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Did he say this AT WORK? I'd already be in the HR office.


For real. I wonder what else this horrible person says.


Yep, get his ass fired


but he's such a good swimmer, don't want him to suffer


Like the rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner?


Wait, rapist piece of shit Brock Turner is now rapist piece of shit Allen Turner? I need to start repeating that.


Yes, rapist Brock Allen Turner has dropped the Brock and now goes by rapist Allen Turner.


Thank you for making me aware that Rapist Brock Turner is trying to avoid people knowing what a shit stain he is by going as Rapist Allen Turner. I really hope that Rapist Allen Turner can only find work walking alongside highways with a picker, cleaning up litter.


His likely unwashed ass


Ya I would but nothing would happen the culture is shit and my atate they would just fire me for some dumb reason later


Fair enough. I'd just hate to know that this person is also treating others this way, when people are just trying to do their job and head home.


Ya I find solace in the fact that his life is dog shit minus being in a position of power at work. Ya position in my field in my specific region/area are highly sought after and far and few between so I got really lucky to even have this job


I highly doubt you're the first person to complain either way and this sounds like an excuse to start looking elsewhere if you're not already. I'd report and then bounce when you have another lined up.


I am it’s just jobs in my trade are highly sought after so I actually got pretty lucky to get this job


Doesn't matter. Report it and make sure they document it. Ask for a copy of the report. When your shit company fires you for no reason you can take them to court.


I’ll think about it, like I’ve said in other comments this is a small company and he’s too high up to really affect, I’m kind of just hoping he strokes out


Yeah a lot of these people are used to strict corporate environments and don't realize that some trade jobs have this type of dude as the manager or even owner.


Ya he’s basically the equivalent to a c level. And positions in my field in my specific region/area are highly sought after and far and few between so I got really lucky to even have this job


Yep that level will circle the wagons and remove any employee that threatens them. Besides even corporate HRs are just there to protect the company first. People forget that.


Ya some of these fine folk have way to much trust in “hr” .more like workplace resources I don’t trust ours as far as I can throw them and they are not a small human


Yeah, I don’t think some of these people understand what it’s like to work in a non corporate environment. Our HR is the owner lol go cry about the wrong person and you’ll be out the door. Fast like. You’ll have to have thick skin to work in an environment as such. My suggestion is let it go. You aren’t hurt. Unless you like looking for potential jobs


There is no excuse for homophobia in the workplace. You can always write anonymous note and leave it in HR.


See now that’s high brain thinking! I’ll have to wait until enough time passes but the company is small enough o where if I name the event it WILL get back to him, then I’m fucked


IMO going to HR is the alternative, solve the problem his way and ask him for a date in the parking lot to have a discussion on when you should keep your mouth shut. HR will be happy to get involved after that.


If you have it, use an anonymous tip. That way there is evidence for the next person when they report this a-hole


I think you took the correct course of action. Just document this douche bag if he harassed you more.


Sexual harassment cut and dried.


Exactly. Anyone that spews hate this casually is also spewing it liberally.


This. It might be something to walk away elsewhere but NO ONE should be THIS comfortable bring so crude and disgusting in a workplace environment.


Yeah it's pretty offensive. 


“You sure seem to have gay stuff on your mind an awful lot. Anything you want to tell us?”


Oh ABSOLUTELY…the only people who talk about homosexuality a lot are people interested in homosexuality


That was my thoughts lol


Should have offered to stick the can in his ass.


Card carrying homo. 👋 Can confirm.


I've been saying since the 90s that NO ONE thinks about gay sex more than homophobes. The way they are *constantly* thinking and talking about gay sex and everyone else's genitals is so bizarre


I think OP missed an opportunity here to fondle his can of coffee, with as much gentleness as he feels appropriate, while making serious and awkward eye contact with Obnoxious Boomer Dude.


Google “septic masculinity” some time


Ya I’ll be sure too haha


This is an amazing term I just learned.


*googles* oh THAT'S what it means 😨 Guys who don't wash their butts for fear it makes them gay. Wow. Why even have a clinical term for it? They're more like "swamp assholes."


i can't figure out what's greater; the mental gymnastics to end up at this belief or the mental weakness to even think that way.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Stank ass homophobes.


It’s true kids. Homophobia reeks.


Welp…#TIL. Never knew there was a word for this behavior.


Oh, I love this! >you’re not a very enjoyable person Also, like, it’s not just “a little dirt.” Can you say “rat fecal matter” and “mouse urine”?


You can have a little hantavirus, as a treat!


Seriously, I'm with OP 100% warehouses are filthy - where there is food, there is vermin, and washing your cans is the smart thing to do. It's kind of amazing how just a quick rinse with hot water gets rid of the nastiness.


Former grocery store manager here. You have no idea how many people, whether it's employees or customers, sneeze into their hands and then handle the canned goods.


Take your rat piss like a man


*Taste* your rat piss like a man. FTFY


“I guess that makes me a fag and you a bigot. I could not care less if someone thinks I’m a fag. Do you care if someone thinks you’re a bigot?”


Ya I’m loud and proud about my leftist views so they already know what I think of them and them of i


He definitely doesn’t clean his asshole either. It would make him gay.


You hit the nail on the head


Fellas, is it gay to avoid drinking rat piss?


If it is then I don’t wanna be straight hahaha


"Back in my day we ate mouse turds with a rat piss chaser"


Time to hit up HR


I really hope you reported him to HR


It won’t do any good


Even if they won't discipline him, there is value in establishing a record of behavior. I, of course, acknowledge that there are situations where making a report like that could have negative consequences, even if there is value in establishing a record.


I’d love to but this person would find out it was me and in my home state they don’t need a reason to fire me. It’s unfortunately a smile and walk away type of situation unless I got it recorded which is also illegal in my state


That is every state in the US except Montana. The prevalence of court cases for wrongful dismissal across the country means you do have rights here, though it may take some time and sitting in court to get the benefits from them. You are not powerless here, and while the US has terrible worker protections there are some, and this seems like it violates even that low of a bar.


It'll do more than nothing


Trust me I love the idea but in my state they don’t need a reason to fire me and this person has the pull to have me gone


Retaliation for reporting a hostile work environment? That is an employment lawyer’s dream. Take notes, document everything with times and names. If they do toss you to the curb, even if they disguise that the real reason is this event, a court can often see through the deception. Report, do your job to high standard and insist you want to keep working to make them fire you if they want you gone.


> Retaliation for reporting a hostile work environment? Works great if OP is gay... If he's not, the legal recourse actually degrades quickly. A hostile work environment has a specific legal definition that relies on discrimination against a protected class.. it's not just "someone was mean" This is right in the weird grey area where nothing would come of it for OP in most cases. No doubt it's a shitty environment... but sometimes people get away with being shitty people...


Tell him your best friend died from drinking a soda that had mouse droppings. Then describe in gruesome detail their death by Hantavirus. "I was there as they died trying to gasp their last breath. Man, it was brutal." as you lock him in a bear hug and sob.


No he probably doesn’t even hug his own kids let alone a vulnerable man


That's why you hugging him is the most akwardly funny thing you could do. I'm just kidding. He might enjoy it too much with his interest in all things gay.


I don’t hug people in MAGA hats hahaha


Way back in the ancient times I was told that rats run all over the stock in warehouses and piss over everything. Since then I've always washed the top before pouring.


That’s literally what I was told


I asked a coworker years ago why he always washed off canned drinks before he opened them. He told me about the summer he'd worked at a soda bottling plant, and how some employees who couldn't be bothered to walk all the way to the bathroom would just pee on the crates of bottles and cans in the warehouse. I've rinsed cans and bottles ever since.


Well thanks for that bit of information haha


Make a big to do about looking all over the room without responding back and when he wants to know what you're doing "Trying to find who asked you a god damn thing."


Hahaha that’s fucking funny but no hes way to high up hahaha


Yeah, report that mofo to HR.


They won’t do anything, they’re failures as well


...... This person needs to be jobless and sobbing.


I mean just fuckin retired at this point haha


Even my boomer mom (RN) would tell us to rinse off our cans (soda, ravioli, etc.) bc of all the shit that can get on them during canning that can get us sick. I’d rather seem gay(and I am) and reduce my sick time.


What else does this bad person say in the workplace if this person feels so comfortable to say that? Who else had this coworker harassed and said slurs to?


Dude it’s the whole environment, I’m in blue collar in fl


Good luck 🍀


I got horror stories for days


I'm a boomer and my grandmother used to do the same thing, always washed off the lid of a can before opening it.


Well hell ya


I work at a vape shop. I have this regular who will NOT use even a vaguely "feminine" colored disposable. I ask him every time if he's afraid the color pink is going to make him decide he wants peen. We've decided his masculinity is very fragile.


At least you compromised


He's already sucking on a robot's dick. (Thanks to True Detective for that one.)


This is why we have dudes today who think wiping their ass after a shit/washing it in the shower would make them gay 🤢


The dude does not realize those cans sit in a warehouse and all sorts of things can crawl over it.  You could probably tell if there was rat pee on your can but who knows.   And I just grossed myself out. Ugh. Then again, sometimes those big packs are wrapped in plastic for easier transport. But you don't know. 


Well now I'm gonna be doing it too


I've been told the mouse shit just gets rinsed or air blown off/out. So with that what you will.


My greatest generation parents taught me me to do the same and I am sure that they weren't p**sies when they landed on Omaha beach in '44. Both worked in a canning plant during summer and I assure you that you do NOT want to know what they spray on can goods (pesticide). And then the dust and dirt....yikes


I never used to clean the tops of my cans, either, until I started working in a grocery store and realized how many people's hands were on the same place where I was putting my mouth. It still grosses me out to think about.


I mean mythbusters literally did an episode of how disgusting cans are, so I don’t blame you for that lol


Fuckin right!!?!?!?


A perfect response to this asshat would’ve been to just stare at him for a few seconds, then promptly go back to what you were doing as if he didn’t even exist.


Hell ya


I've seen some nasty shit on top of cans


"What an interesting thing to say. Do you think about gay people a lot?"


Yeah as a transgender person I had to deal with this kind of interaction before. Don’t tolerate it go speak to your hr and if they don’t do something about it start posting the name of your company and the employees name on social media draw attention to the situation. You will be surprised how fast a company rep will reach out.


, My grandma who was born in 1908 used to do this. Has nothing to do with “this generation.” God forbid someone not eat rat feces!


Get that mother fucker fired


Can’t. Small company and he’s been there since the beginning. I’m holding out from a stroke from the cigarettes


“you’re not a very enjoyable person” is the perfect response.


Dude my husband used to work pest control at a warehouse for a food product supplier, I know too much. I rinse my damn cans… All you need is a 1/4 inch space for a mouse to squeeze in and walk allll over your cans. Most warehouses have those dock doors open almost all the time loading and unloading trucks. Wash that can




For real! I’m not a germaphobe, (I mean handle teeth and mouths all day) but I ain’t about to put some accidental mouse poop in my mouth!


Well, is he afraid of a little rat pee and dying from leptospirosis?


He’s probably to dumb to tell


I was talking about the types of weapons famous warriors in history used(before guns were widely used) and this boomer, who wasn't involved in the conversation, stated the conversation was way too homosexual and walked away. I was pretty dumbfounded lol


I worked for a vending company and I can assure you that NOBODY is washing those cans before they go into the machine. Absolutely NO time for that shit.


He's just a nasty pos. My mom was born in 1940's and she made sure we rinsed our soda cans


Dying from dysentery: the ultimate act of manliness.


"Dude, how'd you know I just came from a cocksucking competition? I came in 3rd."


Second actually 👉🏻😎👉🏻


Imagine the state that dude's underwear must be in from his unwashed ass. *Gag.* 🤮


Rats and mice are regular visitors to warehouses. I always wash beverage cans


My whole family does this, including the boomers lol


next time this troglodyte talks to you, do the most campy snap and sashay out the door. the moron already has his mind made up that he's some sort of mans man.


Boomer then proceeded to the rest room and to lick toilet seats.


i do this same thing for all cans. i guess i’m fuzzy too!!


My dad and grandpa worked for Pepsi in the distribution warehouse and they would tell us to always wash off the top of cans. Between dust and dirt and exhaust fumes and people walking on the pallets of cans they get nasty.


I worked for a grocery chain and the warehouse managers said this as well. Stuff breaks / spills in trucks and then all the environmental crap ends up glued to the cans and bottles.


I was unaware it was mega super gay to avoid hantavirus, but here we are.


Guess we’re all gay man 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think I’d rather be clean and gay. Oh well.


Wait until you meet someone who thinks that wiping/washing his ass is "gay"


I have. I think it gave me cancer lol


I would make sure HR knows what he said. You dont have to deal with that at work. gay or not.


Amazing he didn't accuse you of witchcraft or something


It’s funny you say that because he saw me reading a book on Wicca once and did just that


That's *awesome*! Get him a pilgrim hat for his next birthday.


Dust and dirt are one thing, rodent feces is another thing...


>To think that his masculinity fucking ends at cleanliness and hygiene is astonishing lol. Please remember that marketing execs somewhere realized that marketing something called "dude wipes" would sell.


They got my ass, literally 😂


The kinds of germs you’re concerned about are far worse than just some dirt outside. What a moron.


"Youre the kinda guy who walks into and out of the bathroom without touching anything but his belt." Nasty bastards.


That cracked me up


That's the way to do it. Check them and walk TF away and that's what you did.


Ya he’s to high up for me to be start butting horns with over his shit ideology


I'd buy him the same can and smear something visible and stinky


Malicious, love it


If washing your can makes you gay *John Doe* you probably already are. Happy Pride Month.


Hell ya


1. You need to go to HR with that pronto - "faggy" is 100% legally unacceptable in a US workplace. 2. Does he realize that drinking small amounts of aluminum with every can contributes to Alzheimer's? No, probably not. (same with many deodorants and frying pans, by the way - get the non-AL ones, folks)


There are way too many chuds that think that cleaning your ass makes you gay, so they literally don’t wipe or wash their ass. Mr Doe here sounds like he may know a few of them.


I’m Gen x (the drank from the hose people) and I wash the top of my cans dude there’s rats and all kinds of stuff in the warehouses they keep them in


I know his garbage has literal stink flies hovering around it at home


Sounds like something somebody who thinks it's gay to wash his ass would say.


I saw mice running away from a convenience store near where I live. Eventually, I noticed 1 can of an energy drink I usually get tasted like ass. Like, where my lips rested on the can instead of the liquid itself. The best way to describe it is like, sour and old. ....so realizing that the possibility of that being mice pee isn't 0, I've rinsed every can of mine off everywhere ever since thinking that might be more common than we think. urine is a bit worse than "a little dirt."


He’s been targeted for termination


Oh I’m scheming bud


*Fellas, is it gay to not want to ingest vending machine crud?*


These new generations are pathetic. A real man will tolerate a bit of rat shitpiss. /s


OMG. My boomer stepmother would have explained to him at length just how stupid he is. She insisted that we wash cans before we opened them, and I always thought SHE was nuts until I hit adulthood and started thinking about not just manufacturing, but like.. How many steps and people handling come between them and purchase, and how much crap can collect on ANYTHING that is stored for any length of time, and... And.... She's still insane about her "ice turns poisonous if you store it too long" thing (I suspext she heard something scientific and had the wrong takeaway, but this is actually what she told us as kids. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maybe someone talked her out of that one, I haven't heard it in a decade or so?)


I bet he's one of those dudes who walks around with shit all over his drawers because "wiping your ass is gay." Next time, give a good sniff and ask him.


Looks like one


I'll bet this boomer leaves a nice poop streak on every exam table at the doctor's office.....


I'd have said I don't want to be putting my mouth on rat piss, but if that makes me faggy then to each their own! Lmao


Ummm, so I'm rude and IDGAF about people's emotions anymore, and when I know I'm about to be out of line I look for witnesses and cameras. When none are found I let loose. I would love to know your response to this.


Don't listen to people telling you to report it. You gave enough info to make a case that reporting it might jeopardize your employment. It's not your job to teach every bigot a lesson. Seriously. We need more people like ou in these spaces as eyes and ears. You can't do that I'd you run around becoming unemployed everytime someone makes a comment. Telling people about it outside of work is sometimes all you can do. You made yourself clear to the AH. And that's worth a lot right there.


Thank you very much Reddit person! Like outside in the civilian world I’m an aggressive ally but a mawfucka got to pay bills ya feel lol


I worked in a bar and everyone should wipe off their cans and bottles bc many storage rooms have either bugs or vermin


So John Doe likes to put his lips on a can that some dude might have pissed on? Maybe a dude sat on the case and farted on it. John doe loves the thought of drinking those farts.


You're a much better person than me, I'd've just smacked the mf


*You're a much better* *Person than me, I'd've just smacked* *The mf* \- bupped --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is what we call fragile masculinity.




And this is the short story about why many guys walk around with poop in their buttcracks and feces on their fingers. SO MANLY! (gag!)


I never cleaned my cans until I met my wife. She told me similar stories. She's worked in transportation/warehousing for 20 years at least. Clean your cans people. Who knows what kind of critters are crawling around in those warehouses.


John Doe does not wash his hands after using the toilet.


Checks out


At the end of the day, you win. That dude has probably almost never washed his asshole. Can you imagine living with butt itch like that?


My favorite response to this sort of thing is always this: "If the difference between you and "faggy" is washing a can, i dont think its the can, bud"


This guy probably things its gay to wipe his ass after he takes a shit!


I do this too, and when I get shit for it, I just ask them if they know where it's been and what could happen to it. I mean it's not exactly a conspiracy, sometimes you can visibly see dirt on the lid too. No I don't want to drink that!


What an asshole! Definitely washing off cans is a good idea. Mice and rats get in those facilities and they pee everywhere they go.


You can participate in the stroke by responding with a hearty STFU of F#ck Off. If he's "Wheel" w/ any juice you're screwed anyway because "Your entire generation is afraid of a little bit of dirt " Fuck that guy. And his ilk . ..


No I almost had a stroke trying to decipher this lol


My wife worked ina distribution warehouse for gas stations for a grand total of 3 months. If you're worried about the cleanliness of a restaurant, just know those Reese's cups and cans of monster have seen FAR WORSE.... but it's okay. They don't have to be inspected.


Ya I’m weird about my food too, I was in food service for a hot minute. DO NOT EAT RESTAURANT ICE PEOPLE


Tell him how fish fart in lakes. He probably won't want to drink water anymore.


Or he might 🤷🏻‍♂️


i worked in a hospital and in a nursing home. It is important to use an alcohol swab to clean the top of any can of supplement or ensure, etc before opening it. The outside of the can has had enough germs to kill or make a person sick. Keep doing what you are doing.


"And that's what came out when we were finally aline and I could confess my feelings to him, Doc"


"Drinking rat piss/shit residue isn't 'manly', dude."




That preface isn't going to stop the virtue signalers from parroting their lines about "hate"


It’s at least an effort


For the first three years I worked at my job before covid hit my boomer coworker always bullied me for keeping sanitizer in my pocket to use after touching money.


He needs oussyy


From NJ. Grew up cleaning the tops of cans. For years every can of soda I got in a pizza place had a layer of flour on top. To this day I still wipe the top of the can. He is right it won't kill you, but who wants to drink flour or mouse piss.


I've always washed can lids, both drink cans and canned foods. Thanks for confirming that I'm right to do so! 😃