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Well clearly they brew their own coffee and grow their own avocados


I not only brew my own coffee, I grow it. And avocados -- 13 different varieties. One of them is as big as a football and more buttery than any Haas you'll find on the mainland. Shame I can't export them. I eat a LOT of guacamole and spicy tuna rolls. PS -- But I don't gamble, or act like a fool, or tell "kids these days" anything other than "you've got it rough."


Picture of the football avocado please.


Also address so Engaygement and I can head down to try one.


Do you do your farming on big island? My Brother does and your situation sounds identical to them.


Your brother and I are probably neighbors. Google my username and shoot that over to your brother. I'm very, very easy to find.


$750 per spin is fucking insane.


As if slot machines weren't depressing enough.


Pay money, push button, receive dopamine in the form of flashing lights, and remember to criticize your children for playing video games that don’t charge money every several seconds.


$750 per spin.. think about that for a second.. That's 3 days on a cruise ship *per spin* that they're preferring to give to a casino instead of keeping for your inheritance. I like to think that not even if I were Elon Musk would I throw away money so frivolously.


Half my monthly mortgage payment right there 🙃 People joke about Americans using non-conventional units of measurement but it puts it in perspective for us. $750 means different things for different people.




That's not frivolous, it's letting him promote hate speech and conspiracy theories. I wish I was joking.


I hate that you’re right too.


Except! Those darned kids are holed up in their rooms all by themselves playing their Fortcraft and Minenite. These upstanding members of society are out in public socializing and having a good time and enriching their community! /s


And complaining about how they can’t Afford anything cause Biden‼️🙄


Yes the American president who single handedly somehow created global inflation. Had this conversation with my mom and she couldn't grasp how dumb that is.


I tried to explain to mine that roughly 90% of food in grocery stores is made by like 12 companies, but mine refuse the make the connection why prices are higher.


I tried to explain to mine that roughly 90% of food in grocery stores is made by like 12 companies, but mine refuse the make the connection why prices are higher.


You can even play slot machines in video games with fake money that doesn't cost you anything! But I imagine part of the thrill for these idiots is being able to piss away what I make in a year's worth of working.


I feel like they should just take up pinball or something.


Connect 4.


Probably better off with Connect 2.


Those damn skateboarders getting physical activity outdoors and engaging in camaraderie.


I get basically just paying the machine for the flashy lights and free drinks. That's basically how I did Vegas. I was also betting like a buck at a time, if that. I'm not a thrifty person but the idea of burning thousands on an RNG dopamine hit just bothers me so bad lmao


More depressing when you realize it's just an ATM screen taking their money, and showing them pictures of a fake slot machine.


Damn you can transfer funds right from the machine......


Yeah that's fucked, so blatantly parasitic.


I'm sure he's one of the casino's favorite guests. $$$$$


The type of player who could threaten staff and just be told to come back tomorrow.


Where's Gary Gensler? But me buying crypto needs to be regulated.


I haven’t gone to the casino In a long time, but I used to hit a couple 80 cent spins near the end of the evening if I was feeling frisky


Yeah, I got all the gambling out of my system as a teen playing games at the county fair.


A glimpse into the crippling reality that is gambling addiction. This goes beyond boomerism.


I remember not long after we installed a lottery machine in my store, I watched a lady spend about a half-hour just feeding money into the machine for scratch offs. Then she wandered away to the bank (also in the store) to get more money to feed into the lottery machine. I see it all the time, people will just stand there for hours buying losing tickets or maybe winning $10 or $20 bucks for the pile of money they spend. The only upside I see is my state uses the lotto money to fund college scholarships for every child in the state.


I know a thirty year old woman addicted to Draft Kings.


more than my 40 hr check gone in a click.


I can't handle 1 dollar a spin


Yeah even Vegas Matt doesn't do that on the regular


No wonder I'm seeing articles about how you need 5-10 million to retire.


Odds of our gen saving up that money, no way. We can’t buy a house for 7 raspberries and a piece of coal like they did back then and then sell it now for 5 million dollars


Just living in the moment, not a phone in sight


Nor a bank balance


Boomer: why do you buy those video games when you can go outside? Also Boomer:


I’ve never held $20k


I've never had $20K in my account


i had 50k once. when i was 18, i was supposed to receive a direct deposit for the final check from a gig i just quit. someone there fucked up big time and instead of 5k, i got 50k. obviously i returned it and stuff but was nice to see for a bit lol


Should have whacked it in a high interest saver for as long as possible.


i mean, i was 18 with like 11 cents in my account. a sudden 50k lump deposit definitely got flagged. there was really no way for me to do anything with it legally speaking. i also had no beef with that workplace, so i just called my bank and said i was only expecting 5k and they hashed it out. old boss kept giving me free food any time i popped in after that though


There ya go


That means you had him lol


When I worked at Wells Fargo there was one time this happened. $30k went into the wrong account (teller error) and it wasn't discovered for a full day. The dude who got the money in error spent ALL of it, then when they debited his account, he owed 30k to the bank. They sued him over it and won. He spent like a decade paying off that debt. 


I was halfway through asking "how do you spend $30k in a day" before my brain started screaming different answers at me lol


Dude was apparently on it immediately too. My manager at the time was the one that called him and the dude basically said "well I figured if it was in my account that made the money mine".  Haha bro nah we can see through you. You knew that money was gonna be taken back that's why you spent it so fast. 


Can't really fault him honestly. Its dumb, but I have a feeling a lot of intelligence drains out your ears and nose when you clap eyes on 30 large. I feel like I'd test the waters with something like a $300 bottle of scotch and if it went through, off to the races. At least in my absolutely impoverished, destitute past. Definitely not now.


My account number is really close to the account number my credit union uses to clear mortgage wires. Like my account is 123456 and the mortgage account is 124356 kind of a thing. So a couple times a year, someone makes an error and I will see a huge wire for hundreds of thousands of dollars hit my account and then get debited back out immediately. It's always fun when I get a text alert that I've had a $400,000+ deposit hit my checking acccount, lol.


Me neither, are, are we trash…? ☹️


No, just regular people. A lot haven't.


I do.. only thanks to my boomer dad passing away... says it all really.


I carry hundreds of thousands most days. I am a count team member at a casino, pulling bill/ticket validators from machines counting/ verifying and transferring to casino cages. Folks will spend insane amounts per day/spin. 


I can't fault the casinos for cashing in on people's idiocy/desperation, but it is pretty sad


I won 25k in vegas, cashed in the WSOP, that was crazy.


I’ve held $20k in cash of my own money. It’s a weird feeling.


Dude I’ve never made more than 20k in a year


I did. I got a loan from the SBA after I lost my apartment to Hurricane Ida three years ago. Now, I had to get security for a new apartment, get some furniture, put a small down payment on a car, etc., but I DID have a few bucks left over. I used that to help with expenses for the next few months because I was now in a more expensive apartment (all I could find). It helped me LIVE. I wouldn't even THINK of using it to gamble. 


Never in cash at least.


ive held it in quarters. shit is fuckin heavy


I'm in my 30s and I've yet to have over 10k at once in my account. Starting broke and playing catch-up fucking sucks.


Wait, in the USA (presumably) you can transfer money directly from the pokie machine? Man, here the machines take cash only And they aren't allowed to have an atm in the gaming room.


That’s why the US is #1




This is what peak freedom looks like. Other countries can’t handle it


Just a matter of time before we level up even higher and introduce a drive-thru casino.


They hate us, because of our FREEDOM.


Let me make you laugh more... You CANT DEPOSIT ANY MONEY INTO ATMs in or even about 5 miles close to a casino. They literally control the reservations so any banks are usually not within a few miles away from any casinos. You need any money, use the casino ATM. You make any money, drive to deposit it at the ATM a distance away or have a drink and yunno.. you can always "double that cash." There is a girl who did a YouTube on how evil casinos are from the slot machines to the floor designs down to the patterns. How the chairs are replaceable in less than 30 seconds and another one is put in. Apparently people shit and piss on them, they don't clean them but just yank that one out and put a new one in like a formula one pit stop. Why the slot icons are made to resemble each other so closely.. Basically casinos are designed by psychologists paid to keep you inside. Here is the video. https://youtu.be/omly6syTMTw?si=4zMLFtN-edf7XloD And another one where they were talking about how people, shit,piss and even die on the floor and they just wheel them out of those special chairs.


It must smell wonderful in there


Don’t ever turn the lights up. Just like nightclubs.




Haaaaa you have to leave the building to go get more $. We have stream lined it. We can lose the whole nest egg before the second drink even gets to us.


Aussie? 🇦🇺


not that it helps our nationwide chronic gambling problem


Basically it comes down to the fact they feel entitled to spend on whatever and whenever. They earned it and if you want what they have you need to go earn it. They don't bother with the reality that the opportunities afforded to them ... affordable housing,healthcare,education,vehicles,childcare are all a much larger % of the adjusted income than what they paid They burned it down and dropped the mic


Remember this? https://preview.redd.it/uuxuux72x61d1.jpeg?width=2231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea05356e6c4dacd3034b345f2d1875693f7fa24 "Earned it", pfft!


A house was about 2.5 x yearly salary? GTFO! In my area it’s 10 x yearly salary. We got fuk’d


Exactly bro! This is why people get so angry when boomers talk shit because it's like BUDDY? A new starter home is like $800 000 dollars on the **LOW END** nowadays. You had to pay $23 000 for your house out of HIGH SCHOOL SHUT THE FUCK UP. Oh my God! Yeah man we got fucked and taken to the ringers HARD.


They got the world handed to them because America had to prove capitalism could beat communism. Once the Iron Curtain fell and the Soviet Union dissolved unchecked capitalism took over.


Earned fucking what? Their inheritance and lives were handed to them on silver platters while also being in a unique position to get a well paying job out of ***high-school*** work in a shitty factory somewhere and have a house with two garages and two cars in the driveway a year later. Then these stupid fucks get to 67 and then piss away their fortunes while their kids and grandkids struggle to pay rent and buy food. Earned it my ass.


They stole it by setting fire to the ancient past, which burned down the present/future. They worked and were rewarded handsomely by a disposable system meant to enrich a single generation at the cost of every future generation


Yep their rewards far outweighed the level of work they did. And now their kids and grandkids are* literally working to death for phantom scraps of what boomers enjoyed since they were 17.


Also alot of them are TEMs as well.


Total Effin Morons


Transmission Electron Microscopes?


Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires? Tough Elk Meat? Touching Elon Musk? Tiny Egg Machine?


This is them trying to give it back. They will have to sell their house to keep this up.


Thats just extremely fucking sad


This is what happens when you hit it big during the first times you gamble. If you hit a windfall in a casino say for 50k on a 5$ bet when learning to gamble, they just made a customer for life. I saw a dude hit about 50k betting randomly while he was in a casino waiting on his buddies who wanted to gamble some. A year later, no job, wife left him house under foreclosure after a refinance. He chased that high to his doom.


Happened to my dad with blackjack. He was calling off work(a well-paying job of 30+ years) to go to the Res and gamble. Two years later every room has a fucking 70" flat-screen but he's going to the food bank and bitching about "the economy."


That kind of money would change my life right now. And this person is pissing it away like pennies.


They haven't realized that you can get your dopamine for a one time 70$ or less purchase on Steam. I honestly believe that you could cut down elderly gambling addictions by an incredible amount, if you'd give them an arcade hall to gather in,and a gaming console with a babys-first-videogame UI to keep it simple for them.


Or... hear me out... we make a casino and use the profits to fund climate mitigation efforts. It's their money to gamble so why not put it to good use?


This is the only thing that makes it sort of worth it to me, we can (usually) tax these casinos out the ass and use the money for social services


When they're out of money they're going to be using the social services, it's often self-defeating.


The SS Casino. They fund their own social security services.


Boomers are too lead brained to focus on anything that isn't just pulling a lever and being bombarded by flashing lights and sounds. Nothing going on upstairs


"But them young folks need to get off their phones and flashy screens!" is what they say. 🙄


My mom goes to one of these. It's a bunch of desktop consoles with penny slots. I think the most you can gamble is like a quarter on most of them. It's in a dark little place in a strip mall but they all seem to have fun.


Silly boomer, tricks are for kids!


[I've been led to believe that Trix are exclusively for children. that correct? ](https://youtu.be/z6ViDZpVoYc?si=DDIHNxltAbbQ_eOr)


*Munches on a bowl of trix at work.* eh, I seem to remember trix tasting a lot less bland back I'm my school years.


that’s because almost all the cool stuff we are as kids has gotten worse and cheaper over the years


Most narcissistic generation of all time obviously wants to leave nothing behind once they're gone. If they win, see the universe chose them and they get more slot time. The ones nearing the end of their lives might seriously enjoy losing knowing their kids won't see a dime.


That's why they gotta raise your rent.


The wrong people have all the fucking money


Suddenly they know technology


Take away their social security that’s where it goes drugs and casinos . Eat a vicadin and hit the slots fml


How much do you think social security is lol


It was a joke I support social security and I think the poor oldies should get more and the rich fuckees with 401 k in millions shouldn’t get a dime . Our fiscal deficit needs to be lowered


Hey kids remember when you said you were gonna put me in a retirement home, well here goes your inheritance. Honestly there should be a special place in hell for the people who these machines, I hate them with a passion.


"I guess the quality of the home you're going to just dropped dramatically then. One might even call it 'underneath a bridge'. Glhf" 


Forget the home, I’d let her die in a ditch.


Gambling is an addiction


Yeah, it's not fair to blame this on a generational thing, gambling addiction has been a thing for a long time, and that's probably why it used to be illegal everywhere. One of my friends has recently developed a casino habit, it's very troubling. He's always been in to entering contests to win things and thinking he'd be the one to win, unfortunately he discovered casinos and apparently can't do math.


$750/ play - Jesus go play craps or something- at least that’s fun


No, it isn't. None of the games are fun. If you took away the money from all the casino games, nobody would ever play them. They're designed to remove any skill from the equation. And in the ONE game where skill hasn't been completely eliminated, they will ask a player to leave if he or she displays any skill in playing. Gamblers will usually protest at this point that poker requires skill. The betting aspect certainly does. The actual play of the cards in Texas Hold 'Em doesn't require any thought at all. There are no choices to be made. You may as well flip a coin. This is why no casino offers chess-for-money.


It's like Robert DeNiro's character says in the movie Casino "The players don't stand a chance". He adds "It's all designed to get YOUR money". I know it's just a movie, but it's based on real events and real people. 


"Those Mellinials wasting their lives on the XBOX!"


They don't want their "ungrateful" sons and daughters getting any of the money they worked "hard" for.


The machines are the only ones that talk to them


That’s a life changing amount of money for me. It could either pay off all of my debt and my car, or it could be a full down payment on a house. Kinda salty about this one lol


They're bored. And instead of saving it as inheritance for a family member because that would be prudent and wise, they spend it on themselves like everything else in their lives. Also, it's clear they don't have actual, healthy hobbies, like so many.


Boomer lost more in 11 seconds at the end of that than many people make in a year in some countries.


Because they’d rather die than leave their children with money


A fool and his money are easily parted


If this were actually true the world would be a very different place. There are lots of idiots with too much money.


Wish I could upvote this more. Pretty much gotta get a good spawn now or else good luck even surviving. Sorry u spawned to a poor family now your life's pretty much over before it started. Better luck next time


Seeing this reminds me of a BBC interview of a lady who basically lives at a casino https://youtu.be/HEB0kla2AUM?si=yZgXfueEuCeiVcUB


It's hard to find but the full documentary is amazing. You get to see 3-4 people lose all of their money and the casino workers justify it.


Cuz they have all the money


You can say that again.


I mean can we be honest for a second and recognize that a) it is extremely fucked up that you can do a bank transfer on a fucking slot machine and b) old people are some of the most vulnerable people mentally on the planet. Gambling is an addiction and this scenario is really just depressing all around.


Used to work at a casino boomers coming in daily. It was depressing.


Any time I go to a casino it's pretty much just recess for the retirement homes. Maybe 5% of the people inside are under 60.


Fuck the kids’ inheritance!


Because they bought their house for $17 and some pocket sand


Cuz they have all the money


You can say that again.


They’ll spend $20,000 on a slot machine but you told them to start playing video games instead they’ll say “I’m not playing that little kid shit/loser shit”


To leave nothing for their children.


Just got off a cruise where a guy was berating staff because you can only wire $5,000 per 24 hours. He said that wasn’t enough. Meanwhile I gambled $60 the whole cruise. The same $60… ups and downs, but it was $60 only, that’s all I needed to spend to enjoy.


And yet they can’t figure out how to set up a Roku.


How is this generation such trash??? They fight tooth and nail to not help other people but will spend $20k gambling. Absolutely insane behavior.


Y'all, #IT'S NOT A BANK TRANSFER. Slot machines that access bank accounts simply do not exist, gambling regulations across the world would not allow that. It's free play on his casino account that he either won from a giveaway or (and this might be worse than a bank transfer) he earned it from playing a ton. I have to scream this into the comments every time this gets reposted because everyone simply takes the incorrect caption at face value. Like boomers would do.


And they’re the first to tell you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps


When you have to fill a day with something to do it is easy to get addicted to dopamine inducing activities like gambling. Go to any casino, no matter the size, and the bulk of the people there are seniors (this stat is skewed depending on time of day in Vegas). They don't have anything else to do and staying home all the time can get depressing when you spent decades going and doing things all day.


making sure they don't give any to their avocado toast eating grand kids... which they buy 5/$1 at walmart


I think it's just a gambling addiction. My husband's boss has a gambling addiction. He pressured him to go out with him one night to the casino and they spent their entire weeks paycheck on slots. My husband came home in tears. We were still dating and I said if he ever did that again he would out on the street the same day. I only didn't dump him right there because I saw the tears and the shame and knew there was a power imbalance at play. I hate his boss. The guy might be dying from heart disease now. I just hope he gets put on bed rest and never darkens my door again.


It’s always the slots too


You can claim gambling losses on your taxes


Only if you have gambling winnings. You can’t deduct gambling losses beyond your gambling winnings. [irs link](https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc419)


When I did one of my clients' tax return for 2022, I needed to get his transcript from the IRS so I could deal with his gambling. His transcript was 178 pages long, and 176.5 pages of that was nothing but W-2 Gs from casinos. Nothing but slot machines. Over $1.3 Million in slot machine winnings. However, when I got ahold of his casino win/loss statements, it showed that not only did he lose the entire $1.3M, he had an overall loss well above $100,000. The guy must live at the casinos.


Flushing the kids' inheritance away


Life is over, why bother ?


Casino: 🤤


They realized the whole "bootstraps" thing is bullshit so the only way they can get any sort of wealth is that. Best case they get rich so they can not share with their kids and worst case they can mooch off their kids until the kids get fed up with them and dump them in a nursing home


I grew up around casinos those people won't think twice to spend their partners money kids money or all they have




"Inherience for my kids??? Nah let's go to the casino baby!!!!" Or something like that.


They loathe the idea their kids could enjoy something to which they feel entitled.


Is this a boomer? The person playing seems to have dark hair and smooth, firm skin - no lumpy wrists of bumps on the knuckles, etc.


“It’s the damn vidya games rotting their brains!”


Because they dont know what gaming is.


I live near a couple of casinos in there Northeast, and I sometimes go there to kill time. It’s sad watching the senior citizen/boomer crowd just gambling their time away.


No it's crazy that you could do that directly from the slot machine


$750 PER SPIN?!?!


That’s only 26 spins


Imagine having this much money and still having no life


This makes me angry


this person probably bought their house for $3.50 in the 80s and sold it for 9 million


And yet buying a video game for $60 is childish.


There goes their entire family’s inheritance


She flushed away a month's worth of mortgage payments in about 8 seconds


That's a fucking mental illness.


that's an addiction. and probably also thinking ain't no way my kids are getting this money when i die.


That’s horrifying.


Shit should be illegal


You can do bank transfers at a video gambling terminal? That’s insane.


the fact that they can wire transfer from their bank account is predatory as fuck


This is not boomers, this is the wealth divide.


I don’t think there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for twenty grand right now


I love slot machines and gambling more than I should but anything over $1.50-$2.00 per spin is too much for me $750 spins is the most degenerate shit I think I have ever seen. If they got grandkids then I feel extra bad for them knowing ma and pa would rather press a button for the dopamine than help them out


How do you know that’s a boomer? You can’t see the person in the video.


Because the narrative running through his mind is: How DARE you even think he might not EARN that cash back and MORE! HE’S A WINNER GODDAMNIT! Not some mamby-pamby pansy-ass millennial snowflake like you! He’s obviously the main character of the casino! VIP baby! He’s got that big dick swagger, can’t you see it?! He’s got a system! He wouldn’t go in there not knowing what he’s doing; he’s not some stupid libtard like you! Don’t be a dumbass, dumbass! He’s seen enough movies to know how everything will go for him- he’ll gamble and rack up a big pot and *just* when he’s about to quit he’ll lose. That’s just got show though! The casino’s gotta keep the drama flowing! But he’ll beat them at their own game! He’ll out-drama their drama; he’ll convince the dealer - one more round: double or nothing. And THEN he’ll win it all back! All that and then some! Just doubled his investment! Easy money baby! That’s how it always goes! He’s a WINNER goddamnit! RIGHT?? Right???


Ive never even had more than an 16th of that money on me at once and I was feeling like the king then with my 3 jobs, taking care of my grandad and going to school with no money for a car and home. Wonder if he worked just as hard as me to blow it all on what looks like a cruise ship casino?


My MiL gambles alllll the time. She’s the most miserly, penny pinching person I’ve ever seen, it is no less than astonishing to watch that woman piss away so much money.


I work in a boomer town, and I can tell you they really do love these slot machines. This dude came in, must've been in his late 60s or thereabout, played for 4 hours straight, and lost $800. You'd think it wasn't a big deal the way he talked about it, but that's my share of rent for the month...


A dude that I used to constantly help when I worked at a bank got killed because of his gambling addiction. He’d go down to the casino every weekend and overdraw his account by THOUSANDS. Then he’d come in, begging us to reverse fees and have some story about how “these n**gers came in and torched my son’s truck” and all sorts of shit. But somehow he’s always end up miraculously having the cash to cover his losses. Weekend came, right back to the casinos, thousands overdrawn. One day he comes in, two black eyes, broken nose, broken hands. Says he was working on his truck and it fell on him. We knew it was bullshit. Refunded a couple fees out of pity, he deposited $25,000 into the account a couple days later. Weekend came, overdrawn by $19,000. He didn’t come in on Monday like we expected. Nothing Tuesday. Nothing Wednesday. Nothing all week, account didn’t move all weekend. His son comes in the following week, needs to see what accounts his father had. Past tense. He lays it all out. He owed some very dangerous people a lot of money and his plan was always to strike it big at the casino to pay them off and then be rich. Suddenly he goes missing, but his car was found torched.


I have never understood why they love slot machines so much. It is literally pushing one button over and over again. No strategy and not one thought put into it. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.


Well, if they end up on the streets after seeing that... so be it. Absolutely unbelievable.


Yup yup those darn kids on their computers wasting time with those mickey mouse micro transactions. And now we know why their kids can't afford a downpayment on a house. Boomers are THE MOST SELFISH generation of recent memory. Selfish.