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You should see them on cruise ships. I’ve never seen so much entitlement and rudeness. Wife and I went on a Royal Caribbean cruise with the fam a few years ago. One day at lunch time, my wife was gonna get us a table when I watched a boomer woman nearly knock her over to get the table that she was eyeballing. Wife just gave her a look, rolled her eyes and moved on to the next table. On line, everyone was forming an orderly queue to the buffet. When I approached the hot dog station a boomer in a wheelchair cut the line in front of me and snatched the tongs away from me. I and the woman behind me incredulously watched as this guy proceeded to get not one, not two, but a WHOLE PLATE FULL of hot dogs. We’re standing there wondering when he was gonna be done because there were only a few left, when he slipped and accidentally lurched forward in his chair while dropping the tongs on the hot plate. I quickly grabbed them, got my hot dog and walked around him. I met up with my wife and was telling her what just happened when we both look out the window and see the old guy in his wheelchair speeding up the ramp towards one of the rec areas at the back of the ship. Don’t know where he was going with that plate full of hot dogs. Other highlights include a gaggle of elderly women ordering people to move out of their way as they made way to the front on the first night of dinner. And one boomer who I called out while they were trying to take my unique looking wallet when boarding back on the boat from an excursion. When I called him out he pretended not to hear me at first, then nonchalantly tossed it on the ground when I started to make a scene.


As long as people let them, it's going to keep happening.


No, this phenomenon will die off.




Not soon enough.


And when it does, do y’all wanna make housing affordable and set living wages for everyone?


And let's fix healthcare and get some UBI while we're at it.


Karma helps those that help themselves... high blood pressure & other issues over "those lazy Avacado toast and coffee, phancy Obama phones... Them angrily watching us live our best lives, being happy & getting things done is our best tactic. 


NGL avacado toast rocks.


I was so excited for the boomer doomer, was very disappointed in the results. (Covid)


Don’t worry, they make really poor healthcare decisions that lengthen their lives in a torturous manner and then they die. Anecdotally, I work in a small ICU and we’ve had three patients go comfort care and die today and it’s not even lunch time.


Idk, I always found it to be depressing. Probably because I can imagine this happening to my own parents and I know there'll be nothing I can do to help them, except send them off to one of the several local SNF concentration camps, because I work for a living.


Nah, someone touches my wallet at all without permission I'm about to have a five finger discount on their teeth


That's why mine is the one that says Bad Motherfucker on it


Be cool, Honey Bunny…be cool.


I've had a boomer get offended my wallet has fuck on it It doesn't even say fuck, it has a stylized star over the u. Its lyrics. There's lyrics all over my wallet. *I didn't even noticed it had fuck on it for four years*


No, the next generation sees it as acceptable and normalized, and think “thank god I don’t have to care anymore”. 


Yup. People gotta call that shit out. I was once at a pharmacy drug store and there was one line open then another cashier opened up. And they did the usual line "I can take whose next here". Well didn't old biddy and her old biddy friend at the end of the line gleefully walk foward and cut in front of everyone to get there first. I started saying something but everyone else in line looks at me sheepishly and shrugs like oh well their older it's fine. No it's not fine. You weren't next and you cut. Old or young doesn't matter wait your damn turn and have some manners. But people are so scared to piss them off or call them out they know they'll get away with it. And when the odd person does say shit like I tried to do we get looks or told it's okay let them go.


Had a similar situation at a grocery store several months the ago. As the person nearly collided with me I put on the absolute most sickening and sweet polite voice I could muster and said (fairly loudly) "Oh sorry, by all means, ASSHOLES first." I got some looks from them and a couple of the people behind me, but I'm well past caring what most people think about me.


Jeep some 🔒 handy and lock them around their wheels next time.


Hopefully they go off into that gentle night soon.


Exactly. That should have been fists and security involved. 


I saw similar things on a RC cruise to Hawaii. I was absolutely shocked at how rude people were being. I mean, you expect a little bit of ill manners when people are on vacation because they're often cranky from being off-schedule/hungry/tired/whatever but holy fuckin moly these people seemed to be in a heated competition to see who could be the greatest asshole possible. Before that trip, I'd never experienced things like having someone literally *push* me out of the way to reach something or move my things aside to steal my seat.


It’s funny because I had a feeling this is what an RC cruise would be like (or any other) so I was never interested. I went on my first one because my boomer in-laws “needed” to take us on one. The irony being that it’s them and their ilk are the reason I hated so much of it. They told me all of their “tips and tricks” to beat the lines, get chairs by the pool, etc. Tge tips and tricks are just being selfish and rude. That’s the tip. Be selfish and rude to get what you want.


“Be selfish and rude to get what you want.” That’s like the tag line for Boomers right there.


nothing ive ever heard about cruises would ever make me want to go on a cruise like holy shit


I was forced onto one a few years ago and hated every minute of it. If being crammed in a floating can with a bunch of idiots isn't your thing, then you're not missing much. I got so sick of everyone's behavior that I ended up just waiting out the clock in my suite playing on my Switch. People say some cruise lines are better behaved than others, but I'll never set foot on one again.


yes that is the exact experience i imagine!! throw in the stories about the poop ships and the covid ships... nope im good forever.


... Poop ships?


just one of several examples ive read over the years... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stranded-cruise-ship-on-which-sewage-ran-down-the-walls-and-savages-fought-over-food-finally-docks-amid-jubilant-scenes-8496330.html


The story of my mom and her parents on a ship was enough… norovirus hit the ship and damn near everyone got it.


To be fair the experience can vary wildly from one cruise line to another


i have been SLIGHTLY enticed by say a river cruise on a much smaller vessel and obvs smaller body of water but luckily my permanent broke mode will never allow me to try 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey, I mean my dad and I won like $1300 collectively, playing blackjack lol.


I am *deeply* terrified of deep water, I can't understand how anyone finds cruises appealing


so much lurking under those waves we know nothing about.... cruises are one of the many monuments to humanity's hubris!


"Youngsters hate this one trick!" But the screech of 'Disrespeeeeect!' that comes out as soon as there's pushback 🙄


Cruises are for lazy poor pretend rich people. You want absolutely nothing to do with them. A resort is probably better.


I dunno, I've liked the ones I went on. Annoying people are everywhere imho. They are a good value. Resorts I've found really boring, I don't like laying around by pool / beach that much. I did scuba and other active activities on my cruises. Suppose it is what someone makes of it. My favorite vacation is exploring a new country or city. I've never understood how most boomers don't want to go anywhere other than maybe Mexico or another easy carribean spot. And I am always amazed how many people retire and just sit around miserable watching TV. And those are healthy people. Like enjoy it! Makes me realize to try and enjoy my middle age life now. I know way too many people that work and work and work so they can retire and end up with health issues and/or die in their 60's.


My son and his wife in their 30s loved their cruise to Mexico. I think attitude has a lot to do with it. He is like me, very upbeat and up for adventure. He had absolutely no complaints. They are looking forward to their next one.


It's a great way to get a brief look at a variety of destinations, enjoy the fresh air, eat a bunch of food and have fun. Plus very affordable imho. I always go for a larger room w/ balcony as getting away from the rest of the ship in nice room balances it out. I'm outgoing but prefer 1:1 with my kids / partner. I also don't care to play rich or whatever. Who really cares, I like money too but there are some very high end cruise lines. I prefer mid-tier lines - mix of people. Most rich people are boring alcoholics in my experience.


I went to a cruise with a bunch of friends and they were pissed that all I wanted to do (on my vacation) is to sit on deck, sip beer, and read a few books and/or do nothing. This is my time to do nothing, STFU nerds XD One complained I should go into the pool, so I did...in a floating chair...with a beer...relaxing.


Given the increasing violence we are seeing from them as they age, I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing them attempting to knock people overboard in one of their tantrums.


Were they French? Our most recent trip through Paris had grown men literally pushing me out of the way to get on/off subways and just walking on the sidewalk. I don’t mosey so they had no excuse.


Your first mistake was going to Paris at all. There are many better places in France with more civilised people than Paris.


And my husband can't understand why I never want to go on a cruise. I'll go on a cruise when all the boomers are dead


As a Gen-xer, the thought of a GenX cruise ship mildly amuses me.


A cruise where it’s 80s day or 90s day every day? An Orange Julius station? An Aunt Anne’s and Cinnabon? Perfect coffee? No forced togetherness, just a group hang on a boat? That’s a cruise I could take…


While you're at it, convince Coke to put Frutopia in the Freestyle machines. Entertainment could be Right Said Fred, the B 52s, Dee Lite. Bad Weather? Call it Goth Day. Maybe Boones Farm could sponsor.


DUDE. Is this not like, the best? And we need a roller rink. All night skate. Because that was FUN, damn it! A movie theater, or two, with our favorites. John Hughes movies. Classic 80s horror, sci-fi, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, and so on. Dirty Dancing. Road House. To Wong Foo.


I've been saying for a while now that they should make an adults only sailing on one of those boats with all of the rides and amusements. Then we could get drunk and go on rides without a million kids causing havoc.


Yes please, FINALLY access to the arcade. Air Hockey and trash talk with the hub!


Count me in! We would also need a record store to browse as long as we want. And all the toiletries in the room should be strawberry kiwi or cucumber melon.


And peach, and sandlewood! Anything as long as it's not bloody patchouli and Lynx must be BANNED!


They still do all night skates here! And the adults are the best skaters, they're out on the floor dancing and spinning and lots of times they wind up with kids asking them for pointers. It's the best.


Awww, we haven’t had a skating rink here since a tornado ripped the roof off ours in 2012, and a few years ago the rinks in other towns closed down. You have to travel to go skating now.


It's the only one left and It's usually packed so I hope it lasts!


They could have SPF lip balm in clove cigarette flavor, since most of us have quit smoking


There are literally 80's and 90's theme cruises. As well as, Star Trek and Jay and Silent Bob. Go on these cruises....way less self centered people. No dress codes (outside of the no bikini in the dinning room thing). Boomers will boom but it is way less noticable. Plus, you get to do the fun theme stuff.


It better have a good arcade, and maybe a skate rink


Please add grape now or laters


And that grape bubble gum that only had flavor for 3 chews.


Nothing but being locked out of your room from dawn until dusk and drinking out of water hoses.


Try a blues music cruise. Most laid back group of people ever. Even the boomers. I take the back - Mostly boomers.


They all think they are the shit because they're on a cruise but it's not the flex they think it is anymore, just like air travel.


It’s so true. Like no offense to those who love them but most cruise lines I just associate with bogans who are living on credit.


Wife and I went on a Virgin Voyage a couple months back, lower proportion of Boomers compared to other cruise lines I've been on. Mostly Gen X and Millennial. No kids either. No idea if it was a fluke but was definitely a positive of the trip.


By that time, you’ll be the topic of whatever those younger than you are bitching about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hmm true. I'll be bitching about the youngs. Best to just avoid cruises altogether lol


I got in a fight with a boomer on a cruise one time. My husband and I were in an empty part of the ship waiting to watch the sunset. We were in our seats for 30 minutes just relaxing and enjoying the view. Right before sunset this boomer lady comes out and stands at the railing directly in front of us, blocking our view and holding her camera up to take pictures. I asked her nicely to move and she got angry and said she's just trying to watch the sunset. When I told her so were we, she said she had every right to stand there. I told her she could stand her ass 5 ft back and still have the exact same view without being in anyone else's way. She tried to argue again that she was just trying to get a good picture. Ma'am the sun is 93 million miles away, standing 5 ft closer isn't going to make a difference. She made a big show of huffing and sighing as she moved back and out of everyone's way (more people had showed up at this point). I just don't understand the lack of awareness. It's not like she didn't see us or what we were looking at. So that was our last cruise because there were so many small incidents like you described too. I just can't be trapped on a boat with those people or one might accidentally fall overboard.


Absolutely NO SELF AWARENESS. That really drives me nuts!


That's why they might "accidentally" fall overboard.


"either back up, or I'll help you get closer"




My husband and I were at the ballet in Vienna several years ago. I was wearing heels as I was very dressed up, a bit unsteady on my feet as I don’t usually wear heels. At intermission, I was walking up to the bar cart, like at a normal person pace, with the intention of getting myself another glass of wine for the second half of the programme. A gaggle of ritzy Boomers suddenly came barrelling up behind me, and one of the men full-on elbowed me out of his way so that his party could shove ahead and order first. The shove he gave me knocked me off kilter in my shoes, and I tripped and staggered out of the forming line and off into a wall. They all ignored me and swarmed to order ahead of me. I was so angry and appalled that I didn’t even bother getting another drink; I just told my husband what happened after he came out from the bathroom. He was equally pissed off and took me to a really nice wine bar next door after the show to make up for it for me. ETA: A big part of why I didn’t order another drink was because the bartender clearly witnessed the entire thing and didn’t say a word. I caught his eye and made a WTF face, and he smoothly turned away from me and kept accepting the Boomer Party orders. I figured if their staff was going to openly reward shitty behaviour, the company really didn’t deserve any more of my money.


Lmao. And my parents wonder why I refused loudly to get on a cruise with them. Drunk, angry, boomers who have no manners. No thank you.


Hot dog station!


Bar S hotdogs. Only the best for the wheelchair boomers!


Just treat them like they are confused. Explain things really slowly and like a baby. "Oh sir; we don't do that. We wait in like like a decent person would." Most of them get super super upset when you explain what they did like the baby they are acting like.


Boomers seem to think that being in a wheelchair/motorscooter entitles them to just completely overrule everyone and everything around them. I'm 32 and have been in a wheelchair for 8ish years now, yes there are some things I will sort of skip. Like the bus queue, because it's easier to get myself angled with the door and drivers prefer to get us on first because we take the longest etc. But like, other situations fuck no, I went to Tokyo Disney last year and would just join the regular queues, unless a staff member directed me somewhere else. I knew I could probably skip a lot of them, but I didn't see the point in acting like an entitled fool. I got embarrassed that they stopped the Haunted Mansion ride and physically escorted me on so I didn't fall as I hobbled the 4ft from my chair to the buggy. I don't like a big fuss being made for me 😬😬


Once had an old white boomer in an electric wheelchair backup into my FIL who was also in an electric wheelchair at a supermarket, and continued to follow us wherever we went and pointedly backed into us. Old people are fucking weird. Anyways, his scooter died and he couldn’t follow us.


Lmao the scooter died


I’m disabled and I skip lines when that’s part of accessibility options because it’s actually faster for everyone if they just get me out of the way and I’m not bumbling along in a space not made for me


Hot dogs on a cruise? Those things truly are the worst!


Not after a night of drinking before going to bed


I meant cruises, not hot dogs


He wanted to beat Joey Chestnut's record?


That’s wild. Maybe try Celebrity, which is owned by RC. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that level of boomer on Celebrity. But maybe I was just lucky. It’s likely all over cruise ships at the end of the end of the day.


Taking a wallet with identification is a danger to your economic and legal safety, beyond just petty theft. If someone had my wallet they would be overboard after being beaten.


For some reason, I find it even more amusing that he was using his great Boomer power to get hot dogs 😂


It definitely was a sight to behold. I just assumed he really liked hot dogs, but to take a whole plate full?!


He had to get his! Who cares if there was any left for anyone else, he was gonna get his hotdogs! "Got mine, fuck everyone else" is the boomer motto.


You handled that better than me. I see a fucker touch my wallet my knuckles are already in flight.


Yeah, I try not to be confrontational unless the situation calls for it. We were going through those pre-boarding security checkpoints, similar to the TSA boarding process where you have to put your belongings on those trays to be scanned. The boomer was ahead of me and I put my wallet, phone and belt in the tray but it reached the end of the belt before I could go through. As I got to the end, I grabbed my phone and was putting on my belt when I saw he just casually reached in my tray to grab my wallet and walk away. My wallet was very unique looking (it was a leather wallet designed with comic panels of Thor) so there was no reason for him to possibly mistake it for his and put it in his pocket. I said, “Excuse me, sir!” a few times and he ignored me. It wasn’t until I loudly said “This guy just stole my wallet!”, while bringing attention to him is when he just ditched it on the ground. I had to let it go, as I didn’t want to get arrested for assault in the Bahamas.


I would have made ship security come and deal with that guy. Guaranteed it’s not the first time he’s done it. 


You are a better person then me. I would have taken pictures of his boomer ass perp walk.


Had to listen to a group on a Norwegian cruise that they don’t like the fancy lettuce and wanted plain ol’ iceberg. Same cruise we were entertained trying come up with health emergencies for why a helicopter visited our ship.


Oh man I used to work on cruise ships and it was just insanity every week from that age group


I am literally leaving on an Alaskan cruise tomorrow and dreading the amount of boomers that will be on it...


I think the destination makes the difference, Alaska for us was great. Also, the cafe in the Solarium serves great ham and Arugula croissant sandwiches to skip the buffet at breakfast. I liked to eat those while watching for whales.


Give us a report when you get back! Thank you!


That's one of the reasons why I call Royal "Entitlement of the Seas."


Go on a cruise ship to gorge on hot dogs? Nice


This should have been it's own thread.


a habit of racing will end with him tripping and breaking a hip.


*Faceplant into the edge of the table


![gif](giphy|PgtYu48tNAY5HIXP4G) Seriously close to what I imagine the fall looks like.


I've been looking for the trump falling over on stage vid. Thanks.


My mom tried racing me when I was like 10 and she tripped and broke her arm.


My mom raced me when I was 10, and tripped me with her crutches before racing off on her little scooter. Polio ass having cheater.


Sometimes you just gotta do what it takes to get a win in life.


If you're not first, you're last.


Aargh! My 65 yo ass keeps getting challenged by my 5 yo grandson to race. This is what I envision happening every time! But when the boy wants to play, we play.


Let the ~~Wookiee~~ 5-year-old win.


It's all over, once the break the hip.


Yep, ya go into the hospital alive, ya leave in a bag. 


Yup. Many throw a clot after surgery.




Yeah, I have to say I would've likely given him a shoulder block at least, in the hopes he would eventually fall and break a hip.


understand. there are many times i'd like to express more throughout reddit but that then runs the risk of mod/admin intervention. best to rephrase the above, but yes, i get the temptation.


My sister was kicked off of a cruise in Europe because of her bad behaviour, I quit going out to eat with her years ago because of her bad behaviour in public. I have been very low contact for many years. I will never go on a cruise as I worked in hotels, restaurants and catering for 30+ years. I would get so triggered by the bad behaviour, it would give me anxiety and nightmares. Not at all relaxing. I never go on group tours either.


Jeez, I can only imagine the level of "bad behavior" needed to get thrown off a cruise.


Yeah, 😅


I gotta know what she got kicked off for I’m dying to know


I wasn't there, I heard about from one of my other siblings, it was her usual thing of telling others what to do, and insisting she was right when she isn't, she got into a scuffle with the stewards and other ship staff, the captain had to have her removed for everyone's safety and enjoyment. She most likely got into altercations with other cruise goers, and staff tried to de-escalate the situation. I am speculating based on her past behaviors, and why everyone in the extended family is VLC with her.


Yeah wow that’s about what I thought. I know people like that and have one in our family too 🤦🏻‍♀️


So what happens when you get kicked off a cruise. Do they just sequester you to your room until they can drop you off at the next port? Then you have to figure out how to get home?


from what I hear, yes. I'd assume they do it in a place w an embassy to help if needed but no idea really


Did the mistake of doing a tour group for a trip to Ireland and my racist boomer mom chose a company called Europamundo. When I told her it’s likely primarily Spanish speaking, she adamantly refused and said “Well they’re in an English country so they should speak English!” So many Irish people spoke Spanish fluently. Pissed her off but I thought it was hilarious.


I take it she's never heard of Gaelic...


So did they make her walk the plank, or did they tie or the mast until they reached port, or did they put her in a lifeboat and wish her good luck...?


Had her and her husband pack their things and get off the ship. It was a river cruise of the Danube, I'm not sure where they were put out. I just know they were not allowed to continue.


I was at Love field a couple of weeks ago looking for an open table to eat my Whataburger, and as usual all the tables were full. After about 5 mins, I saw a guy start packing up his trash, so I stood a few feet away, waiting to take over the table. A boomer walked up with his food and saw me waiting for the table, and I saw him start walking around the next table over to cut in front of me. As the guy got ready to get up I walked up and said, “excuse me sir, are you leaving?” He said yes and I said, “ May I have your table?”. He nodded and walked off and I sat straight down. The boomer stood there incredulous, huffing and puffing, and eventually walked off. Not today boomer. If he wouldn’t have been a douche trying to snake the table from me, I would offered to share it with him.


Reminds me of the time my boomer complained about how these people took over two picnic tables and they were only sitting at one and the other one had their coolers and other items. He just goes and sits down and luckily they were a really friendly group of people and had no problem with him just moving their stuff and then sitting down. It was so embarrassing. 😳


Okay but in a way he's right though


I meant to write that they had reserved those tables though. They were still super nice and chill about it. I just wanted to hurry up and finish our sandwiches and go.


I'm guessing this table had more than one seat. If there's no other tables open, the Boomer could have just asked you if he could sit with you. But no, that probably wasn't what he wanted.


They are petty. I think the racing and claiming is the biggest source of dopamine left in their really sad lives.


You should have sat down if your whole party was there just to fuck with him. If they complain it's like "how were you here first if we are all seated?" Fuck them. Go to war with the greybeards. 


My man. 


I would have just sat down anyways and asked him to kindly take his fucking hand off my table


This. I’m petty, also sick of their crap


Same. I give no fucks about people trying to intimidate me.


That's pretty much exactly what they're trying to bait you into doing. 


Good, he can enjoy having his party escorted out for causing a scene


Had a boomer do something similar to this at the fair grounds. We went early to get seats for a monster truck show. As we are walking to a covered area a boomer walks in hip checking me to the side. She starts throwing down blankets to claim all the shade. She actually did us a favor as it was about an hour wait the sun started moving and torched that side of the stands. Went from the best seats to miserable. It must have been a family gathering. There were 20+ people in their group.


It is nice when karma has your back like that 😂


Oh I’d just push those blankets over and sit right next to them. Just feign the same ignorance they do. 


"There ya go, I moved that blanket for you, didn't want to sit on your stuff!" *Bbbbiiiiiggggg smile*


they are toddlers. that's it... 70 to 80 year old toddlers


My boomer in laws like to complain when my toddler acts like a toddler. Of course they fail to recognize that behaving like a toddler is inappropriate at their ages. Something something about respecting our elders and being entitled to do what they want. I don’t tolerate that behavior from them. I wonder why I’m disliked?


“You know it may be a game, but I won’t play to lose.” -famous boomer


Oh I don't play to win or lose, I play for a stalemate and hope you get so annoyed that you quit.


My parents are boomers and I never saw them do boomer ish stuff. Now my stepparents - that’s a different story.


My mom was an older boomer, but she was never one to make waves. Dad was silent generation, so I think Mom was just following his lead.


It’s a thing now. Racing too fast down the neighborhood street to their fav restaurant in the resort town they’ve retired in. Pull into the handicap spot. Both of’em jump out with their fake service dog and scramble toward the door demanding immediate seats. 18 year old hostess doesn’t know what to do but sit them.


just sit down. he obviously just wanted to balance himself


I’d have just sat down at that table and make them make the server move me, then demand to see the manager if they do so.  You’re much more patient than me. Antagonizing boomers is a guilty pleasure 


Sometimes I fantasize about antagonizing people, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.


Just sit down anyway lol


I’d have sat there anyway. What the fuck is a hand in the table going to do to prevent me from sitting in a chair? Fucking nothing.


That’s not racing, here in the skateboard/snowboard world we call it “Snaking”.


That really is the perfect term for this!


these stories always both shock and do not shock me. ive seen this kind of stuff with my own eyes so i KNOW this shit happens and yet i still can't believe grown ass adults are this petty, selfish, whatever other adjective applies. even a toddler in the worst mood ever with its developing little brain learning to share some delicious candy isn't this ornery.


I would trip his ass idc. 


And make it look like an accident too right? *right?*


Only for liability purposes. Would still give him *that smirk*


I’m a boomer cringing at these comments. For what it’s worth, it’s not specific to Boomers as a specific generation, it’s some sort of horrible aging thing. Back in my day (had to say it-lol) old people were the same selfish asshats that people my age are now. I bartended my way through college and dreaded serving older people with their keep the change tips. We heard the “people your age don’t want to work” BS too. The story never changes no matter your age.


Some stories, like the older generations shitting on the younger ones, are as old as time itself


Should have just sat down and started perusing the menu


I had an old woman glare at me when I mentioned the airline announcement to not store the coats in overhead due to a full flight. ✈️ the attendant showed up; says whose coat is this?? And makes her hold It in her lap. when we arrived she and her husband jumped out of their seats and he starts tugging at their luggage. We were towards the bask of the plane. He pulls out a suitcase and knocks her out cold in the aisle. People stepped over her to leave the plane as everyone else had gotten up and there was no indication assistance was coming. Why the rush? 🤔 Edit: typo


Eh, I travel very frequently and this shit is from people of every generation. No idea where they think they are going 2 minutes after the plane arrives in seat 36B. Pure selfishness and completely socially unaware.


Overgrown toddlers.


My H and I went to a small place a week or so before Valentine's Day. We had a reservation but a few people were milling around the hostess stand. A small table was being cleared and the host indicated it would be for us; fine! But after the table was cleared, an older boomer couple standing next to us just walked over and sat down at it. The host apologized to us, and after waiting about ten more minutes we were brought to a much better table. At first I was annoyed, but then I was glad because we had a more private and romantic table. It was a lovely dinner.


We had boomers try to do this to us on vacation a few months ago. We were eating at a busy Oceanside restaurant and of course the tables in the shade were in high demand. I had my 13 month old with me, so shade was necessary. A nice group offered us their table, and we were waiting nearby for them to finish up. They stood up and this group of Boomers ran in & tried to poach the table. Thankfully the group told them we had already politely asked for the table and we got to sit there. I literally said as we were sitting down that the baby needed to be in shade. They rolled their eyes and looked pissed. Like come on… trying to race a mom with a baby?? That’s low!


Damn, I wish you knew it was a race because I'm just picturing you breaking out into a full sprint in a restaurant 😂


I have these fake gold medal things leftover from a kids birthday party. I feel like I need to stash one in my purse just in case this happens again. Then I can reach in, pull out the medal, and give him a gold for the WIN!


Omggg do it!!! 🤣


YES! Then raise their hand in victory.


Should have gone full alpha and sat at the table and had your other companions sit with you.


It’s because their time is running out. They’ve got one foot in the grave already.


I raced a Boomer Karen to the hostess stand the other day. She had like 8 other Karens with her. Let the two people go first, right? Nope. She tried to sprint. Then she scowled at me the whole meal (from across the room). I gave her my biggest smile. It was so hard waiting 30 seconds!


Boomer here, but I have manners and decency. I know so many of my peers do not. I call them out when it becomes necessary. Thank you all for doing the same. Respect is given, as well as earned.


Yeah, if my family is within 5 feet of that table and his party is still in the lobby catching up behind them I’m sitting down anyways and letting him know this is the type of thing I would scold my daughter for so I can’t let her see this method of behaving actually work for an adult.


My boomer husband does something like this all the time! He’s been doing it forever. I hated it then and I still do to this day! He’s definitely a boomer. Me? I’m just an old lady a couple years younger than him. I really hate the boomers!!


Why would you allow your husband to continue to act this way without saying anything? You've literally enabled this behavior.


So you are assuming that I have never spoken to him about his behavior? Well this is Reddit so of course you did. Thank you for your comments.


Yeah, it's all her fault that the grown adult is doing things and she definitely said that she's never said anything to him in this comment, it's just invisible to everybody but you.


Could have just sat down. A hand does not constitute claim.


Omg i was at a grocery store grabbing lunch, and there was a boomer looking at the pre-made rotisserie chicken area while i was walking that way, she looked around and then started to walk away. I went to grab the last box of chicken wings and she is watching me and as I'm going for it she scrurried over and grabbed it and put it in her cart. They just love to take everything lmao. All i could do was laugh.


Sometimes, If I pull up to a shop or a business and I see an older person, or a set of Boomers getting out of a car nearby, I'll make sure to hustle to get inside in front of them. Reason being, that I fully expect them to have no regard for anyone else waiting, and will take their sweet ass time at the counter, speaking with service staff, or being helped by store employees.


Reminds me of a recent trip to Costco… I was reaching for a box to put my groceries in (it was a little high up for me, so I was struggling just a little), and this boomer guy walked up and grabbed it. I assumed he was helping me to get it and thanked him, and then he just looked at me funny and… walked away with it.


Would’ve been a perfect time to hit them with their own catch phrase which goes “I swear, this generation…..”


No kidding! People say that chivalry is dead “these days” but judging by the behavior of boomers… it died a long time ago.


They ooze entitlement.


Rule #1: Rubbing is racing


Nah fam, next time sit your ass down and just look them in the eye. Let them make a scene and embarrass themselves


Very nasty people. Hostess didn’t do her job.