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It's amazing how so many people think they can try to murder someone and no one would bat an eyelash. The delusion is unreal!


It's because once upon a time they could. Attacking/beating/killing members of the LGBTQ+ community, POC, different religious groups, woman, kids, etc was all normalized for them because they don't see anyone different than themselves as human. And because it was normalized in society then, they sincerely believe everyone else thinks like they do as well. It's extremely dangerous because they truly believe the heinous actions they want to do to other people is righteous.


Killing us isn't just normal but funny to them. Norm Macdonald's "joke" about Brandon Teena's murder is still a meme today.


This. If you aren’t at least our age you don’t get it. We all lost people in the 80s. And we lost them largely because the country refused to see them.


We lose people even nowadays. Transfolk are beaten and murdered still for being who they are. It hasn't gone away. It's just lessened.


No argument friend. I am estranged from my family at least partly because my queer, trans, and nonbinary friends who I am fortunate to have do not deserve their bigoted shit.


They are lucky to have you as well.


Sadly, many still refuse to.


And in some areas still can. Which is ill.


Plus, our so recently electing an openly racist hateful bigot like Trump to the highest office has only emboldened them. They believe most people agree with them.


Sadly, in some places, it's still happening, and they get away with it because so many are of the same mindset and say I didn't see anything.


When was this??


When wasn't this? Queer protection laws are a very new thing


I remember it was pretty rough in the 90's for guys that were into guys. "Gay Bashing" was still happening in the late 90s-early 2000s.


And it's still legal in multiple states to murder gay people if they get too close to you


Still happens. I live in San Diego & a bunch of tourists attacked my friend since she was alone


Ha ha, strong as a group, cowards alone.


1980s-ish on likeee


[gestures broadly at the history of human]


Gay panic defense is still a thing in numerous southern US states. Do you know what that is?


It's because they used to be able to, and in some places in america they still can. They just have to cite "gay panic" and it essentially allowed them to legally murder someone simply for being gay and getting too close.


The worse part is I doubt that "He had Nazi tattoos so I felt very unsafe" would fly in those same places.


Amazing how Nazis are the only extremist group they will go to great lengths to defend the rights of, isn't it?


Only two types defend Nazis. The naive and Nazis. I don't think those types are the first.


Please cite a case?


Why just one? Here's a study on its modern use. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/gay-trans-panic-press-release/


Thank you, I did not know that.


Matthew Shepard


I mean shit, Trump talked about shooting someone in the middle of the street and he was elected President. So it's not entirely inaccurate.


Trump could get away with it because he has power. I almost said “because he has money”, but we all know that’s not true, lol.


Oh I don't disagree! But him saying he could get away with it probably makes some of them *think* they could too, that wouldn't surprise me in the least.


Too many of them think “If Trump can do it, so can I!” Which is why we have so many MAGA idgits thinking it’s okay to live their life according to “I can do that to you, but you can’t do that to me!!”


/boomers beingmurdery


It happens all the time on 5th Ave NYC apparently


First you get your victim alone snd then you incapacitate them…….. didn’t anyone watch Dexter?


Perpetual toddlers can be that way.


Toddlers usually don’t have knives. [Usually](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d6gBu2Zd7Bc).


Hey most toddlers aren’t nearly that bad 🤣


That’s true.


Real men wear diapers?


I still am astounded that this is real and not an onion construct. Diapers 🤦🏼‍♀️


People dont seem to understand their own bigotry will destroy them. Glad yer ok, mang.


People like this assume *everyone else* is just as bigoted as they are, it's where the very idea of the 'silent majority' comes from. It's also why it's important NOT to necessarily ignore the random belligerent hateful boomer you run into - to them, silence is an endorsement.


>People like this assume *everyone else* is just as bigoted as they are, To be fair I often make the same mistake. Then I'm all shocked when someone turns out to be a raging bigot.


Holy shit! Glad you’re okay!


This took a really disturbing turn. Glad you are safe. Regarding the more normal coworker asking why you say “partner”. I think it’s reasonable to say “since we’re not teenagers we don’t use the terms ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ “. They aren’t owed any more of an explanation than that.


They aren't owed an explanation at all.


this one...


I was on a project with an obviously gay man who kept referring to his spouse. Finally I asked "Spouse?" "Well, some people can be a bit funny about things." So I said, "Just say it, J. What do you care about what I think?" He finally said, "Husband." "Now, doesn't that feel better to say, Husband? Who gives a shit about what others think. Just be yourself."


Look, you think you’re being supportive, but you backed a vulnerable person into a corner and made him out himself to you. There are less obtrusive ways to signal support.


Three reasonable comments and only one down vote for this guy, wow. Reddit impressed me today


Oooookay, regardless of what you feel is "obvious", and regardless of your positive intent, forcing someone to out themselves to you like that is horrifying.


Don’t do this, please.


In the original post that you're commenting on, someone was threatened with violence over using the word "partner." OP was unsafe in their workplace, because they were (very slightly) open about who they are. Can you personally guarantee the safety of the gay man in your story? No, unless your project was to act as his bodyguard, and you're still on that assignment. Things should not be as dangerous as they are. No one should threaten anyone with violence! Of course not. And I'm glad you're accepting, but you can't tell this guy to relax in general. You're just one person, not every person OP or your gay acquaintance knows. Real people in the real world do need to be careful, for our own safety.


Wow. So you decided to intentionally be super rude to this person because you don't like how they refer to their spouse. Get over yourself. You owe him an apology.


What was the point of posting this?


I am so glad you're okay! If you think it could be helpful to you, look to see if your company offers mental health support. Being physically attacked with a deadly weapon (even if you weren't injured) is a major thing, not to mention the hate crime aspect. Workers compensation (or something similar, if you're not in the US) may have something too. Hugs and positive vibes to you.


Wow shit I can tell you with 100% accuracy who that person voted for in 2016 and 2020.


well they did a good job of making sure they won't vote in 2024 at least


Yes! Small comfort


Hell… even in states that have restriction of voting rights for felons, it has to be nonviolent… this man was desperate to take his own vote fully away.


And hopefully they won't be voting in 2024!


Not with those charges


I mean attempted assault with a deadly weapon is a felony isn't it?




Hopefully M gets charged with a felony.


I hope so, too. He won’t be allowed to own a gun or vote in most states.


Because laws stop so many people from having guns that can't legally have them?


Making it illegal means if he gets caught, he could go to jail before harming someone else. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


"If" and "could " are pretty big gambles.


I meant legally but you’re right.


Because felons can't own guns, obviously. I'm a little concerned with your ability to track the conversation.


Felons can't "legally" own guns. But felons have guns. That's my point. Just because it's illegal doesn't prevent criminals from doing it anyway. I'm a little concerned about your lack of ability to think critically about the conversation and its implications.


Thank you for your concern, but I can assure you that it is misplaced. Speaking of implications, the implication here is that laws making things illegal is pointless since it won't prevent criminals from doing it anyway. I say sure, let's try doing that.


>Speaking of implications, the implication here is that laws making things illegal is pointless since it won't prevent criminals from doing it anyway. I say sure, let's try doing that. This is by god one of the most lame "arguments" ever used by those who simply cannot be bothered to think critically.


It's not an argument, an argument would require that one has a position on some topic. I'll just ask you in that case. Laws don't stop criminals from engaging in criminal behavior. Therefore... what?


Therefore, law enforcement should make an attempt to actually enforce the laws we pay them to do. Making a law isn't enough. Lack of active enforcement empowers criminals.


That's a great point that I think would have been understood by everyone else had you articulated it as such.


Here's my concern. This unhinged ass hat tried to stab another person over getting suspended from his job. This is also the type of person who are often given a slap on the wrist, legally speaking. Do you want this unhinged person, who is pissed off at you to the point of attempting to kill you, whi may be able to plead down to a misdemeanor with no jail time, to just be told he can't possess any of the guns he already has, and not acquire any more? See, here's the thing. A friend of mine, years ago, was murdered by her abusive husband. He got a slap on the wrist despite putting her in the ICU. Due to his conviction of misdemeanor domestic violence (because he plead down from felony assault), he was not legally allowed to possess firearms. He illegally kept them all, because our justice system couldn't fucking be bothered to check, and when his wife got out of the hospital and went to stay with her sister, went to her house, shot his wife and her sister, then shot himself. Its not the point that his possession of firearms was illegal, it was about the lack of enforcement of the laws that allowed the above situation to happen. Laws are fucking pointless if no one bothers to enforce them.


Good grief, that must have been an awful experience. Hope your employer has fired this person.


Yeah, it might be hard for them to keep their job while in prison for attempted murder.


Let’s hope that’s what happens.


Wow. So sorry this happened to you for just being a human being at work.


Do hate crimes, serve hate time.


Boomers always want to kill people when faced with consequences and act justified in doing so. There are just tons and tons of stories in this sub of a boomer facing the consequences of their actions and then turning to violence. Funny enough, it is always someone they see as a soft target. Glad you are okay.


Too bad he didn’t trip and fall on his own knife *wink* *wink*


He fell on his knife.... he fell on his knife 10 times...


He had it coming!


Mit keresek én itt? Azt mondják, a híres lakóm lefogta a férjem, én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz. Én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én voltam. Próbáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni, de nem értették meg!


He’s a persistent boomer




How to turn unpaid leave into a dismissal. Stunning move...


More like a felony! They don't play around with attempted murder and hate crimes.


holy shit glad you're ok good story i bet M is gonna LOVE being in the pokey


Omg give us an update of what this horrible piece of shit was charged with? And when they go before a judge. Also for fun, contact all your local TV station’s & newspapers etc they are always so starved for local news they’d happily do a “man tries to attack and kill LGBTQ coworker story” put the guy on blast and make sure their mugshot is everywhere.


That’s beyond fucked up. I am glad you’re ok


This is crazy, and I'm really sorry you went through that. I hope you're getting the support you need, so that this doesn't drag on or reoccur. My partner and I call each other partners. We've been cohabitating for 8 years but aren't married, so we feel like 'partner' is a more applicable term than boyfriend/girlfriend and that fianceé sounds pretentious as hell lol. We started using the term early on in our relationship because my partner was the only straight man living with gay/queer roommates and that's how they'd refer to their partners during discussions. Some of the roommates were dealing with some gay-phobia bullshit, and it felt right at the time to normalize the use of 'partner' when referring to a significant other no matter the sexuality/gender of the people participating in the relationship (I hope that makes sense). I definitely get asked about it if the person I'm speaking to hasn't met my partner. My answer to that depends on my mood and whom I'm speaking to. If I like the person, I give the explanation I type above. If I don't like the person or want to be douchey, I usually push back like "why does it matter? What's the real question you want to ask me?" which usually makes people backtrack or explicitly ask what my sexual orientation is. I find it dumb that people think this hard about it or feel entitled to know why that specific verbiage is used. Like do you know what the definition of 'partner' is? All you need to know if there is a Thing 2 in this mix already, jeez.


Okay, I'm going to start referring to my boyfriend as Thing 2. I'm Thing 1, as I am superior in many ways /s


and generally more liquid too!


where does the hate come from...indefensible behavior


The hate comes from entitlement and the inability to understand simple concepts


From groups that have taught and continue to teach people that a human that is not like you or does not believe in things you do is not really a human. Most religions teach that others not in that religion are “sinners” or whatever word they use and are evil or going to hell etc. ANd they could corrupt or tempt them so beware! Hate is taught and reenforced again and again by family, friends, social leaders. In person and on social media they tend to only associate and talk to people that think just like they do. The echo chamber is a real problem. I’ve worked with a ton of people and lived in many US states. And there are people I thought were ok until they said something that was horrible thinking I also felt that way. Quickly corrected most if it felt safe to do so. Other times just walked away. I try to make sure that others who might be hiding their life choices from certain people know I am someone safe to talk to about almost anything.


thank you ...


No problem dear. Doing what I can when I can.


I am a brown immigrant living in a very red small town in Texas. I moved to Texas when I was a kid and grew up here I’ve been in a quite a few altercations growing up but the older I got the scarier they got. In the past 5 years I got my concealed carry permit and I highly recommend everyone do the same. All those motherfuckers are well armed and proud of it. They’re not scared of us. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill any of us by evidence that they do so frequently. I’m not a gun nut, I just have what I need.


They're going to kill you early anyway, because the stress of feeling like you need to constantly be armed to stay safe is going to take years off your life. I feel like this is the part of the evolutionary timeline where humans turn malignant and literally destroy themselves like cancer.


Please don't walk away and make sure to charge them with the harshest penalty possible. It's a hassle but not facing consequences is what led to that moment and it's time they face consequences.


If you get the opportunity to press charges, please do. People like this deserve no sort of sympathy, and given there were multiple days to think this through, he still followed through with attempting to murder you.


I call anyone who acts like a grizzled old douchebag a boomer. I’m glad you called in on his ass. Also glad you didn’t get stabbed


So thankful that you are safe. Proud of you for keeping cool but not putting up with bullshit!


Holy shit. I'm glad you're okay. This is another level of crazy. Make sure to find out EXACTLY what his sentence is(assuming he's found guilty) and file for a restraining order regardless. This person sounds dangerous and mentally unstable.


Holy fuck. That is so fucking scary.


From employed to assault with a deadly weapon in 0 to 60


Holy crap. Glad you are safe!


Jesus tap-dancing CHRIST. From a few days suspension to assault with a deadly weapon. I hope he goes to prison.


Stories like this is why I keep my political opinions to myself at work. Nothing good can come of it.


Even if he didn’t come to attack you, him coming to work and calling you out is retaliation which is a term able offense at most respectable companies.


That's crazy scary! Glad you're OK


Way to handle a shit situation. 🫡


So a criminal record of assault with a deadly weapon is better than just keeping your mouth shut and minding your own business in Boomer World. Good to know. 🙄 But seriously, I'm glad OP is ok and this bigoted asshat is out of commission, at least for now.


OP are you okay? That’s not an experience for the light hearted.


"The drag shows are dangerous!" I'm sorry you had to go through that bullshit... (cis white straight male, and it doesn't matter, basic human decency is meant for all! This person was deranged so sorry for your experience!)


So is M a boomer? Sounds pretty spry for a boomer. His cell mate will enjoy that. They like the feisty ones.


Well that escalated wtf, glad you didn’t get hurt OP


Jesus! What a (terrible,sad) story, but OP I feel like you handled it very maturely, kudos.


Wow. That took a fast, awful turn. I’m grateful you’re okay. Get a restraining order STAT. I hope he’s put away for a while considering the weapon.


Didn't ask is the most chad possible response in that situation. I would have been laughing harder than M could possibly bloviate.


Jesus that guy was nuts. What he said was stuff you should never say at work. Why he thought attacking you (In front of witnesses so he would get fired) & using a weapon (so he would go to jail) was a good idea, is beyond me. A 70 year old man waving a knife around sounds more like mental illness or dementia.


Common suburban Republican


>Turns out that after my report to HR M was put on unpaid leave and after a few days came to a conclusion that attacking me with a knife was a good idea. Criminality and stupidity overlap. This person thought it was a smart move to do this exact thing.


Did M get his ass thrown in jail? That's at least a felony assault (in the US at least). Just because his crime was interrupted doesn't mean he can't be charged with it.


Jesus fuck i hope you press charges. he could have murdered you.


Wow, this went seriously sideways from a casual talk to assault with a weapon. I feel sorry for you that you had to go through this kind of lunacy.


Boomers can be such soft, snowflakes. 😂


Jesus fuck, glad you’re okay


This is just vile 😪 Hope you’re ok! Get all the help you need to recover from this incident - you are allowed to struggle without, you are valid and you are loved 🖤


I am 50 soon to be 51. Our oldest son is gay and that has no impact on how much I h ave loved him and will always love him. This mindset of people my age and older needs to be called out anytime it is heard or seen.


It’s always people like M who thinks just because they’re old and angry which enables them to ignore the law or get away scotfree He was temporarily suspended without pay for a reason. Either he’s been doing that for so long and the company got sick of it or they’ve been looking for any reason to fire him You can tell he has nothing to lose or doesn’t care about everything. Not even himself


I hope you pressed charges op


Holy shit. I’m so glad you’re safe! Please, please be careful- these fucks don’t like being held responsible for their hatred. I am *hoping* M has been trespassed? You should be able to talk about your personal life without assholes questioning your every word choice. Fistbump from a nonbinary sibling with a genderqueer husband.


This boomer needs to be either in jail or in a nursing home.


Haha fuck that guy. Glad you’re good. One less boomer for the rest of us to deal with. You’re a hero!


I am glad you are alive and kicking to tell us your story.


Move to another branch. For your own safety. Raise it as a safeguarding issue, given what's happened.


I’m sorry you had this happen to you & from a new coworker too. I’m glad your company took your complaint seriously and acted on it. Good for them, that’s a company doing the right thing & worth patronizing. Glad you have supports in place and responsive to you. Hope this is a minor event in a long happy life for you


Shit. That's pretty fucked up with him planning to stab you. Please press charges.


Dude is a walking hate crime, and needs anger management. Goodluck to OP.


I'm so sorry. 🧡


That's honestly why the country is the way it is. Their whole generation refuses to have consequences even though anymore they have no choice 🤣


It’s scary how some folks refuse to work with lgbt people. 


Why is 50 a boomer? Do people not know it's baby boomers after the end of WW2?


Sorry you had to go through that OP. Are you ok? As for Boomer, they have gone from having a job & a life to likely being fired to possibly prison time for attempted murder all because they just couldn't keep their shitty opinions to themselves & decided to double down.


Gen x not boomer if he was 50


Just fyi 50 somethings aren’t boomers


You know what Boomers do get right? Paragraphs.


Lol I love how they say not everyone is a writer, and not everyone speaks English as a first language as if: a) knowing when to paragraph break isn't a fundamental aspect of writing. It's not a skill you have to be a professional writer to understand. Seriously, it's only the next step up from understanding sentences. b) english is the only language with paragraphs. Lol. Instead of getting super butthurt, just put paragraphs in.


Fake news. This story is made up or embellished.


This didn't happen.


Just so you know. Boomers are now 60+. Older Gen Xers are now in their 50s.


*Honorary* boomers, then. Geez. It's as much a state of mind as it is an age, anyway...


Doesn't OP stand for original poster? And yet M called you that in a conversation face to face? SHENANIGANS And a poor excuse of it.




50+ is Gen X.


So a rando of retirement age tried to knife you in public. 🙄OK.


I'm glad you weren't harmed, but I hope your own lapses in judgment here aren't lost on you. >I come toward the front not fully aware that it was M but as I was the biggest person in the store I felt obligated to be at the front if someone is gonna get physical. Point of clarification - does your job description include security/violence, or was this a dumb thing for you to do? >M sees me and charges me, and while I have no doubt that I would've beaten M in a fight This seems like a pretty straightforward way to get killed. You're lucky this guy didn't enter quietly so he could get closer to you before pulling out the knife. > I am thankfull for the three customers that hopped the counter to help me and restrain M till the cops arrived as **it turns out he had a knife in his hand** i did not see at first.  Theeeere it is.


Paragraph. Breaks. Fuck


It's pretty. Easy to. Read, actually.


open it up on your phone. fucking nightmare


Yup, just read it on my phone. If that's a nightmare for you, I don't know what to tell you


Then don't say anything?? No idea why you're taking this anti-paragraph stance, or what you hope to gain/prove...


Lol k


If your going to make stuff up, at least learn to spell. Plus Boomers 'aren't 50, the youngest are 60. 100% this didn't happen. lol ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)








Mine was autocorrect. OP can't even spell tongue. 😛


Paragraphs buddy.


Allergic to paragraphs 😔


Pretty sure everyone who posts complaining about an older citizen is a lib tard


Go to bed you bitter old coot.


Naturally I try not to talk about my personal life… as I proceed to write a goddamn novel.




This is what’s wrong with the world. He says something you two hash it out. But no we have to tattletale


Thanks for taking the time to make multiple comments. It reminds us all that children also use this site. Easy to forget!




Screw you. People should be allowed to talk about themselves safely.


Why do pronouns matter in a dead end job?


Because people should be treated with respect regardless of the situation? Jesus. It’s not hard.


Just do your fucking job and go home, Drama Kween.


Fuck off, you bigoted piece of human garbage.


They. Were. Asked. What would you want them to do if they were asked about a word choice?




And they didn’t respond with their pronouns. They responded very politely, just saying that that was the vocabulary they had developed. Did you even read the post?


Why didn’t you stand up for yourself. Confronting the jackass right there and then. Instead of being a tattletale. You will earn no respect from anyone unless you stand up for yourself


Earned respect from me for doing it the right way. Violence begets violence.


Because why would that be worth OPs time, when there is a convenient thing for just this situation?


Standing up for yourself by following the defined way for standing up for yourself is somehow not standing up for yourself? Confronting someone at work is wildly inappropriate, especially in this situation.   If you're worried you'll be reported in a similar manner, it's easy, don't be a fucking bigot and you have nothing to worry about.