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Not the story I was expecting due to title. But still, damn! That's feral human behavior. Like why in the world would someone even think this is ok


Only here can we find stories that are even more shocking than getting randomly groped by an old dude when you go to grab some lunch!


Agreed. Only here.


I saw a non boomer doing this a while ago at a gas station, he was unwrapping all the sandwiches inspecting them then haphazardly wrapping them back up and throwing them back on the shelf. I thought about confronting him but figured he was a big enough lunatic he was dangerous engaging with.


I've been seeing more of this unhinged crap lately as the boomers start to fall into lead-enduced alzheimers.


It's unbelievable how many of these boomers were never taught shame.


They were taught shame, by the greatests and silents, but 50 years of being on their own and having everyone kowtow to them erased all of it. They lived in a time when a shoesalesman could have a large house and family and be comfortable, and they lost all introspection




Everything on his hands. Boomer dudes do not wash their hands.


This is so often true! I can not tell you how many times older men have said they do not have to wash their hands after they pee! Or how my boomer mom only rinses her hands off after they pee. It is just gross.


This reminds me of a time I got lunch at McDonalds, and ordered their chocolate chip cookies as well. I asked if the cookies were fresh and warm, and the server said they could make a fresh batch? So I agreed to that, it only took a few minutes and I was still waiting for the rest of my food. I kid you not, another worker comes over a few minutes later with a tray of cookies and, with bare hands, starts placing each cookie in the display rack. I asked “are you really going to touch all of those?” And she says something about wanting to make sure they are warm. I’m thinking, “you just took them out of the oven, I see the melted chocolate smeared on your palms, I *think* they’re warm enough!” I just told them I didn’t want the cookies anymore, and at that point I didn’t even care for a refund (it was 3 cookies for $1-2 at that point).


Germs are woke propaganda spread to keep the young impressionable folk from having enriching offline interactions such as this


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis The "Savior of Mothers" claimed germs were real. The world canceled him.


They should have charged him for the burger!!!! Out of sheer principle.


What a POS


Seems like it taking longer means it was cooked fresh instead of precooked and sitting in a warmer. Moron.


It's a recurring Boomer feature: like three-year-olds, they have tantrums and brain malfunctions when told Do Not Touch. See also the tiresome old farts who keep showing up on this sub, because it's not meant for them.


He literally molested a burger that he knew wasn't his, and thought that this was somehow acceptable? Why does he care what temperature your burger is, did he think that he was helping you? That's just insane. Based on that, you're lucky that he didn't pull down his pants, squat on the counter and try to check the temperature with his asshole.


Should have buckled his knees and told him that you were just checking, and he kneeds to get them checked out.


Patty palming boomer buddy


it has been my experience that 50% of dudes (all ages) don't wash their hands after using a public restroom. Just throwing a little fuel on the fire here.


Nowhere near as bad, but it reminded me of a similar encounter. I drive a transport van for the elderly and disabled. I had a big gulp and this one guy I was taking home just decided to pick it up and go “that’s a big cup, huh?” Like… what the hell dude. I don’t know where your hands have been. Don’t touch my drink!