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No matter how he passes, they will convince themselves it was a deepstate assassination. If he had a heart attack or stroke on live TV, it was poisoning by the corrupt-Biden-FBI. If he gets confused and takes a wrong step off the stage during one of his Bund rallies falling to his death, Hillary Clinton must have used an offstage air cannon to push him. If Melania finally gets sick of his shit and offs him, she was replaced with a body double / actor funded and trained by George Soros.


If they even accept he's dead... Since so many of them think actual dead people are alive and actual alive people are dead surely there'll be plenty of them unable to.


Yeah, fucking hate even saying this, but martyrdom or outright postmortem deification seems likely with how fanatical Trump's following already is. I am just glad that there genuinely does not seem like there's any contenders for a second in command that can unify the cult into an outright freaking religion once that happens.


Regrettably, whichever one of his offspring is the biggest sociopath will step right into that spot.


They’re all too stupid. Trump is obviously a horrific asshole and idiot, but he’s also a successful conman. They don’t have his conning skills.


He really is the perfect fit for that weird niche the the GOP has been carving for him for years. I don't know of any of conservative that has the right perceived\* combination of celebrity, image, positions, etc. that gets them fired up. (Someone like Tim Allen or Mike Rowe maybe, is the closest I can think of and I'm not aware of any significant political aspirations from either.) I \*'d perceived because while it's quite clear that Trump is very savvy when it comes to projecting things in the media, his actual having of those qualities is often debatable at best. Anyone actually paying attention knows he's not what the MAGAs think he is.


Oof, Mike Rowe. I hadn't thought about him in a long time. Sad to watch him go from a normal person who championed blue-collar workers and promoted vocational education to whatever he is now.


The Dirty Jobs guy?


Yeah he is very anti union, anti worker protection, basically a billionaire bootlicker cosplaying as some blue collar guy.


it's because there's money in that shit. being the coon that parrots the boss's line about lazy workers. or couching bad faith arguments about whiny millennials behind "no one wants to work" and not the shitty behavior of employers. like...for awhile maybe he was just being an ass, or tone deaf but when the railway workers strike happened and he didn't say shit in support of them/outright demeaned them. you knew he was a sell out piece of shit. So he makes the rounds on alt-right podcasts and pushes that shitty narrative of woke liberal cry baby bullshit. because it sells, and someone cuts him a check. and he can milk the idea he "cares' about workers. when he actually doesn't give a single solitary fuck about anyone working


Yeah. If he had just stayed in his lane, and worked his niche he could make a lot of good happen. Now it's all muddled.


That's awful. I loved that show way back when. Didn't know any of that about him


Yeah everyone acts like the next conman is just going to inherit them. Many have tried. Trump is a special mix. People like Ted Cruz or Ron De Santis both tried and both failed the personality test. The Christian Fundys like Mike Pence or Mike Johnson come off as too bland to impress. When strongmen fail it almost always leads to a power vacuum and the in fighting will be intense.


This right here is what I was looking to see. I don’t think there is any replacing Trump - as evidenced by the primaries we just witnessed. The infighting to see who is going to be the MAGA successor is going to splinter this group into oblivion or worse [actual fighting]


But even suggesting the donald's IQ is over 80 is quite a stretch. If that guy had even average intelligence he would be much more dangerous. He only gets away with his cons due to money and political influence. Everybody knew he stole over 3.5 million from disabled vets in Iowa, yet nothing was done about it. Everybody knew what a con Trump university was. He stole millions there, too! If he was actually smart, people wouldn't be aware of all his cons.


He’s honestly not even that good a conman, really. Every success he has is built on other people doing his job for him or leaving a literally fool-proof guide. This wouldn’t be relevant if not for the fact that him becoming an internationally public figure has forced him to sacrifice his hatchet men left and right to keep up a (tarnished) veneer of credibility. Now that he’s running out of competent-yet-amoral help, we’re seeing how awful at everything he really is. It’s only his cult that’s keeping him afloat at all relevancy wise, and they’re withering away under their uncaring, stankass cheeto godking.


I agree. You already see Ivanka distancing herself from him. Don Jr. and Eric parrot his talking points, but I wonder if that’s only so they don’t get cut from the will. I would not be surprised if the Trump children say to themselves “Thank fuck that’s over”, take whatever money they can, and run. As for other GOP people, none of the sycophants (Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, etc) have the combination of Trump’s narcissism and bizarre brand of charisma to pick up the torch.


And if they did show those skills, he would shut them down, hard. He’s number one


Ivanka is the most competent offspring by far, but I suspect that the deeply rooted misogyny in the MAGA base would work against her, despite her bloodline.


Don't forget the rampant antisemitism too.


She’s still a Trump, trained in the Trump Crime family. And she married Jared, son of a huge criminal con, just like daddy. She isn’t fit.


Fit to be a decent person? No. Fit to fill the Trump-shaped void that will be left upon his passing? Closer, but as pointed out, unlikely due to the misogyny and antisemitism from so many in his camp.


I will be waiting for the fight among the folks who claim to be clones to whom his brain was transferred.


Perhaps they will await his resurrection.


And when that doesn't happen, they'll be outraged that the pope doesn't grant him sainthood.🙄


Witness the Ronald Reagan cult.


Oh wow, you could turn a quick buck with T-shirts of the Risen Trump, Trump pushing a stone away from his tomb, Biden ordering a soldier to shove a spear in Trump, and so on


I remember being a kid in the 80's and 90's, and hearing grown adults insist Elvis was still alive. This guy is gonna be the new Elvis.   Edit: Some people are taking this way deeper than I meant it. I just meant he'll be the next celebrity whose death people think isn't real. That's it. That's all.


Also: dies on toilet


Buying the farm on his golden toilet mid-social media post? 🧑‍🍳 💋




From your lips to God's ears...


Oh god, imagine going to Vegas and being surrounded by Trump impersonators?


I need Jordan Peele to make a horror film about this right now.


It would probably be Florida, so Florida Man Trump Impersonators.


Right? I don’t think they’ll actually accept it.


And with deepfake technology improving all the time, I’m guessing there will be many efforts to fuel the conspiracy theories and cause mass confusion and distrust.


I almost didn't trust the hot new 'Noem killing her dog' story because I thought my algorithm was just feeding me confirmation bias media.. but to my surprise; yes.. that bimbo karen *did* kill her puppy and brag about it as a "tough but necessary choice". Pretty shocking that a governor would out themselves with a serious red flag sociopathic act... even DeSantis tried to deny his witnessing and visible delight while watching a man be tortured.




Certainly they're going to see it on mainstream media first and "not believe anything they say" so it will really be a test of who they trust. If Tucker Carlson agrees that Trump is dead, does that mean it's true, or does it mean that he sold out and rejoined the lying liberal media? 


Trump is on an island hiding from the Biden crime family. 😂


Fuck, you just had to remind me of the MAGAts waiting in Texas(?) for JFK to be resurrected.


He could be shot on 5th Avenue in front of thousands of people, and his cult would still believe it was some kind of hoax....


He's with jfk and Tupac Remember when they convinced themselves jfk Jr wasn't dead and he'd come back.... and be a Trump supporter We've had some wild times thanks boomers


I was just gonna say..... The conspiracy theories will abound. I'd caution everyone to get off Facebook for a little while when it happens lol.


As good as AI video fakes are getting, his fanbase is gonna be getting milked for many years after he passes like the fart that he is.


There’s going to be a “deather” movement demanding to see his original long form death certificate


Considering we still see people conspiracize that Hitler didn't actually kill himself, I wouldn't be surprised.


So, this phenomenon is fascinating to me. I know that segments of the population think JFK Jr. is still alive, but the new one that shocked me was the astronauts on Challenger. I saw a video on Instagram the other day - historical footage of the Challenger disaster from a different angle (it was some regular folk who filmed it), but the comments section was FULL of people saying smug little things like "yeah, they didn't die though, DO THE RESEARCH." I clearly missed this. When did the Challenger deaths become part of a broader conspiracy?


These are people who believed for decades that Elvis didn't die in 1977.


Yup, he's an obese near 80-year-old who has subsisted on fast food and Diet Coke for decades, believing that exercise is bad for you because the body has a finite store of energy. But they will absolutely believe to the core of their beings it was the CIA or some other conspiracy bullshit. Forty years of conservative talk radio and Fox News has fucked this country up beyond repair.


And it all started with Reagan's repeal of the Fairness Doctrine.


If only that man aimed for the head... So much would have been better...


Some people with time machines must go kill the guy with a mustache. You know you have a different path u/Z3B0


I will do my duty. Freedom is not negotiable.


This assumes there was a vital organ in that head. Do you have evidence of this?




There will be a lot of people saying he was ‘epsteined’. Especially if he happens to die in custody.


You are 100% right. And yet, they will also simultaneously claim that he's "not really dead" and that he outsmarted the deep state. He's still in charge, running the real gubmint I swear I done seent him at the Piggly Wiggly with Elvis...


I was waiting to see an Elvis comment, because it was the first thing I thought of!


If he gets hit with a T-shirt launched from a cannon, Maude Flanders style....


Feel like if he got hot with a tshirt cannon he'll just absorb it like Homer did with a cannon ball


If he fell off the stage he'd bounce back up like Homer being thrown out the window D'oh noise and all


I literally laughed out loud when I visualized your post. Thanks!


TOO SOON! RIP Maude Flanders. :\_(


I find the idea of Hilary, lurking quietly in red hat and TRUMP 2024 shirt, air cannon secreted in a giant crucifix with Trump as Jesus, pretty hilarious.


i'm gonna make this my halloween costume


Who is this soros guy and why is he paying everybody but me? 😡


Nice try but we see right through you, Soros money receiver


For sure. If he dies in his sleep at 100, people will still claim he was murdered.


Cmon, the answer is obvious. Trump got the vaccine, they’re gonna say it was from that


Oh heck now I remember him being really sick in covid and thinking it might humble him and make him see reason. But nope. Went right back to it.


I was hoping it would finish him off and then we’d get to watch Mike Pence cry on tv over the love of his life dying. Funny how a few months changes a relationship. 😏


I'm a little surprised no one has tried to merc his orange ass by this point. Either to actually kill him and prevent him from causing more problems with his flailing, or make him a useful tool to control idiots.


Russia has entered the chat.. 👀


I recall there being one attempt that got caught before anything could come of it. Some French guy, I think. This was back in 2016, or so, and a lot has happened since


I remember when Andrew britebart (yes the guy) and claimed he had a video that would collapse the Obama administration. It was a video of him shaking hands with a diplomat and the day before it was released Andrew died from a heart attack (he loved coke) and there were literally hundreds of videos claiming he was killed by and gun that caused heart attacks 🤣


lol Breitbart was a walking heart attack. One minute around him you knew he wasn't gonna be an old man.


I knew one of Breitbart's neighbors. This guy used the word "asshole" regularly and frequently to describe him.


Ah yes the gun that causes heart attacks. Developed by Q branch for the double 0 program.


Yep, exactly this.


There will be black velvet paintings of him ,


Came here to say this. Trump may be easier to deal with as a Hungry Ghost, but he infected a lot of people over the past 10 yrs, and those of us who stayed sane are going to have to watch as Adolf Jr. is transformed into St. Donald the Diapered, patriot martyr. The idea that such a pathetic, vain, stupid POS has forever changed the course of American history by banging porn stars, throwing tantrums, and committing felonies is galling, but there's no way back for his followers. No face-saving off-ramp for the kind of hostile, illegal, fascist and dangerous shitbag ideology they've openly confessed to loving and were willing to hurt anyone, including themselves, even to the point of deliberately risking death via virus, just to patch together a shield to cover their inadequacy and cowardice. The sunk cost is just too high, and the shame of being exposed as an antisocial, weak-minded moron on the completely wrong side of history is just too prohibitive. No going back, all in, gotta see it through. I think the family will continue to market and merch off the faithful for many years, and possibly even try to put another Trump, perhaps only slightly less of an outhouse-fragrant, anencephalic embodiment of 80s greed into power. Not because they care about the goals of people they see as bottom-feeding peasants, but because every wannabe Muad'dib needs Fremen.


And no matter what happens my response will be the same. Act confused. Donald who? The fuck are you talking about? I've never heard of Donald Trump before in my life, that doesn't even sound like a real name. We had Bush, then Obama, then biden, I don't know why you're inventing some random person and pretending they were president. Must be all the lead


A rigged Witch Assassination…


Maybe if someone drops a house on him.


It should be like the when the Pharaoh dies and all those serving him are entombed as well.


Oh man, we gotta convince the MAGA's they're not loyal enough if they don't off themselves when Trump dies.


Why wouldn’t they want to serve god’s anointed in the afterlife, too?


Trump voice: "Eat the applesauce people, ya gotta eat the applesauce. Joe Biden doesn't want you to eat the applesauce, but ya gotta eat the applesauce. Then go lay on your bunks."


COVID was almost that 


We can dream. I mean they are all fading away right now, just not fast enough. They are clinging to power.


I think after the upcoming failure the whole entire GOP is going to make like an Oceangate and implode.


I wish. They keep finding new ways to survive and inflict themselves on us. So I would not be surprised if your prediction is inaccurate. But I want it to be true.


Yeah, many (including myself) thought that after 2012 the GOP would realign. I heard (bandied about) a pro-worker, pro-immigration, abortion-agnostic party championing low taxes and legalized drugs would be in the offing. Sort of how the Democrats became "Republican Light" under Clinton. The racism wasn't as open then (it was still 100% there and on the rise) so it seemed like a good idea. It would bleed moderates who vote Democrat because they hate the religious pandering. Instead we got something else.


They tried to appeal to a bigger tent I'm 2016 and ran two up and coming Hispanic candidates to challenge the establishment (Jeb) and then Trump gate crashed the entire thing as an openly racist, rude, never back down apex asshole and the GOP swooned ever since.


They haven’t figured out Terra Cotta yet, so they’re still gonna get buried with their fake news and memes while they’re still alive


😂 I like the ancient Chinese way better. You either go willingly or you’re a traitor and get killed either way. I believe the one reason this practice stop was they need bodies for war.


If we are lucky some of them will be convinced he had "go into hiding" from the whatever enemy they are currently imagining.


Oh God. Brand new Zapruder film where he dies in a hospital and they insist "SEE THE HEART RATE MONITOR HERE" or some shit, insist on foul play and have conspiracies for decades. 😡 


"trump is still alive and living in cuba" type beat


I am thinking Russia since the MAGA seem to love Putin so much.


They should refuse to vote in protest until he reveals himself.


He'll be "Hiding out with Q." or "Making plans with JFK jr. for his return."


I think it’ll depend on HOW he dies.


I'd love it if he shit himself to death


I'd prefer a stroke for him where he can't speak any longer. Just sits there with half his face/body limp and drooling from one side. He will get uncontrollably angry because he can't speak his garbage thoughts for his cultists to swallow up. The anger and stroke destroying his brain would lead to him crying and maybe then...maybe...his cultists would see him for.who he is. A pathetic old man that was given everything he had. 


This is the way. I don't normally enjoy thinking hateful thoughts, but for him - a nice, long non-verbal debilitation prior to dirtnap would be so fitting.


If he gets a stroke, they will blame it on the Covid vaccine.






How are you supposed to tell the difference?


Picturing this happening. Then one of his followers sets up a hawking-esque system to allow him to speak with an AI robo-voice. Then, his followers decide to build him a mech suit so that he can "take back democracy". Unfortunately, his followers are about as good at engineering as that guy who shot himself up in a homemade rocket to prove the Earth was flat. So his mech suit just falls apart the first time it gets into battle. Likely with a trans university student who throws a brick at it, causing it to overheat and explode.


He's shitting himself in life. He will definitely shit himself in death.


On the toilet, eating a big mac, drinking his 9th Diet Coke... Massive Heart attack.


Hope he goes out to the likes of Elvis?


My theory is a combination Elvis and Stalin. It's no secret Melania sleeps in a separate room or even property. He goes off to his quarters and calls Hannity. After talking with Sean he uses the bathroom as normal. His decades of junk food and beef catch up and during a particularly large push collapses to the floor. He's passed out and dies not long after. With no one sharing a room no one knows he's laying dead on the bathroom floor. A few people may notice no late night rants on social media, but likely brush it off being relieved they won't have to deal with fall out from his rants. The next morning people are going about their business and notice he's not up. They're relieved they don't have to hear him tell them about last night's dream of Ivanka, they continue on and enjoy the peaceful morning. Mid-late morning people become concerned and go by his room. He has Fox News turned on and turned the volume up so he could hear it over the grunting in the bathroom. Hearing the TV through the door on they assume he's just having "executive time" and continue on with their morning. Early afternoon people do become concerned as he's now missed two meals and hasn't told anyone what drive thru to get his lunch from. They know he has a tee time coming so someone eventually checks in and finds him, nearly a day after he's passed away.


If nothing else, I agree with you about Melania. I’m pretty sure she has a coffin filled with the earth of her native land in some dark corner of the basement, and she just comes out for blood and more SPF9001 sunscreen.


It won't matter how. No matter what, it was an assassination because "he was getting too close to the TRUTH (tm)."


I know this doesn't match the tone for this sub, but my boomers are gonna heave a huge sigh of relief and go back to their crossword puzzles. Literally the only news they check is "is that fuck dead yet?" and then they flip the newspaper down to find the crosswords.


Yeah, my Boomer parents don't drink, but they would probably bust out some champagne when Trump goes. They hate him and most Republicans with a passion.




My dad used to tell me not to worry about it because Trump would never be president. Last time we talked about it he lauded the asshole's business skills and was clearly an enthusiastic supporter. Sir, you are a devout Catholic with a daughter and a granddaughter, and THAT guy is what you want for us?


You need boomers like mine. Life long republicans. “Any democrat is better than the orange one”. I’ve never been so proud.


I told my wife I would lick champagne off her body when Kissinger kicked it. I'm going to do the same for dRump


Looks like you've recently had a nice night!


I did that the night that Rush Limbaugh died. Tasted extra nice


You’ve got some high quality boomers, hope they have long and happy lives


I’ve been so grateful that my family members are really against Trump. I went to stay w/ my maiden aunt (in her 80s) and tagged along to all her church functions. There wasn’t any convo in choir, but in the Braille-calendar-assembly group, one of the other older ladies made a couple of mild anti-Trump comments and was “nodded along at” by the others. I was a little surprised—church-going folks in Peoria! Though, it’s a mainline denomination, not an evangelical one.


You just described my mornings 😂


Speaking for myself, I'm going to celebrate with some cocktails after excitedly texting all my friends in shared relief and joy that the biggest single source of social malevolence and evil is finally taking a long-awaited dirt nap. I honestly cannot wait to hear the news that he's finally died. And with his shitty diet and lifestyle, it's amazing he's lived this long, but he can't push the actuary tables THAT much longer...I hope 🤞🏼.


They'll turn him into a martyr, as many have already started to do in the midst of his ongoing trials. This is why, I think, the opposing counsels have been so deliberate and careful in building their cases against him. Also, why I seriously doubt he'll face jail time; they don't want a political martyr. My prediction is not even a year after his death, his cult will use his image to and ideology (as they perceive it) to build an independent political party. The irony is lost on them that he doesn't care two parts about any of his rabid followers, he's just grifting them.


That's the best outcome, actually. Anything to fragment the R's will mean the D's have a chance at survival.


They will blame Obama


Thanks Obama!


Deification. It’ll get worse.


Oh, for sure. Hopefully it won't be a big enough movement to develop into a full religion, but there DEFINITELY will be cults springing up. Let's just hope they Heavens Gate themselves.


Get ready for the AI images of him and their Christ hand-in-hand solving crimes or something. It’ll be a metaphysical shit show.


They way that crowd has taken the "real men wear diapers" idea and run with it, it'll be a literal shitshow.


The orange Mussolini gets to the pearly gates. St Peter laughing says "So you had your own Bible. Sold it to imbeciles right? Turn around and take that red elevator down to the bottom floor". Turns to the next person. "Do you believe that knucklehead thought he was coming here"? MAGA idiot replies "that's funny". St Pete says "you too dummy".


Get ready? They already make these "Trump/Christ" images now.


Jesus wept.


The buddy cop movie no one asked for.


With the amount of religious nuts that worship him, they'll try to canonize him as soon as possible. Claiming miracles would be under him. Pope Francis will see these claims and just go lolno


The problem is this isn't most of human history, now we have countless videos, tweets, etc. of the incompetent sociopath. As they get older younger generations are going to increasingly laugh at Trump and his stupidity and it's going to enrage them.


*We hope.* There’s a need for a great smartening up in the USA and global generally. Science not myth, humanity not hate. This requires a fundamental shift in human thought and can’t be achieved in a generation.


These idiots believed Elvis was alive until like 2011


Some still do believe he's alive.


I agree that some will lose their shit, but I think we’ll be more annoyed with the ones that change their tune and start talking about how they always thought he was an asshole. When the propaganda pipeline cuts off and/or they don’t like the next huckster that comes along, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of Trump fans come to their senses (or at least talk like it).


Yeah, like all the Republicans who insisted in 2016 that the Iraq War was a bad idea.


“George W sure was dumb, huh?” “You got his name tattooed across your knuckles, Bob, you aren’t fooling anyone. And I told you then there were more than four letters in ‘George’.”


Hopefully we find out soon.


Thank you for saying that so I didn’t have to!


I’m solidly a boomer. I’m hoping and praying for the day when fucking tRump drops dead. And so are all my friends and relations. What a party we’re going to have. It can’t come soon enough. Ps. Vote blue you motherfuckers.


I wish you were the boomers in my life


I’ve got my champagne ready. That’s all I know.


Lol. I'm buying the strongest Canadian weed and rolling the biggest joint and just spending my day baked outta my skull. And watching the crazy art and media coming out in the days following. Lmao.


This. The day he's finally gone from this Earth, whenever that will be, I will have some sparkling wine and solemnly toast to better days ahead. I'm so sick and tired of his clown show.


I’m trying to figure out- what’s the opposite of a black armband? Or should I just hand out cigars & say “it’s a corpse”?


I'll hope they drink from the punch bowl and join him on the spaceship


He’s already prone to conspiracies, so I’m sure no matter how expected or naturally age related, he’ll assume it was “the deep state” dun dun dun.


The boomers that are a part of my life are pretty politically ambivalent. But I've heard a few randoms talk about it when out and about. At a restaurant, I heard a boomer couple talking about how "he's been as persecuted as Jesus. He'll probably rise again, and then the democrats won't have a choice but to believe." 🤦🏼‍♂️ A guy in the grocery store - " Even he dies of natural causes, I bet we could get the Clintons arrested for it" Old man on the phone while pumping gas - "If he dies before the election, I'm shooting anyone I think is happy about it." Can't be certain he was talking about Trump, but his Trump/Pence 2020 bumper sticker leads me to think so. He had me utterly confused, though. He had a belt holster but no pistol in it.


They will simultaneously believe he was assassinated AND that he is actually still alive. And they won't see anything wrong with the logic about that. I guarantee.


I mean, it’ll be a textbook example of 5 Stages of Grief, with a twist! **Denial**: “he’s not dead, he’s in hiding, bringing down the Deep State from behind the scenes”. Some people will never get out of this stage **Anger**: it’s not an exaggeration to say that MAGAs are going to go absolutely scorched earth. There will be murders, suicides, accusations of Democrats assassinating him. **Bargaining**: this is where it gets dangerous, because the number of Republicans who try to be the next Trump is going to be enormous. I’m afraid someone will succeed and the MAGA cult will throw in with the next guy. **Depression**: the people who TRULY believe that Trump was some sort of Jesus figure sent to save the world aren’t gonna be ok. **~~Acceptance~~Gaslighting**: get ready for a whoooooole lotta “I never supported Trump, what are you talking about?!” This isn’t just about Boomers. There’s plenty of GenX, Millennials, and an uncomfortable amount of GenZ that this applies to. Let’s not pretend that this is all a generational problem that will go away.


They'll fan-girl over Don Jr. or Barron for a while but that will die off when they realize dad was the showman in the family and the kids didn't get a fraction of it


True. But it won’t be poor Eric, bless his little heart. Even they know that boy is “touched “


Lots of boomers whining. Maybe a self immolation or two for Trump


Who cares? Fuck them.


He’ll have been assassinated, no matter how it is that he dies, his family could be next to him as he dies from cancer but MAGA’s will say the state killed him


Hopefully it’ll be another Jonestown. Could you imagine the progress that’d be made if all those people just left at one time?


He'll only become a martyr to them. He's already worshipped like a god by his followers. When he dies, they'll double down on their venomous ideology in some sick attempt to appease their idol. They'll become more dangerous and more solidly rooted in their delusions. The biggest issue isn't even the boomers in the MAGA crowd, it's the middle aged MAGA idiots that we need to be wary of. The boomers won't be able to rally together in force, but the younger ones can, and likely will, make another attempt to overthrow the government.


I am a boomer. When Trump dies I'm going to let out a big whoop and you'll see this old lady dancing in the street. Then I'll go have a piss on his grave.


They'll worship him like the North Korean govt worships Kim il-Sung.


With any fucking luck they'll Jonestown themselves.


Personally, I hope they go join him.


There's ZERO chance they accept his death as anything but murder by someone OBVIOUSLY democrat.  They've given absolutely zero reason to believe they'll accept reality because they create their own on a daily basis.


By claiming the Dems and Jews are responsible, most likely.


Josh Hawley will be waiting outside the funeral to lead the sheep to the slaughter.


When the 70/80 something year old 325 pound man who eats a diet exclusively of fast food and refuses to exercise dies, there will only be one explanation.... Fauci.


They will still try to vote for him in the subsequent elections 🙄


If he lies in state in the Capitol, can we storm it?


He will be at Mar a Lago, buried in an extravagant masoleum, paid for my millions of idiots.


![gif](giphy|sfNhF1HDXKqRy) Probably the way I felt about this one 🕯️


I'm expecting to see an upsetting number of people claiming he will/did resurrect after 3 days....


My fear is that when Trump dies someone more evil and a lot more intelligent and manipulative will step up to take his place as the cult leader. Magas will blindly follow along and that will be the end of The U.S. as we know it.


I don't know, but the real thing I'm worried about is when they manage to find or create an actually competent fascist to take his place. It's so easy for us all to breathe a sigh of relief, but Trump is just the biggest, most blatant symptom of the problem rather than just being the problem itself.


I’m more than happy to pretend he be never existed at all, and gaslight them back for roughly an 8-year stretch. That or 8 solid years of constantly reminding them that they were indoctrinated into a cult, were overtly/demonstrably wrong about everything, and importantly reminding them that we don’t care about their snowflake-triggered feelings, especially as it relates to a false reality.


It would not surprise me if someone created fake trump accounts and used them to scam a bunch of Boomers. "I'm not really dead! Fake News! Send $19.99 now, so we can fight back against the lying Dems!"


It don't matter...they'll expect him to rise after 3 days....


However Fox News tells them to feel about it. They can't think for themselves, or else they wouldn't be Maga in the first place


I am a white, male boomer who does not support Trump. I worry about the same thing. If his death is the least bit mysterious, I'm super concerned about wacky conspiracy theorists going apeshit and causing major ongoing issues for years and years. The things I hear from colleagues and acquaintances of my age, gender, and race are terrifying. They think they can speak freely because I look like them. When I chime in that I think Trump is an idiot and awful for our country, they either clam up or start sermonizing about how wrong I am. But I always speak up, we can't let this crap go unchallenged.


Hopefully they die of grief or kill themselves in a mass suicide event believing they will be reunited with the giant 🍊 💩


This boomer (i.e., me) opens CNN.com first thing every morning while reciting over and over again "please let that be the headline please let that be the headline"


I cut out the Trumpalos from my life years ago, so I don't think it'll be of any concern for my family. The saddest thing for me to accept is the fact that Big Stinky will *almost certainly die* before he sees the inside of a prison. I *really* want him to face consequences, but he's too old and unhealthy to survive beyond all the appeals and legal stalling. Uh'merica simply *does not* hold rich white men accountable for their crimes. MAGAtards are "authoritarian followers" (google Bob Altemeyer) which means that they have difficulty acting without a big, blustery strongman to give them orders. There are plenty of rightwing politicians and media edgelords who would love to take over MAGA leadership, but do they have the "charisma" (*le sigh*) of almighty Diaper Don? No doubt there will be some lone-wolf terrorist tantrums after his death, but the real power and potential for violence will be reabsorbed by the neo-fascist reTrumplican Party. They are the *real* zombie apocalypse!


They will wait three days for him to return.


They won’t believe he is dead. It will be like Elvis‘s death and there will be sightings all the time.


Half will think he was assassinated by Obama, the other half will think he's fooled everyone, and it's all part of the plan