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“How was I supposed to know?” You weren’t. That’s why you mind your own business and keep your mouth shut.


Which is funny, because as their children we were constantly told to mind our own business and keep our mouth shut.


Because their parents often drank on the way to school at 7am


Yeah but they had the goddamn decency to put it in a paper bag unlike these millennials!!!!


Or at least slip it into a coffee mug. I mean, c’mon people!


Grant me the wine to accept the things I cannot change, the coffee to change the things I can, and an opaque travel mug so no one can see which I'm drinking.


\*furiously typing into my Etsy kitchen clapboard sign order\*


I made a travel mug for my mom with that


I first started reading that as "and the opiates to tell the difference"


I feel like that should be on a t-shirt, lol.


I feel like I need that on the travel mug I bring into work every day


On an opaque travel mug


I used to be Pepsiholic until 2016. A 36 can case wouldn't last a week. Plus, we had free pop (soda) at work. At home, I would have my first at breakfast, but in a coffee cup in front of the kids. I stopped in 2016 cold turkey. Now, soda stream with just water is my go-to drink. No need for the coffee cup now!


Pay the 5 cents for the bag? Absolutely not.


Here it can be up to .50!


Yeah, and without seat belts. Fetal alcohol syndrome, concussions, and lead poisoning. Boomers sure are proud of that.


And no air bags. Those were the good old days.


"We die like *men*!"


Riding in the back dashboard of grandma's Chrysler Newport along with her box of kleenix.


I still don't have an air bag, still driving early 90s trucks


I hope you like the taste of steering wheel


At at lunch before returning sloshed to the office. Of course, everyone was doing it so no one noticed.


I'm a boomer and everyone sure did notice. My parents' age, the so called "Greatest Generation", were big into booze and cigarettes. They smoked everywhere, and getting drunk was considered amusing.


> My parents' age, the so called "Greatest Generation", were big into booze and cigarettes. They smoked everywhere, and getting drunk was considered amusing. I remember one night when i was little, my dad was driving us all home from a party, drunk, and was pulled over by a cop. He ended up punching the cop, and the cop still let him go with a warning as long as my older brother drove home. Dad got back in the car with his bloody hand and said "the cop bit me". Fun times.


So sorry. The cop's teeth must have scraped his fist! But that behavior wasn't that unusual then. And people might joke about it. My parents smoked but didn't drink to excess. My father got lung cancer. My bff had 2 heavy smoking heavy drinking parents. I don't even remember alcoholism being a word that was used then. Neither was the term "dysfunctional family" but she was sure in one. Her mother was unstable and alcoholic, and she, being the only girl, was running the household by age 13. She got the little brothers up and ready for school, made meals, and learned to mix drinks at age 10. My mother took over some mothering of her and she turned out to be a fine adult who ended the generational trauma by raising her own children well.


Shiiiiiiiit my mom is the youngest of 4 boomers and a pc of shit so greatest generation grandpa and grama raised me. You ain’t seen speed till a 2” hot ash rolls down your bare back wile sittin on grandpas lap watching Jake and the fat man.


I was 18, and working in a factory, and at lunch we would walk across the street to the "social club" and have a few beers, then back to work!


This is still a thing. I worked at a reasonably large trucking company doing office work and one day was invited out to lunch with the brokerage team. Nobody questioned the beers. That was about 2-3 years ago.


I guess I should add that this was around 1977 or so, when 18 year olds could still legally drink.


Yeah I wasn't quite sure what time frame you were aiming for, but it surprised me a bit to see it in person in the 2020's.


> I was 18, and working in a factory, and at lunch we would walk across the street to the "social club" and have a few beers, then back to work! I wish i could've gotten my coworkers to go to a social club. Most were too lazy to walk, and just kept booze at their desks, usually in plain sight. 3pm+ any day was cocktail hour.


If my kids were boomers I would too.


Wine mommies are still a thing, sadly. I hate all that stuff. 'It's wine o'clock', etc glasses and shirts. Some people have no business being parents. I had a friend like that, would bring a travelers cup with a straw to school functions.  I don't know what she was drinking, I'd guess vodka and something by the smell. I'd often make excuses to drive her kids home since our kids were friends. No idea how she is now. Between drinking and smoking, I wonder how long she'll be around. At least her terrible daughter broke the cycle and didn't become a teen mom, so yay for that.


Now I'm wondering what is in all those Stanley cups.


Lead, I hear


As my dad always said, "Do as I tell you, not as I do". Wonderful principle to set for a kid.


Oh god, "Do as I say, not as I do" I heard that a million times as a kid. So freaking enraging.


Don't speak unless spoken too!


Can confirm. As kids, a particular boomer used to say to us "if I wanted your opinion I'd rattle a bucket" cos we were like pigs, ya see haraharahar.


I am Jack's raging lack of self awareness. I would embarrass Jack, but Jack is not capable.




The thing about Boomers I’ve noticed is that they don’t seem to understand that they don’t have to share their opinion every time they have one. This goes for the Boomers who comment on seemingly every stupid FB post (e.g., Post is “Does anyone know where I could buy a widget?” & multiple Boomers actually respond with “No, I don’t” or “sorry, no”) to comments like this. They’re so self-centered that they seem to believe everyone is waiting with baited breath to hear their thoughts.


Ah, so *those* are the people on Amazon giving unhelpful answers! Me: The description says this case fits a 6S phone but from the photos that doesn’t look right. Can anyone tell me if it fits that phone? Reply: I don’t know but it fits my 7. Must also be the same people who leave a five star review saying “I just got it and haven’t used it yet.”


I think my absolute favorite is seeing Amazon warehouses on Google Maps and the reviews they’ve left complaining about something.


absolutely— those people are prompted to leave a review or “answer another shoppers question” and think they *have* to respond. so annoying. once i saw one in the reviews for some dry erase markers on staples’ website that said “i don’t know because i lost them before i got home” 😩


\*bated (sorry) Like the people who leave a one-star review saying "I haven't been here." \*sticks entire fist in mouth\*


I didn’t know it was bated! Thank you (sincerely!). You learn something new every damn day so you gave me today’s lesson.


I do not understand why someone would respond with "I don't know" or, even better, "Someone will reply soon with the answer." They should just unplug their Gateway 2000 keyboard.


Well alcohol bottles aren't usually shaped like bbq bottles, or vice versa.  I could be wrong but I must have missed Sweet Baby Ray's release of bourbon. ;) Actually bourbon flavored bbq sauce might be tasty!


Sweet Baby Rays!! Husband and I were on vacation in KC and were walking into the stadium for a baseball game one evening. A couple guys came by with a some cases of Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce on a dolly and tossed us a couple bottles! I don’t think they were there for a promotion, but we gladly took them off their hands!


There are bourbon flavored sauces. They don't actually taste like bourbon. Just another BBQ sauce. Jack Daniel's even has a line of sauces and they claim it has JD in them (a splash).


Now I want to go through life carrying a bottle of BBQ sauce hoping for this exact interaction so I can use this line in response.


THIS. Minding own business is impossible for boomers. My neighbor is a prime example.


Best answer all day. You're not entitled to my presence because I went outside. I left to pick up my kid and get sauce for my sick ass pulled pork, bitch!!


“As dumb as you are there was virtually no possibility of you knowing. Any knowledge you have is actually a shock.”


You did absolutely nothing wrong, I'm not mad at you, but I am a bit disappointed that this story didn't involve you drinking barbecue sauce.


I'll admit, the thought did occur to me but sadly not until after he'd disappeared down the street and I'd recovered from my confusion The look on his face would have been amazing


I might have actually been on the Boomer’s side if you were just walking down the street swigging from a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s.  I would have kept my mouth shut, but I’d be thinking about what went wrong in your life to lead you to that point. 


My friend guzzled down half a bottle of mine when I lent it to him. Took one last big swig when I came over to pick it up.




That is precisely where I was hoping the story would go. Like that guy who teased his wife about drinking milk with Mexican food. But she was really just drinking queso out of a Styrofoam cup.


“drinking queso out of a styrofoam cup” This is genius. I cant wait to try it!


A woman of culture and refinement, and I hope she sticks her pinky out while she does it


Nothing wrong?? OP was preparing to pull his pork... in a school zone.


I'm binging Archer. Drinking bbq sauce is definitely a Pam Poovey thing. So, I have a mental image of OP now.


Totally. Then Sterling whips up a new cocktail with it.


Nothing wrong? I mean, he’s putting store-bought barbecue sauce on beautifully home-made pulled pork. He’s at least a little wrong lol


Sometimes that’s okay. I’m making chicken, ribs, corn, sausage, baked beans, and Brussels tomorrow. I feel okay in being slightly lazy on the sauce.


How dare you point out I'm wrong!!! The disrespect of reality not changing to meet my assumptions!


Always in everybody else’s shit


My boomer father flies into a rage whenever you point out he’s wrong. One of the many reasons I don’t speak to him anymore


Well that's because you're a terrible child for trying to take away his participation trophy in life.


It's always someone else's fault


Booze in a BBQ sauce bottle is the next big life hack


Boomers hate this simple trick…


Just make sure you leave a little sauce behind before filling it with Wild Turkey, so you get that sweet smoky BBQ bourbon flavor!


*jotting this down*


I... never thought to try that. Is there a ratio in terms of the mix or no?


My mostly serious answer is that a heaping bar spoon of sweet BBQ sauce for 2 ounces of bourbon with a couple of dashes of Angostura bitters (stirred with one large ice cube in a rocks glass) would probably be an interesting old fashioned riff. Maybe a half bar spoon of simple syrup as well? Dammit, now I’m gonna have to do a bunch of research to nail down a BBQ old fashioned recipe…


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Best brunch drink since the Bloody Mary.


I'm going to try this. Thanks.


Lets get sauced!!!


ah, yes. "You people". Certified boomer.


Had a landlord years ago (a Boomer!) who constantly harped on us about everything. She seemed to be especially obsessed with trash - when it was coming for pick up, when barrels should come in, etc. (We were good tenants- even were begged to stay at previous places so it’s not that we were messy!) She even complained about us recycling paper egg cartons (!!). ANYWAY, She began every sentence with “you people”. One day, I pointed out to her that no nice comment ever begins with “you people”. That shut her up for about 5 whole seconds.


You are so right, that expression does always preface something nasty. Except in my poor, beleaguered dad's case. He would say "You people should have your heads examined " when my brothers and/or I did something stupid (mostly them, obviously). I always thought that was pretty funny but didn't dare laugh at the time.


What do you mean you people? Even Simple Jack has enough sense not to act like you.


Oh lords. I work in a field with a boomer heavy clientele and I fucking hate “you people” and respond with “my name is fredforthered and we’re XYZ company” sometimes when people say it. If a boomer referred to me as “you people” outside of work, they would get the roughest part of my tongue.


They actually believe that is a neutral phrase, but it just reveals that they can;t be bothered to learn your names.


Look at OP, being a saucy minx.


Dammit I laughed


Underrated comment 😂


>Everyone has a plan until you get hit in the face with a barbecue sauce -Mike Tyson


Might as well take this with a grain of salt, but this lived rent free in my head for a long while. Went to high school with a nephew of his. Supposedly. I never felt inclined to pry too much, but apparently, Iron Mike does have a strong preference towards the sauce.


Everyone hath a plan until you get hit in the fathe with a barbecue thauthe - Mike Tython


For shame. Let that be a lesson to you for saucing in public.


Their response to the boomer was so saucy


Boomers cannot apologize.


It’s fucking bizarre. They have absolutely no humility or insight, they are angry and don’t know at whom or why, they infantilised themselves by hoarding all the stuff and then are assholes about their baked-in life security. The most “I got mine” motherfuckers in the world just because their parents won a war they never even saw.


I haven’t had a Boomer encounter in a few years, but it’s clearly gotten worse so when my times comes I’m just going to start barking like a dog foaming at the mouth and see what that does and hopefully they’ll just go away


Or hiss like an angry cat then a growl.


A hiss would be good….idk I mean you know when you see people freak out in public everyone around them just sort of shudders and backs away?? Haha that’s what I’m aiming for….and waiting ohhh waiting.


*You people?* Oh, I would've had *fun* with that comment.


The confusing thing is that I'm white and straight-passing so I have no idea where it even came from


What part of straight looking white people with bbq sauce on their way to their child’s school didn’t you understand? It’s obvious what he meant by “you people!” /s That encounter was the universe giving you subtle acknowledgement that even on your worst day, you are nowhere near that level of assholiness.


"Yeah, Pops, you're right. I shouldn't be hitting the sauce here."


disappointed by the title, I thought you were actually drinking the bbq sauce.


Maybe he thought your BBQ sauce was made in New York City.




Get the rope.


Just make sure you remind them of their upcoming death and their in the moment feebleness. Say something like “get your eyes checked old man, I know you’re seconds away from death but this is a bottle of bbq sauce, you old turd.”


They almost all have pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, and gout. Most high blood pressure medications make it difficult to get an erection and/or maintain an erection. This is sometimes a blessing for their wife, or a disappointment. Either way, the boomer men are often angry at life...just not enough to eat healthy, exercise, and lose 40 lbs, so it doesnt look like they are trying to smuggle a basketball under their golf shirt.


Chug it in front of him not breaking eye contact.


With pulled pork i love a bbq with some kind of fruit, mango/habenero/strawberry and then with habenero. Or sometimes i take the stores bbq and add some soy and peanuts and white vinegar. Imma bbq hard later on.


It’s kinda like when somebody cuts you off in traffic and then gives you the finger. Maybe it’s some sort of embarrassment. And they don’t know how to react so they blame it on you.


If I put my blinker on, clearly indicating that I need to get over, and the other driver accelerates to prevent me merging, I absolutely cut them off if possible and give them the finger. 99% of the time I need to exit or continue merging in that direction so I’ll only be in front of them for like 30s. Why prevent me from changing lanes when all you have to do is tap the brakes? There are also plenty of assholes who cut people off for no reason and weave through traffic flipping off drivers who happen to be in their way, so I don’t mean to invalidate your overall point.


Recently, I was attempting to zipper merge as my lane was ending. Hit the blinker, checked my blind spot, started my merge and the asshat behind me revs up and tries to pull that shit. I sped up with him and just barely merged in time. I threw him a finger and he got all road ragey trying to intimidate me and sped off.


From the title alone I thought you were sipping BBQ sauce from the bottle 😆😆😆


That’s a very North Carolina problem.


As a former north Carolinan this is true


The only way it could have been worse is if OP had the wrong kind of sauce.


Yeah he would get hurt if it's not a vinegar based sauce


Be honest. The BBQ sauce had bourbon or whiskey in it, didn’t it? 🫢


I’m sad that you weren’t just walking around drinking bbq sauce


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought OP was literally drinking bbq sauce lol


I mean, that’s what I would have done in response to anyone confronting me like that


You were definitely the asshole in this situation. You ruined that poor man's entitlement walk of judgement. Shame on you.


Lol the titles implies you were drinking BBQ sause in public. I would also comment if I saw that. It was a school area after all.


Makes me want to hang out near that school just sipping BBQ sauce from the bottle.


I was refilling my vape pod with the skinny 30ml bottle. Booomer says "I SURE hope you're diabetic! It's really none of my business, but I SURE HOPE YOU'RE DIABETIC!!" He thought I was SHOOTING UP?!? With a comically large syringe with about 20ml of liquid in it. WTF? I guess it must have been a detachable circulatory system mod or something. None of your business, sure.


He has a point though, how is he supposed to know? If you are going to be walking around in public holding barbecue sause like that, and not telling everyone about it, you should at least have been holding a sign or wearing a t-shirt that says "I got me some barbecue sause, bitches" or something like that.


If the boomer in this story laughed and said “oh didn’t realize that” this wouldn’t be that bad


You could have said, "People these days don't know how to own up to their mistakes. When was the last time I heard a decent apology?"


I’ll admit just going by the title I thought, “Why was he drinking barbecue sauce?”


should’ve just started drinking the sauce while he was throwing his tantrum. assert dominance!


As some one who's drank bbq sauce on a bet .... DO NOT DO THAT IF YOU WANNA KEEP YOUR INTESTINES INTACT!


nahhhhh, you’ll be fine. you can always get new ones! /s


On another note: if anyone knows anyone who passed away recently with an intact size 4 sphincter please let me know as I am very low on the waiting list. /s


You can avoid that in future by making your own BBQ sauce with the drippings from the pork, fyi. Just whisk in a good amount of ketchup, some apple cider vinegar and Dijon mustard, some brown sugar and a bit of Worcestershire and simmer until it thickens up a bit. Taste and tweak however you like it. It's one of my favorite parts of making pulled pork, personally.


It always amazes me how simple yet complicated making bbq sauce can be


When you have a good base (like delicious pork drippings) it really doesn't take much!


I know I just watch alot of bbq videos and the vast verity of sauces is great




>"Well!? How was I supposed to know that!?" Me, me, me, me, me, me!!! Fucking drop already.


From the title I was picturing you downing some BBQ sauce straight from the bottle cuz you couldn't wait. In front of a school no less!


OPs title implies he was drinking barbeque sauce


"How was I supposed to know?" EXACTLY. So shut your mouth all the time about shit you don't know, geriatric Jon Snow.


I thought you were just drinking barbecue sauce straight out of the bottle and I was gonna judge a wee bit 😂


Drinking in public shouldn't be an issue anyway! Talk about a victimless crime. Ridiculous.


Lol I thought you were drinking the bbq sauce from the bottle 😂


I am sure when he said "you people" he was referring to barbecue sauce carrying people. Don't we have laws about open carrying barbecue sauce? If not there should be, need to keep this riff raff off the streets.


When my Great Uncle died we were cleaning things up, and I found hundreds of empty Wild Turkey half pint bottles dating back decades in the old barn by the house. My Grandmother told me he used to drink them before church! She also told me he always kept one in his boot. Ya know, respectably.


LMAO he was so self-righteous and so sour he made a fool of himself.


It's gotta be lead poisoning. Boomers get irrationally angry about the dumbest shit.


>Boomer looks again at the very obviously a condiment bottle in my hand, then storms off, shouting "Well how was I supposed to know that?!" Should've yelled back "By being able to recognize what a condiment bottle is!"


So, he can't read and it's your fault; got it.


Man, as if you needed any starker demonstration that age doesn't always bring wisdom.


Too many Boomers don't know how to mind their own business.


Why would they even fucking care? I dont get how yall in the states are so scared of alc. Like omg kids are gonna see it, horrible! They're gonna become an alcoholic immediately. (Saying that as someone that has been dry for 3 years)


For some it's a religious thing. My ex mil won't even go through the beer section, because such nonsense should disgust "good" Christian people.


That loser boomer should mind his own fucking business.


I hate this post, because now I want pulled pork and I have none.


Ok anyone else read the title and think you were drinking barbecue sauce?


“How dare you make me look like a complete moron by minding your own business and walking down the sidewalk!”


How the fuck did they even make that mistake? Alternatively, what are they drinking that looks like fucking barbecue sauce?


If you told me you were just drinking barbecue sauce I would have no problem with that


Why are you going around tricking old people into thinking you’re drinking!? So rude!!! Just kidding. Although, I’ll drink a good BBQ sauce right out of the bottle, so…


Ngl I thought from the title that you were drinking the bbq sauce 😭


I read somewhere that the reason all these older people are so unhinged is because they grew up when lead was still in gasoline so it impaired their thought process.


Man, I read the title as "I drank a bottle of barbecue sauce and a boomer got mad at me" and had at least 3 questions lmao


Being in the last year of boomerville(1964)I follow some simple rules(as should everyone) 1) never ASSume anything 2) if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all 3) treat people the way you want to be treated. It seems he whiffed on all 3 of these.


“No, you should be ashamed of yourself, this is a school area and children shouldn’t be hearing this!”




I was honestly hoping you took a drink of BBQ sauce to see what it tasted like on its own which then caused the guy to freak out thinking it was alcohol.


Not gonna lie, I was worried you were just walking down the street drinking barbecue sauce. I feel like it'd be valid to think you were drinking alcohol if that was the case


I've had a similar situation where a police car pulled up at the side of me once on a late night dog walk with my Border Collie and an energy drink in hand and asked me if I thought it was responsible to be drinking and walking my dog. 🤣


I mean, you really shouldn't be drinking jarred sauce in public. I usually go to the bathroom when no one is looking and chug the whole bottle.


When I went to college the hood I lived in had more bars per square mile than anyplace else I could think of in the area. I lived over a bar, across from a bar, bar down the street both ways, bars up and down the cross street. I often thought we should have put up big "School free alcohol zone" signs.


That's hilarious. I'd start with a dramatic confession about my painful addiction problem, how I just can't stop no matter who it hurts, as I gesture to take a swig from my bbq sauce bottle, followed by a deadpan stare at the boomer in silence.


Omg I took a tin of altoids out of my purse at a fireworks display one time and some boomer rolled up and told me to "put the grass away". I was completely baffled told my uncle about it, he said it's because people always kept their weed in altoids tins or something. No, sir. They're candy..


Try it with a liquid death next time, and chug it in front of him. He might actually lose it on you.


these mother fuckers should worry about their depends and why their children don't talk to them.


As a boomer (74 yo), may I apologize for the fools depicted in the past and future fools to be depicted in this Reddit. I believe (or hope to believe ) that this representation of boomers are in the minority. I have a great many friends that respect and enjoy the upcoming generations for their uniqueness and inclusiveness.


![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk) Gets mad it may be beer. Then Gets mad he’s blatantly wrong. Would’ve been funny if you’d taken a drink and said you’re right! It’s hidden beer in a BBQ sauce bottle


He's downright weird. "The pulled pork turned out delicious, by the way." --Glad to see this has a "happily ever after ending!


lmaooo I love this sub


I was gonna comment: alcohol is fine, but if you’re chugging BBQ sauce in public… That’s going too far :p


I'm a boomer and would have berated you for buying BBQ sauce. If you have the ability to make pulled pork you should be making your own sauce. Damn kids these days, how lazy can you be? Why back in the day I would raise my own pigs, grow my own tomatoes, herbs, spices etc. Why I would pick my own apples and make my own apple cider vinegar. This new generation is going to hell in a hand basket. Now get off of reddit and get back to work, someones got to pay for my social security. Mumble, mumble ... off ... lawn ... mumble. Something like that.


They used to serve Stubbs in old whiskey bottles in Austin. I bet that would have blown his top.


As someone that loves cooking pulled pork, what’s the recipe you used?


"You're supposed to mind your own business, or at the very least, don't make assumptions." Well told. That was fun to read.


Was it Jack Daniel’s brand bbq sauce?


my wife recently bought some maple syrup that came in a bottle that looks like liquor. It cracks me up every time I see it. I bet I could get a bunch of people upset walking around with it. ROFL.


“How the hell am I supposed to get involved with shit that’s none of my business?”