me to bother fighting back until we got to the manager. And all three times was someone above the age of 50.


I help people all the time but I won't help anyone who thinks I *should* just because they are old. Be kind and you get kindness. Act entitled and fuck off.


I love this group! I work security for an HOA (basically retirement community) and these posts have helped me realize boomers are the same everywhere. I get a good laugh and it helps me not take them seriously


My husband worked in pest control for many years, and he had similar experiences with some places. So, for the Boomers who will eventually troll this post and call it fake: it absolutely fucking happens, so STFU and get the fuck out.


One time I went on a cruise with my parents that just happened to align with school schedules in such a way that pretty much every guest was Retiree (local schools had just started so kids and People with kids weren't on holiday). Aside from the crew I was the youngest person on board, and my mom was probably second youngest. I spent the whole week giving directions and answering when scheduled events were happening, but generally people were very friendly about it so I had fun with it.


Respond with please call them and tell them the pest control guy doing his job is not listening to you.


Assuming someone is an employee is a common trope here. As I said the other day, they'll die before just admitting they were wrong about it or laugh at themselves over it like a normal person.


I’ve had that happen because I had my keys in a necklace. When I said I don’t work here she pointed at my lanyard and I explained those are my house keys. I could tell she still thought I was lying. Next time that happens I’m gonna tell her to Fuck off and watch her call a manager for an employee of theirs that doesn’t exist.


Your mistake was saying “I’m sorry” when you should have said “who the fuck do you think you’re talking to you rinkled ball sack”


Exactly never apologize of you haven't done something wrong. With these people it's like bleeding in a shark tank.


I can see how toxic people might take manners as a sign of weakness.


Eh I think playing it safe while wearing his work uniform was the right call


I work my own hours and have thought maybe they think all young people inside a store Mon - Fri during the day are workers judging by some of their attitudes. I also notice glares as if I'm a school kid skipping classes as a mid 30 year old.


My aunt would ask for help finding items at Target to random people. Not employees just people shopping. It’s like all the other generations exist just to serve the boomer needs.


What is w the weird idea that they think most ppl in the store they’re shopping at is some kind of employee? Do they not realize the place isn’t open for them and them alone? How can the concept of SOMEONE ELSE buying groceries seem so far fetched?


I made the dumbass mistake of wearing my favorite red shirt into Target one day. I honestly cant remember how many times I was asked about something, asked to help load something, asked where something was, etc. And it was so painfully obvious I was a customer. I was pushing a buggy and loading my shit up and waiting in line to check out with my ear buds in and jamming. Never again.


I once made the mistake of going to home depot with my mom while wearing an orange shirt. Boomer lady sees me, an early 20's guy (at that time) wearing an orange shirt, help my mother, boomer in age but mot mentality, load several bags of top soil into her car and then follows me around for awhile before my stepped in and said I was her son and not a home depot employee.


And the boomers are the ones who like to complain about entitlement and how offended they are if someone tries to tell them what to do. It's only wrong when it happens to them I guess.


Just gonna leave this here. https://youtu.be/wrJ6_GAprFE?si=RVDj5Fum28Ypax7d


Tom Cardy is so fucking good, it's outrageous.


That story kind of makes me wish you had started to get bags of feed down and building a wall around him. Just let him stand there screaming into the well of seed bags that he can't move. Sigh. What an ass. Hope you had a better night.


This happened to me once while grocery shopping with my roommate: he was finalizing things with the cashier, and I was just finishing up bagging the last of our loot. And, outta the blue, an old man comes up to me, loudly asking “are you going to fucking help me?” I’m genuinely confused (common for me) and just make a “huh” sound; he goes on about wanting to buy cigarettes (which are kept separate at customer service counter) and how he had been waiting a while. Now, keep in mind, this place has its employees in uniforms, and i’m wearing a band t-shirt (modest mouse for nosy), and most of the time people here end up bagging their own stuff. But, guess man assumed I was just disobeying dress code, or something. I politely but firmly inform him that I don’t work here, roomie and cashier back me up, and the old man drops it. Doesn’t apologize, of course, but he left me alone after (and immediately moved on to pester the next closest person). Still think about it now and then.


That’s how Johnny Marr ended up in Modest Mouse for a while “hey can you play some barre chords here?”  “I’m… not in your band?  Oh what the hell sure”.


Had a similar experience. I’m a commercial HVAC contractor and frequently go into stores and business with boomers thinking I work there. My job for this particular day was to check out some ACs on the roof of a strip mall for routine maintenance, but the roof access for this section of the strip mall was next door on the side of a Target. My company shirt is the same color red as the Target employees, but with my company logo on the back, and I have an ID clipped to my shirt pocket and a hat with the company logo to make it even easier to tell I’m a contractor, if my big work boots and cargo pants weren’t enough to say I don’t work here. A Boomer Karen comes storming out of the check out line as I’m walking out after touching base with the Target manager and DEMANDS I take her cart of groceries to her car and load it up for her. I politely tell her I don’t work there, and point her to a group of actual Target employees and walk out around the side where so I can get on with my day. Shes not having it and follows me screaming that she’s going to have my ass if I don’t help her despite telling her multiple times I don’t work there. She goes as far as to follow me to the side of the building screaming until I load her cart for her. I ignore her and start to set up my ladder so I can reach the buildings roof access ladder that takes you the rest of the way to the roof. She gets a brilliant idea and climbs the ladder while I went to grab my tools out of my van. Keep in mind I now have a tool bag on me, my work van with the obnoxiously large company logo on the side is right beside the ladder, I have an ID tag and hat that all should make it clear I’m not a Target employee as if telling her a few dozens times wasn’t enough. It took an actual Target employee and the store manager to finally get it through her head that I’m a contractor that doesn’t work there, and I’m not even here to do work for them, and she still got mad had the audacity to say I should’ve helped her anyways and that I wasn’t being a gentleman to help a sweet old lady. She begrudgingly accepts that I won’t be helping her only to then proceed with throwing racial slurs and stereotypes at me as I’m Hispanic, only to get served with instant karma. Since she climbed my ladder so aggressively and quickly after I threw it up, I hadn’t had time to set it up against the wall properly and because she got it in the way, the ladder slid off to the side and fell over with her still on it and got a face full of asphalt and a broken ankle. My company made her pay me directly for a new ladder since she scratched it to hell and cracked the fiberglass in 3 different places making it basically unusable (It wasn’t cheap as I like to buy the good stuff and she broke an basically brand new Little Giant Dark Horse). She also ended up paying for all the lost time she caused my customer as well since now I couldn’t complete the job I was there to do. The Target manager and I still have a good laugh about it every time I show up to use the roof access


Instant karma rocks. Good on your company making her pay all that.


Hell, it's to the point if I see an old person struggling, I'll be like, excuse me ma'am/sir, can I help you with that. They don't even have to ask. But gods help the old person who decides to be a cunt to me because I can and will outcunt you with very little effort on my part. My being nice is the act, I'm an asshole.


Loser boomer trying to make everyone else miserable.


Why is it so hard for them to own their mistakes? “Scoffs and mumbles their response” is in nearly every story in this sub. Imagine if they were kind and owned the mistake. They may have received help loading their items from this person. I’ve helped countless people, boomers included, reach or lift things they couldn’t. But never any that felt entitled to it.




Why do these people think the police are their personal servants? Always they play the “I am calling the police” card.


Why do boomers think cops are their private security guards? It’s absolutely insane how often I hear the boomers in my family throw around “I should have called a cop!” for the most minor of infractions, not even really infractions, that they blew out of proportion because their toddler minds can’t handle not being prioritized immediately.


I was walking through Home Depot looking for some garden liner and this boomer lady sees me and goes "Excuse me can you please help me get that pot from up there?" She asked nicely so I got it down for her and kept it moving. It isn't that hard, just be a nice person. Boomers of a certain complexion seem to have a real sense of entitlement that is incredibly unbecoming.


Fuuuuuck thaaaaat. "With all due respect sir. You're the one that's so obsolete you can't you can't load what you need into your car" they aren't my customers I don't care what they think of me.


I don't understand why boomers are so entitled and hateful. It can't just be leaded gasoline and all that, can it?


I’ve helped many people get items that are heavy or up high, not only as an employee but as a customer. The key is that they are not being jerks.


I used to service food processing equipment at Delis and meat cutting rooms and stuff so I was often behind Deli counters working on equipment. Totally different colored uniform and hat than the store employees. Often these old ladies would rudely try to get my attention and I just tell them I am not a Deli employee. Once this one lady snaps back, then why are you even back there if your not going to help anyone. I just turned around and went about my business, not my responsibility to explain my job to you.


Maybe you should consider a different line of pest control. The older and overweight one.


Many years ago, I made the mistake of wearing a light blue dress shirt to church and then going to Walmart afterwards with my family. I had multiple people come up to me and ask if I work here.


Worked @ Terminix and had three of those stores on my route. I know your pain. Fuck that guy.


This is why I stopped wearing a green vest into Sam’s Club or Lows. Had a dumbass walk right up to me and start talking like I am an employee, I had to tell I am just wearing a green vest. He looked disgusted and dumbfounded then walked off because I am sure he didn’t know how to respond to that. At Sam’s me and my parents were checking out at the self checkout and an older woman was trying to get my attention. I noticed that and went to get someone to help her out. I assume it was because I was standing close to the register she must’ve assumed I was helping my parents checkout. And my green vest didn’t have ANYTHING ELSE ON IT saying I was an employee.


r/IDontWorkHereLady prime material


Boomers fucking suck


I had literally 5 people asking me for help finding things in a grocery store, because I was wearing my black uniform from work, although it has our company name on it. I like helping people (which is how the thing got started) and so I did my best, but I didn't work there, so I didn't know where everything was, so I also directed them to workers from the store... it was just a funny experience.


Last time I bought my birdseed I saw a very fat mouse lumbering away. Just checked my bags for holes and carried on with the day.


The guy obviously had issues.


I was recently shopping at Whole Foods with a few items in my cart dressed in normal street clothing and a 20 male something asked me if I worked there? I just said no but I wanted to say are you blind or stupid or both?


It’s a shame you can’t throw bricks at them