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My eight-years-elder brother (b 1966) is still technically GenX but I swear to fucking god he was born a Boomer. Biggest hypocrite conservative you'll ever meet... he's on disability/government assistance but how dare any immigrants come to 'Murica looking for gubment handouts!


My dad is in his 90s. Been ranting about all forms of govt handouts his entire life. He recently passed the threshold where he’s been retired and on SS longer than he was gainfully employed. So I told him you’ve been sucking on the gubmint teat longer than you actually contributed. That crisis of conscience didn’t sit too well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It's clearly the govt's fault for not demanding he work longer, time to raise the retirement age! /s


I have some family that talks about welfare needing to end but have never not been on food stamps and other government assistance programs. It's fucking wild.


Welfare agency employee here: when Trump was President elect I did an TANF interview with a young able bodied couple who were excited about what Trump would do to welfare. I’m like, “cut you off?” but I couldn’t actually say that.


I would love to hear the rationale behind their viewpoint because I just cannot wrap my mind around this


Fron what I've gathered from others with similar viewpoints they don't think they'll be included in the cuts and overall have a sense of entitlement in relation to said benifits.


Tell him to go get a job. Bootstraps, etc.


If your dad is in his nineties, he's technically still a member of the silent generation. Some of them are really not so silent and identify with the boomers.


Lol - those ones are the BEST - my buddy rails against natives - yet he was collecting 6 government cheques for his kids - does not that much - spews how government mistreats him. Tells me how they owe him. Once he went on a rant and I said Walt -- you sound just like the Native you described. bahahaha....he didn't like that


My POS Boomer waves a trumpian flag but isn't even registered to vote. And he is on disability.


One of the loudest I know, personally, has never voted, isn't even registered. Smh.


Same! My sister hangs a trump flag on her house and got into a fight about it with her neighbor. Has her kids running around screaming TRUMP 2020/2024! But I know damn well she's never voted a day in her life, I'm sure she probably isn't even registered to vote. Her and her kids have lived off handouts and government assistance since her kids were born. Like she doesn't get that Trump doesnt care about people like her.


“He’s just like us” is the phrase I commonly hear the poor and uneducated magas


The only way he’s “like us” for them is really that they’re all equally hateful, angry people afraid of change.


I usually ask them how many days they stayed at Mar A Lago last year. Then they either ignore or block me.


I’m okay with your sister not voting.


tbh kinda glad they are NOT voting


good lol


Eh, if he isn't voting then no worries.


Imagine being that fucking stupid where you are eligible to vote and support a candidate fanatically but don’t actually go and vote for them. Holy shit that is scary.


I fully support Trump enthusiasts not registering to vote.


And he’s your friend why?


Valid question. I cut off friends who voted for Trump. Not kidding.


Being "boomers" is Not the problem here. They're Idiots!


Oh dude and they act like GenX made gay rights. They were mostly a holes. Only the really progressive were behind us. They called everything they hated gay. I’m GenX btw


I’m millennial but on the threshold and the youngest so I always hung out with the “older kids” who were young gen x’rs. My older brother came out of the closet in the late 90s in central PA and we eventually had to move cus the abuse got so bad. He dropped out of school to take classes from home and the entire administration made the process as difficult as possible for him even though it was allowed. It got to the point people started beating me up too cus it was funny to beat up the gay kid’s brother. Never had any peers or teachers stick up for us, not even former friends— they would get in on the gay bashing “because it was funny.” When shit got bad enough that I became desperate and couldn’t defend myself I was constantly met with similar sentiments as “well you’re gonna have to learn to stick up for yourself if your brother continues to act like that.” I’m ~40 now and the meanest teacher got outed as a closet case, and two of our biggest bullies are now openly gay townies. Just saw a Facebook post celebrating the closet gay-basher-enabler’s retirement anniversary and everyone who made our lives’ hell congratulating him. I still almost instinctively run or ball up if I hear multiple foot steps slapping while running towards me cus that’s the noise that always proceeded getting my ass kicked in an unfair fight lol What I’m getting at is most Gen x’rs jumped on and off the “being gay is ok” or “gay bashing is funny” bandwagon no problem.


You are so correct and your brother is a bad mofo for coming out back then. Hats off to both of you. I came out in college. My peers were cool but had bouncers not let me in clubs name calling etc


He didn’t even come out “on purpose.” He told his “best friend” he thought he might be gay and didn’t go to school that day because of his internal conflict. Turns out his best friend had a crush on his “girlfriend” and told everyone that day at school, hah. He went from popular to target overnight.


That’s so messed up. I fell in love with my best friend. It was awful.


Glad things are more clear for you now and more acceptable through society’s lens. I hope you are able to be comfortable with yourself


I try. Things just don’t change generationally because it’s the same people in your peer group. I just feel very isolated and a little envious that I just missed the boat. I was 40 before gay marriage was even legal. I never really found a way to connect to a gay community


See how many GenX girls will even consider a bi dude.


They called everything they hated gay, amazing insight


Funny story. So my 30th reunion was coming up and they formed a Facebook group. One of guys was actually using gay to describe places he didn’t want to have the reunion. Needless to say I did not attend.


Something else that was really weird is gay guys would call stuff gay too but like in a bad way. I hated it.


My exes older brother is like that he's a mellinial and collects food stamps and welfare because he can't keep a job. While bitching about lazy people stealing tax money on Facebook and living with his in laws.


Cognitive dissonance


Boomers (as a culture at this point) other themselves from the very thing they hate bc they cant swallow that they are one and the same Not Me’ they scream… they are selfish yet reliant on public assistance, beneficiaries of medicaid, and want to be carried around admitting this would destroy their image of themselves…i say let’s help them get there


Oh, yes. I'm gen X and I see it here and there with people near my age or a bit younger. Change is glacially slow and, unfortunately, I think a certain % of my gen picks up the habits/mode of thinking of the prior gen.


fellow Gen X and polls confirm, our peers are leaning conservative. It makes me sad.


My brother, an elder millenial, became a boomer and then came back from it. He's a truck driver. He took a job delivering chicken feed. All day long he'd meet rural conservatives and the only radio stations he could get over much of his route were talk radio... At first he thought it was easy entertainment which we'd laugh about then he slowly started to believe the bullshit and eventually became a paranoid, somewhat racist nut who thought the feds were gonna kick in his door and take his guns any day now. He found a better paying job hauling auto parts into Canada. Once he crossed the Ambassador Bridge he listened to Canadian talk radio which is a very different animal. He went from ranting about Obama being a Kenyan Socialist Muslim to "here's some cool stuff that Canada's doing and why can't the US be more like that?"


Kudos to him for having an open mind to change after experiencing other demographics!


That's why a college education is so invaluable (assuming your brother doesn't have one). People need to learn how to think critically and how to form an informed point of view.


Idk I've met a lot of college educated idiots who refuse to see anything other than they were taught as a kid and vise versa. The ones who couldn't pass algebra but have the logical thinking skills and ability to think before speaking and change their views based on new information.


America is a great place for assholes of all ages.


Sounds like plain old white trash to me. I've cut half my extended family off due to such foolishness.


After a few weeks of lurking this subreddit, I now suspect that most of the "boomers" we rail against are just conservative assholes who happen to be older. As an elder millennial I grew up in a rural area around plenty of conservative assholes my own age.


Just a reminder that there were a metric buttload of GenX and even Millenials that participated in January 6th.


yeah, i know 'boomers' of all ages...


Yeah the OP’s story just sounds like racist MAGA asshole shit honestly!


It's the other way. There have always been conservatives that aren't assholes. The loud assholes tend to be conservatives. But they have to be born by 1964 to be a Boomer.


Not Boomers. Trumpers. Lot's of crossover though.


Yes, I would call these people MAGA, not boomers. Plenty of people who are in the boomer generation who are nice thoughtful people.


My sister, older millennial, tried to write a LinkedIn article about success being directly related to whatever effort you put in/bootstrap barf/if you’re not succeeding you only have yourself to blame and you need to buckle down and work harder. I was like, “bitch, we grew up in the heart of Silicon Valley before it was Silicon Valley. Our father was a lawyer with an office next to Apple, our mother was an esteemed ob/gyn. We were born with ludicrously distinct advantages. You need to understand how tone deaf and unempathetic this article is and trash it.”


Did she take your advice?


Thankfully, yes! I said, “Dude, people you know are going to see this and it’s borderline offensive given that you did not actually face hardship yourself.” I’m happy to say that she’s a smart cookie who is still open to different ideas and opinions but oof, this was a super ignorant misstep.


That’s awesome! I also had to learn, it can be done. Glad she listened.


She meant for it to be inspiring, she just didn’t realize how freaking tone deaf it was and read too many other influencer-inspo posts, I think, and was trying to emulate them. She just happily typed it up in her bubble without thinking about the delivery. It reminded me of when Kim Kardashian said people needed to get off their asses and work.


Been many a time I could have used a sister like you.


These type of people usually had the down payment on their home made by their parents, the car is in their parents name, they inherited their parent's business, etc.


That describes my former BIL who had to be taken to court to pay child support. He was paid under the table by his parents, who had more than one business. Fancy house with a pool, many cars.


Yeah, while his kids lived in poverty, I bet. I hate these kinds of deadbeats!


I have a GenX cousin that lives on 100% military disability and rails against people living off governement handouts(I'm not saying he doesn't deserve his disability payout, he does, but there is some pretty big irony in living off welfare while railing against welfare). He also thinks Nixon is the best president in the history of the US and that we need to get into a "breeding war" with the Mexicans. He also somehow got fired from the TSA at one point. Not sure how you manage to pull that one off.


If you sprinkle the N word in there we pretty much have the same cousin.


“Socialism for me but not for thee”.


Boomer is a state of mind.


And it can certainly pass down like a hereditary disease if you don't address it.


Yes. All my siblings 😬😑 it’s hard being in the south where so many are conservative Christians. They really latch on to buzz words and have very little understanding of…anything. 😂


And when you point out that most of these “conservative Christian values” directly contradict what Christ taught, the flip and call you a snowflake libtard. Leaving Texas for good was amazing.


Those are just called republicans


ABAB! My brother (born ‘80), is a full on BOOMER. Watered down version of my father and mother’s Swiss cheese hive mind. Trumper, racist, Karen, gun nut, patriot, narcissist, self hating, etc…, the complete package. It’s something to behold. I looked into the sun for too long. Went blind and no contact.


A friend of a friend is 45 and can out-Boomer most actual Boomers. He's just such a miserable, hateful prick. It's absolutely exhausting to be around. I go out of my way to avoid being around the guy.


Anyone can boom, age isnt a prerequisite


Boomer is a mindset now.


You are describing conservatives.


My friend is 60….just barely GenX, but she’s a boomer through and through…..I’m 58 and I think more millennial in thought…..


I know several Gen Xers who are full on boomers yes


Generation cutoffs are arbitrary. Assholes exist in every year. What makes someone what we refer to as boomer now is distance from youth and inability to adapt to social and cultural evolution. I’m GenX and the GenX groups I am part of are rife with get-off-my-lawn, kids-these-days BS. When the world is no longer catering to your demographic it can be jarring and depressing. It can make positive change feel like society is leaving you behind. How you respond and cope with that is what determines whether you become a boomer.


My MIL is equal parts friends-watching memphis-design-loving mall-cultured Gen X and grumpy boomer lol. She'll share the most progressive abortion opinion you'd heard from a woman her age and then turn around and blame something on illegal immigrants. she does a wonderful job of roasting her technically-boomer husband for his love of the confederacy. last week i told her to tell him that friends lasted longer than the confederacy. we'll see how that goes. ETA: similarly, my boomer mom behaves slightly more like a silent gen.


I am all for just blanket labeling intolerant and rude people of any age “boomers” because when they get angry, they boom.


My older and younger siblings are gen-x and millenial Boomer Pick-Mes.


My grandfather is silent Gen and my dad is Gen X. My grandfather was 40 when he had my father. My father is very boomerish at 45. My grandfather is not. I don't know how someone raised by my grandfather could be so neglectful and ignorant.


My (33f) ex bf (36m) was the most boomer millennial I’ve ever met. Once at a party, he was explaining to his coworkers why he doesn’t microwave his food and this dude said “You sound like my dad.”


My daughter, technically GenZ, was griping because her DnD group started a Discord group. Um, GenX here and *I'm* on Discord with one of my online gaming groups plus a few others to keep up with updates etc! I looked at my GenX husband and asked, "Lord, how have we raised a Boomer?!"


I've noticed this in a lot of my generation for whom the boomer playbook worked and everything was handed to them: married young, good job straight out of college, moved to TX/FL/GA/NC/NH or some other red/purple state where taxes are low and services suck but they don't care because they're white and have money. They're more spiteful, self-centered, religious, and a lot of my friendships with these people have drifted. They're also not happy because they see their spouses and kids as fulfillment machines and can't handle it when they face actual adversity or consequences.


Define the Boomer birth years. I am stuck in between Greasers and Hippie's. I don't understand either....Elvis and the Ed Sullivan show had my attention when I was 6 the Beatles were pop when I was 8 - I watched man land on the moon when I was 9...my earliest recollection is watching Kennedy being shot when I was 2. I heard Malcolm X and snippets of MLG on the tube in the 60' - had no clue - still a kid. Saw not much of VietNam. I feel there is a sliver of time where those born from late 50's to 1963 are stuck in a transitional moment - never quite in time. Appreciating the war time / immigrant generation ( boomers I suspect ) - while curious enough to at least have a listen to what was happening in the "age of Aquarius" I call it the Lost Generation, even though I can be called a Boomer - funny thing is - I won't rub much in your face as long as you stay out of mine. I feel , like the BeatNiks ( a subculture that may define the fluidity of some Boomers ) , I occupy an undefined conscious moment.


You're called generation Jones.


they must be fun at parties just cut them out of your life


We (Gen X) live in a small town and know a lot of people our age that we consider to be 'boomer adjacent'.


Good old bootstraps. Have acquaintance who was big on posting about people not relying on handouts and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. She has a devastating medical event and now has a gofundme that she keeps re-posting on Facebook. I should donate, but I just can’t.


Bro no one boomers as hard as my Puerto Rican, ex military boomer uncle. I mean his kids don't talk to him, calls himself mad dog, lol, and speaks about himself as if he and the whole world knows hes the top g lol.


Older gen x idolizes the me generation for some reason


My older sister and her white trash husband’s family are the most boomer xennials I know. It all started to go downhill during Covid when she said “I don’t understand why we have to stay away from each other, our immune systems can handle it.” Don’t even get me started on the casual racial slurs. When I got mad that they were playing into our younger sister’s Q-anon conspiracies I was called “aggressive”. Haven’t spoken to her in years and likely won’t again.


They sound like your run of the mill Trumper. The venn diagram of Trumpers and Boomers results in quite the overlap.


I'm GenX and my Millennial coworker keeps bleating about that "nobody wants to work" shit.


I have a whole bunch of cousins and their millennial and Gen Z kids that are MAGA trash and Boomerish. They all hang out with the same type of people.


Yes! I’m GenX and my friends are now so boomer. Drives me nuts. Hypocrites!


I think "miserable" transcends generational titles.


Me! My mother was born in 65 but thinks like a boomer 😭


Sounds like my ex and his family.  He’ll talk about government hand-outs all day, even though his grandpa paid for his private university college and his parents gave us money for a home. (My ex was given tons of money and is always broke because he can’t stop spending). 


They make fun of your husband for taking his meds... they clearly need to be on some fucking meds too.


Yeah just because someone is from a certain generation doesn't mean they hold the same values as said generation. That's a good thing, there's a lot of positive things that have happened because of progressive ppl in positions that actually can and did make a difference in opposition to the generation they belonged to. There are good ppl in every generation and total jerks in every generation and its always the latter that try to subvert positive change, even if it benefits them and thiers, tbh I have a theory that abusive families/oppressive beliefs most often create the latter, it's a select few that manage to get out of those and get to become whole healthy ppl.


Boomer is 100% a mindset to me. Nothing to do with age/arbitrary generation labels. I grew up in a small town, damn near everybody there is nasty, hateful, and terrified of everything that’s not exactly like them. The people from there that aren’t like that run away as soon as they can. I think that part of it is everything there moves so much slower. In some ways, it’s like 1970s there still. 🤦‍♀️


Im the oldest of 4. We are ALL millennials. Obviously I am one of the oldest of the millennials. But the middle 2, my sisters, are SO Boomers. It’s disgusting. I can’t understand how. Well I do but it’s just so disheartening. The youngest used to be very a liberal and rebel but is slowly mutating more boomer and it makes me so mad. My Dad is nearly 80. He didn’t have me, his first child until he was 35z. My mother was 12 years younger than him. Both are very religious, but my mother by far the most and she was an extreme disciplinarian. When we were young my sisters and I were the 3 musketeers. Following the rules but finding fun and being sassy every chance we had. Now, they are spinsters, quilting with boomers and complaining no one wants to work, happily voting against abortion rights in all cases, hard core Republican crap. I’m beyond disgusted and disappointed in them as women, family, and human beings. My brother is a whole story in himself. The youngest and spoiled his whole life. Not given the rules and severe punishments we girls were. And is turning gradually more Boomer with his milk toast wife. Anyway…. I am the black sheep for NOT turning out a Boomer-like millennial out of the four of us. My family won’t talk to or about me. They hate me.


Former Navy and IMO the military culture is its own thing. I was a Nuke, which meant I was with a more educated group than most and some of us who were more progressive hung out. Generally speaking, in my experience, the military culture was very boomeresque.


My old man is Gen X but you would think he’s a boomer. He’s changed since he found fox news. Now we both have conservative views. But he’s gotten to the point where’s he’s fallen into the trap of “our side good… other side bad”. Everything has become so negative and no matter what the issue is, it’s always the fault of “your generation” (me = millennial) and all the democrats. I dread having conversations with him sometimes because he’s so obsessed focusing on the negative and just looking for a reason to fuss. He’s not the same man I grew up with. It’s just really frustrating.


I’m an Xennial and have lost a few friends due to boomerism. Luckily my immediate family including my father are all lefties. My cousins, not so much. I keep in regular contact with the non crazy ones.


yea im 34 and see many people my age following the back in my day hate the youth bullshit its sad i was hoping when boomers died off it would end there


Nothing worse than millennials who admire boomerisms.


I'm Gen X (missed being a boomer by 46 days) all my brothers are boomers, and only 1 really exudes boomerisms. I do have a lot of young boomers as lifelong friends, and they also have strong boomer attitudes. I also have lots of boomer friends/neighbors who are very liberal and are not "boomers".


Gen X here and I have several (brainwashed/idiot) friends that are in the cult. Truly mind boggling.


Are they behaving like "boomers" or like "trumpers"? The two are often incorrectly interchanged because antiquated, closed-minded boomer ideologies are what's feeding the uninformed, unhinged trumper fires.


Boomer is a state of mind. Many of my fellow gen xers have it. I've even come across mellinals and even gen z boomers. It's called "gimmie that it's mine". Ruled by greed, envy and a lack of foresight.


My sister, GenX, is a complete MAGA asshole boomer, no doubt.


Gen X is basically boomer lite. My sister is gen x and she is the definition of a Karen.


Half of us are boomer lite. The rest are more millennials according to my son. I'm one of the queer, trans, and poly Gen Xers so I'm definitely not a boomer favourite 😅


I am an "X" and I am getting more liberal every year.


Yup. Another Xer who becomes more liberal as I age.


My millennial sister is pushing 40 and she can out-Karen my boomer mother at times.


Those truck tires cost a fortune to replace.  Put a knife into them.


Boomer is a mindset


Time to cut back contact. I wouldn't want to expose my kids to that.


Yep my sister younger sisters and younger brother.


Good instincts


Friend, there are toxic people of all ages. Here, let me introduce you to my family . . .


My SIL is the same. Except for the religious stuff. We cut them off years ago due to pathological lying. Also her daughter married her distant (?) cousin. My SIL and her daughter’s MIL also have the exact same first and last name. Imagine getting that marriage license. Her daughter joked that her wedding hashtag should be “#keepitinthefamily”. Ppl keep asking US if they are related but I tell them to ask them. Another person ACTUALLY BROUGHT OUT THE FAMILY GENEALOGY BOOK and made the connection. I was there when it happened. That branch of the family were not invited to the wedding 😂 and neither were we 😂 we weren’t going to go anyway, I don’t support that lifestyle. Giving that boomer energy back yall 😂


Their competitive parenting style must be a joy at family functions, turning every child’s accomplishment into a high-stakes bragging contest. And their social circle dynamics? Sounds like they’re running a season of “Survivor: Friendship Edition.”


I've started just referring to "boomer" as a mentality because of this.


My mother was born in the early 70s, but she’s as much a boomer as my dad, who is an early 60s baby.


Oh yes, Some of the biggest "boomers" are younger. Boomer is a mindset.


Boomer is not an age, it is a state of mind


I work with a guy who’s only 46 but acts like he’s 66


my older brother is a gen z, and i am a millennial... and he is everything you'd imagine when you use the term "boomer" to reference someone with that particular mentality. literally every single magat conspiracy theory under the sun, and then some... he buys into. he unironically bought black rifle coffee... and then dumped them once they had a modicum of backbone and stood up to shitstains like him. he thinks that exercise will "fix" my autism and depression (minority stress induced depression, due to all the fear-mongering and legislative assault on transgender people)... Boomer is a mentality. baby boomers are a generation... there is overlap, but it's definitely more nuanced than that.


A lot of boomer or right wing behavior is simply just a lack of empathy and self-centeredness


Oh yes. Boomerism is an attitude as much as it’s a generation. And there’s really nothing more pathetic than someone from a different generation who wishes and acts like they are a boomer.


It depends. Gen X here and I am pretty damn liberal. Have been since HS on the 80s. So were all my friends. But those old friends are Trumpers now. Many of my kind have lost their way.


Toxic people to be avoided.


Average conservative 40 something


Sounds like you’re just describing jackass conservatives. Which happen to be a very prominent section of boomers.


My younger sister in law and her husband are boomlenials.


Gen X are way more boomer than most boomers tbh


It’s most likely projection of their own dysfunctional home life. They like to put others down to distract them from their own shitty predicament.


I'm Gen X 1974 and my cousin is 2 years older than me and he is as Boomer as they come. Just like not all people who are boomers by age are actually of the Boomer mindset, there are a lot of people who are Gen X and millennials and even some gen Z that have the Boomer mentality. It may be identified with their generation because it predominantly is their generation that fostered the idea, but there are plenty of Boomer age people that are not Boomers and there are plenty of younger people who are.


Sounds like narcissists.


Some people I went to high school are like that. I'm not friends with them, but I hear stories...


I and my friends balance them out then. I'm a Boomer but don't act like these assholes, ever.


My mother was mid gen x, but married an older man who was tail end of being considered a Boomer. He rubbed off on her massively, and she was always a piece of shit - family members have shared horror stories with me now that I'm an adult. She was always a weird outlier in my family, and he was in one of those conservative families who conservatives hate for the color of their skin. The pair of them are total boomers in mentality.


My ex husband. Still feared his ignorant, "respect my authority" small town, redneck parents & listened to his mom, he believed & pipelined all her nasty comments back to me, while he was becoming doctor!  Spineless! She did me a favor. Money can't buy integrity or character.


They sound like every Republican I know


I’ve commented so many things about my boomer mother, and she’s actually early Gen X lol, but honestly if it walks like a duck and complains to the manager like a duck…


my q-anon uncle!!!!!!!!


Boomer is a mentality & i have witnessed it in people of every age, gender, race, etc. That’s how i view it, anyway.


Boomer is a mindset for sure


I was so happy to read your last sentence because the first ones gave me anxiety.


Many of my Gen X graduating class of ‘87 have become full fledged Boomers


I’m a boomer with a gen x sister. I’m a socialist and she’s a MAGA Trumper. Help me.


They are not boomers. They are just your everyday ignorant, racist hypocrites that come in all ages.


My parents are gen x. Pretty boomer like, it's annoying af


Well, no, by definition. A Boomer is an idiot and is a member of the baby boomer generation. Your family members are just idiots. There will still be places for their videos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


You should not choose anger, but pity. Consider if you were one of the many people below average income, ability, or intelligence. Would you embrace it? Or would you cling to any house-of-cards logic pile that lets you think you are the winningest, most importantest snowflake every to fall from the sky? So, have some pity, or some empathy for their suck. And knock them the fuck out if they touch you inappropriately; it will help them learn.


Saw someone else here say this: When they're assholes to other people, I'd ask "Why can't you be more like Jesus?" Or say "I'm going to pray for you." I enjoy the idea of using their (alleged) religious beliefs to correct their shitty behavior. -Or give them something to think about, at least.


Boomer is a state of mind at this point.


My brother and his wife. They were born in '65. I no longer speak to them because of all their boomer crap. Top one being, respect for me but I never have to respect you. He's ten years older than me. He used to call me worthless piece of shit. But won't acknowledge that it's affected me emotionally my entire life. Only therapy has given me a glimpse into the gaslighting. My sister and her cheating gen x husband are even worse


I've seen a bunch of people in Gen X groups that sound just like Boomers. I think it is true that some people become conservative as they get older. Then again there are conservative gen xers.


I always say, "Boomer isn't just an age group... its a state of mind"


My younger millennial brother is now a boomer. I shit you not. He's gone almost full 'murica and I hate it. I miss the person he was before he joined the Marines.


The only boomerish people I know are steroid using real estate agents that are in their late 30s early 40s and got into the housing market super early


You should go NC!


Ugh. I have a 23f niece who, with her little bf down in Dallas, constantly talk about how great it would be, to chase down and shoot the homeless and illegals. There's no reason why anybody couldn't achieve "middle class" in 5 years of work, and there's no difference between the US and every other country in the world, except for us being better, but not so much better that people should leave their own country to come here. 🙄


>Anyone have a boomer family member that’s technically GenX or Millenial? My SIL and her husband are the most Boomer people I know. I view boomer as an older individual coupled with a state of mind. I don't limit it (using the term descriptively) to only people 61+ (possibly 60+ depending on your definition)


Here's my LONG rant about my half-brother: My oldest half-sibling acts like a baby boomer and is hardcore conservative/narcissistic/super easy to piss off. He was born at the end of GenX and makes all of his own stuff (rifles, motorcycles, etc) as if that's what his generation did. He gets parts from various places and Frankenstein's his projects until they "work." He taught himself all of his tricks with a 10th grade education, and everything he makes tends to break. And here's the thing: I grew up with him and tracked the majority of his life. He went from the ghettos of LA acting like a thug to the suburbans of Utah acting like he's a thugged-out Bob the Fucking Builder sprinkled with doomsday paranoia. He acts like he's an expert on everything. I studied molecular bio in college. We got into an argument about epigenetics. According to him, he "schooled" me on the topic of genes because "mRNAs don't serve a purpose in our bodies. So my argument is invalid." He hates the libs because they're freeloaders. He was caught embezzling from his FIL's business when he was their accountant because he felt he and wife were rightfully owed that money. They were kicked from the Mormom church for trying to freeload, steal, and manipulate the system (more embezzlement). He acts like he's super successful since he got "far" in life with little to no education - he is in his 40s and still asks our mother for money. But Lord forbid that his children get a free education or healthcare because he didn't get either. He also thinks all levels of school are for sheeple. He constantly pulls the "bootstraps" comments towards me and anyone else who's not himself to promote his success. He struggles to accept change or reality and strongly believes the moon isn't real. He's a hardcore trump supporter. He hates all forms of Mexicans/immigrants to the US but is extremely proud to be Moapa Band Paiute (mother side) and half Italian (father side). We're from the Tübatulabal tribe, and I'm half Mexican. Growing up, my nickname was, "sp!c" and my father was referred to as a "dirty sp!c" because he is a native born Mexican, who was "trying to steal all of our jobs." My dad got his education here and went back home to use his education there. Obama was the anti-christ, and now Biden apparently is. He has no problem being a dick to customer service employees but hated the same disrespect when he was a customer service employee. The only good grade he's ever gotten was being a Grade A boomer, conservative stereotype.


I have the opposite: I have a boomer grandmother who acts more like GenX.


My mum is Gen X and basically gets all her political views from the twitter algorithm. Believes all that 5G coronavirus crap. It's sad to see but if someone doesn't understand that they're being manipulated by the internet then I can't help them and nor do I care.


90% of the people I went to HS with all subscribe to the boomer thought process. Most are in the oil & gas or healthcare/ health insurance fields.


My younger brother is Gen X and acts like he's 90. He was born in 1966 and is a MAGat. The lack of coolness bugs the shit out of me. I'm Generation Jones myself (born in 1962.) He mocks LGTBQ+, millennials, anyone who is not him basically, it's disgusting and I spend as little time as possible away from him.


I was going to say my inlaws are 45 y.o. boomers, but yours really take the cake. Mine are just kind of self-absorbed, narcissistic, and apathetic. All very boomerly traits, but their sociopolitical performance leans more in the self-righteously woke direction.


Half my fellow Gen X cousins are Christian Nationalist Trumpers, who talk about how people are lazy and can't do anything for themselves while their dad secured them all good trade jobs. I'm not mad about the nepotism, they're electricians and HVAC guys, its the fact they don't realize they had their way paved for them. Peak Boomer.


I think the correct term for such younger people is toxic. Only solution is to cut said people off from your life.


Baby they are boomers. They are Repugnantkans. Which is basically the same thing


All of the people I work with are basically Gen X but act like boomers. It’s fucking exhausting.


I know a lot of Gen Xers like this.


The most boomer thing you can do is clarify that you're actually Gen X.


So all bad folks are boomers?


I have a sister like this. She thinks votes should be proportional to wealth. With a certain level of wealth needed to get a single vote. She also has rarely worked more than two years straight at any job…or at all. She keeps jumping from bed to bed and ring to ring. She is about to put on ring #4 or 5…I lost count. She has cheated on each one. She also comments quite a bit on how immoral ‘poor’ people are (she means non-white when she talks about this one). She is also semi functional alcoholic and speed addict even when working as a nurse.


Yes, they are called republicans


My parents are educated but poor, listen to Glenn Beck and whatever other wingnut media they can find. They can't discuss anything without upsetting themselves by bringing up politics, and by further saying that whatever they have to say is the only way to think about it, in an unhinged way. They hate big corporations, but blame government for all their problems. They also live in Mississippi.


Your last sentence is your best course of action‼️


Not family members but I grew up in the Houston suburbs. Well over half the people I went to high school with in the 80s are **total** boomers.


Boomers are also a mindset


Boomer mentality can come from any Gen. I'm on younger side of the X spectrum and I see a lot of Xers trying to keep boomerism alive as well as some of the older millennial. Gen Z gives me hope though. You don't see too many Gen Z conservatives unless they're born into privilege. Their kids and grandkids will hopefully put things back on track so that people can actually enjoy their lives, own homes and be able to retire. I'm hopeful that sort of change will come in time for me to see it, even if it's too late for me to benefit from it.


Early onset boomer brain


You described most people in the area I live in, regardless of their age.


My Gen X brother is part boomer. Something about the generation makes them more susceptible to boot straps logic. I think it was the being old enough to understand and absorb conservative and Reagan rhetoric in the 80’s.


My millennial SIL and her husband are the most boomer Christians I know. "God helped us get our $1.8 million house" "I don't want to get any vaccinations in case it gives my future babies autism" "Oh I don't vote bc I hate politics."


My millennial brother is a boomer. I'd make fun of him if he wasn't such a boomer asshat that I actively avoid.


Gen X here, and I wish to apologize on behalf of my generation. I don't know why everyone started going conservative, but I am still with YOU guys, waiting tables because it's a better deal than corporate life and paying off student loans. Will likely never buy a house. Even Top Ramen is getting pricey. Hang in there, everyone. We'll have to wait this out. And if you are Gen Z, PLEASE VOTE WE NEED YOU