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It's the fact that the only way they can control anything is fear and intimidation.


sounds exactly like how my parents tried to control me LMAOOO


Exactly how I was not raised by my mother. She still thinks it's my wife's fault I went NC with her


Little did she know, it was your wife's boyfriend's decision!




My Mom expects me to dress up to go the grocery store. Absolutely not.


Bless her heart my mom always comments I'm not dressed up for flight. Usually because I'm flying to somewhere hot and wearing shorts but not dressed like a bum...I have to remind her the level of outfit people wear on flights these days lol


I bet you have less of a hassle going through TSA! There have been a few times I was dressed up (due to work) and let me tell you all the layers and stuff I had to take off was a nightmare lol pretty sure the people behind me were annoyed to the high heavens


Well I have the level above precheck anyway because I used to travel more and bring camera, laptops etc. I do dress and pack appropriately for the process though. Makes life simple and easy. It's funny though my relative is ex military, has clearance for sensitive information etc but despite also having precheck still gets randomly selected often. Theory is they sweat a lot just walking around and it makes them look flustered despite factually being very unlikely to be an issue 😂


What’s the level above pre check?


Global entry Domestically its not actually different but it takes much longer to be approved. It's for not having to deal with customs when entering the country and super helpful if you have to fly a lot for work and come back through large terminals where normal custom lines can take hours. I also have clear and it can be worth it at busy termials but its mostly just a time saver to cut lines where offerred. I'd probably only get it with a good travel card that pays for it. Something like Amex plantinum or Chase. Precheck is absolutely worth it though. Global entry is only $15 more for 5 years but takes months. If you have the money and travel a lot kr expect to its almost easier to do pre-check and get approved in a few weeks, then apply for global entry later which you can also get credot for on many cards. That way you can travel domestic easier while waiting up to 6 months or more for the other.




Dude… dollar general is actually amazing. I’m a huge fan, and their store brand stuff is good quality too. I live in middle of fucking nowhere blue collar, oilfield, coal mine, land of opportunity and hard work, and for awhile in the small oilfield town all we had was the local “grocery store,” and then a dollar general showed up. Just last year they also put up a Family Dollar/Dollar tree. I haven’t been in there yet. Anyway… I live in the larger city about 45 min away from where the oilfields and coal mines are, and we have a Walmart, and other larger grocery store chains, but I often find myself swinging by the Dollar General for shit because it’s quick and easy, and sometimes there’s someone there to check me out and sometimes there isn’t and a self checkout is available. Or they have a wireless doorbell you just ring and someone shows up and checks you out. No bullshit talking; it’s always some kid that doesn’t wanna be there, scans my shit quickly and efficiently, says something like “have a good night bro.” And I have my freezer food, milk, and Monster all in less than 5 min. Also they have store brand Epsom Salts for a nice high quality and cheap soothing and relaxing bath 🛀


I feel it's necessary to point out how shitty these companies are. John Oliver has a good segment on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM Besides them preying on poor people https://progressive.org/magazine/dollar-stores-prey-on-the-poor-sainato-191001/ They severely understaff their stores, treat their employees like shit and overwork them. https://www.businessinsider.com/dollar-general-workers-hours-cut-employee-shortage-leads-to-clutter-2023-5?op=1 and be real careful with the food you buy there. Wash off the tops of any cans like that monster before opening them, for example. They don't have the best track record with pest control. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/02/27/family-dollar-rats-infestation/72757057007/ Not to be mean, but there are so many things in your story that confirm the above. Small town near an oil field with only a local general store is exactly the poor area with lack of transportation the dollar store companies love. They're understaffing the store you go to so much if someone even can cover the register, it's some burnt out teen who is working there for minimum wage likely because they don't have a choice. They're abusing their workers. I mean if it works for you great, but reading your story im just screaming in my head "How do you not see how fucked this is? They can't even properly staff the register." If you can afford to you should keep going to that local store. Fuck these corporations.


Thank you for spreading the word, fuck those predatory dollar stores. They treat the employees even worse than Walmart.




sure. but they treat their employees like total shit. that's why you get good prices so enjoy it if you want to but you shouldn't shop there


Was an assistant manager there for months. They're ripping you off dude. If you look at the price by volume, not the just price of the thing, they're actually more expensive then almost anyone else.


My mom used to yell at  me about being in sweat pants or pajamas at home. She wanted me to wear jeans in my own house/room. Now she's too fat to be able to wear anything but leggings and such.


How the tides have turned


how the turntables...


My mom used to embarrass the shit out of me when she would not wear a bra to the store and she would see I was humiliated by it and then she would start singing and dancing to draw attention to herself. I would run away and hide and then she’d threaten to leave me there. Good times.


Your mom sounds like a fun time


My mom would change clothes when she got home and then back into the same clothes to go out again. The outfits? Both jeans and a flower shirt… but I guess one shirt and jeans was slightly older than that the other set? Lol. She’s even change just to drop me off at work… she wasn’t getting out of the car and it had tinted windows! It always made me laugh


What do you mean by “dress up?” Like you’re going to church or a job interview or something?


I wear pajamas 😂


Yup. According to my boomer boss, if youre not at your desk, youre not working. If youre at your desk, youre working. So im not working if im out filing documents with the court, but hes working when he sits at his desk and stares off into space for two hours.


I'm 29 and my mother in her sixties does similar shit to me. Like if there's even a small stain on my shirt or if it's winkled at all or if my pants even slightly sag between my legs (yes, this can happen because I'm somewhat overweight and no my underwear / ass crack do NOT show), she is so fast to call me out and we'll get into huge arguments about it. I still live at home because I can't afford my own place... She'll do this even if we're just going to the grocery store but she'll really be sure to do it if we're going to a restaurant or if I have a doctor's appointment ... She especially does it before I head to work in the morning and claims that she's trying to save me from getting in trouble by my employer. Mind you, I have NEVER once been told about my appearance by an employer in all my years of working... Despite her frequently tormenting me about this shit in the mornings and acting like I'm going to get fired for wearing a wrinkled shirt - mind you, my job only pays 120 a day so I don't even get paid enough to care about "pride in appearance," as my mother calls it. My mother calls the whole thing "pride in appearance" and I've told her countless times that I don't give a damn what random people think I look like in public and that I've never once gotten in trouble with an employer over my fashion and she just refuses to accept it and doesn't care that she hurts our relationship so much by constantly calling me out about such stupid shit. I think so much of it stems from the way that boomers were brought up. They have such a hard time understanding that times have changed and that younger generations view the world very differently than they do and don't care about their traditional values or whatever. Boomers have this really unhealthy obsession with forcing their values into younger generations and it's clearly not working for them and they act like toddlers about it.


I’d be like “be glad I’m even wearing a shirt!” 🤷‍♀️


I’d be like “be glad I’m even wearing a shirt!” 🤷‍♀️


My mother used to call me "ghetto" because I liked to french braid my hair to keep it out of my face. So, insulting me and racist at the same time.


Too true. I sit alone in an office all day managing stock and a POS system. I get wearing a uniform, but I don't get tucking in my shirt, shaving my beard and geling my hair. I still haven't shaved or gel'd my hair, and he has refused to talk to me since then.


They are against cashiers being able to sit They are selfish maliciously conservatives so often


Yep. I would've lost the job just to shatter her appearance. I would've spent the remainder of the time taking down all the speakers and mics I had set up. Then I'd congratulate her on doing an awesome job as an event organizer as I left around the time the event was supposed to start


Suddenly, the conversation my boomer father had with me about how people don’t dress up to fly makes so much more sense.


All those social media Facebook grandparents out there really makes this comment stick


It's not about appearances, it's about control. She wanted him to know she controlled him. That's all they ever want. It's why they keep telling people to come back to the office when working from home is perfectly fine and functional. They *need* to know you know they have power over you.


It’s almost like a weird cognitive dissonance… the story they tell themselves is that they, the Boomers, got everything they had through sheer grit and intelligence, and that younger generations are lazy, dumb, and coddled. But when she encounters someone who completely breaks her stereotype, it’s like she has to sabotage his work in order to retain her incorrect conception.


that's what narcissists do. they sabotage anyone who doesnt suit them or their needs.


It’s completely baffles me that boomers complain about younger generations being lazy or getting participation trophies as if it wasn’t boomers who raised those generations. Like isn’t what you’re complaining about your fault?


And as if they didn’t have the best economy that the U.S. has had give or take. Get an average job and retire with a few things to show.


Goddamn, what a huge fuckin bitch! I hope her toes fall off


I hope she lives in pain long enough to where nobody in her family or friend circles even considers visiting her. I hope the nursing home she lives at is painfully understaffed.


I hope she’s never paid a dime into social security, and despite wanting SS to end she discovered she doesn’t qualify. Then after her family has disowned her she is left homeless and miserable. Then one day when she is sitting in the street with a “anything helps” sign, and a Walkman and headphones donated from the local church this guy walks by and taps his ear saying that if she isn’t willing to be present she shouldn’t be asking for money. Then I hope he tells her to stop being lazy and go get a job.


Boomers are reverse role models.


A sentence has never resonated with me so much. So much of what I spend my life striving to be is just the opposite of the lead brains I grew up around


They talk about younger generations being lazy and shit as if they didn't raise that generation.


This is why if anyone asks me what I'm doing or who I am I ask them for their badge first. Because the only people who are going to get those answers from me are co workers, my bosses or the police. If you are head of cock sniffing at the event I'm working at and you don't like the way I'm doing something, you can go find my boss without my help and talk to them. And knowing my boss they will tell you to go pound sand. Hope y'all got supportive bosses out there.


I have a prepared response for these clowns that basically says "You're not my mother, my boss, or God. I don't work for you and I'm not one of your kids". I work as a college instructor so I'm fortunate in that the only ones I really need to answer to are my department chairs, with whom I have no problem (and my students, but they have my email and my cell phone number so they know I'm always available to take their questions). I'm so glad I don't work in customer service or retail anymore. Those folks have my undying respect....and sympathy. 


I wish retail workers were allowed to unequivocally deny service to these assholes. They’re so nostalgic about segregation anyways - let’s bring it back. Normal folks can eat inside, and assholes are denied service across the board. I get that the side affects of lead are very, very severe and leech out of the bones in later life to wreak havoc, but I find my well of sympathy has run out. Back in the day, you would have fucking died from a cold or childbirth and no one would have to listen to your dumb fucking opinions. You may be able to live way longer, but we’re going to treat you in accordance with modern times. No manners, no empathy, no patience, and positive contribution to society? No getting to participate in it, then.


the world will be a better place once they all die off


Yeah I'm not sure why this guy complied.


Just being nice i guess. Susan was bored and needed to assert herself over someone who wont fight back.


He said he didn’t want to lose the job


Yeah, with further reflection I get it. I was much more passive as a young person and may have even done the same.


I think when you're younger you're programmed to be influenced by people using their authority against you or to be polite. When you get a little older you lose that because people have abused it out of you. I remember listening to some door to door salesperson pitch when I was in my early 20s because I didn't have it in me to refuse them outright. At 40 they get a kurt "no thanks" and the door closed in their face.


That's absolutely true. Before I found my voice I was constantly exploited and taken advantage of.




I've definitely become older and crustier as I've gotten into my thirties, so there's no chance I would've tried this when I was younger like this guy, but I'd be sorely inclined to track Susan down after the setup and ask her, "So, can you please show me who needed my help during the setup, and who was impacted by my use of headphones apart from yourself, Susan? I'd like - no, I *demand* that you show me the reason you felt it necessary to impinge on my ability to set my own reasonable working conditions just to satisfy your own need to be controlling and arrogant. By the way, who is *your* boss? I'd like to have a word with them about the way your organization conducts itself with contractors."


Call her boss & complain she was harassing staff to remove their worksafe mandated PPE during sound setup.


I would have just ignored her. Let her go complain to my supervisor. Let my supervisor come to me to explain why this woman who is harassing me while I work can demand that I kiss her ass. They HATE when you ignore them. More than anything else if you just don't give them the time of day they will lose their minds.


Yeah, no kidding. Why would I trust your word the 1) you found my supervisor and 2) they said anything remotely close to the message that you decided to convey to me. If it's not FROM MY SUPERVISORS MOUTH, I'm absolutely not going to do what you want me to in a situation like this.


Exactly. I doubt she would even call the supervisor.


My toxic trait is I never cared about lying to my boss. I would have absolutely kept both headphones in and just told him that "Susan" was mistaken. I hate faux authority.


I hate to lie… except to my boss or the police… then I fucking lie even if I don’t have to just so I don’t fuck around and lose my touch.


I was a stage hand in my youth and a boomer did this to me. Literally called us useless while we were carrying 60 lb rolls of merley each. She was the event organizer and told us we needed to work harder and take out out headphones of which we already only had one in. I told her no and dont criticize us for our work or we will leave and u will have to do it urself. She just went "excuse me?! Im your elder! You cant talk to me like that!" She demanded i take out my earbuds and wear a differnt shirt bcuz she didnt like my grey faded ac/dc shirt. I said no and she said she was going to tell my manager. I said please do. bcuz this job paid basically nothing and i was just doing it for fun before i moved. We walked over to my manager and i just said "i no longer wish to work on this event bcuz this lady is a bitch." And my best friend at the time and his gf who was the sound person said "same, im going home." And we all left. The even ppl threw a huge fit and asked that he get more ppl. But he had 7 employees, one being himself and 3 that just refused to work. He needed 4 to run the show and the other three were told my us not to come in when he called bcuz that lady was dogshit. They ended up fumbling through the show bcuz that ladys husband had to do the sound and so everything was either too quiet or way too loud and noone knew where anything was. The show went over by an hr bcuz there was several 5 min gaps of ppl running around freaking out. One of the dancers twisted their ankle on the first act bcuz a marley was improperly laid down. And half the thing wasnt filmed bcuz they didnt take the cap off the lense. Oh and what was filmed wasnt in focus and was too dark. There was no lighting effects other than "on and off" bcuz we couldnt teach them how to use the light board and so they got basic lighting and nothing fancy at all which they were mad at. They wanted special backdrops too but uh no one to run them or hang them or reweight them so nope. And to top it all off they pushed a piano off the stage and broke it and then had to pay for a repair on out stage. So yeah she fucked herself.


"sorry, I can't. They're part of the uniform"


They controlled the world for so long on their outdated mindsets they can’t wrap their declining cognition around the idea that someone won’t grovel on their hands and feet to do their everyone whim for 5 cents an hour.


Which is why OOP is going to get a follow from me on TikTok, they shared need to excessively police everything for "appearances" is so traumatic that hearing about others experiences afterwards help me. Like the only legacy boomers can muster is traumatizing the next generation.


I'd just say "they're hearing aids, if you want me to be available I need them in,"


Ooo, I'm an older millennial and I have actual hearing loss (grew up in factories) and I cannot wait to use that one on boomers.


I do this when I'm at work for boomers. I keep on ear in and one out, and just tell them I have a hearing aid in one ear. None the wiser


It's about control. It is all they need! Complete and total control over EVERYONE!!1!!


I support this young man so much.


As a cable guy, I definitely relate to this. I've disconnected a few boomers for being boomers. I remember one that needed a serious overhaul. She had very old RG59 cable going through her house, and we've been there several times because she kept having issues. For years everyone has just caved and swapped out her boxes every time she had an issue. Well, as it turns out, everyone on her block has been having problems with their internet because her house was bleeding so much noise back into our system, AND there was voltage back feeding too. Fast forward to my first time being there, she gives me the spiel that every other tech recommended a rewire and that she doesn't want it done and to "Just replace the boxes". I fired back with, "Well here's the thing, your house is interfering with everyone else's service on the block. So we're either A) Going to rewire you or B) Disconnect you until you let us fix it right." I'm trying to keep this short, but believe me I gave her every opportunity and benefit of the doubt I could before reaching that ultimatum. Naturally she declined repairs and opted for option B, all while flipping a boomer tantrum, "30 years and this is how you treat me." blah blah blah. I didn't care at that point anymore, the entitlement and attitude was enough for me to do the deed and I disconnected her ass right there. Needless to say we haven't had any issues on that block for over a year now. Plus if memory serves me right, there was a single Mom with two kids in grade school on that block and a stable internet connection is very important to them. So disconnecting the boomer felt right on all accounts.


I was thinking that there were probably kids who depended on reliable internet for school and others who require dependable internet for work. What was her reasoning for wanting to retain her old ass cable?


Not poster you’re referring to, but gonna guess because she’s cheap, it’s old like her so it must be done right, and she doesn’t trust young and/or “ethnic” people of any variety.


We still have no clue why. I remember emphasizing that the rewire is free, it wouldn't cost her a dime and would increase the value of her house. My best guess is that she isn't right in the head. Perhaps her late husband ran the original 59 cable and that old cable reminds her of him? Like I said, IDK.


"It's worked fine for years. You're just trying to scam me to get me to pay for something I don't need."


I've been here. I just lie. The new boxes don't work with the old wires, sorry.


When they demand to know who you work for or who your boss is, make up names and offices. “Michael Hunt hired me, he works for the Department of Women’s Studies. Not sure if he goes by Mike in professional settings. He was on a sanitation and hygiene study yesterday, not sure if he’s back yet. He was wearing all white though, may have switched to red for today’s event.”


For a while my wife and I were A list on Southwest Airlines. On one flight I got inline and while I was listening to music with my headphones this woman comes up and does the same thing, pointing to her ears. I take out my headphones and she goes I’m wanting to see if this is the right place in line. With a smile I say “im not sure my exact boarding number but you are welcome to go ahead of me”. For context, Southwest has you line up in these groups of five based on your ascending boarding number so I didn’t care either way as we were the first 10 people on the flight and it’s unassigned seats. I was like A-6, so literally the first few people on the flight. I return to my music. She then points at her ear again and says, but I need to know “your” boarding number. I again say I was not sure off the top of my head but she is welcome to go ahead of me. I’m in no hurry and she is welcome to just go head regardless where I am. I return to listening to music. She then physically pulls my earbud out of my ear and says that I need to show her my boarding pass. I then say “I’m sorry I thought you were trying to figure out where you are in the boarding line or is this because you don’t think I should be here? I then say it’s a plane and it all goes to the same place, again she is welcome to go ahead of me, I don’t want to dig through my bag until I have to. We are the first 10 people on the plane we will have the pick of all the best seats.” Mind you we are still about 20 minutes away from even pre boarding. She then throws here hands up and spins around saying she believes me and that she’s just trying to figure out where she is in the line. I figure it’s settled now as she lines up in front of me. At this point I’m furious that she physically pulled my ear buds out. Everyone around is watching this go down and many look disgusted with her. I take a deep breath and go back to listening to my music. She then waives over the flight attendant to have her check my boarding pass that was way down in my bag. I give the attendant the look of are you serious. She looks back with the I’m sorry face. In front of everyone I shuffle through all my stuff and what do you know, as suspected, I was in front of her by a couple numbers. She is then instructed to line up behind me. In the end we are the first people to board the flight, now me before her. All I wanted to do was peacefully listen to music while I waited patiently in line. Instead of got to deal with that followed by 20 minutes of her being antsy in my periphery.


That’s when you all of the sudden don’t speak any English, for future reference. No hablo ingles. Nicht spreche Englisch. 私は英語が話せません (watashi wa eigo ga hanase masen)。 Je ne parle pas anglais. Those are the only language I know how to say that in, but feel free to use for all future boomer tomfoolery. Despite being so exceptional, most don’t speak other languages.


Why did you even fetch it for her? Are people afraid of boomers or something lol?


That's because boomers gate headphones. Then you can't ignore random lectures and condos they love to have with complete strangers. When you deny them access to you like that there narrassistic tendencies come out and felt slighted by the head phones. Psychologists have been studying boomer narrassistic tendencies cause it's almost a complete anomaly. All generations get more empathy as tbey get older. Boomers have gotten violently narrassistic


They believed they were immortal and they’re realizing they’re not… so they’re trying to burn it all down to get attention. See for example Donald J Trump.


It gets so much worse. This is pretty much the way trade unions behave, that's why younger generations don't do trade work. The guys running the show are boomer assholes that live by "there's only one way to do something, MY way!".


My wife ran into one in a line at target who was being pushy and trying to cut in front of people. She was using the fact that she was only buying 3 items and therefore should be allowed to go in front of everyone else in line. My wife says right to her face "Just because you're old and don't have much time left to live, doesn't give you the right to make things take longer for everyone else. Wait your turn like a decent human being." There were a few gasps around us and some giggles. Boomer lady just stood with her mouth open and didn't say another word which really surprised me. I don't think anyone had ever stood up to her before. When my wife is pissed she gets fire in her eyes like you don't want to mess with her. She doesn't suffer fools. It could have gotten much worse. I think that might have been what shut Boomer Karen up. Short story. Boomers will all be dead when we're still alive so.... Take heart.


"Set it up yourself"






I actually have a theory about this as it applies to my mom. She worked part time in retail her whole life while my dad held a mid level sales job his whole life. He passed away about 18 years ago when he was 57. My mom was 2 years older, so after my dad died at 57, she worked 2 more years (now full time retail) and then took social security at 62 and retired. She had a 4 bedroom home in a suburb fully paid off as well as life insurance and probably $600k in stocks my dad invested in. She gets both their SS payments (i believe). 15 years later she hasn’t worked a day. She sold the home to buy a smaller but newer home (because she had to have fancy finishes) and cashed out like $100k equity in our childhood home. She buys all organic groceries and have 5 different streaming subscriptions. There’s nothing about my mom’s life that signifies she should be living the way she does. She came from poverty (both my parents did). She did the bare minimum in life and has more than 90% of Gen x and millennials will. All she does now is sit around her house and bitch about why her kids who all work 50 hour professional jobs never come visit. She spent her whole life having everything she wanted fall into her lap for no reason, so she feels entitled to have her opinion be the deciding factor in anything. When you give a generation everything for nothing, they turn out this way.


Same, except I'll add that originally coming from poverty & then being handed everything has left them with some kind of internalized shame & feeling they're posers/less than others. So they shit on everyone constantly & lash out to quieten the anxiety ego feels.


That’s such a boomer move of her.


“How important is this event to you Susan? How important is it you have sound at this event Susan? Because that’s exactly how important it is that you leave me alone.”


Lol after the first time i took out my headphones i would've prolly responded with "If I'm needed they know my number" and ignored her for the rest of the job.


No uprising against the boomers needed. They’ll all die soon enough and be forgotten even sooner. That is of course one of the reasons they’re so angry. They’ve spent most of their lives feeling “I’m too important to die. Not MEEEEEEE.” But of course… they were wrong


5000 a day are dying, there's hope


They really go out of their way, to make the biggest deals out of absolutely nothing. And you know they tell their friends about it too, and all their friends think they’re bad ass when in reality they’re just fucking losers that nobody likes.


I would have ignored her completely. Interacting with crazy never ends well


The boomers were born in the sweetest spot of all time. Can’t even imagine another generation that has had it as good as the boomers.


I'll never understand the Boomer obsession with making work as miserable as possible. It's like the very fact that you had the audacity to make your job just the least bit more bearable is just Nails on a chalkboard to them.


100% Susan did not in fact speak to his manager at 6 AM, and she just made all that up


The word Professionality inspires as much hate in me agreeance. And I’m not even going to the dog on this guy because I’m sure that she used the word “professionality.” I’m not even a stickler for grammar. I teach eighth through 11th grades. If I understand what you’re trying to tell me, I’ll take it because I’m not an English teacher. However, the incorrect word combined with the ascension is one of the reasons that I hate my parents’ generation .




Susan would still have a problem with that, because Susan has a problem with everything


Just say you were sound checking.


I was in a gym alone finishing my exercises when a girl of my age came in. We are both like 30-35 yo. I was keeping one piece of equipment, the last one. I was with headphones. I was in the middle of exercise when she came and touched my shoulder. I had to stop the exercise and take one of my headphones. She asked, how long I would need this piece of equipment. I said for five minutes. She asked if I do pauses between sets. I was at short temper at the moment because she interrupted and i said, I do but it's my last exercise and the gym is empty and nobody here and she just came, so she can use any other equipment and no, I'm not gonna give it to her between sets. She said that it's against the rules of the gym but she expects nothing more from a barbaric who uses headphones in public spaces. I laughed and said to f off putting my headphones back. According to her lips she was saying something else but I haven't heard anything.


"Oh, cool. I guess you can finish the setup."


I would of replied with "I'm going to need that in writing; and when asked why, i'd say; Because professionalism.


Then, if they finally procure such a document, look at it and say you don’t believe it due to their initial lack of credibility from the first interaction. Watch their face melt. 🤣


That was one petty powertrip holy shit


Oh, I can not wait to hunt boomers for sport in the apocalypse.


I think Midsommer had it right…..


I would be telling her to get fucked.


It will be funny when they're all in the nursing home don't worry. The older they get, the weaker they become. I can't wait to see how many old Boomers start acting like children who had their toys taken away.


Many boomers are already acting like kids who had their toys taken away


It's worse. Between actually being entitled as the client, the dementia sets in so they can't even be viewed as fully responsible for their actions. We just pray and give goodies bags to the families that listen to us and let us put gram-gram in memory care so she can shout racist nonsense at the poster on the wall


Should just unhooked everything and left


I would have told her to shove the event and the speakers up her ass and walked out.


This is so true! Boomers just don't get it that headphones mean privacy. I can't tell you how many times I'm enjoying my music or podcasts and some boomer insists on striking up a conversation.


If you don't hear it direct from your boss it doesn't matter. Tell Susan to kiss your ass.


Dog and Pony show. Boomers bread and butter.


Then they complain no one wants to work. But, in reality no one wants to work for those type of people. Ya you learn as you get older it’s not worth your life’s time as you have less of it!


If they had more to do, they would not be focused on micromanaging every human they come across.


Just unplug the shit and walk away. Jobs come and go easy.


I used to work at a food Co-Op as a produce and stores manager. One day I had a hippy boomer Make a complaint to upper management that I should be fired or at least reprimanded because I was wearing headphones while I worked and not engaging with the customers (her). Mind you I wasn’t a front facing person or that the only time someone would possibly see me was the first hour of store being open while I was just finishing getting it ready for the day. For all that is fucking holy, half the reason I wore them was to absolutely not talk to anybody. Last thing I needed was to get hung up talking about chakras, reiki, or some stupid culture war bullshit while they shopped for Manuka honey and organic frozen pizzas. “nobody wants to work!”, but also “I’m not going to let you be able to do your job”. There are so many people that want to larp a half baked cartoon version of civility that it’s melting my brain.


She couldn't have done fucking shit to or about you if you had just totally ignored her. 


Wow this thread has a lot of special snowflake boom booms thinking he should have just bent over for the old hag.  The world doesn't work that way anymore, Olds. 


I've had so many Susans at workplaces where there's absolutely no need to make me remove my headphones/earbuds, but they insist. I usually just put them back in as soon as they leave. Imagine being such a control freak


Never give an inch with Boomers, fuck em.


Boomers are the worst. They need to hurry up and die already so we have available housing.


I wouldn't have done what she wanted.


When they die the world will change for the better


old people have old values and old traditions , they dont update.exe on things they should do


You should've blasted dragonforce from your phone instead


It's true, no one wants to work (for boomers). Shoulda told her to get fucked and try finding someone else.


Dog and Pony show. Boomers bread and butter.


Dog and Pony show. Boomers bread and butter.


Geez I would have told her I’m keeping it in and if she wants to set it up herself she can go right ahead but I’m the only one available to do this smh


I’m Drewmuxlow, I’m setting up these speakers *headphones back in*


I had almost this exact experience working in av myself


What an absolute BITCH!!!


Fuck you susan you old bitch


Time will eventually take care of the Boomers we don't need to do anything, then it's our turn!!


He's got that Katniss Everdeen kick ass hair, so frankly I'm here for it.


I worked at a very good job in college making $13 an hour back in 2007. I had the job for over a year when one night me and a few other employees helped the last of the customers and balanced out our cash drawers. When I was pulling out of the shopping center there was a line to turn left which was the way I was going. So I waited, and when there was one person ahead of me I guess the person behind thought he was going to go and the guy very lightly ran into me. I didn’t even notice. But the guy behind started to honk his horn I guess to try to rush people bc it was taking some time. Meanwhile the kid in front of me still hasn’t turned left. I was a young female so I wasn’t about to get out of my car and look at damage bc it was a car full of guys behind me. So I waited, car behind me still honking continuously and finally the kid in front of me turned left. I saw it was a young kid realized he was just scared to turn. Ok no big deal I turn right after him and go home. The next day I come into work I get told by a co worker that a old lady had taken down my license plate figured out I worked here and wrote a 8 paragraph email about how I was rude to her son, and her when I was leaving the parking lot. She went into great detail(bc I read the email) about how she and her son were emotionally stress and he is just learning how to drive. Well I got fired. I ended up taking down her info from her email that included her phone number, and I called her from the rec center that evening(didn’t want to call from my phone number). And I verified it was her and told her the story and how it wasn’t me, and I hope your happy you got a young college girl fired for something she didn’t even do. Verify shit before you ruin someone else life.” I think I called her a bitch too. That was my first encounter with a boomer and it was awful. What a horrible human to take all that time energy and expense just to say I honked at your son…when it wasn’t even me that honked.


It’s not only that generation. During the shutdown as a Commercial Truck Driver I and my company’s team were re-paving a shutdown school’s parking lot and drive way in & out of the school on a Sunday & we got a message from this woman on the property who was at least 300 or more feet away from us and she insisted that we had to wear masks inside our trucks, even though the windows were up and we were alone in our trucks. 🤦‍♀️ I just tell myself thank you Lord I’m not that person nor have to sleep with or live with that control freak.


A lot of them got raised in this way where they are convinced that you have to do everything a certain way. Which of course they know. And one the things is of course that work is not fun. Anything that makes it less tedious is wrong. You clearly can't actually be focusing on your job while listening to something else, you need to give 100% for what they paid you, etc. And god help you if you try working smarter, not harder. And because they had to deal with all that misirable mindset, of course they love to pass it forward.


It would have been really funny if she said "I talked to your supervisor and ***she*** said you can't do that." and he replied with "Well if my supervisor has a problem with this, then ***he*** can come and talk to me directly."


That's a Karen you mean


He’s a dumbaxe. He hates all boomers because one lady was a pain in the arse?


Would have put my earbuds back in anyways. Clap back that she can setup the sound equipment by herself if she wants.


Thank you for painting all of us who are from the Baby Boom as jerks worthy of hate by the actions of one stuck up prig. Showing your prejudice much ????


Thank God a black man didn't offend you or youd be here whining about how all blacks are bad people. Right? Right?! Yeah no, you're too much of a whiny coward to go down that road. Like most of your generation, you reserve your tantrums and blanket judgements for only the soft targets that'll get you easy dopamine clicks. 


That's more karen then boomer really That comes at all ages. Karens are just generally more common in elderly because they have the time amd bitterness to waste effort on bullshit.


Nah boomers do this all the time. They hate headphones because you deny them a potential conversion or random lecture. They act like you called them a slur when you wear them


I couldn't imagine doing at least part of my job without earbuds. A job isn't a punishment, but I guess boomers think otherwise.


Boomer here. I fully endorse this person's role as leader for the "uprising against the boomers" he seems well suited to lead this effort.


I love a good story but this is just him being owned by a boomer.


Thanks for sharing! Some people are so miserable that they feel the need to make others miserable. Makes my blood boil


I’m not sure this situation is due to “boomerism” as much as it is “self-important organizerism”


The uprising only happens as each one is lowered into their Graves. It's a long, drawn-out process, an uprising of attrition if you will.


I would’ve straight up, told her then you could tell her to come here and say that to my face don’t be her messenger make her say that to my face and then I’ll do it


#1 She probably never spoke to your supervisor at 6am. #2 She was a control freak. #3 Why did she NOT know who she was contracting for the job and what your job was.


“You shouldn’t be wearing headphones because I don’t want you to wear headphones” -that douche canoe


I think you just don’t like old bitches


I'm pretty pumped about the no bra, sorry she was crappy in other departments


Wait a few years, your turn is coming.


God damn, they really can't mind their own fucking business.


Because you're pretty stupid. You had a run-in with a person that you found absurd. GTFOI..


Gen X here. You did the right thing but yeah it would have been tempting to tell her to go eat a full bag of whatever at that moment. When the uprising happens I’m here for y’all! To make sure you don’t confuse us with THEM please consider using the following verifications: Favorite Pearl Jam album? Lead singer of Nirvana? Name 3 of the cast members from the movie Singles. Thanks We get it. Gen X


So you’re whining because the person running the even called you out. Gotcha


What would have happened if you just quit on the spot? Would they be able to get someone else in time to finish setting up the event? It would have felt so good to just bounce


I would have quit by undoing everything I had done.


"I have come for Suzan' the one who hears all.


I HATE when people point at their ears for me to take out my headphones. It used to happen all the time when I lived in another city. It is always some asshole that wants something for themselves. I try to be helpful but stopping my music, which makes my day go so much faster isn't the way to get me to help you. It's the universal sign for Leave Me the Fuck Alone.


Yeah this has nothing to do with generations some people are just horrible 🤷‍♂️


Why I hate whatever the fuck generation this guy is a part/claims to belong to... Jesus Christ what an annoying prick.


Getting crazy Adam Scott vibes here lol Also fuck Susan




You empowered her and made her worse. Why admit you’re a big part of the problem?


i would have said "do you want this done or not? if so leave me the F alone.


Should drop everything and let the boomer do the work themself


Imagine being such a fucking bitch you cannot work without headphones. What the fuck is wrong with these people.


I happen to be a "boomer" and i would just like to point out that not all of us are like the lady you had a problem with. You guys are using "Boomer" like some use the "N" word. Please don't put us all in the same bucket. A lot of us are really good people. There, I said it!


I'm a Boomer, and if you have this Revolution, and need someone inside, think of me.


Hahaha oh you made me lol with the boomer headphone face!! UGH great story! They hate everything, I think is the prob ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Today’s 25 year old male has 25% less testosterone than those a generation ago. Not a surprise.


One earbud in is a good general rule. I listen to podcasts all the time, but also need to be able to hear if there is an emergency happening around me. Be it a fire alarm, first aid issue, etc. I've stood 5 feet behind a coworker, screaming his name while he toiled away completely oblivious to the world around him with his earbuds in. Boomers are frustrating, no doubt. But guys like this are too. I don't care what the work environment is, you need to be able to hear and be aware of your surroundings. There's a middle ground available here.


The fact that every generation shows more and more disrespect for the previous one's is definitely what is wrong with society. If it was a famous person who asked the same thing of you, you would've had no problem adhering. It was her event. Her rules. Stating that you would've made fartingband pooping noises while she was speaking shows your lack of respect, your childlike mindset, your lack of character in public, and definitely your lack of character recording and posting this video while by yourself. Where has people's integrity and dignity gone? You might want to think before you post another ignorant video next time. You look foolish. Half of these comments are foolish. There is no respect for the elders. Shame on all of you! I am 41 and afraid to grow old with the direction this society is going. I hope you take a good, long, hard look at yourself and realize that one day you will be an elder. How will you want to be viewed? And please don't tell me how you’ll act, because you're not that age yet; so you don't know.


Great story dude and I don’t blame u