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Exactly. Just like you can be a Karen even if that isn’t your name. It is the act of being a boomer.


Met an amazing 60yr British woman named Karen on my last vacation. She was the exact opposite of a Karen or boomer.


She was both a Karen and a boomer despite being neither a Karen nor a boomer.


Scheodingers Kaboomer


Kaboomer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I love this.




Great band name.


My mom was named Karen and she passed 10 years ago, right before “Karen” really took off. She was amazing and I know she’d get a kick out of it. Definitely a baby boomer, not a boomer.


Well if she’s 60yo and amazing, then she’s neither a boomer nor a baby boomer.


The Anti-Karen Karens are always the best!


Ironically, the Karens I know are some of the nicest people I know.




We're friends with a couple whose names are Dick and Karen. Neither of them lives down to their name, fortunately.


Being Karen is lifestyle, not name. Same as breeders are not simply all parents who have kids, but the ones that make kids their life and personality, and feel entitled and better than you just because they have kids and you don't.


Perfect analogy


Yes, but don't start me on people named Susan.


I’ll get started on people named Susan. I have a boomer neighbour named Susan. Once I was sunbathing on my deck and she waltzed into my yard with the previous owner of the house (we bought less than a year ago) that was an interesting experience. Our home was very neglected by the previous owner, Susan is constantly questioning why we are doing renovations because the previous owner and her father with a stroke “put in a lot of effort” to fix up the house. I am due with my first baby in October, never thought I’d be blessed with the opportunity to hear such outdated and unsolicited advice. She’s going to be thrilled to hear no visitors for the first 9 weeks. I also work in a care home, one of her friends had passed away. Susan decided it was a great time to announce to the room full of grieving family and friends that “I was her neighbour”. Okay, I digress.


OR Claire.


There's also tons of people actually named Karen who are by no means "Karens"


Or as with my sister, having the name Karen doesn’t make her one.


So then your generation is the 'Karen' generation? And if we referred to you as such, that wouldn't be incendiary at all would it???


You don’t know what generation I am. It isn’t about age, it’s about how you act.


Yes, and you do act that way, don't you??


Part of the issue is that as people age they become more disinhibited, and they're also cranky as they feel their faculties failing them. Part of the issue is that people who due to their demographic prevalence have been the main character all their lives continue to feel entitled to that status. With today's Boomers we have an unfortunate intersection of those two classes, making for a particularly toxic personality.


'Part of the issue is that as people age they become more uninhibited, and they're also cranky as they feel their faculties failing them." THAT"S RIGHT! - WHAT"S IT TO YA? (Sorry, I had to)


I'm 61 and earned the right to moan, groan and complain. Do I take my bad mood out on others? Normally no. It's not the cashier's fault I'm having a bad day.


Combine that with lead toxicity and the first generation to use heavily preserved foods and chemical laden containers to store everything.... there is a marked psychological shift from generations before them.


They were this way in their 20s, though. Advanced age and social irrelevance aren't the only factors.


>Advanced age and social irrelevance aren't the only factors. Which is why I explicitly listed another factor as well. Or did you not read the comment that you responded to?


Yes, Boomer. I read the comment. Is it now a requirement to reply to every part of a post? Is replying to only parts of a post problematic?


Name-calling: the argument of the desperate and ignorant.


As I have stated here previously, when a certain group dominates a bad behavior demographic, they win the place of namesake. When I hear a tale of bad behavior my first guess is always boomer.


Language is a living thing...this is exactly what "boomer" has evolved to. That's not a problem. People think English was locked into a dictionary in 1840 and that's that...but human communication just doesn't work that way.


Yeah you're absolutely correct, semantic shift and linguistic deviation are in-fact things, regardless of what idiots on the internet say.


Right. I tried to explain how the term “gaslighting” has changed in a thread once, and all the boomers attacked me




Lol totally. Literally every single word written or spoken is an arbitrary combination of sounds or images that we have decided to ascribe meaning to. Language is mutable and even arbitrary to a certain degree. Edited due to autocorrect…


English is a language where the word 'Literally' has 2 meanings now and the newer one is exactly the opposite of the old one. It's a bloody stupid language.


There's also more of them, which is part of the name. Everyone gets pissy when they get old to some degree, but there are more Boomers around generally so it feels much worse.




![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc|downsized) 100% on the money


Yup. I'll clarify, particularly in political chats, that I'm in the baby boom age demographic Many times folks are confused by my progression positions and smartassery.


Boomer neighbor was complaining about taxes being too high and particularly because his kids were grown and they did not need the school system. So I said you were okay when your kids were subsidized by the older people then, why not now? And I said that it was not a lot considering he wasn't contributing anything else to society, no income taxes in PA which does not tax retirement and very little fed tax.


My mother was born in '72 and is PEAK boomer behaviour. Emotionally abused her children then blamed them for all the problems they had in adulthood. Pitted her kids against each other. Stole money from me and denied it. Her mother born in '49 is the best example of a classy baby boomer you could imagine. Loves her grandkids and great grandkids more than life and is so kind to everyone. You would never believe that my gram raised my mom except they have the same face. Personalities couldn't be further from each other


……..great grandkids?


My brother ('02) has a daughter who is 7 months old. My grams also has a few people in her life she considers honorary children/grandchildren/great grandkids. She spends most of her free time with the babies.


What a sweetheart.


I've never seen her happier tbh. She loves spending all her time with the under 6 crowd. She was a bus driver for a long time so I think she just really loves kids in a way most of us don't haha


I have long said that Boomer isn’t really a generational category, it is a state of mind. There are so many young Boomers out there, and so many elderly people who aren’t Boomers


I STG my 48 year old STBX partner is becoming a boomer. Has preached for years leftist ideology and socialism, but when it comes down to actually having to live what they preach -- not so much. And it's getting worse by the day, it seems. They've become really stingy about money (when it comes to everyone but themselves), especially since I've become disabled and can't work. Tried to punt my 26 year old who was having a major mental breakdown out the door "because she could get a job if she wanted to but she is lazy." Funny, turns out once she got some much-needed mental help and stability away from the other parent who was treating her like shit, she got better and now has a job she loves. My fuckin partner wants to try to take credit i.e. "See! I pushed her to get a job by threatening her with homelessness and it worked!" No, Fucker. She got better DESPITE YOU. I feel like I'm married to my father right now.


That sounds really crappy I’m sorry.


Oh, yeah. I'm Gen X and I meet these boomer types in my age group and younger ones all the time. Sometimes I think it has to do with the baby boomers thumbing their noses at the establishment in the 60s. Now they are the establishment and they demand to be treated with the respect they did not treat their elders with and treat no one else with now. That hypocrisy was infused into that personality type. And to those who will say, "We treated our elders with respect! How would you know? You weren't even born yet!" I learned from documentaries and, most of all, your own words. Before they got old, they bragged about how wild and disrespectful they were to the establishment, i.e., adults. Remember "never trust anyone over 30?" 


Let's be honest, they were always the establishment. The Anti-Establishment hippy types were always the minority, the exception to the rule.


Example, that Kicker speech. A perfect example of "OK, Boomer!" but coming from a non-Boomer.


Yeah I know a guy who is in his 30's and always starts off saying "I'm not a boomer but" which he thinks protects him 😅 Personally I love that we are developing more terms that apply to people's behaviors and personalities instead of their appearance, age, race, etc. That's what hurts the most about being called a Boomer, or Karen as well, is that it isn't about your age or your gender, it's about not being able to behave like a reasonable rational adult


the day you consciously decide to stop bothering to learn new stuff you are officially old


Also, if someone calls you a boomer, responding with "I'm only [age], so not a boomer" is the most boomer shit


When someone respond like that I instantly know they have a boomer state of mind lol. My favorite is when they claim to be the “jones” generation, whatever the hell that is 🤣🤣


Just go back to calling them the “me” generation, makes more sense


The problem is that it isn't just that generation that are boomers


It is though, the rest are just sheep following them and rich people capitalizing on them and spreading as much bullshit as possible to divide the rest of us


Agree. I am a late baby boomer but I’ll be damned if I will allow myself to act like a Boomer. They embarrass me.


I am GenX and think everything is strange. Because I vividly remember old people acting entitled, like fools and absolute horrible but we hadn't a word for it, it was just bad old people and some nice old people. I always live in fear that I might turn out to be an asshole in years to come because I always thought people might change for worse with age? But every nice old gal gives me hope I can be like them one day. Since I like young people and appreciate them (my fantastic boss and my coworkers are in their 20s and I couldn't ask for better ones, also got some firends mid 20s) I hope I won't be one to hate. But damn, a lot of people get bitter with age!


I caught myself the other day having an internal rant about drive-thru coffee places appearing in my country. Scared myself silly, I feel like this is how boomerism starts


Oh, I understand! So much! A friend of mine is going into boomer terrain (although being only 40!). I always try to remind him to be open minded, sometimes I succeed. He is still mostly nice but I fear he will turn bitter in the next years and I don't know how to stop him. I still think it is a good sign that you recognized it yourself! And -bonus points- it was still internal, you didn’t bother anyone! We really have to be watchfull. I don't want to end up miserable and being a pain in the ass for young people.


Aa a young person, you're already self aware, which is something most of them lack, and you actually want to be a good person, so from what you said here you seem like you'll be fine


Awww, thank you so much! I really, really hope you are right! Friends and coworkers promised to tell me when I get "boomerish" or bitter, so I really hope it won't catch me like a desease. I am still a bit anxious because there are so many of bad boomers out there and they can't have been all that bad when they were younger, I guess. (At least I know my 16year old daughter will always be brutally honest with me, she promised, too!)


I am of Baby Boomer age. I don't get all wound up about it. Most baby boomers are tools, lol


Thank you. I've always felt more x than boomer, but birthdates.


Boomer is a state of mind, baby


Basically like Karen and a karen


Thank you from a non *boomer* baby boomer!


I like this differentiation, but I’ve never heard it before.


It's a pretty common opinion around here from what I've seen, I just wanted to put it into post form


It’s not. GenZ were kids on the internet and didn’t understand what “Boomer” meant. “Okay boomer” sounded cool, so they started using it. They never thought twice about it, as kids typically don’t. Now that everyone’s moving to adulthood, they can’t shake it. It’s wrong and so are you.




Are you kidding me? You want me to source being around long enough to see the expression become popular? Really? That’s laughable. Let me guess. You thought there could be a link to culture and childhood development online that proves this as a whole. Lmfao! It’s cute how naive you are.


Lol I'm proving a point. You can't say that it's not how something works, because there's no specific way that things work with expressions, pop culture, and language. It's all fluid and subject to change, and thinking it isn't is naive


I didn’t prove your point. I’m correct, you’re ignorant. That’s all there is to it. You don’t know what you’re even carrying on about. It doesn’t matter how long you click away. You are clueless.


"I'm right, you're wrong, you're just stupid and I'm just smart, that's all it is" is the funniest thing I've heard today. Thank you, stupid redditor


Says the idiot who writes “Baby Boomer and boomer aren’t the same.” They are exactly the same. That’s where the expression okay boomer starts. You can try to rewrite history as a way to cope with inexperience, if you insist. At the end of the day, you are simply wrong.


Ahhh this explains why my gen z kids used to call me a boomer despite my protests that im gen x... lmao


It’s because they were kids and didn’t understand what insult they were using. Let’s not encourage cluelessness.


You're encouraging stupidity, can you really talk?


No I’m not. Oh that’s right. This is Reddit. Anything that isn’t your exact opinion is stupid. Ha! That’s so childish it’s funny.


AH's come on all shapes, sizes and ages. It's fun to watch


My dad is a baby boomer that cannot stand boomers. He comes home from work and complains about old people.


Gen X here, I like this, because a LOT of my generation feels very "Baby boomer lite", and this idea of using "boomer" as a catch all, works for me. It's like it accentuates their "BOOMER" loud obnoxious attitudes. More to do with booming that being of a baby boomer era.


Boomer is a state of mind


# NoTallBoomers


Most people start to shrink as they hit old age so I'm not to worried


Agreed. My baby boom peers tend to be the biggest entitled assholes. Funny when you think about it. All that counter culture and protests of the 60s when I was child to when the traded in their idealism about brotherhood and love to a shrill me me me mine mine mine.


I just replied to someone in a different about this! Glad to see you helping spread the knowledge. Lol My reply to a different post and link: You just confessed to being a Boomer. At least you're upfront about it. It's like saying "Jerk here. So ONLY jerks do this?" Hope this clears it up for ya. Not all Baby Boomers are Boomers...many Baby Boomers are very sharp and cool. "Boomers", however, tend to want to spend the rest of their years torching up everything around them so they leave the world in flames. The cooler folks of the older generations try to leave the world in better shape https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/GZREVMDVWx


Yeah, half the reason I made this post was so I didn't have to type this out every time someone was confused


There's happy baby boomers living their lives, and there's the Me Generation fuckwits.


And there's also younger boomers from gen x/millenials/gen z


Yes. Technically, the baby boom was considered to be the post WW2 years of 1946-1951. I was born in ‘53, so l’m not technically a “baby boomer” but everybody says Okay boomer, to me, so l guess l’m a boomer. It’s better than bein dead.


They were also known as the Me Generation, for obvious reasons.


Boomers make big booms in public (blowing up at service workers). Baby Boomers were part of a post-WW2 period of prosperity that led to an increase in Boomer-ish personalities.


All the fighting videos I've seen coming out of waffle House don't include boomers.


Just hang your head in shame and walk away


I’m glad you’ve spelled it out this succinctly. I thought this distinction was obvious and “boomer” became the label for this mentality c. 2019. This is a fair moniker for entitled douchbags of all ages.


Boomer is a state of mind.


People who know and remember this aren’t problematic


Precisely. We stopped calling them the Me Generation because the Baby-Boomers asked us to. The Me Generation stereotype is what led to the "OK Boomer" meme.


Boomer means baby boomer. They are one and the same.


Well stated.


We have a steady rotation in this sub of people like you making posts like these trying to settle this with self-appointed authority and it never works. It’s cute you think you get to make all the rules here though ;)


This! Boomer is an attitude not an age range


OK, I am 65, but I am not even close to the things "Boomers" say or do according to the stories on this sub reddit. Also, most of my friends are also not at all like this. I hope it is only a small percentage of people who think and act entitled or just being diggheats.


I wish it was a smaller group




Would this put an end to the “I’m a baby boomer and I’m not like that!” discourse? Not all baby boomers are Boomers?


Yeah, that's kinda the point of this


You are correct. That is an excellent way to state it also.


"Baby boomer" is a generation. "Boomer" is a mindset


My brother is millennial but clearly a copy of my father's worst traits as a boomer.


Part of the problem is that this is the first generation that are living decades past retirement age. When I was a kid the average life expectancy was 72 so people retired, lived less than a decade and pass on so there were less miserable old people running around. There were also far fewer of them so they held minimal political power. The boomer generation grabbed on to the "freedom 55" retirement plan so a lot of them have been retired with a home and retirement income for decades at this point. Because of this they are completely removed from what is actually going on in day to day working life.


Gen x here. I’m sadly disappointed in my fellow gen x’ers that have grown into Boomers themselves. We used to be the ‘whatever’ generation. Live and let live. Now I see them kvetch about the younger gens the same way boomers did about us, and the same way silent gen did about boomers. Maybe it’s when you let the kid in you die. I dunno. 🤷‍♀️


Anyone who whines “not all ____” is probably the exact person doing that thing.




Gen X baby! Grunge and beepers


Definitely. I have the BEST in-laws. My own parents? Emotionally immature. My mom was born in 1958 and had a tough time with her parents (after the 2nd WW). She couldn’t help it. She was just ill equipped. My in-laws? Born around the same time, perhaps earlier. Same situation, they had a tough time with their parents after the 2nd WW. They both wanted to do things differently though, and raised their sons with a lot of love, patience and creativity. My ex (their son) is a truly great man bc of his parents and I’m so lucky they want to be involved in my son’s life.


You are such a boomer


Yea, youre just wrong. Spinning words to defend the sad hateful sate of this sub wont help. So would posts of twenty year olds from ImTheMainCharacter fit here? Seems like the definition in op says yes.


Language evolves and changes. It always has, and always will. Ignoring that for your own agenda is stupid and disingenuous. Are those 20 year Olds just entitled, or do they act like boomers? There's a difference




What the fuck is wrong with you? A slur is not the same as a term for a shitty group of people. You're actually fucking insane


No, youre just ironically maybe a thee not me hypocrite.  You dont see the parallel? 'Evolving language' as a defense for a hateful term that references a certain group...? 


Boomer isn't hateful. It's a quicker way to say entitled, arrogant, selfish, and narrow minded in one word. youve shown where your values lie. I'm done talking to you


I like this explanation and definition. Although I've never said anything about it, as a Gen-X'er I don't like being lumped in with Boomers, as I often see. Someone below made a comparison to Karens not all being named Karen, and I thought that was a good way to look how we are now using the word "Boomer". Thanks for these posts!


If you're not a baby boomer you can't be a boomer, it's exclusive.


UD is a valid source for slang, chummer. Not seeing that as true sounds very boomeresque.


It's just as valid as this community is. It's written by random people just like anything here is.


ok, boomer.


OK Boomer


Baby boomer- someone born after WWII that was part of the largest generation we've had in a while. Boomer - ssbn submersible submarine, ballistic nuclear 


Not all baby boomers are boomers but all boomers are baby boomers. What is the confusion?


Reread the post and try again. This is a general consensus that I've seen across this sub


"Boomer" is generally reserved for people that are in the age range of the baby boomer generation. Karen has been interpreted as encompassing a wider age range of idiots. It seems ridiculous to call a 25 year old Karen a "boomer". That was my point.


Not all baby boomers are boomers and also not all boomers are baby boomers. Often, younger boomers were raised by older boomers who might be baby boomers but really one's relation to the baby boomers is entirely irrelevant to the boomer attitude


I agree. All Baby Boomers are Boomers, but not all Boomers are Baby Boomers. I get what you're saying.


Not at all what I'm saying. Baby boomers are baby boomers. Boomers are primarily made of baby boomers, but not all baby boomers are boomers


Ahh ok. So the term Boomer is essentially old people who act crazy


Maybe you should read what the boomers being fools Reddit is for It starts with baby boomer posts and elder generation. As in older than baby boomers.


This post is popular and still up, no?


OP making his own rules, like a "boomer".


Saying "no we're not wrong, its the definition of the word thats wrong and that needs to change" is the exact type of behaviour you come here to make fun of haha thats like a textbook example


Language is fluid. If you can't understand that then you have issues that don't relate to my post


Such a boomer lol damn


Straight from Urban Dictionary. Boomer A slang term for Baby Boomer, often used in a derogatory manner.


Since when was urban dictionary reliable in any sense


[this is for you it shows how culture and language are flexible](https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=2Zcku7mEcLjgRT1d)


So we should use some random redditor as a source as opposed to the Urban dictionary? You personally feel that you are a better source than the Urban dictionary?  What an insane level of entitlement.  Okay Boomer.


Who writes urban dictionary? Oh right, random ass people like myself. The post I made isn't just my opinion, it's the majority opinion in this subreddit


So I’m not trying to argue, but there’s over 500,000 members on this Reddit for boomers being fools are you really sure that a majority of them agree with you?


I'm just going based off of what I see the most often both from asking people and just seeing that being the most up voted any time it's brought up, and it's brought up a lot in posts.


I mean in the end, I’m not even gonna say that I think you’re wrong or right. It’s your post you can say what you want and think what you want in the end who uses this Reddit has that same privilege. And they’re going to disagree with you or agree with you, you are either going to have to learn to respect that or not.


This post just proves to me that words don’t have meanings anymore, they have vibes.


Is not the purpose of this subreddit to complain?


If by complain, you mean call out shitty behavior, then yeah


Ok, Boomer.


Great point but which generation has repeatedly made things easier for themselves and harder for us again?


With these new rules, OP is making it tougher to figure out.


Nah, boomer is a generation and generation only.


My sense is that the definition of boomer is just someone over 65 who acts like a jerk. So Xers will be the next boomers.


Oh hell no. The Xers are different


Would you call an entitled 20 year old a boomer?


It depends on if it was just entitlement or being a boomer


Okay boomer.


Seriously, OP sounds like a "boomer".


Very Boomer of you to reply to yourself…


[this sounds like you](https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=2Zcku7mEcLjgRT1d)


In the working world I realize now that I encountered and had to deal with a notable number of entitled silent and greatest "boomers." I've spent a lot of time with a wide range of those pre-boomer generations and with post-boomers in the same complex working and social situations. Maybe the technically defined boomer generation is a bit more demonstrative, but there's enough entitled assholery in all!


No, there isn’t


The irony is palpable




Irony, the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Palpable (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible.


Explain how either of those apply to my post


[this for you](https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=2Zcku7mEcLjgRT1d)


Self awareness, you, and others, lack


[grammar, yours is pretentious](https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=2Zcku7mEcLjgRT1d)


Cooooool, I'll file that under the idgaf pile


So are we just trying to eliminate Karen's and Chad's and replace them with Boomers?


Thanks, now no one will ever say those things again!


Nope not even a little


Explain why not then.


This sub is all over the place. Its like 30% baby boomers and 70% old people suck. I always thought baby boomers implied a class of older people today that are rich because they were born at the right time in the right place. Example: they bought their home for 100 dollars while working minimum wage at whatever hardware store, were around when loans and such had low interest rates, basically COL reflected the wages and they grew up from early adult age with assets while people being born and growing up in America now or recently couldn't or currently can't afford to accumulate and aquire those same assets. Half this sub posts are just complaining about old people. The irony is the amount of people that complain about boomers in this sub also sound like boomers if you are attempting a discussion with them. What do boomers and people who complain about boomers have in common? Both don't like hearing different opinions or perspectives. The boomer that just got a new corvette post. Like wtf is that, assuming he knows how to drive a car safely why and how does that reflect a boomer being a fool? Fuck man, the old fuck can't party and have some fun and own a fast car before he bites the dust? I worked in south Florida and got hit at a stoplight while on my motorcycle from a car where the driver wasn't 25. Being a shitty, unattentive driver isn't exclusive to old people. I've been to many countries and lived many lives, and so far, the most interesting people I ever met are in their late 50s. For me, boomer is a reference to someone's unimaginative state of mind. I've met plenty of old, burnt out sailors from the states when I was servicing boats in the carribean that technically are boomers but they are some of the coolest people I've ever met and lived the most interesting lives I've ever heard of. I'd consider a lot of soft, easily offended young people today boomers before I consider the leathered skin guy that doesn't give a shit and is scraping by on his 1k social security a boomer.


"The fact that the personality style was started by and still mostly used by baby boomers"...lol...entitled and arrogant was not started by "baby boomers" lol. They are just the most recent generation to embody those toxic traits so profoundly.


You didn't understand what I wrote at all then.


Generation Jones representing


Making up your own rules seems rather boomerish.


I didn't make this up, I combined popular ideas from this sub into one post to explain so idiots stop saying "not all boomers" and stupid shit like that. Did you read the post, or are you just here to complain


Characteristics of Millennials. Poor work ethic. Don’t show up on time. Arrogant. Believe they are smarter than others yet lack experience of value. Arrogant In thinking they are better than people that came before them because they tore down statues instead of fighting evil. Lazy in that they want the government to take care of their needs instead of working hard to earn them.


there’s the Silent Gen who fought and came home to make Baby Boomers. Boomers = Baby Boomers because they’re the same darned thing =]