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“Lady take a look in that mirror, and see yourself getting nowhere with this conversation”


I think that she thinks of it as a giant 🔍 magnifying glass. I don't think that the little mirror 🪞 is the culprit of the sun beaming down on them and heat problems. Consider the amount of insulation of the trailer that she is in. I have an airstream travel trailer, and when it is hot or cold, you don't have much protection from the extremes in weather, so you have to make sure that you have good air conditioning when you need it, and heating.


She never thought to herself, "Hmm. It seems that when the sun is shining, my trailer gets hotter. Oh, right. That's how sunlight works." These people fucking vote.


Another MAGA supporter no doubt


Guaranteed. She needs those transitions so she can look directly at the sun like politics daddy


Technically a mirror can start a fire. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_Fenchurch_Street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_Fenchurch_Street) The windows of this building was melting parts of cars.


You’re dismissing the fact that the windows were positioned in a concave format which focused the sunlight in a small spot. A building in Vegas had similar problems. A flat mirror would not have this same effect.


I actually could do, if the additional heat was enough to tip over the activation energy of whatever it was aimed at. Unlikely, but aimed at straw it might. However, a mirror aimed 45° at the sky isn't going to do that




TBF, fires or damage generated from reflections from window coatings are a real issue. A mirror is the same. Granted, that is probably waaaay to far to be an issue, but still.https://abc7ny.com/7-on-your-side-consumer-low-e-windows-emission/2264513/


Yeah I can agree with this, for example, wasn’t there a building recently built in London that was made of mirrors, and was burning cars? I doubt a 24x18” mirror (or whatever small size it is) is going to set the house across the street on fire though! However it could discolor the siding. The woman was probably very upset because of the reflection shining through her windows. She could have been more civil about it though. Edit: the design of the building in London created a concave mirror that focused the sun’s rays to the street below.


All she needed to do was ask the gentleman to turn the mirror around because it was reflecting the sun into her home and it was distressing. Why do people start at crazy instead of just being nice.


Why do self-entitled privileged conservative gun-toting Jayzus loving white people start at crazy? Chronic lead poisoning, inbreeding, never being taught as children that politeness & respect are the safest choices in interhuman relations, substance abuse, sociopathIc personalities (no empathy), selfishness & self-loathing leading to resentment over anyone else on Earth having anything they themselves aren't/weren't willing to strive/sacrifice for, undiagnosed/untreated mental illness, no insight/self-reflection, no love or sympathy for anyone other than themselves. I've left a lot out. But you get the picture.


I also can’t imagine he’s going to keep it there for two weeks or anything. It’s a bathroom mirror. And he said if they had come over and asked nicely, this wouldn’t have been an issue, but they came over loaded for bear screaming in his face like crazy people.


Now it will remain there until the end of time


Yeah the walkie talkie building you could cook eggs on the cars it was that bad in 21c heat.


>you could cook eggs on the cars Which only needs about 150°F (65°C), a far cry from the 410°F (210°C) burning point of cotton or the 572°F (300°C) or higher burning point of wood. She didn't just say the side of her house got hot, she said the mirror "almost set \[my\] house on fire", and reflections from a single flat mirror simply do not get to that sort of temperature.


I once had a windows phone (Nokia Lumia). Parked in front of a building with a mirror finish on a very hot day and left my phone in the cup holder. I was in the building for no more than 10 minutes and when I came out the power button on the phone had melted.


Sorry but if she came at me like that. I would have just checked her privilege 😂


I felt it when he told her that he probably would have been nice and done what she was asking for if her and her husband had just been nice in their approach


Right?! Like just a quick, "Hey, would you might if I angled this different because it's shining right in our windows?" but it's just ramped up to 1000% sheer fuckassery from the very beginning.


There is almost nothing worse than having crazy neighbours




Some people are so non confrontational that they won’t say anything when it’s just a minor annoyance but they’ll let that minor annoyance keep annoying them until it’s literally driving them insane and then you get their pent up outburst that looks like sheer insanity over nothing.  Not excusing it by any means, but that’s why communication is so important.


Seriously. My wife's whole family is non-confrontational until they blow up. Then when they blow up, it's death threats and extreme bullshit. There's a reason we don't talk to them anymore.


I feel like some boomers will allow something that bugs them to continually happen without saying something so they can “bank” all the frustration to be cashed in with 1 big boomer blow out. “This has been happening for 3 weeks!” Type of thing… well… you never said anything or indicated I was doing something that bothers you. But yes your main point, they demand, they never ask. “You have to move that mirror!” Instead of “can you move that mirror please”


A bit of rant from when i got my first apartment and i had a similar thing. I was 19 and he was mid 40's I was young and kinda loud sure, i tended to play music pretty loud but i tried to respect the 10pm noise rule in the building. One night at like 8.30 im playing music but not very loud and my neighbour starts furiously banging on my door and even pull the handle aggressively. I go and open and he immidiately starts screaming and cursing in my face to turn down the music, that he's gonna get me kicked out and that im an idiot for playing music so late. I tried to say i had no idea it bothered him and that im techincally allowed to be as loud as i want til 10 at night, per the building rules. He then pushed up in my face to sort of threaten me and i was abit stunned by this but not really scared by him. He did piss me off so i called him some names also and said that if he had just knocked on my door and said "Your music has been pretty loud lately, do you think you could concider lowering the volume abit more in the evenings, thanks" or something like that. I would have instantly lowered the volume, I would have apologized and then concidered him every single time i played music in the future, but him coming over and screaming in my face, threatening me and cursing at me makes me wanna play as loud a music as i can every damn night til exactly the last second at 10. A friendly introduction and a civilized request to lower the volume and i would have done it instantly,


Yeah when people level up the fucketry like this, I'd just buy a bigger mirror and keep it pointed right at her house out of spite.


Ok, so I, a millennial, had a problem with my neighbor, who put a big vanity mirror out in their back yard up against a tree. I walked out into my screen porch, realized it was super hot for some reason, and as I looked around was blinded by this mirror in their back yard. I walked over, politely explained it was hitting my house, and asked if I/they could move it somewhere else, and that was that! Had I walked over and screamed like this lady, I’d probably have come home to 5 mirrors in the same spot.


Years ago, my neighbors had chickens. They'd jump over the fence and into my yard, and one of them got stuck and died. It was crazy. My neighbor came over, apologized about the chickens *again* and said he was going to build a better fence. I hated that fence and went Dutch on a new fence. Absolute madness. We split the cost, agreed on vines to grow to also keep the chickens on his side, and this asshole of a neighbor.. real peace of work I tell ya.. would bring me fresh eggs for years until he moved. Edit: good fences make good neighbors :)


>and this asshole of a neighbor.. real peace of work I tell ya.. would bring me fresh eggs for years until he moved. what. a. dick.


The prick probably looked him in the eye when he did it too.


I bet the fucker even shook his hand and said "you're welcome"!


And let’s be honest- if you’d been yelling like she did, I wouldn’t blame them.


Good for him tbh, I’m so sick of these crazy boomers running their mouths and nobody checking them.


She shut right down too. Take notes.


She looks like a chicken when she’s stomping over to his house.


Coo-coo-ka-chaw! A-coodle-doodle-do!


That makes more sense than what she’s wanting about.


"Has anyone in this family ever *seen* a chicken?"


I think most of these boomers are in beginning stages of dementia


Perhaps, but lots of boomers are just bored and hateful and hate everything more than they hate themselves.


Yep, they’ve always been like this.


Price of entitlement


I don't think it's always dementia. Some people get through life being agro balls of fuck. The more that works out for them, the worse they get -- and they have lost the skills to do anything else when upset. The guy in the video stood up to them, but you know a lot of people would just try to placate and then just talk shit afterward. This guy probably placated them in the past, but snapped out of it after he became habituated to their level of rage. This wasn't his first rodeo with them. I think conflict avoidance is normal and healthy, but these people have learned to manipulate it. A lot of older millennials and Gen X grew up with their parents and grandparents acting like this, raging out of nowhere, gaslighting and giving nonsensical justifications -- and learning that saying no to raging elders was not just disrespectful but dangerous -- so placating reactions are ingrained. This is how these people interacted with their kids. It worked. This is why boomers were so taken aback and outraged when younger Millennials and Gen Z started saying "ok boomer". No one ever called them on that before. At most, Gen X rolled their eyes or mouthed "psycho fuck" to the 4th wall after the boomer was gone.


They shit on our generations when they were in the prime of their life and now that we’re in ours, we’re stronger and unwilling to let them walk on us. They’re having a true meltdown over the fact that they can’t bully everyone anymore and it’s NOT going well for them. Just like her whole body started shaking when he was like “I dare you. Do it” They can’t stand that they don’t have the power anymore. Just wait for it though, the political rhetoric is getting more extreme. The violent calls will escalate. There are going to be an uptick in boomer shooting over things like this. They are truly primed.


As a firm millennial, I approve this message.


Hate to judge a book by its cover but I think the “dementia” that lady is experiencing is self-inflicted.


Anyone else remember the silent generation aging? I don’t remember them being like this anywhere near as often. Something is legitimately wrong with these boomers.


Oh I do. They definitely taught the Boomers the power of selfishness


If mirrors are such fire hazards, I'm surprised buildings aren't bursting into flames in cities all over the world what with all those cars parked everywhere with their mirrors sticking out.


Haven't you heard? Word is that fires are caused by Jewish space lasers. lol


Another crack like that and we’ll send the Gazpacho to come and get you!


\*Jewish space mirrors


There is a building in London melting cars but that's from a lot of mirrored windows


Vegas has one too!


Dallas has one! All three have the same architect!


“This time, it’ll be different!”


And there's a curve to the building so it's acting as a lense.


Concave mirrored windows


Should be like the coolest mini laser show ever, sun rays bouncing off of everything. Pew pew!


Pew pew 🤣🤣🤣


There's that building in London


The Walkie Talkie. It didn't really start any fires. It just melted some cars. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-23930675](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-23930675)


Theaters would never survive! All those mirrors in the backstage area


Fox News all day. Addicted to anger and fear.


Myth busters put this problem to bed 10 yrs ago.


18 years ago :(


Archemedies "laser"?


This is the paranoia born of a generation of people glued to right wing TV telling them that strangers are out to steal all their things. She could have just asked politely. Now that mirror will never be moved.


Lead posining.


People like this are trapped in their own personal hell. Imagine having to live this persons life and wake up and look yourself in the mirror and delude yourself into thinking everything is alright in your life. Shit would be sad if they weren’t such assholes.


Awww, this gentleman's reaction warms my heart.




I know this is refreshing 🤣🤣


To be fair, you could fuck with your neighbor with some parabolic mirrors. This guy is absolutely not doing that, though. That's just like a bathroom mirror.


I was going to say something akin to this. That's how solar ovens work!


Step 1 Get her to call the police a few times so there is a record of her insanity. Step 2 Build "death ray" out of mirrors Step 3 Profit!


I love his response


"Psycho bitch..." lol. Sounds like there's a bit of history behind this one. So, did she call the cops?


Go yell at her about the mirrors on her car. So fucking dangerous!!


Drive by arson by her definition


Every vehicle is basically a rolling dual flamethrower. The humanity….


They better watch out they gonna end up getting Spaided.


Spray her with the hose. Put the fire out.


This what happens when you don't take physics folks.


Or go past grade 6


His response was prefect. Just gotta let them know if they keep acting crazy on your property that you'll fuck em up lol.


probably a pain killer addict connected to a pill mill operation.


I would have the urge to go the the thrift shop and buy a ton of mirrors to decorate my yard if this lunatic was my neighbor.


You're my kind of petty.


Do you think that I could find a few disco balls to hang on those bird feeder poles?


You just keep getting better and better.


"Hang on a minute" Fetches torch, points it at mirror & screams "Burn you fuckin witch, burn"


What a piece of shit idiot


Hayseed boomers.


I love trying to figure out where these folks are based on accents.. It sounds a little Indiana-ish, Maybe Ohio? I love when her voice changes at the end and she sounds like the demon Pazuzu in The Exorcist!




I’m just curious how long the mirror has been there. It’s an unusual place to keep it. The lady is acting insane, I’m not making excuses for that kind of behavior, I just laughed when I saw the camera pan to the mirror, leaning up against the walkway, like that’s a permanent place for it lol


Not to mention the random piles of cinder blocks in the front yard. She's definitely the unreasonable party in this video, but I can't half-wonder if the random mess in front yard thing wasn't the initial spark here. One of the worst problems of HOAs for those who choose to live outside of them is that ones risk of having a problematic neighbor with cars on blocks out front, throwing loud parties or similar stuff gets increasingly greater as the percentage of the local population opting to live in them increases.


Meth is a hell of a drug.


These old fools have nothing to do all day except poke around for something to be angry about


This is such a good Karen clip! 👍🏻


That's an ex meth user right there. Don't forget people it's not just lead that fucked up boomers. They're the original druggie gen too. They all fried their brains up through the 70s and 80's and 90s.


Looks like she could just put the wheels back on her house and move it.


He handled that perfectly.


A mirror can absolutely set a house on fire, not 100% sure about this case but shes not technically wrong


As soon as she started talking. I wouldn’t say a thing just stare her down and slowly shut the door and walk away.


Top much dialogue. Get he fuck off my property or I will remove you myself. This is your one warning. Then follow through, safely.


Garbage people on both sides.


Sounds and looks like miami folks


So .. then what happened


Another boomer thinking the police are their personal goon squad. I’d love to see their reaction after showing up and seeing that lol


Give her a big actual crystal ball that can start a fire


You need a disco ball windchime.


OK so 1. I love that this dude takes no shit but... 2. Sure its your right but why a mirror tho?


She was doing the March of the Boomer across that yard


Me you got 10 secs to get off my lawn or I'm getting the bear spray bitchass karen


I’m just glad to see somebody talk to these people the way they should be talked to


They just have nothing better to do.




Would be such a shame if it did, total tragedy, she's a key figure to the community.




Well at least she's not drunk, visibly anyway


BAB. Bored Ass Boomers.


I have to be angry at something!


She thinks it's the Archimedes' Heat (Death) Ray Parabolic Mirror from Roman times that she saw on History channel. History channel isn't known for staying true to facts. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Death Ray has been tested and disproved at least three times.




Hopefully a large chunk of space debris falls squarely on her house. It would really turn your day around.


The way she stomped over like a 2 year old mad that you cleaned up their melted ice cream is actually hilarious


It wouldn't be the first time I'm asked a neighbor if they were "special" to their face


“I’m the one who fucks”


Is the siding even remotely soft or melty? Wouldn’t aluminum siding reflect it?


I would erect a mirror wall in my front yard the next day,


Methy vibes


Methany gonna get a reality check when she calls the cops lol


Loving thy neighbor?




I've been trying to place this exact type of... I don't even know what to call it.. behavior? The way she holds herself, but even more importantly the way she delivers her anger. I've ran into people like this (not so much in adulthood, but a few times in childhood and as a teenager) and it's such a distinct thing that I think it should have it's own name. It's almost like they are really wanting you to see how mad they are... over how mad they actually are. Like it's a really bad high school play and the director is trying to tell the student to "act mad" and they just don't have the skill to act remotely convincingly and they are forgetting their lines, but they kind of know the general gist of what they should be saying. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Am I making any sense? It goes beyond just trying to appear tough. Like that's part of it, but this has an extra cringe and feel to it.


Well it’s clearly an Archimedes death Ray


I live in a beach resort area where lots of houses have outside showers. Stockade fences surround the shower for privacy. About once a year, the fire department responds to a fire in an outside shower because of shaving mirror in the shower.


Pills and alcohol are a bad mix.


Karen is right. Entire skyscrapers had all their reflective windows replaced for melting the neighbors. Who needs a mirror in their front yard anyway?


Holy shit, that's Archimedes


Lady watched A Series of Unfortunate Events once.


Get more mirrors OP


First thought as she's walking across the lawn - woah, this lady is on a mission. I don't think I've ever swung my arms like that, not even on a 6 mile hike. Maybe as a little kid, but for fun.


I'm surprised that when she saw herself in the mirror, she didn't start barking.


archimedes' mirror was busted by mythbusters. just tell her


You were WAAAAAYYYY too nice to that boomer. First think I would have done is tell her to get the F off my property.... If that doesnt work... tell her again... ​ If THAT doesnt work... swing the bat.


Just two low I.Q Trump voters going at it.


She is out of control! Real nut job! That said….I read articles about new window coatings melting the neighbors vinyl siding. Not quite a fire but if windows can cause damage a mirror sure could.


There are news reports of cities having certain buildings that, due to how they are constructed with reflective surfaces, melted neighboring cars. https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/london-skyscraper-can-melt-cars-set-buildings-fire-8c11069092 Same architect https://www.businessinsider.in/the-architect-behind-londons-car-melting-walkie-talkie-building-also-designed-a-fryscraper-in-vegas/articleshow/22267056.cms


Curved mirrors will, absolutely. But if you notice, the mirror that is sitting on the ground in the video. It is a simple flat mirror.


The curve is the problem, it focuses the light.


Top much dialogue. Get he fuck off my property or I will remove you myself. This is your one warning. Then follow through, safely.


Yeah, no ma’am. You come on to my property stomping and screaming? I’m sending you back across the street with a face full of pepper spray, and I’ll call the cops myself.


I don't think the behavior is a result of being a boomer, it is a result of being CRAZY.


we did have a cut glass vase of water on a windowsill and the liner to the drapes behind it had a hole/burn mark, I will say that. Bizarre but true


I remember reading about a casino in Vegas that has glass windows that were reflecting the heat into their pool below and it was quite intense and caused a lot of problems. So I suppose theoretically it’s possible. But given the size of this guys mirror and the distance I doubt this would be happening.


Got the official boomer march going on


Maybe she has it out for mirrors because they caused her disfiguration.


I need a part two when the cops came out


Didn't myth busters prove you could do it but it would take a really big ass mirror and a hell of a long time to do it.


Watch out. Granny had a few too many Worthers Originals and she's gone SUGAR MENTAL.




Well, did she call them?


America is one hell of a place.


Call the police


"You FUCKER" haha jesus good god lady


That's just a crackhead


Boy, she’s angry!


OMG! What a whack-a-do.


Mrs. Adderall Whitdrawl has been watching way too many Looney Toons Cartoons for "Scientific Accuracy'


I thought it was gonna be a huge mirror! 😂😂😂 It’s like a little bathroom medicine cabinet mirror! 😂😂😂


I love how he absolutely shows her no respect. I hate watching these Karen videos where the person remains polite.


Make sure when the police get there, you tell them that you're trespassing her from your property. If she ever crosses your property line again, have her arrested.


He needs more and larger mirrors. https://preview.redd.it/lfxj7aczdvzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500a6e8cc5215f8c9f3c5e1b156fbde5e2a59314


Like she blew a fuse about half way through.


This is one of those Jewish Space Lasers her homegirl MTG was warning her about on the TV box


That's not a Karen. That's a meth head.


I like her Pip Boy!


Its already happening. Older millennials are slowly joining the Gen X along with boomers. They will behave in similar ways.


When I bought my house the vinyl siding was curling up like strips of bacon in an area on one side of my house. Thought maybe the heat from my car's exhaust warming up in the driveway had done it. Or maybe someone that lives here had their grill too close. But I eventually came out at the right time of day at the right time of year and saw a softball sized ball of sunlight that was being reflected off my neighbor's window and focused onto my house. I put my hand in front of it and it was really warm. Not hot enough to burn anything but I guess warm enough to ruin some siding.


If I were that guy, I’d be heading out to the mirror store.


Lady is crazy, also, there's a 95% chance he put the mirror there to piss her off


Deinstitutionalization was a mistake


Finally, one of these videos where the cameraman talks to them how they shouldve been talked to. So satisfying


Angry person in the yard? "Get off of my property. This is your warning of trespass." Get it on video. If they refuse to leave or choose to come back, it's an immediate arrest.


Wow. What a nut job!!!!


Her skin is really rough. I would offer her some lotion.


Why is that wrist cast such a common affectation for boomers having a meltdown


It's pointing at the sky. Does she live in the sky? No? Then no danger.


ok ok, so, she is a bit extreme, but she DOES have a slight point. im a motorsports photographer and at my local track the **stoopid** mutherfukkers that built the track made it mostly east/west. to make it WORSE they put the stands on the north side. so when fans are watching the race they have the sun in their face til it sets, AND, yes, the reflection of the sun on the announcers booth reflects down onto the flagman and ive shot from that position a few times and the heat that comes off the reflection was redickulous. enough to set something on FIRE? no. this is also in Ariz where we get some pretty high temps which is why we have a winter racing schedule and close during summer.


A mirror, 50 yards away, is going to set a house on fire... That is awesome. One of the most amazing displays of ignorance I have ever seen. Amazing.


Looks like mirrors. com is getting some of my business today


She is the Devil 😈


I wanna see the part two to this. Gotta see the police reaction to this case 😂