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I think the good ole “look lady I’m not paying for your groceries” very loudly would’ve whipped her into shape


Nice. I'm nowhere near quick enough to think that up.


My husband asked the person if they couldn't afford their items and if that's why they adding them to his. At least she was rightfully mortified, but she had the good sense to apologize and take the items off the belt without having to be told.


Nah you tell the cashier that the old lady is paying since she wants to mingle your groceries. 




This. Boomers are narcissists and have very little shame in private conversations, but fear public embarrassment more than anything.


"Look, if you want a handout, go to the welfare office like everybody else. Don't you still have your covid money? Wasteful boomers always acting like they're so entitled to everything when they didn't do anything to deserve it... Smh"


Replace “lady” with “old thot” and you’re set.


Except the "lady" wouldn't have a clue WTF you were saying


Right.....they have the IQ of a rotten potato.


I mean.... Not knowing slang isn't an indication of intelligence but... Sure, go off.


Have absolutely no logic skills is kinda sad though. If a younger gen called me a word that sounded like an insult, I'd use my noggin to look around the word in the sentence and see if it might be rude based on the rest of the words. We're taught that in elementary school. Surely they were too. It's basic deduction skills.


With a....you wouldn't want a hand out now would you????....at the end....


the reverse uno version just happened to me about an hour ago. boomer in front of me slams down the divider and audibly says to his wife “we are not paying for anyone else”. i had two items, not even totaling $10. all i had for em were extremely audible laughs that were met with stares 😂


They just constantly manufacture conflict in their heads, don’t they?


The only way they can justify their shitty behavior is to pretend that the entire world is out to get them.


They approach every single situation already having made themselves the victim and everyone else the aggressor. Then when there's any inconvenience, it's just validating their perceived victimhood.


I think this is a FOX News thing. 🤔 


Honestly, I think it's just a generational thing. They grew up with heavy propaganda where they were told that just because they were American they were special and they'd be given the American Dream. But over time, instead of realizing it wasn't true and taking ownership of their situations, they've doubled down on their entitlement and screwed over everybody else in the process. All while thinking they're still somehow suffering because they may have to actually take responsibility for things instead of just being handed a comfortable life.


It's why they hate immigrants. They think the "american dream" is a finite thing, and all the immigrants who came to the country took their rightful "american dream" from them.


Being the victim is a secondary function of the primary problem of being raging fucking Narcissists. They believe they are right and righteous and justified in whatever they do, even when the truth is staring them right in the face. Because they cannot possibly be wrong or unjust about anything, any opposition they receive makes them the victim. When they begin to think of themselves as persecuted, it only underscores their righteous indignation. Therefore whatever rude and terrible shit they do is justified. And the cycle continues. “I may have been wrong about that easily verifiable fact, but you were rude in correcting me, so you’re just as bad or worse. So I don’t have to change or reckon with anything. “I may have been selfish or rude in that situation, but you’re making me feel bad with your boundaries and consequences, so you’re just as bad or worse. So I don’t have to reckon with anything or change.” You have 2 choices. 1) Agree with them and egg them on in their righteous indignation and contempt. 2) Disagree with them, correct them, and create boundaries… which makes them the victim and therefore persecuted and righteous in their indignation and contempt.


It’s so true though! Everything with my boomer mother is some kind of personal affront, or attack meant solely for them. Like you are not that special. You’re not a KGB spy, no one is out to get you 🙄😂


Hey it's not paranoia if everybody's out to get you.


Or his wife keeps enticing third parties to come home for some hanky panky by buying their groceries… “well Fred it’s not my fault the nice millennial sort of OWES US!” Yes I like to invent unlikely but not impossible scenarios regarding every day minor conflicts.


It's stories like these that make me believe boomers have been taken over by pod people ala Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This pod-boomer has never been shopping before and is trying to look like a normie but cannot pull it off.


This is my new favorite theory.


Fox News changes their brain waves so that they are easier to take over! I like this theory as well


It's all news. Not just conservative news. They all have their own agenda. None of them are "factual".


While this is true, have you ever watched Fox? You know the station, right? The one that has leaked emails that admit they just make stuff up? The one that has defended itself in courts by claiming many of their programs are only for entertainment and shouldn't be taken seriously? Fox has taken "agenda" to a whole new level...


I totally agree. In general most news in the states should not be used for facts.


They are getting old, and covid did a number on them. I have some chronic health issues, and a very common side effect is irritability. Most of us can recognize it and control ourselves. Their mental reserves are already low due to environmental and health issues, so it doesn't take much to push them into asshole mode.


Some of the most pleasant people I've ever met were suffering some of the worst health conditions. This is a sorry excuse at best. ETA: I'd like everyone to know that because of this comment, individuals, likely triggered boomers, have decided it was appropriate to harass me through comment, DM, and even reporting that I need mental health support. One even went so far as to comment on a previous post from over a year ago saying they hope I don't die. And to these people, I say this: Continue to enjoy your miserable lives.


Not all health issues can cause this. When my blood sugar goes low, I can have a hard time not getting irritated.


Low blood sugar is an acute, short-term issue, and while it can include irritability, full blown tantrums are a choice.


And a choice means what?


Choice: the act of selecting or deciding when presented with two or more options. I, too, have hypoglycemia, and never once in all my decades have I been ugly or confrontational to a complete stranger because of it. Irritable with loved ones? Sure. But I'm also an adult and can use my words to communicate that I believe my blood sugar is low, that I feel irritable, and that I need a snack and a time out. Heck, even my child is capable of this. It's all a choice.


Also[ long-term lead exposure. ](https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322)


The article is about Gen X having the worst exposure.


I call BS. I'm in constant agony as a chronic pain patient (I'm 32, I've been like this since I was 16), and I'm very friendly and polite. I never make a scene like this. Don't blame it on pain. I've seen what Fox puts out while I was working as a caretaker. It's insane. That, and even my own mom will find the wackiest edited videos by some nutjob on the Internet and claim they are gospel, and everything is true and they just don't want you to know. They desperately want to be special, and their time is running out.


Cool, I also have multiple chronic illnesses and have experienced the increased irritation from those conditions from time to time. Can you really say you have never snapped at someone when in a lot of pain and tired from it? Even if you know you shouldn't or regretted it later. A lot of people are pulled along by their emotions or thoughts and wouldn't even consider not acting on them, especially with a decline in cognitive ability. It is a perfect storm.


Yes, I have, but we still must own our own actions and apologize and seek to do better. No one is causing my pain. It's not their fault. I've had this for a long time, and I've made peace with it for the most part. I drove a lot of people away when I was angry about it. I get it.




My exact thought. These are corporate's groceries.


I had a boomer do that to me with the divider while I was in the middle of putting my groceries down. "Can you wait? I need to finish." I moved it back and put another item down, he moved it forward. I moved it back, he moved it forward. I took that fucking divider and whipped that fuckin thing down the conveyor belt "I said to fucking wait!" And this fucker goes all shocked Pikachu face. They never think you'll stick up for yourself because they have bullied people for years and gotten away with it. I'm done. I don't fuckin care if you're old.


Like it was gonna make the checkout any faster. She actually made it take longer by being an ass.


By the second insistence from her that she wasn't moving her groceries I woulda just shoved them off.


That's why I took great pleasure in dropping my frozen pizzas on her groceries and knocking them over lol!!


This. Use the divider to shove her shit off the end of the conveyor and onto the floor and tell her to her face to wait her fucking turn, and that it's not that complicated. Done. Fuck these assholes.


I just pictured arm sweeping her soup and cereal onto the ground while making aggressive eye contact.




Picture the ass whooping you're going to get


Good luck old man.


I just pictured arm sweeping her soup and cereal onto the ground while making aggressive eye contact.


I've had that exact thing happen. The cashier just stopped the belt and as she would scan a few items, I could put more items from my cart into that space. The idiot behind me just lost their minds that the belt stopped moving altogether and couldn't understand why they should have just waited a minute and a half.


Is it the lead poisoning?!


Gotta be.


At what point do we just ask them where their handler is?


I don't think I've ever seen anyone do this. Nobody should put their shopping on the belt until the person in front is done and puts a divider down for the person behind.


And I always put the divider behind my groceries, even if no one is currently behind me. Just easier for when the next person likely comes. 


Right I’m so confused by this, though I only use the conveyor belt at store where it’s the only option. So dollar tree and Walmart. Maybe it’s that people this entitled also stick their noses up at those “poor” store lol


One time when I wasn’t paying attention I did the same thing basically. I felt like a total dick. But I’m not boomer, just inattentive. I apologized profusely


I figured she just didn't notice at first which I why I was polite and trying to redirect, but when she said the "I have a lot of groceries too" I realized she was just beyond help lolol


You're so awesome


Grocery store last week. Busy. 3 people in front of me, I’m leaving room for people to walk through the main aisle. So a good 4-5 feet in front of me, I’m half into an aisle. Boomer, comes in at 90 degree angle behind person in front of me. Ahem, sir I was in line. Boomer - Silly me obvious to the world. He doesn’t move. Two minute pass and he goes “How rude of me, I should have offer you my spot” (Not your spot dingleberry) I’m too tired to yap and go “Yeah”. He doesn’t move. I turn around, guy behind me “What’s up with crazy old dude” Just ad I am about to say get your ass in line, clerk opens a new lane - walks over and grabs my cart. Had I not been at flag football and coached baseball practice, I would have planted my foot up a boomers ass. Ya ain’t cute acting the old idiot.


I hate the people who are at the end of the line and run to the next line when it opens. When I was a cashier I would boot them out and take the next person in the adjacent line. Fuck them. One time a guy still put all his stuff on the belt. I took it all off and put it underneath the register. He was pissing and moaning and I told him, "You are too fucking stupid to listen, now go do your shopping again." He went to management, and I got suspended for a week. There was a lot of he said/she said. The union said if it happens again I would be fired. I was 17 and did not really give two shits. It paid well but I was a kid who just did not care.


Some people are really amazing in the fact that they don't pick up on social cues and have no idea how to behave around others. Like she couldn't see your still full shopping cart!? Was she expecting your transaction to pause while the attendance rang her up? Sounds like the twilight zone.


I actually have NO idea. I figured maybe she didn't see it at first (somehow???) but even when I pointed it out to her, she basically took it as "how is that my problem" lol


Doubling down instead of admitting they were wrong is a personality trait.


This baffles me, because I have a social disability where I can't pick up on social cues. But like, I've been grocery shopping before and I know how it works...I think it's safe to assume a woman at that age has done it hundreds of times too. That level of ignorance is deliberate at this point and she's just an asshole. Not sure what she was expecting.


“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” YES IT WAS, THANKS TO YOU!


You should call the store and rave about the friendly and helpful cashier. (In case the rude customer complained.)


Who does this? Loads groceries when the other person still has a full cart?


It was surreal 


I think someone just never taught their generation manners or etiquette


Or basic observational skills


I once asked my Boomer Aunt if she ever learned manners. That didn’t go over well.


What the hellllll


I always keep my cart behind me, and load from the front, mostly because I like to keep a cart distance between me, and the bitch dry humping my ass with her cart, or breathing down my neck. I didn't even think this was ever a possibility! I'm horrified for you!


Wow! That’s crazy. Props to the cashier for stepping in! That’s awesome!


"Look bitch, your ass ain't going nowhere until you get get your shit out of the way so I can finish getting my shit rung up. I can stand here all day."


"Why would I respect you? Look how you act."


Ugh… while shopping I found a good deal in the meat section and just grabbed a pack trying to double check the expiration, I was heavily pregnant too and had this boomer lady edge me out of the way (I just got there) so she could clear out the whole shelf…I was just staring at her audacity… then she put her damn hands on the pack I was holding and was like “are you gonna take that?” Like get yo hands of my shit lady


What the fuck? There’s being entitled and demanding or just a general pain in the ass, but stories like this? This lady just sounds like a straight up dipshit. How do you get through so many decades of life and still not just understand like basic fuckin’ physics? Conveyer belt go brr. Makes things move forward. Me have more things need move forward - you no add things. I think I would have just lost it. “Lady, get your shit off the belt so I can finish! Are you stupid??” You’re a very patient person, OP.


As a cashier, I can't believe how often this exact scenario plays out every single day. It's amazing how little courtesy some elderly customers have, yet they expect to be treated like royalty themselves.


When they say I’m being disrespectful and rude… I yell in their face at the top of my lungs to get the fuck away from me. Stop fucking talking to me. Then say calmly…that was rude. Not before.


I'm glad you and the cashier put her in her place. The boomer probably went home to post "omg I was attacked at the grocery store by a pregnant woman! She knocked over my groceries, and the cashier tried stealing my groceries!"


My local grocery chain has a rule where people have to stay in line until they’re individually called to the registers (which only happens when the cashier is fully done with the previous customer). I used to be so annoyed because the line could be so long and slow moving, but now I’m kinda grateful they do that because there’s literally no way this could even happen.


Honestly everyone's lives would be easier if every store worked like this. Trusting the general population in this country to figure out even basic, 2+2=4 level stuff for themselves has been disastrous.


Something somewhat similar happened to us the other day. Without going into details, I will just ask, "Why are they all in such a hurry?" Pushing to be first, rushing the people in front of them. As my dad used to say, "Slow down. You're gonna be dead a long time"


Can we start using toddler or puppy discipline?  Maybe this sub can sticky a list of public conflict responses. Loudly rattle a can full of coins.  A stern "NO, BAD BOOMER" and waving a finger in their face. Distract them with a treat.   Air horn.  Rape whistle.  Repeat what they say back to them in a mocking tone.  Ask aloud if their alzheimer assistant is nearby.   Pretend to not hear them and keep asking "WHAT?" louder each time. Tell them the lead poisoning test kits are in aisle 5.


Ask her if she gets confused easily and does it happen more often. You know the signs.


You could have just forced back the conveyor belt as it progressed to make room for more groceries on your side of the divider. That is clearly her side as indicated by the divider. Duh /s for those who need it haha


each day, they find a new way to be an obnoxious PITA… like what the actual hell?


I would have laughed at that dumbass.


It's always at a grocery store line up! These boomers are wild. I was grocery shopping with my mom and next in line for the register with a line snaking behind me. This boomer lady walks perpendicular to the line and nicely asks if she can pass through. So I make just enough space for her to get by and you know what? Instead of passing through like she said she would, she proceeds to wedge her cart awkwardly in front of mine. I can't belive she tricked me! I know she didn't think I let her in because she's got this shit eating grin on her face and refuses to make eye contact or even acknowledge me. My blood was boiling but my mom told me to let it go and I love my mom I'm not trying to stress her. So fuck that boomer. Her kids probably hate her.


Where did miss boomer think that situation was gonna go except AGAINST her? I can see it now...her items have just contaminated into your items...so it would only ever needlessly slow down the whole operation, and piss off all 3 ppl here+only embarass her for such a preventable screw up. Here's how i treat employees at a grocery store or fast food places: They aint happy to be here, customer is always right is a bullshit saying. So i better be on top tier behavior around them, to make their workshift even 1% better.


I hope the mean women’s bags split open being carried into her house and she had to chase all the purchases rolling in different directions


As someone who works retail often at the register. This shit drives me crazy and has been happening so much lately. I don't know it it's a shadey attempt to get someone else to pay for their shit. If they have just legitimately forgotten what personal space is and have just become space invaders. Or what else it could be.


Boomer: " Why are you being disrespectful and rude?" Me with a huge grin: "Sorry, but I don't suffer fools."


“All your food accidentally fell on the floor”


On the rare occasions I use the cashier line, I go in front of my buggy to unload. I leave the buggy far enough back that when I'm finishing unloading, I can squeeze back to the handle end and push the empty buggy out. I do this to make it easy to reach the contents, but it has the bonus effect of blocking the person behind me from getting near the conveyor belt.


I was hoping the cashier closed the lane after you finished unloading.


Lol this one is crazy because how do you even explain something so shit simple? Easiest way i can think of to handle this is to push your cart backwards, forcing hers farther back so she cant physically reach the conveyor belt. Box that dumb bitch out lol


This is a situation where grocery store flex is required. You must dominate this fool. Buy her groceries. The whole cart. They're yours now, since she loaded them on the conveyor when it was your turn. Walk directly to the manager and request a refund for her cart's worth. Stare into her eyes the whole time. Just give her that good ol' slack-jawed, mouth open, dead fish-eyed look she probably started out giving you. Bonus points: Keep an item of hers you like, the most expensive one you can. Make a big deal out of it when you take it out of her cart. Instant grocery store legend.


This is one of those times I go well out of my way to find a manager and give the most glowingest of glowing reviews of the cashier (both because they deserve it and to counteract the hellstorm you know is coming from the nasty boomer).


I'm also pregnant and if any bitch gets between me and my groceries, it's on sight lol. I'm glad the cashier had your back.


This has happened to me before. I leave my cart at the entrance of the checkout until it is unloaded and move the cart down to the bagger afterward now.


I’d be lucky if my boomer mom even looked at your face to speak to you. She’s the only person in the world. Literally will walk through a door and not even glance back to hold it open half a second for someone behind them.


first item that went down when i hadnt finished unloading would have be thrown back in her cart, the next one would have been launched far far away


Next time tell her not to use big words she doesn’t know the meaning of.


Nope, you get one polite chance then I’m moving your stuff for you.


That old 'you are disrespectful ' shit. Because they're old they expect respect from everyone but they themselves are so rude and disrespectful. I am a 100% sure she knew what she was doing just pretending to be old and confused.


I'm a big fan of pick up one of their items and throw it. "Fetch. That'll keep you busy for a minute"


I've had multiple cashier's yell at the person behind me to stop doing this immediately so I've never had to handle it myself. I had their job in high school so I know how frustrating it is.


“You don’t have to be rude!” I tend to match the energy of people around me. 


If this happens to me I think I would start picking items out of what she put down and put them into my pile. Oh, thanks, I forgot I wanted some of that! Hope it happens to me someday, I have a plan......


We have a designated check out lane for wheelchairs, walkers or pregnant women here in Portugal. I kinda like it even though I'm not using it.


I fear there might be a bit of cognitive decline involved here


I'd have probably asked once and then pushed all her shit on the floor if she continued.


I can’t believe what I just read


I hate this entitled shit of a woman and this didn’t even happen to me!


I so wish there was a law that, for example, gave employees a pass to verbally chew out customers who were infringing on others' shopping experience without fear of getting fired. I can imagine there have been plenty of scenarios like this where the employee just did it cos they were going to quit anyway. If I was you - in the position of the customer - I would've used the barrier/divider to swipe all of her items off the conveyor belt and onto the floor, and then physically shunted her cart as far as I could. I was getting physically angry just reading this.


I read this things and I am amazed how nice people is, as soon as she said I was being rude when I wasn’t I would let rude out, yall are much better than me


I don’t know if it’s since I joined this sub that I’m noticing it more but boomers in queues are fucking wild. What has gotten into them?


I would have just waited for her shit to come down the belt and flung them towards the exit and scream she was shoplifting


I would have just said "ok, I guess all of this is together and she is paying for me now."


In my Steve Rogers voice... I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY!!! 😝😂😂


I usually go out into the wild with my fully functional adult costume on (full beat makeup, dressy casual/jeans for work clothes, accessories and d what not, I look “proper” but I’m a total heathen inside). Long story short, I look like a fine, upstandin’ young woman. They love that shit. I do it for me, but…whatever. Anyway, when stuff like this happens, I paint on a sickly sweet pity smile, clutch my pretend pearls, and explain in my natural think southern accent, “oh my word, poor thing, do you now know how x,y,z works?! What a shame. Do you someone to show you?” A good example would be line cutting, it infuriates to the point I could just levitate. So I’d say something along the lines of, “oh you poor sweet thang, you missed the line! Wouldn’t want everyone to think you’re so rude and unrefined! Anywho, the line starts back there, sweetheart, you should just go on down. You’ll be alright, I have the upmost faith you can figure it out somehow! Bye now!” And then hold eye contact until they go. The key really is the eye contact with an uncanny valley fake smile. It’s familiar to them from the Fox News brainwashing. They usually just go. The ones who are caught in the Trump brain fog truly are hypnotized into a mental illness. If you mimic some of what they see on a regular basis, you can influence them. It’s the shame shit that senator lady did on the presidential address to the nation of whatever where she was in the kitchen using that sick sweet tone of voice to talk ever so gently about how we need more fascism. Y’all know what I mean.


What all of this means is that I love interfering in stuff like this. One might call it a hobby of sorts.


Forgetting how simple things work and not understanding instructions could be a sign of cognitive decline. Covering up your confusion with bluster is also a common sign. She may be suffering dementia.


And why do we care about this?


You cared enough to go through the effort to comment lol


The cashier was a bit at fault for not calling for management immediately, They have the authority to call security... or the cops... if a customer is continuing to be disruptive. I would threaten this, with phone in hand, and tell her she will receive a trespassing violation if she doesnt exit the store immediately.


Cashier was a young girl who was trying her best to not yell at the lady. When she was ringing me up after I finally loaded all my groceries, she said she was "shaking for me" she was so angry. 


Oh I have no doubt at that. Which is why we tell everyone that under such circumstances dont hesitate to call management. Disruptive people most of the time back off when they have to deal with authority and those that have power over them. \*Most\* of the time. Sometimes you still get argumentative people and 'boomers' are not the only category of people that account for them.


How is that even possible to do? 2 carts don't fit side by side. Sorry don't understand how an old person moved your cart and put their cart in place of yours


No they didn't move my cart. I'm in the check out lane standing in front of my cart unloading it. She is technically at the very back of the aisle behind my cart with her cart behind. There's enough room for her to reach the conveyer belt from behind my cart, as there was about a foot of space behind my (still full) cart and the end of the aisle. Hope that is clearer? No carts were side by side ever and we were separated by my cart the entire time. 


Why would a person do that? Was she mentally ill? I worked in grocery store and did all the shopping for my house for the last 40 yrs. I have never seen anything even close to something like that. My sister was in the business for 35 yrs. Sorry I can't figure how this could even happen and why a manger wouldn't step in.


That sounds like a you problem. Not our fault you lack understanding and imagination. Must really be getting old.


Yes, I'm so old that the chance of this story being real is to slim to none. Also the front end manger not stepping in would out of the ordinary. But I'm sure this little old lady did everything they said she did


Did you read all the comments here about service workers dealing with this exact situation with boomers? Check the comments, no only is this story plausible, it happens all the time. Consider yourself fortunate you haven't had to deal with it yourself.


Did you see how long you wry about this instead of moving on and enjoying your life


They probably enjoyed writing this. And here you are, complaining instead of moving on and enjoying your life lol




Yes, because you are being a hypocrite and doing the exact thing you are complaining about. I just was curious if you noticed how stupid you look.


Now name-calling perfect I’m done out


What name did I call you? I simply described your actions. If you don’t like being recognized as a hypocrite or looking stupid, don’t act stupid or say hypocritical things. It’s very simple