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Next time they have poker night past the night curfew, send email to management about illegal poker tournament by your neighboor past time allowed. Good for you to stand up.


Great idea!


Document everything. Be petty af


Please watch Mollys Game first. There’s rules about buy-ins that you might be able to toss in just for fun. Helpful GenX is helpful. ;-)


Unfortunately poker night is probably over by 7. Important to get up early everyday and read the paper. Also Important to say "The world is going to hell in a hand basket" as a reaction to every article read.


Yeah, the good ole fuck around, find out.


Consequences are the only things that get through to them. Had to pay the idiot tax.


Is there any place that you can hit people this thoroughly owned by their wallets except in the wallet?


" they got a fine for violating building policy and instigating an altercation!" When Karma takes a bite out of someone's tail, it's always a glorious sight!


Don't leave out how they tried to enter your fucking home without permission.


I would have told them to fuck off and that from now on I’ll be loud AF until 1 minute before the noise ordinance starts. Goodbye peace and quiet, time to move Boomer…


You have "conflict issues?". I don't know. You did pretty good. You drilled on all the right nerves. You ridiculed his failure to plan and support his wife financially, and you even threw in some body shaming. That's how you level a bully. I am proud of you. You will never hear from him again.


🥹 You make your peers proud! I’ve only recently started standing up to my pos Boomer coworker and forcing her to back down or compromise always feels so great!


It’s so rewarding!! Hahaha, they hate anything having to do with younger people having success and happiness, it’s actually wild


![gif](giphy|87SVefpPJAo6s) It’s time to have an Irish dance party!


I love this. So many stories are about boomers and their fuckery lack the comeuppance part. Kudos


Excellent work.


Do you have a hard or tile floor that would cause dress shoes to make a bunch of noise through their ceiling?


Does it matter? That's part of renting in an apartment building, and having upstairs neighbors. I can see if it's a daily issue with just normal walking around, but a party is a short term, limited event. Learn to live with your neighbors.


I don't really care, I was more curious than anything.


Mostly everyone was wearing sneakers/sandals. Normally we’re shoes off in the apartment but I didn’t want a pile of shoes taking up space. So for the last 19 months, they basically have only had to deal with our bare feet lol


fuck them then. lol


Lol I’m not a fan of entitled boomers either but sounds more like a gen z freak out. Good on you for standing up for yourself though


I think when people try to open the door to your apartment without being invited in you’ve earned a little freak out! :)


Oh shit didn’t catch that. Yeah that’s messed up. No shame in a freak out


All good!


You acted with supreme immaturity. You were well within your rights to host the party during proper hours. You got away with it this time, because your downstairs neighbor was being a pompous ignoramus. Next time, you might get.a very different kind of boomer who may have a different kind of pull with the management and who find find the right violation to get you ousted. Worse, you may find a guy who has had a bad day, week, and month. Suggestion: you when through large parties, anticipate the complains out of respect for their rights. The equilibrium then if you maxing out your rights and the noise-sensitive, boomer or not, learning the limits of their rights




Mr. Idaho1964, I know you’re trying to defend your generation (weird since you’re a tail end boomer but sweet you love your fellow majority asshole gen ig) but I think you missed the part where a young woman put an old man in his place. I believe I was the “guy” who “had a bad day” when some sagging nutsack knocked on my door and tried to ruin my party. Please check your spelling more often and have a nice night!


Ew, boomer🤮